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Tutorial 5, Pathophysiology MED2106

Tutorial 5 -Endocrine Disorders

Review questions:

1. Match the bodily location with the hormone(s) released there.

1. Adrenal cortex A) Releasing hormones, such as corticotropin-releasing
2. Adrenal medulla hormone (CRH)
3. Anterior pituitary B) Tropic hormones such as ACTH, FSH or TSH
4. Posterior pituitary C) Epinephrine
5. Hypothalamus D) Cortisol and aldosterone
E) ADH and oxytocin

2. Match the following description applies to hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

A) Neonatal retardation and developmental delay in
Hyperthyroidism infants
B) Sluggishness, sleeping more than normal
Hypothyroidism C) Tachycardia and muscle tremor
D) Weight loss and increased body temperature
E) Myxedema and cold intolerance

3. Circle the correct answer within each statement about the effects of cortisol.
A) (Decreases? Increases?) blood glucose levels.
B) Causes (synthesis? Breakdown?) of muscle protein, which can lead to striae (lines) in the
C) (Decreases? Increases?) formation of scar tissue.
D) (Decreases? Increases?) inflammatory action.

4. Correct the wrong statements below.

A) Insulin is secreted by alpha cells in pancreatic islet and is required for the uptake of
glucose by body cells. beta
B) Kussmaul respiration in diabetic ketoacidosis is a result of respiratory acidosis. metabolic
C) Osteoporosis in patients with hypoparathyroidism is a result of osteoclast effect of
excessive parathyroid hormone. hyperparathyroidism
D) Gigantism is caused by excessive secretion of growth hormone in adults. kids

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