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Kursus ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang sistem SIM dan cara mendefinisikannya;
informasi tentang kegiatan dan isu-isu kunci; gambaran umum tentang peran dan tanggung jawab
pemangku kepentingan utama, serta pentingnya komunikasi yang efektif di antara mereka.).


Setelah mengikuti pelatihan para peserta akan mendapatkan gambaran tentang:

 Mengapa manajemen integritas struktural penting dan bagaimana memfasilitasinya;

 Apa saja persyaratan dan komponen sistem SIM yang efektif;
 Siapa pemangku kepentingan utama, peran dan tanggung jawab mereka dan bagaimana mereka
 Kegiatan yang diperlukan dan pemahaman tentang ruang lingkup, pelaksanaan dan hasil;
 Isu-isu kunci yang ingin ditangani oleh sistem manajemen integritas struktural.


1. Failure case studies:

 Examples of engineering failures
 Contributing factors and lessons learnt, especially with respect to welded structures
2. Fitness-for-purpose methods:
 Concept of fitness-for-purpose methods and engineering critical assessment (ECA)
 Key factors affecting structural integrity
3. Fracture mechanics theory:
 Main principles of fracture (for driving force and fracture toughness): K, CTOD, J
 Linear elastic and elastic-plastic fracture mechanics (LEFM and EPFM)
4. Non-Destructive testing (inspection):
 Role of NDT in ECA
 Capabilities of major NDT methods
5. Materials issues:
 Awareness of flaw types including fabrication and service flaws
 Materials/service issues and their effects on fracture toughness
6. Introduction to BS 7910:
 Background and definitions relating the day's sessions on input data to the terminology
(flaw types and stress categorisation)
7. Fracture mechanics testing:
 Testing (especially welds) including preparation and post-test analysis
8. Fracture assessment using the Failure Assessment Diagram (FAD) approach:
 Definition, main parameters, primary and secondary stresses, local and global collapse
 Main features and input data to FAD assessments
9. Fatigue of welded structures:
 Fatigue design of welded joints
 Factors which affect the fatigue of welds
10. Comparison of fracture assessment Options (1-3):
 Material-specific FADs
 Fracture toughness R-curves
11. Fatigue assessment procedures in BS 7910:
 Fracture mechanics based calculations of fatigue crack growth
 Fatigue quiz
12. Annexes of BS 7910 Part 1:
 BS 7910 annexes - content and use
 Recent developments in BS 7910
13. Other assessment procedures:
 Links to other flaw assessment procedures (including FITNET and API 579-1/ASME
14. Annexes of BS 7910 Part 2:
 BS 7910 annexes - content and use
 Recent developments in BS 7910
15. Fracture assessment of circumferential girth weld flaws:
 Guidance in BS 7910
 Example of installation and operation cases
16. Final examples and wrap-up session.

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