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Facilitate: to make something possible or easier.

Corporation: a legal entity that is authorized by law to carry on activities.

Blockchain: a shared database.
Pioneer: be the first person to do something.
Constraint: restrictions. Giving particular limits to actions.
Bribery: offering someone money or something valuable in order to persuade them to do
something for you.
Repercussion: remote or indirect consequences of some action, often unwelcome ones.
Currency: tangible form of money in general use in a particular country.
Middlemen: an intermediary or agent between two parties.
Radical: extreme, causing or being an example of great change.
Decentralized: to move the control of an organization from a single place to several smaller
Registry: an official record
Asset: something that is owned by a person, company or organization regarded as having
Transaction: a completed agreement between a buyer and a seller to exchange goods,
services or financial assets.
Peer-to-peer: a decentralized communications model in which each party has the same
capabilities and either party can initiate a communication session. A transaction that
doesn't involve a third party.
Cryptography: the method of protecting information and communication through codes.
Immutable: unchangeable. Unable to be changed
Unforgeable: something that cannot be replicated, copied or faked in a way that's
Custodianship: the act of having responsibility of protecting or taking care of something or
Tamper: interfere with something to cause damage or make unauthorized alterations.
Recourse: the legal right to demand compensation or payment.
Attestation: evidence or proof of something.
Cobble: to make something by putting together different parts in a quick way.
Fragmented: broken or devided into many pieces.
Attribute: a quality or feature of a person or a thing, especially one that is part of its nature.
Transparency : business and financial activities are done in an open way without secrets.
Vendor: anyone who buys and sells goods and services.
Entity: something that exists as itself, as a subject or an object (organization, institution,
Reneging: to go back on a promise or a contract.
Collateralized: using a valuable asset as a collateral to secure a loan.
Automated: done by machines or computers without needing human control.
Harness: control and make use of resources.
Counterfeit: a fake imitation of something else, made with the intention to deceive.
Technocrat: a technically skilled elite, a person who believes that societies should be run by
Essential: necessary, belonging to the very nature of something, making it irremovable without
destroying the thing itself.
Virtual: something that exists in actuality but not in a material form.
Decidedly: mainly.
Moniker: a nickname, one that a person is known by other than their official name.
Shortage: not having enough quantity of something.
Computerization: transforming something into a digital form.
Conjunction: the action of two or more things occurring at the same time
Merger: combination of two things or more into one.
Discrimination: treating one person or a group of people differently (often in a worse way)
especially on the ground of gender, ethnicity, religion, political views..
Wreck: destroy
Reverberate: reflect, have continuous and serious effects
Reckon: think, consider or regard in a specific way.
Infrastructure: the basic facilities and system serving a country, region, or community
Undermine: weaken
Dubious : hesitating, doubting
Virtuous: having or showing high moral standards
Embody : to be an expression of or give a good vision for an
idea , quality or feeling
Disenfranchised: voteless person
Deliberate: careful and unhurried
Innovation: a new idea or product ..ect
Fascinate: strongly attracted and interested
Resurrect: coming back or give back
Machiavellian: a person who schemes in a bad way
Whittled down: gradually make something smaller by
removing parts
Expanded: extended
Subordinates: a person under the authority or control of other
persons or organisation.
Eagerness: show the interest to do or have something
Misconception: a view or an opinion that is incorrect because
it’s based on false thinking
Resemblance: a way in which two or more things are alike
Aggregate: a material or structure that is formed from a mess

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