Assignment 2023

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Kotebe University of Education

Computer Science and Technology Department

Automata and Complexity Theory-to be done in group as assigned below.
Due date: 27/12/2023

Construct a necessary machine for each of the following questions.

Group 1 1. Construct both DFA and NFA for the following languages
a. Which recognize a language L such that L(M) accepts odd number of a’s and odd number of
b’s on {a, b}.
b. Which recognize a language L: L(M) is given by {(ab)n |n>=0}
c. That will accept the language L such that L= {w:|w| is a multiple of 4} on {0, 1}.
Group 2 2. Construct both DFA and NFA for the following languages
a. That will accept the language L such that L= {wwR |w is any string of a’s and b’s}.
b. Which recognize a language L such that L(M) accepts the set of strings with equal number of
a’s and b’s on {a, b}.
c. That will accept the language L such that L= {w:|w| is a multiple of 6} on {0, 1}.
Group 3 3. Construct both DFA and NFA for the following languages
a. That recognize a language L: L(M) is given by {(anb)n |n>=0}
b. Which recognize a language L such that L(M) accepts the set of strings that starts and ends
with same input string of a’s and/or b’s on {a, b}.
c. That will accept the language L such that L= {w:|w| is a divisible by 3} on {0, 1}.
Group 4 4. Construct both DFA and NFA for the following languages
a. Which recognize a language L such that L(M) accepts a string of aa(a+b)*bb on {a, b}.
b. That recognize a language L: L(M) is given by {(a n b n)n |n>=0}
c. That will accept the language L such that L= {w: w is a string having double 0’s and double 1’s on
{0, 1}.
Group 5 5. Construct both DFA and NFA for the following languages
a. Which recognize a language L such that L(M) accepts strings that neither ends with ab nor ba on
{a, b}.
b. That recognize a language L: L(M) is given by {(aba)n |n>=0}
c. That will accept the language L such that L= {w :|w| is a string containing odd number of 0’s
and odd number of 1’s over an alphabet {0, 1}.
Group 6 6. Construct both DFA and NFA for the following languages
a. Which recognize a language L such that L(M) accepts strings that at least contain three input
strings over an alphabet {a, b}.
b. That recognize a language L: L(M) is given by {(anb2n) |n>=0}
c. That will accept the language L such that L= {w :|w| is a string containing even number of
0’s and odd number of 1’s over an alphabet {0, 1}.

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