Current Affairs Notes Volume-2 (2023-24) 03406787580

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1. Balochistan Unveiled: Disappearances, Conflicting Narratives, and the Call
for Resolution
2. What the Baloch Want: Shifting Dynamics and Challenges
3. Revisiting the Charter of Democracy: Beyond Nostalgia
4. Five Cold War Lessons: Navigating the U.S.-China Rivalry
5. More BRICS in the Wall: A Growing Summit with Broader Participation
6. Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2024: Driving Global Development
7. BRI's Future: Global Development, Security, and Civilization Initiatives
8. Afghanistan's Current Realities: Navigating New Dynamics
9. CPEC: Nurturing a Shared Future through Global Initiatives
10.Forging a Closer China-Pakistan Community for a Shared Future
11.JN.1 Variant and Ongoing COVID-19 Challenges
12.The Coming Climate Catastrophe: A Warning from Copernicus
13.Rethinking U.S. Strategy in Asia: Balancing Chinese Power
14.The Right Way to Control AI
15.The Right Way to Control AI
16.The Greater Goal in Gaza

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Balochistan Unveiled: Disappearances, Conflicting Narratives, and the Call for Resolution"

1. Current Situation in Balochistan:

 Balochistan frequently faces challenges, including insurgency, natural disasters, and political
 Recent focus on the pervasive and volatile issue of disappeared people, with a group protesting the
alleged killing of a young boy in Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) custody.

2. Protest's Noteworthy Feature: Gender Formation

 The protest included young women in the lead, seeking redressal of grievances from the state.
 Emphasis on the reciprocal nature of the state-citizen relationship.
 However, like any other relationship, a mother-child relation is also reciprocal

3. Balaach Mola Bakhsh's Case:

 Two conflicting versions of Balaach's killing: CTD's statement and the victim's family's statement.
 CTD claims Balaach was killed in an armed clash with militants based on a tip provided by him.
 Family claims Balaach was arrested and later extrajudicially killed by the CTD after a month in

4. Discrepancy in Statements:
 Calls for an impartial investigation to ascertain the truth.
 Balochistan government and political stakeholders urged to take responsibility.

5. Questions Raised about the issue:

 However, some questions are worth attending, such as:

i. Is the state involved in the so-called forced disappearances?
ii. Is the state only behaving rogue by killing and dumping the Baloch insurgents without giving
them the space and luxury of dialogue?
iii. Do bullets fired in Balochistan only target the Baloch people? Or do they also harm other

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iv. Who is responsible for the miseries of Balochistan?

Perceived Types of Disappeared Persons: Differentiates disappeared people into three categories based
on their reasons for disappearing.
a. One category of disappeared people is those who have taken up arms against the state. They leave
their families and start living in remote and undisclosed places.
b. The second category of disappeared people are those who leave their homes, either due to personal
reasons or to earn their livelihood, but for some reason never return or contact their families.
c. The third category is of those who are picked up by the state on the charges of insurgency.

6. Solving Disappearance Cases:

 Their disappearance of those who voluntarily leave their families either to join insurgency or to walk
out of their responsibilities cannot be blamed on the state. Any attempt to do so is a deliberate attempt
to seed discord between the state and its citizens.
 So far, 77 per cent of all cases of disappearances have been solved.

7. State Engagement with Rogue Elements:

As for the second question whether the state engages with the rogue elements in Balochistan, the
answer is evident in the number of insurgents that had recently surrendered.
Gulzar Imam alias Shambay and Sarfaraz Bangalzai were pardoned despite the fact that they had
committed heinous crimes. The state has declared amnesty for all those willing to renounce violence.
Even Balaach had been allowed to get mainstreamed despite being involved in spreading unrest in
Balochistan, targeting law enforcement agencies and killing innocent people. He was caught red-
handed with five kilograms of explosives. In 2021, he attacked FC vehicles and checkposts with
hand grenades. The same year, he murdered a shopkeeper, a Baloch citizen and a resident of Ghotki
in Turbat.

8. Impact on Baloch People and Others:

 Data indicates that bullets fired in Balochistan not only target Baloch people but also harm other
 in the last ten months, 22 incidents of target killings have been reported in Turbat. Six labourers
were killed in October and four in November this year.

9. Responsibility for Balochistan's Sufferings:

 Attributes the responsibility to the Baloch ruling class, comprising Sardars, Nawabs, and politicians,
who allegedly exploit laws for personal gain.
 Urges Baloch stakeholders to build a robust local governance system to address unrest.

10. Call for Attention to Other Victims:

 Expresses concern that human rights organizations have not shown support or condolences for
laborers who lost their lives in Balochistan.

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11. Potential for Resolution:
 Balochistan is a solvable issue with the right perspective and honest leadership.

What the Baloch Want: Shifting Dynamics and Challenges

The dynamics of Balochistan's politics and society are undergoing a transformative shift, evident in the
evolving nature of protests and their participants. The traditional face of the Balochistan insurgency, led
by tribal sardars, is gradually being replaced by the middle class from non-tribal areas. The ongoing
protests in Islamabad and beyond represent this changing landscape.

Emergence of the Middle Class:

Unlike the historical leadership provided by tribal sardars, the current protests are predominantly led by
the middle class from Balochistan's non-tribal regions. Those fighting for the return of the disappeared
and those actively involved in the protests belong to this class. This shift challenges the conventional
narrative that tribal leaders are the sole representatives of Balochistan.

Changing Political Relevance:

The absence of tribal sardars and elected representatives from Balochistan in the current protests signifies
a growing disconnect between the people and those claiming to represent them in the political arena. The
protesters, primarily young men and women, are negotiating with ministers, addressing the media, and
interacting with sympathizers, highlighting the irrelevance of traditional political figures.

Role of Women in Protests:

The presence of young, educated women from middle-class backgrounds in the protests marks a
significant departure from the past. Their active participation reflects a changing environment in
Balochistan's politics and society. These women, despite coming from conservative backgrounds, are
stepping out to lead the protests, narrating stories of disappeared family members.

Influence of Social Media:

The prevalence of social media has played a pivotal role in shaping these protests. Smartphone-enabled
communication has allowed dissenting voices to be heard beyond the immediate protest locations. The
coverage of the Baloch protesters' journey from Turbat to Islamabad and subsequent events on social
media has garnered attention and international response, forcing the state to adopt defensive strategies.

Internal Migration and Urban Networks:

Internal migration from conflict zones to urban centers like Lahore, Islamabad, and Karachi has facilitated
the visibility and impact of protests. The increased connectivity and networks created by this migration
enable protesters to reach national capitals, making their stories heard on a wider scale.

Challenges for the State:

The state's conventional tactics of arrests, disappearances, and force are becoming less effective as protests
gain visibility. Intimidatory tactics, such as deploying police and anti-terror personnel, are met with

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counteractions from smartphone-wielding youth. The state's attempts to control the narrative through
mainstream media are being challenged by social media coverage.

Call for Engagement:

The evolving landscape demands a shift in the state's approach. Instead of employing outdated methods,
there is a need for engagement with the emerging middle class and youth. Allowing Balochistan's people
to choose their representatives through fair and inclusive means is essential to address their concerns and
prevent further radicalization.

In conclusion, the protest camp in Islamabad symbolizes not only the failure of traditional politics but also
the emergence of a new reality in Balochistan. Ignoring the aspirations of the middle class and continuing
repressive measures may lead to increased unrest and challenges for the state. Engaging with the evolving
dynamics and providing political solutions is crucial for lasting stability in the region.

Revisiting the Charter of Democracy: Beyond Nostalgia

In recent years, the Charter of Democracy (CoD) has taken on a symbolic role, embodying a nostalgic
yearning for the perceived golden years post-2008. However, the current narrative oversimplifies the
dynamics of democratic consolidation, attributing the era's success solely to the CoD and portraying the
emergence of PTI as the sole reason for regression. To move forward, it is essential to critically examine
the CoD's impact and engage in a nuanced debate for potential improvements.

The CoD's Philosophical Foundation:

While the CoD is a comprehensive document that facilitated mutual acceptance among political parties,
the focus should extend beyond the charter itself. The philosophy behind the CoD, where parties
acknowledged each other as legitimate forces, played a crucial role in expanding political space. However,
a thorough retrospective analysis is necessary to identify what aspects worked well and where adjustments
might be beneficial.

Military's Symbolic Retreat:

Post-2008 stability was not solely a result of the CoD; the military's symbolic retreat under Gen Ashfaq
Kayani played a pivotal role. The decision to step back from overt interference allowed the PPP
government to complete its term and pass significant legislation like the 18th Amendment. The military's
restrained approach contributed to the relatively smooth political landscape.

Limitations of the CoD Era:

Despite the rosy view of the CoD era, challenges existed. The political environment faced instability due
to parliamentary numbers and judicial interventions. Both major parties, PML-N and PPP, engaged in
political maneuvers against each other. Additionally, the military's public retreat began to wane with
Kayani's departure, evident in the PTI's dharna and apex committees formed for tackling terrorism.

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Regional Dynamics and Political Vacuum:
The stability within PML-N and PPP stemmed from a regional division of influence – Punjab for PML-N
and Sindh for PPP. This pragmatic decision inadvertently created a national vacuum, which would
eventually be filled. The emergence of the PTI and its subsequent approach capitalized on the existing
tendencies within the establishment.

Neglect of Balochistan and KP:

One major flaw of the CoD was its inadvertent neglect of Balochistan and KP. While PML-N and PPP
consolidated power in Sindh and Punjab, military dominance persisted in Balochistan and KP, leading to
violence and displacement. The CoD's focus on stabilizing power centers in the dominant provinces
overlooked the struggles faced by Balochistan and KP.

People's Role and Popular Sentiments:

The people played a crucial role in shaping political dynamics. The acceptance of military operations and
drone strikes in certain regions influenced political choices. The PTM's aversion to parliamentary politics
highlights how the forum provided legitimacy to military operations, contributing to the PTI's victory in

Moving Forward:
While moving forward based on the CoD is plausible, a more nuanced approach is required. Introspection
and open debate are essential to improve the CoD, considering the larger context in which it operated. The
baggage of the past must be understood for progress without expecting newer players to merely sign off
on an outdated framework.

In conclusion, the CoD is not the sole determinant of political stability, and a comprehensive
understanding of the past is necessary for meaningful progress. Engaging in a constructive debate and
acknowledging the limitations of historical approaches will pave the way for a more robust and inclusive
democratic future.

Five Cold War Lessons: Navigating the U.S.-China Rivalry

The escalating rivalry between the United States and China has sparked discussions about a potential new
cold war. While some argue against such comparisons, the diminishing space for cooperation and the
increasing potential for conflict between the two superpowers are undeniable.

In contrast to the original cold war, the genesis of this rivalry stems from China's economic integration
into the international system since 1978. Unlike the Soviet Union, China has thrived on global economic
interactions, benefiting from foreign capital, technology, and fostering indigenous innovation.

Xi Jinping's leadership, marked by ambitions to surpass America in frontier technologies and assertiveness
in regions like the Taiwan Strait, has brought the challenge into sharper focus. China's strategic expansion,

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encompassing global infrastructure, port access, and military bases, reflects a shift from pure mercantilism
to a quest for political influence.

However, China's foreign-investment strategy is encountering challenges, including resentment towards

its "loan-to-own" approach, reliance on Chinese labor, and infrastructure construction failures. The United
States must capitalize on these missteps with an effective strategy.

Drawing lessons from the original cold war, five key principles emerge:

1. Allies Matter: The U.S. possesses a revitalized European alliance, a robust NATO, and strong Asian
allies. China, despite having clients, faces challenges, especially with Russia's liability due to the Ukraine

2. Military Capability for Deterrence: Strengthening military capabilities is crucial. China's

advancements highlight weaknesses in the West. Procuring advanced weaponry, securing supply chains,
and rebuilding the defense-industrial base are essential.

3. Efforts to Avoid Accidental War: Engaging in efforts to prevent accidental conflicts is vital. Contacts
between the American and Russian armed forces, established during the cold war, serve as a positive

4. Understanding Contradictions: Similar to George Kennan's insights into the Soviet Union,
recognizing China's internal contradictions, such as economic challenges and demographic issues, is

5. Nothing is Inevitable: Success requires democracies to address internal flaws, safeguard institutions,
and confront societal fractures. The legitimacy of institutions protecting freedom must be preserved to
maintain confidence in democracy.

Leadership, resolve, and learning from historical lessons will determine the outcome of the U.S.-China
rivalry, shaping the trajectory of a potential second cold war or a new geopolitical era.

(Niall Ferguson and Condoleezza Rice, Stanford’s Hoover Institution)

More BRICS in the Wall: A Growing Summit with Broader

In October 2024, the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) summit in Russia will witness
its largest-ever gathering, including leaders from an additional six countries—Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia,

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Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. This expansion reflects the evolving geopolitical
landscape, signaling a shift towards a more multipolar world with assertive middle powers challenging
the Western-led order. However, while the BRICS continues to grow, the summit also highlights the
challenges and limitations faced by this diverse coalition from the "global south."

In the 2010s, the BRICS faced criticism from the West, often associated with underperforming emerging
markets due to stagnation in some member economies. The lack of a clear purpose and alternative forums
like the G20 contributed to skepticism. However, recent global developments, such as rising tensions
between the West and China and Russia's actions in Ukraine, have renewed interest in the BRICS as a
platform for more independent foreign policies among emerging powers.

China, a key driving force behind the expansion, sees the BRICS as a potential counterweight to the G7
amid changing global dynamics. The enlarged BRICS, with its 46% share of the world population and
29% of global GDP, is poised to be a more influential voice in critiquing the Western-led order. The
inclusion of major oil producers, influential Gulf countries, and powerful nations in Latin America and
Africa enhances its collective impact.

Despite its apparent strength, the BRICS faces significant challenges due to its economic diversity,
preventing the establishment of a currency union or free-trade area. Member countries also exhibit
different political systems and conflicting strategic objectives, preventing a unified stance on critical
issues like the reform of the UN Security Council.

As discussions on such matters are anticipated at the upcoming UN General Assembly meeting in
September, the BRICS' internal differences may limit its ability to present a cohesive front. In essence,
the BRICS, like a sports team with diverse talents, remains less than the sum of its individual parts in the
geopolitical arena.

(John McDermott, Chief Africa Correspondent, The Economist)

Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2024: Driving Global

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), renowned as a catalyst for modern development on the international
stage, is poised to accelerate global growth in 2024. Amidst dynamic geoeconomic, geostrategic, and
geopolitical shifts, the BRI demonstrates robust resilience and sustainability.

Environmental Sustainability
China's commitment to greening its overseas BRI projects reflects a broader focus on environmental
sustainability. This initiative underscores China's dedication to fostering a low-carbon global economy,

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positioning itself as a responsible international stakeholder. Anticipated in 2024 is a significant rise in the
share of green energy engagement within the BRI.

Trade Facilitation and Infrastructure Development

China's emphasis on trade facilitation is expected to manifest in various dimensions regionally and
internationally. A World Bank report suggests that BRI projects, if executed, will reduce travel times
along participating countries' transport corridors by 12% by 2030, resulting in decreased trade costs.
Furthermore, China aims to enhance the BRI's image by promoting common good, exemplified by the
Kribi Deep Seaport in Cameroon.

BRI's Impact on Pakistan: A Green Vision and Infrastructure Boost

Green Vision
As a partner in the BRI, Pakistan stands to benefit from the greener vision, with Chinese companies
contributing significantly to the growth of Pakistan's solar energy market. The announcement by LONGi
to achieve 2 gigawatts in Pakistan and collaborative efforts indicate a substantial expansion from 1.3GW
to 9.77GW in the coming years.

Infrastructure Development
Under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), the Main Line-1 (ML-1) mega rail transport
project is expected to play a pivotal role in modernizing Pakistan's trade, industry, and commerce. The
ML-1 project is hailed as a favorable transit route for regional countries, improving connectivity between
seaports and economic zones.

BRI's Future: Global Development, Security, and Civilization Initiatives

Three Key Initiatives

Looking ahead to the next decade, three key words encapsulate the BRI's development: global
development initiative, global security initiative, and global civilization initiative. President Xi Jinping's
masterstrokes, including the BRI, aim to navigate challenges in the ever-changing geopolitical,
geoeconomic, and geostrategic landscapes through multilateralism, coexistence, and a rule-based world

Comprehensive Global Engagement

The BRI's potential to shine on the global stage is underscored by its diverse dimensions and vibrancies.
Spanning economics, culture, and ecology, the BRI influences various domains such as education, culture,
sports, tourism, and archeology. However, challenges, including media campaigns, threaten to diminish
the BRI's role on the global stage.

Challenges and Debates Surrounding BRI

Debt Sustainability Concerns

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Critics raise concerns about debt sustainability, suggesting that participating countries may face challenges
in repaying loans obtained for BRI projects, potentially leading to a debt trap. The "Chinese debt trap"
theory, often highlighted by Western media, sparks debates in development discussions.

Debunking Debt Trap Narratives

Examining specific cases, such as Sri Lanka, reveals that China's role in creating debt traps is often
exaggerated. China accounts for only 10% of Sri Lanka's debt, with the majority sourced from other
international entities. Moreover, China's efforts in debt relief, including substantial amounts forgiven and
suspended payments, demonstrate a commitment to easing the burden on developing countries.

Afghanistan's Current Realities: Navigating New Dynamics

Shift in Kabul's Attitude
The current dynamics in Afghanistan reflect a significant shift in Kabul's attitude towards external support,
particularly from Pakistan. The ruling Taliban, now firmly in control of Kabul, appear confident in their
ability to govern independently. Afghanistan's frozen assets, totaling nine billion dollars held by the US
and UK, are no longer a topic of discussion. The Taliban's engagement in budgeting and lucrative contracts
with countries other than Pakistan signals a diminishing reliance on its eastern neighbor.

Recognition and Governance

Kabul's priorities have evolved, with less emphasis on seeking official recognition for the Taliban regime.
The demand for recognition has waned, and discussions around forming a broad-based, human rights-
oriented government have also subsided. China, while not formally recognizing the Taliban, expresses
concerns over Afghanistan's isolation and suggests political reforms, improved security, and better
relations with neighbors as prerequisites for recognition.

Global Focus and Regional Implications

The US and the West have redirected their attention away from Afghanistan, focusing on other global
issues. Counterterrorism and border security remain concerns, leaving Pakistan and Iran to contend with
threats from groups like TTP and IS/ISKP. The Afghanistan situation has taken a backseat amidst conflicts
in Ukraine, the South China Sea, and the Middle East, shifting international priorities.

Kabul's Assertions and Regional Challenges

Recent statements from Kabul, including accusations against Pakistan, indicate a strained relationship.
Kabul's allegations range from sheltering TTP to accusing Pakistan of a 'cruel attitude' towards Afghan
refugees. Despite these challenges, Afghanistan asserts its capacity to address concerns directly or
indirectly, signaling a desire for self-reliance.

Implications for Pakistan

Pakistan faces the reality that major powers, including the US and China, may not prioritize winning the
hearts and minds of the Afghan people. The Taliban regime seems entrenched, and Afghanistan asserts its

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independence in decision-making. Pakistan is urged to revisit its policy towards Kabul, perhaps aligning
with the Chinese approach of respecting Afghanistan's choices and leaving them to their own devices.

Policy Recommendations
In navigating the complex Afghan dynamics, Islamabad is advised to manage expectations from the
Taliban regime and adapt to the ongoing stalemate. Embracing a realistic approach, Pakistan should focus
on finding ways to address internal challenges, particularly with groups like TTP. Learning from Chinese
wisdom, respecting Afghanistan's independence, religious beliefs, and national customs may offer a
pragmatic path forward. In challenging times, honesty remains a valuable policy.

CPEC: Nurturing a Shared Future through Global

China's Commitment to a Shared Future
In President Xi Jinping's recent keynote speech at the Central Conference on China's Foreign Affairs, the
commitment to building a community with a shared future for mankind emerged as a core tenet of Xi
Jinping Thought on Diplomacy. This visionary concept, first introduced in 2013, has evolved into an
international consensus, representing a noble goal pursued by China in major-country diplomacy.

Foundations and Evolution of the Concept

Beginning in Asia, China's neighboring region, the idea of a shared future gained traction and acceptance.
It signifies a profound understanding of human development laws and mirrors the Chinese Communists'
worldview. The concept has progressed from an initiative to an international consensus, showcasing
substantive collective actions and becoming a guiding principle for global progress.

Pillars of a Shared Future: Multipolarity and Economic Globalization

Building a community with a shared future underscores the importance of an equal and orderly multipolar
world. Rejecting hegemonism and power politics, this concept advocates for democratization in
international relations. It calls for observing the UN Charter's principles, upholding basic norms in
international relations, and practicing genuine multilateralism. Additionally, it advocates for universally
beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, addressing development imbalances and promoting trade
and investment liberalization.

Global Governance and Shared Prosperity

The ultimate goal of building a community with a shared future is to create an open, inclusive, peaceful,
and prosperous world. Global governance with extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared
benefits is the pathway, guided by common human values. The Global Development Initiative, Global
Security Initiative, and Global Civilization Initiative provide strategic guidance, with the Belt and Road
Initiative (BRI) serving as a platform for practical cooperation.

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CPEC: A Catalyst for Regional Connectivity and Prosperity
The China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a flagship project of the BRI, plays a pivotal role in
promoting economic growth, ensuring energy security, and generating employment opportunities for
Pakistan. Over the past decade, CPEC has significantly transformed Pakistan's energy and infrastructure
landscapes, bringing in substantial investment and creating numerous jobs.

Year of the Dragon and Continued Commitment

As Pakistan approaches its general elections on February 8, 2024, which coincides with the Chinese lunar
calendar's Year of the Dragon, China reaffirms its commitment to work with Pakistan. Despite challenges
in international relations, China remains dedicated to fostering traditional friendship, expanding
comprehensive cooperation, and enhancing prosperity. The vision is to build a closer China-Pakistan
community with a shared future in the new era, promoting peace, stability, and development for both
nations. Inshallah!

Forging a Closer China-Pakistan Community for a Shared

President Xi Jinping's Vision
In a recent address at the Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs, President Xi Jinping
outlined a comprehensive vision for major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. Rooted in Xi
Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for the New Era and Xi Jinping Thought on
Diplomacy, the goal is to propel China into a great modern socialist country and advance the rejuvenation
of the Chinese nation. A key focus is on building even closer China-Pakistan ties, creating a community
with a shared future.

Shared Future: Global Consensus

President Xi's vision emphasizes the noble goal of building a community with a shared future for mankind.
This initiative, introduced in 2013, has evolved into an international consensus, serving as a pathway to
an open, inclusive, clean, and prosperous world of lasting peace and universal security. The strategic
guidance comes from implementing initiatives like the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security
Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative, with high-quality Belt and Road cooperation as the
platform for action.

CPEC: Pioneering Belt and Road

The China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a flagship project of the Belt and Road Initiative, has
played a pivotal role in Pakistan's economic development over the past decade. Amidst the ongoing CPEC
construction, President Xi Jinping's meeting with Prime Minister Anwaar ul Haq Kakar led to crucial
consensuses on deepening all-weather strategic cooperation and advancing CPEC construction. The focus
is on transforming CPEC into a growth-oriented, innovative, green, and open corridor, contributing to
high-quality development.

Strengthening Multilateral Coordination

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China pledges to join hands with Pakistan to safeguard international fairness, justice, and promote global
development. Acknowledging the accelerating global transformation, China emphasizes the importance
of an equal and orderly multipolar world, rejecting hegemonism and power politics. A universally
beneficial and inclusive economic globalization is advocated, opposing unilateralism and protectionism
for mutual benefit, win-win results, and common prosperity.

China-Pakistan Partnership: All-Weather Cooperation

China and Pakistan's strategic cooperative partnership, marked by all-weather cooperation, stands as a
backbone in safeguarding fairness and justice globally. The commitment is to implement the consensus
reached by President Xi Jinping and Pakistani leaders, focusing on building a closer China-Pakistan
community with a shared future. The goal is to deepen and expand all-weather strategic cooperation,
benefiting both nations and contributing to a peaceful, secure, prosperous, and progressive world.

In unity with Pakistan, China remains steadfast in pursuing mutual learning, beneficial cooperation, and
multilateral coordination, striving to make significant contributions to a shared future for mankind.

JN.1 Variant and Ongoing COVID-19 Challenges

As the world continues to grapple with the complexities of the COVID-19 pandemic, the emergence of
the JN.1 variant has heightened concerns, prompting a closer examination of its genetic evolution,
prevalence, and potential impact on public health.

Genetic Evolution and Prevalence:

JN.1, a sub-variant of the Omicron lineage, has rapidly become the fastest-growing variant in the United
States. Tracing its genetic roots to variant BA.2.86, a single change in the spike protein distinguishes JN.1.
CDC projections indicate a significant surge in its prevalence, comprising an estimated 15–29% of SARS-
CoV-2 genomic sequences in the U.S. as of December 8, 2023. The virus's adaptive nature underscores
the importance of closely monitoring these genetic changes.

Public Health Concerns:

The ascent of JN.1 has raised questions about its transmissibility and potential impact on public health.
Despite its rapid growth, the CDC currently finds no evidence suggesting increased risks compared to
other circulating variants. Additionally, there is no indication of heightened severity associated with JN.1
infections. The uncertainties surrounding its impact emphasize the need for continued vigilance and public
health measures.

Vaccine Response and Preparedness:

Amid uncertainties, there is hope in updated COVID-19 vaccines. The CDC anticipates that these vaccines
will provide enhanced protection against JN.1, aligning with their efficacy against other variants. The call
to action is clear – vaccination and booster shots are crucial tools in our defense against the evolving virus.

Symptoms and Clinical Landscape:

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As JN.1 spreads globally, questions arise about its symptoms. Currently, there is no conclusive evidence
indicating distinct symptoms associated with JN.1 infection. The general spectrum of COVID-19
symptoms remains consistent, highlighting the role of individual immunity and overall health in
determining outcomes.

Global Concerns and Preventive Measures:

Designated as a Variant of Interest (VOI) by the WHO, JN.1's global increase in prevalence, particularly
in the Western Pacific, necessitates international collaboration. Preventive measures, including
handwashing, respiratory etiquettes, and sick individuals staying home, remain crucial in limiting COVID-
19 transmission. Public health authorities play a pivotal role in enhanced surveillance, genomic
sequencing, and managing the evolving landscape.

Unity and Science as Allies:

In the intricate dance between the virus and humanity, JN.1 presents a new challenge. While the road
ahead may be unpredictable, collective resilience, adherence to preventive measures, and commitment to
vaccination are crucial. As uncertainties persist, unity and science stand as our strongest allies in the
ongoing battle against the ever-evolving virus.

The Coming Climate Catastrophe: A Warning from

The recent report by the Europe-based Copernicus Climate Change Service has sounded a dire warning
about the escalating climate crisis. The release of the report on January 9, 2024, indicates that the Earth's
average temperature in 2023 was 1.48 degrees Celsius higher than the preindustrial average. The year
2023 witnessed a record-breaking temperature surge, surpassing the previous global temperature record
by almost two-tenths of a degree.

Anticipated Worsening in 2024:

Scientists are now predicting that 2024 will be even hotter, with the European agency cautioning that the
12-month average temperature is likely to exceed 1.5 degrees Celsius by the end of January or February.
This surpasses the goal set by nations in the 2015 Paris Agreement, aiming to establish targets for public
policy to avert catastrophic consequences.

Unprecedented Climate Events:

A review by The Washington Post highlights that the announcement of a temperature record comes as no
surprise given the past year's extreme events, including wildfires, ocean heatwaves, catastrophic flooding,
and alarming Antarctic thaw. The scorching summer and unusually hot autumn in 2023 set the stage for a
historic year in climate extremes.

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Global Impact and Urgent Action:
The escalating global boiling phenomenon, as termed by United Nations Secretary General Antonio
Guterres, underscores the urgent need for serious and enduring actions by member nations. The report
emphasizes the necessity of transforming economies and swiftly transitioning away from activities
contributing to global warming to prevent the collapse of human-built systems.

Shift in Climate Change Perspectives:

It is noted a significant shift in the way policymakers, particularly in the United States and Europe,
perceive and address climate change. While the Trump administration dismissed climate change concerns,
President Joe Biden has taken substantial steps to curb activities emitting large amounts of global warming
gases. The global focus on breaking temperature records aims to motivate actions against climate change.

Living in a Record-Breaking World:

It is emphasized that the ongoing trend where weather consistently breaks records. The normalcy of events
like the hottest June being quickly eclipsed by Earth's hottest day and month underscores the severity of
the climate crisis. The article points out that events considered rare a decade ago are now commonplace,
shaping public perception of climate change.

Ongoing and Predicted Temperature Records:

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported nearly 3,000 heat records
broken in the United States in July 2023 alone. The unprecedented temperatures, including a record 128
degrees in Death Valley, California, indicate a new normal. Scientists anticipate that 2023 may not be
remembered as exceptionally hot, as the worst is yet to come, with high temperatures affecting regions

Beyond Paris Agreement Goals:

The Paris Agreement's goal of limiting temperature increase beyond pre-industrial levels to 1.5 degrees
Celsius is under scrutiny. Some climate scientists argue that this limit has already been crossed. The report
suggests that the latest temperature increase is a sign of accelerated global climate change, leading the
planet towards a potential catastrophe.

In conclusion, Copernicus' report serves as a stark warning of the impending climate catastrophe, urging
immediate and effective global action to address the crisis and avoid irreversible damage.

Rethinking U.S. Strategy in Asia: Balancing Chinese Power

By Kelly A. Grieco and Jennifer Kavanagh | January 16, 2024

As the U.S.-China rivalry intensifies, the question of America's role in Asia becomes increasingly crucial.
Past administrations, including those of Donald Trump and Joe Biden, focused on maintaining military

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primacy against China's growing assertiveness. However, the pursuit of primacy, marked by costly efforts,
faces challenges. An alternative approach is to prioritize balancing Chinese power while safeguarding
strategic interests.

The Biden administration aimed to achieve overmatch against China by bolstering military capabilities
and building a coalition of allies. Despite some successes, progress has been slow, and challenges persist.
The inherent geographic complexities of Asia, coupled with China's regional influence, pose significant
hurdles to sustaining U.S. military dominance.

The reality is that U.S. military supremacy in Asia is not sustainable over the long term. Instead of futilely
pursuing primacy, the United States should adopt a strategy focused on balancing Chinese power. This
entails safeguarding access to strategic locations, supporting allies' self-defense capabilities, and
navigating multilateral institutions in the region.

Key Points:

1. Military Access Challenges: Biden's efforts to diversify U.S. access across Asia have had limited
success. Critical countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore remain challenging to engage, leaving
the U.S. reliant on vulnerable bases.

2. Coalition Building Slowdown: The coalition-building strategy has been hampered by the lack of
institutional mechanisms for effective coordination. Existing alliances lack the necessary intelligence-
sharing arrangements for seamless crisis management.

3. Allies' Defense Capability: While some allies like Japan and Australia have increased defense
spending, their plans have limitations. Challenges include lack of necessary capabilities, such as
intelligence and targeting, and shortages in trained personnel.

4. Balancing Approach: The U.S. should shift from pursuing primacy to a strategy of balancing Chinese
power. Prioritize key industrial centers like India, Japan, and South Korea, supporting their self-defense
capabilities. Focus on safeguarding vital waterways and engaging in flexible regional alignments.

5. Pressure on Allies: Encourage allies to invest in asymmetrical and self-defense capabilities by

attaching conditions to U.S. military assistance. Promote the acquisition of cost-effective military assets,
fostering defense industries and emphasizing the economic benefits of defense investments.

6. Geography as Defense: Leverage the region's geography by reducing forward-based forces and relying
on ocean barriers. Pre-position equipment for rapid deployment, improve air and missile defenses, and
modernize logistics infrastructure.

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7. Multilateral Engagement: Actively engage with existing political, economic, and security networks,
including ASEAN. Support minilateral organizations, acknowledging their significance in Southeast
Asia's foreign policy landscape.

8. Balancing Mindset: Challenge the ingrained mindset of pursuing military dominance, emphasizing
that balancing is a fiscally sustainable approach, not appeasement or defeatism.

In conclusion, adopting a balancing strategy is essential for protecting U.S. interests in Asia effectively.
It aligns with the region's unique challenges, fostering a sustainable and pragmatic approach to navigate
the complexities of the U.S.-China dynamic.

The Right Way to Control AI

Navigating the Path Ahead in AI Governance

As policymakers embark on the intricate journey of AI governance, they must recognize that returning to
first principles is not merely a theoretical exercise but a practical necessity. The consequences of
undergoverned automated systems and the challenges posed by emerging AI technologies underscore the
urgency of proactive and thoughtful regulation.

Fostering Collaboration for Global AI Governance

The international landscape demands collaboration among nations to avoid the pitfalls of competing
regulatory frameworks. Leveraging existing multilateral mechanisms, such as the UN Charter and the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, can provide a shared foundation for guiding global AI regulation.
Democratic leaders should acknowledge the importance of cohesive international efforts in governing this
transformative technology.

Charting a Course Beyond Analogy-Driven Regulation

Relying on analogies from the past century proves inadequate for the dynamic nature of AI. Policymakers
should resist the temptation to fit AI into predefined regulatory molds. Instead, a nuanced understanding
of AI's unique characteristics, constant evolution, and broad societal impact should guide the formulation
of adaptive and effective governance frameworks.

Agile Policymaking: A New Paradigm for Technology Regulation

The NIST AI Risk Management Framework's introduction of policy versioning and continuous
improvement sets a precedent for agile policymaking. This innovative approach allows for flexibility in
adapting to the rapidly evolving AI landscape, emphasizing the importance of iterative development in
regulatory standards.

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Democratic Values as the North Star in AI Governance

Anchoring AI governance in fundamental democratic principles, as evident in the AI Bill of Rights,

provides a consistent benchmark for lawmakers. Privacy, freedom, equality, and the rule of law serve as
enduring guideposts, ensuring that AI regulations align with the values cherished by democratic societies.

A Call for Democratic AI Safety Institutes

Recognizing the need for specialized AI oversight, the establishment of democratic AI safety institutes
becomes imperative. These institutes should prioritize accountability to citizens and incorporate public
consultation, fostering a transparent and inclusive approach to AI governance.

Beyond Regulation: Envisioning AI's Positive Impact

While the challenges of AI governance are significant, it is essential to acknowledge the potential for AI
to proactively enhance various aspects of society. From improving workplace safety to revolutionizing
healthcare and education, AI's positive contributions can be maximized through well-crafted policies that
encourage responsible innovation.

Building a Regulatory Framework for the Future

As policymakers grapple with the complexities of governing AI, they must envision a regulatory
framework that not only addresses current challenges but anticipates future ones. Striking a balance
between safety and innovation, the framework should empower government agencies to foster a thriving
AI ecosystem that benefits individuals and society as a whole.

The Collaborative Responsibility of Industry and Government

A successful AI governance model requires collaboration between industry and government stakeholders.
By sharing insights into AI systems and working towards common standards, industry leaders contribute
to the collective responsibility of ensuring the safe, secure, and trustworthy development and use of
artificial intelligence.

Looking Ahead: AI Governance in the Next Decade

As we stand at the intersection of technological advancement and ethical responsibility, the path forward
in AI governance will shape the next decade's technological landscape. Democratic leaders, policymakers,
and industry figures must engage in sustained dialogue to refine and adapt governance approaches,
fostering an environment where AI innovation aligns harmoniously with societal values and aspirations.

Embracing the Evolution: AI Governance as a Dynamic Process

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In conclusion, AI governance is not a static goal but a dynamic process that requires continuous adaptation.
Embracing the evolution of AI technologies and their societal impact, policymakers can craft regulatory
frameworks that mitigate risks, protect democratic values, and guide AI toward a future that benefits
humanity as a whole.

The Greater Goal in Gaza

The ongoing conflict in Gaza prompts a debate on post-war governance solutions, with proposals ranging
from Arab forces to international control. However, these ideas overlook the broader context of Palestinian
statehood and self-determination, setting the stage for inevitable failure.

The Missing Endgame

The roots of the current conflict trace back to the 1967 war, leading to Israel's occupation of Gaza, the
West Bank, and East Jerusalem. Previous attempts to address the issue lacked a clear endgame, from UN
Security Council Resolution 242 to the Oslo Accords, resulting in open-ended negotiations and failure to
define a Palestinian state.

From Failure to Catastrophe

Failed negotiations enabled continued Israeli settlement expansion, particularly detrimental to Gaza.
Unilateral withdrawal by Ariel Sharon in 2005 did not end the occupation, as Israel maintained control
over borders, limiting Gaza's access to the world. Subsequent peace initiatives, including the 2002 Arab
Peace Initiative, the Middle East Road Map, and John Kerry's efforts, proved unsuccessful.

Prerequisites for Peace

Addressing the day-after problem necessitates a credible, time-bound political process. A comprehensive
U.S.-led plan should define the objective of ending the occupation within three to five years, with borders
based on 1967 lines. Settlement construction must freeze, and negotiations should focus on achievable
steps rather than an ambiguous endgame.

From Bad to Worse

Without a serious political process, three scenarios emerge: waiting for a better time (likely to fail), mass
transfer of Palestinians (facing international opposition), or continued occupation under unsustainable
conditions. Growing Palestinian demands for equal rights may escalate violence, while global criticism of
Israeli occupation intensifies.

The international community must decide to end the conflict swiftly, moving towards a viable two-state
solution. Failing to do so risks a darker future, shifting from occupation to outright apartheid, leaving little
room for ambiguity or hesitation in making this critical choice.

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