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ชื่อ-สกุล:_________________________ วันที่สอบ:_______ เวลาที่สอบ:________

1. ข้อสอบมีทงั้ หมด 50 ข้อ 15 หน้า(ไม่รวมหน้าปก) 50 คะแนน
Part1: Grammar 20 ข้อ(ข้อ 1-20) ข้อละ 1 คะแนน
Part2: Idiom and Vocabulary 15 ข้อ(ข้อ 21-35) ข้อละ 1 คะแนน
Part3: Reading Comprehension 15 ข้อ(ข้อ 35-50) ข้อละ 1 คะแนน
2. เวลาสอบทัง้ หมด 90 นาที
3. กรอกคาตอบลงบนกระดาษคาตอบบนเว็บไซต์ให้ชดั เจน
4. ในกรณีท่เี ป็ น ข้อเติมคา ต้องเลือกตอบให้ ครบทัง้ หกหลัก โดยในหลักที่ไม่มีค่าให้กดเลือกเลข 0 ให้
5. หากหมดเวลาสอบ จะไม่สามารถกดคาตอบลงบนเว็บไซต์และระบบจะ
6. ห้ามใช้เครื่องคานวณในการทาข้อสอบ

ลงชื่อผูเ้ ข้าสอบ________________________
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ENGLISH Mock Exam ม.3 อัง กฤษ 01
PART 1: Grammar (Item 1-20)
Choose the correct answer. (1-10)
1. You _________ be the boss, but that is no excuse for insulting others like that.
1) can 2) may 3) shall 4) will
2. You _________ leave any litter in the park, otherwise you will be fined.
1) can’t 2) don’t have to 3) mustn’t 4) needn’t
3. Tom was expelled. The teacher _________ out about what he _________.
1) must have found --- had done 2) might have found --- did
3) could have found --- had done 4) should have found --- did
4. This is the school _________ I studied when I was young.
1) that 2) which 3) where in 4) in which
5. It is believed that the palace _________ as a memorial place to the previous king in 1780.
1) was being built 2) had been built 3) was built 4) has been built
6. I don’t want to _________ any of your business.
1) get involved to 2) be involved in 3) involve with 4) involve in
7. One of the players _________ after the match yesterday.
1) injured 2) is injured 3) were injured 4) was injured
8. The government may begin _________ the control measures in Bangkok within next week.
1) relaxing 2) to relaxed 3) the relaxing of 4) relax
9. Our company will have the new security system _________ tomorrow.
1) to install 2) install 3) installed 4) installing
10. In Thailand, gambling is illegal. The practice is _________ widespread all over the country.
1) despite 2) nonetheless 3) even though 4) on the other hand

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01 Mock Exam ม.3 อัง กฤษ ENGLISH

Read the following statements and choose the underlined part that is grammatically wrong. (Item
11. I’ve (1) got too (2) much (3) homeworks to do, but I (4) don’t have enough time.
12. We (1) regret that you (2) have to postpone your wedding last October (3) because of the
COVID-19 outbreak. Our wedding venue company (4) has just arranged a full refund for you.
13. We are listening to one of (1) Benedict’s (2) astonishing (3) speech which he (4) made before
he became our governor.
14. Whales are the (1) most biggest mammals that (2) have ever lived on our planet. A modern-
day whale (3) is even bigger than any dinosaur that we (4) know about.
15. In total, there are 25 cards in a deck. (1) Three-fifths of these (2) cards have a number on
each of (3) them. (4) Others are just blank cards.
16. In order to (1) communicate well in a foreign language, students should (2) acquired (3) an
adequate number of words and should know how to use them (4) accurately.
17. We have (1) told him to (2) don’t be so (3) upset about the feedbacks he (4) got from his boss.
18. During the first 500 million years, our planet (1) had (2) hit by a rain of (3) asteroids that melted
the surface of Earth and (4) boiled the oceans.
19. One of my colleagues (1) was pressured to resign today. He (2) decided to do so because
he thought it would be more (3) dignify to resign than to (4) be expelled.
20. In the postwar years or the (1) decades after the Second World War, which lasted from 1945
until (2) the ‘80s, most people still had no clear idea what new (3) technology like space travel
and artificial intelligence (4) meant for the future of humanity.

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PART 2: Idiom and Vocabulary (Item 21-35)
Choose the best meaning of these proverbs. (Item 21-25)
21. To pull someone's leg
1) To bring bad luck to someone 2) To make someone fall into your trap
3) To make someone angry 4) To joke with someone

22. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

1) You shouldn’t keep all of your valuables in only one place.
2) You shouldn’t trust anyone too much.
3) You shouldn’t risk everything on a single person or plan of action.
4) You shouldn’t do everything at once. You should do it one by one.

23. The early bird gets the worm.

1) The person who wakes up early will get the best food.
2) The first person to arrive is the one who will be successful.
3) You always get what you want if you are fast enough.
4) The earlier you start doing business, the more money you’ll make.

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01 Mock Exam ม.3 อัง กฤษ ENGLISH

24. a storm in a teacup

1) something that starts as a small problem and develops into a disaster
2) a very big and serious problem which happens in an unexpected place
3) a heated argument that you can’t stop
4) a situation in which people are very angry or upset about a small problem

25. bite off more than you can chew

1) try to do something that is too difficult for you
2) be too greedy for success
3) have too many things to do at the same time
4) make a promise that you can’t keep

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Choose the best synonyms of the underlined words. (Item 26-30)
26. Global warming is one of the most complicated issues which the whole planet is facing.
1) severe 2) urgent 3) significant 4) sophisticated

27. We hit off immediately, and there was something about Chris that I couldn’t resist.
1) settled down 2) left for work 3) went outside 4) bonded together

28. They are checking what high school courses and after-school activities are available to them.
1) extraordinary 2) extracurricular 3) extravagant 4) extrovert

29. As COVID-19 lung-fever slowly moves through the lungs, it leaves lung tissue damaged.
1) euphoria 2) anesthesia 3) pneumonia 4) hepatitis

30. Her car began to move more quickly uncontrollably before smashing into another car.
1) regenerate 2) magnify 3) accelerate 4) reinforce

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01 Mock Exam ม.3 อัง กฤษ ENGLISH

Choose the best word(s) to complete each sentence. (Item 31-35)

31. Leonard was _______ to take my advice because he didn’t trust me.
1) hesitant 2) fortunate 3) thrilled 4) annoyed

32. My plan is to live a quiet off-grid life in a tiny village in the countryside, somewhere _______.
1) in the trend 2) off the map 3) out of energy 4) on the rocks

33. After Kate and Josef get married, they are going to open a _______ bank account so that they
can share _______.
1) individual, debts 2) secret, bribes
3) dependent, income 4) joint, expenses

34. People in Bangkok didn’t believe that there was a(n) _______ level of pollution in the canals
until the governor _______ it.
1) unhealthy, confirmed 2) high, challenged
3) harmless, encouraged 4) dangerous, neglected

35. Due to the _______ of hurricanes near the coast, people who live near the beach need to have
_______ walls to prevent their houses from collapsing.
1) sufficiency, steady 2) scarcity, strengthened
3) prevalence, sturdy 4) amount, balance

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ENGLISH Mock Exam ม.3 อัง กฤษ 01
PART 3: Reading Comprehension (Item 36-50)
Read the following passages and conversations and answer the questions.
Pizza with a pedigree
Passage 1 (Item 36-41)
There is pizza—and there is Pizza Napoletana. Gourmets say that the two have as much in
common as virgin olive oil has with generic cooking oil. Now, authentic Pizza Napoletana has
entered the elite group of European Union-certified food and drink products.
Once a product is awarded Guaranteed Traditional Specialty status, other similar products
are not allowed to use the same name. In the case of Pizza Napoletana, it takes longer to read the
EU specifications for ‘real’ Pizza Napoletana than it does to make one. To be labelled ‘Guaranteed
Traditional Speciality’, the pizza mustn’t be over 35 centimetres in diameter and the crust mustn’t
be more than two centimetres thick. The ingredients must include type 00 flour and up to 100
grams of San Marzano tomatoes applied in a spiralling motion. And the cheese has to be fresh
‘Mozzarella di Bufala’.
Pizza has a long history in Italy. The word ‘pizza’ was first introduced in an AD 997
manuscript from Gaeta, a southern Italian town. A millennium later, in 1997, political groups in
northern Italy tried to boycott pizza as it was a symbol of their opponents in the south. Perhaps they
should accept that Pizza Napoletana is here to stay now. Happily, you don’t have to know anything
about history to savor an authentic Pizza Napoletana!
(Adapted from National Geographic)

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01 Mock Exam ม.3 อัง กฤษ ENGLISH

36. Which one is NOT true according to the passage?

1) Pizza Napoletana has already been granted EU certified food products.
2) Pizza and Pizza Napoletana are very much the same.
3) The word ‘pizza’ was used for the first time in an Italian composition.
4) There is a limitation for the thickness of an ‘authentic’ Pizza Napoletana.

37. What does the sentence in bold mean?

1) The EU certified Pizza Napoletana has a very long history. .
2) It takes a very short time to make Pizza Napoletana.
3) There are a lot of EU specifications for Pizza Napoletana.
4) It takes less time to make Pizza Napoletana than to read the recipe.

38. Which one is not mentioned as an EU specification for a ‘real Pizza Napoletana’?
1) The amount of cheese used
2) A certain size
3) The type of tomato used as an ingredient and the motion of applying it
4) The type of flour used as an ingredient

39. Which word can best replace ‘authentic’?

1) proven
2) artificial
3) original
4) real

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40. Why did political groups in northern Italy try to ban Pizza Napoletana?
1) It had the taste of the southern pizza.
2) It did not symbolize its origin.
3) It represented their rivals in the south.
4) It was imported from the south and took a high percentage of market share from the

41. Which word has the same meaning as ‘pedigree’?

1) A product certificate
2) a documented history
3) A product specification
4) The origin of a product

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01 Mock Exam ม.3 อัง กฤษ ENGLISH

Passage 2 (Item 42-45)

We live our lives in color from our earliest days – in Western cultures ‘pink for a girl’ or ‘blue
for a boy’. We use colors in many ways: as a mark of identity, an expression of individuality through
decoration and a way of sending different messages.
IDENTITY People need a sense of group identity. We wear uniforms at school and work. And
others can tell from these uniforms where we are from. We dress in our favourite sports team
colours and even political groups to say the same thing– we belong to this group.
DECORATION Many Face-painting is a significant component of the celebrations, and these
days people are starting to try brightly colored synthetic paints as well as traditional hues. In
fashion-conscious Europe, the ‘in’ color changes every season.
MESSAGES Color is a powerful tool in marketing. Packaging and labels in striking colours
stand out on the supermarket shelf. And companies always choose the color of their brands very
carefully – Brown and green means eco-friendliness, dark green represents quality and intricacy,
and a calm blue for a trustworthy bank.
(Adapted from Intermediate Student’s Book Unit 1 Lesson 1A)

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42. Which one is NOT the way we use colors as mentioned in the passage?
1) To show that we are a member of a specific group
2) To decorate our houses during festivals
3) To say something about our brand
4) As an ornament in celebration

43. Which one can be the best title of the passage?

1) Importance of Color
2) Fun Facts about Color
3) Life in Color
4) Color and Identity

44. Which sentence has the closest meaning to the sentence in bold?
1) Fashionable Europeans has on-trend colors for each season.
2) For each season, Fashion-conscious Europeans often wear certain colors to make
themselves stand out.
3) In Europe, people who love fashion like experimenting with new color every season.
4) European fashionistas usually change the colors of their outfits to suit each season.

45. Which one can best replace ‘striking’?

1) stunning
2) impressive
3) interesting
4) eye-catching

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01 Mock Exam ม.3 อัง กฤษ ENGLISH

Passage 3 (Item 46-50)

I’m in Marrakech, the bustling heart of Morocco at the base of the Atlas Mountains, with my
son, Sam. He’s eight. We’ve come here with Mohamed, a friend who owns a shop in our
neighbourhood in New York. ‘You need to come to Morocco, to Marrakech,’ Mohamed told me. ‘I’ll
show you around and teach Sam how to really get a bargain!’ So here we are.
We find ourselves in the area of exotic stalls that make the suq—marketplace. As we stroll
around, Mohamed begins the first of his bargaining tutorials for Sam.
‘Everything in Morocco is open to negotiation, Sam. When you hear a price, the first thing
you say is “Too much—bezaf” and then walk away.’
‘But what if I like it?’
‘If you find something you like, ‘let’s say, a rug, you ask about something else instead. Then,
as you walk out, you ask, “And how much is that rug?” pretending you’d just noticed it and
aren’t really that interested in it.’
‘Don’t always give an offer. Make them continue to reduce the price. Oh, and wear
something Moroccan,’ Mohamed continues as we enter a fairly large shop where Sam spots his
first ornate box. ‘Look, a treasure chest!’ It’s made of wood, and painted red and gold. He opens
the lid, then closes it. ‘Cool.’ Then he spots a tall, cobalt blue, tear-shaped vial—an old perfume
bottle. ‘Four hundred dirham,’ the shopkeeper speaks. Fifty dollars. He finally agrees to pay 200
dirham, about $24. I’d say the bottle is worth $10, at most. Clearly, his negotiating skills need a bit
of work. ‘Just to get started, Dad,’ Sam comforts me as he pays for the bottle.

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We spend a few days sightseeing around Marrakech, but Sam really has eyes for only one
thing. Late one afternoon, we return to the shop where Sam saw the treasure chest. ‘You have
returned. Very good.’ The merchant opens his arms. He places the chest on the floor. Sam opens
the lid. He runs his fingers over it.
The shopkeeper announces. ‘Give me 2,500.’
Sam shakes his head. ‘Eight hundred.’
Sam’s wearing a pair of bright yellow, Moroccan men’s slippers ‘I like your babouches,’ says
the shopkeeper. Sam ignores the comment.
‘You’re very good. I’ll take 1,800 dirhams,’ the merchant pronounces.
‘One thousand.’
Both are silent. Neither blinks. What happens next happens fast.
‘Fifteen hundred, and it’s yours.’
‘Twelve hundred.’
‘Thirteen hundred.’
The man holds out his hand to Sam. He grabs it. The deal is done. Mohamed will be proud.
(Adapted from Intermediate Student’s Book Unit9 Lesson 9C)

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01 Mock Exam ม.3 อัง กฤษ ENGLISH

46. What can be the best title of the passage?

1) A Few Days in Morocco
2) The Art of Negotiation
3) Shopping at a Moroccan Market
4) Sam and the Treasure Chest

47. What is the author’s opinion about Sam’s negotiating skill?

1) It works a little bit.
2) He needs to improve a lot.
3) He stills need some practice.
4) It doesn’t meet his expectation.

48. Which one has the closest meaning to the sentence in bold?
1) Sam is only interested in one thing, the treasure chest.
2) In Sam’s view, the treasure chest is the only thing worth looking at.
3) Sam doesn’t enjoy sightseeing because he’s looking forward to buying the treasure
4) Sam is looking for a new treasure chest during their sightseeing.

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49. Which word can best replace ‘reduce’?
1) increase
2) shrink
3) lower
4) shorten

50. Why does the author think Mohammed will be proud?

1) Because Sam eventually gets a treasure chest he wants.
2) Because Sam can make more bargain than Mohammed
3) Because Sam has learned the value of money.
4) Because Sam can finally get a good deal.

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