01 Royal London - Hampton Court

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Hampton Court Palace

Trip overview
Nearest station
Distance 14 miles Start/end: Richmond Rail Station
Difficulty Easy
Duration 2-3 hours
Traffic Some traffic See this route on
Terrain Flat, some off road
sections but should be Google Maps
possible on any bike
Following the Thames
Path towards Hampton
Court Palace 

This circular route follows the Thames Path to Kingston

Bridge offering plenty of traffic free riding in idealic
surroundings. Hampton Court is a key place to take a
breather to explore the pristine gardens and wonder around
the maze. Anyone wishing to explore the best of the green
spaces around Richmond will enjoy this route. Please note
some sections have heavy traffic where extra caution is
needed. Exploring the maze at
Hampton Court Palace

Pg. 1 – Royal London – Hampton Court 01

At the palace make sure you take a look at the The Royal Tennis Court which was built

ROUTE DESCRIPTION around 1520. Here a different style of tennis is played which is quirky, fun and fast
paced. If you are lucky then a match will be on as you walk in.
The Richmond area offers some of the best cycling in London. The 14 mile Royal London
Make sure you also take time to explore the oldest surviving hedge maze. Apparently, it
route explores a very historic part of London. It is a leisurely ride suitable for anyone,
takes an average of 20 minutes to reach the centre - test yourself and don’t cheat using
especially families looking for a good day out of cycling (It tires out the kids!). Ideally,
the map outside. Of course, the main attraction is the palace itself. This is an impressive
you'll want to use a mountain or hybrid bike due to the Thames Path that is off-road.
piece of architecture which takes a good couple of hours to explore. If you have the
You set off in the beautiful town of Richmond near Richmond Bridge. The path next to time to visit then it is worth it.
the Thames is filled with tasty looking river side restaurants. But it’s far too early for
Once you've finished exploring the Royal Palace head back along the Thames this time
food, so get moving towards the gardens of Ham House which you may be able to spot
returning towards Richmond. The aforementioned Eel Pie Island is accessible from a
through the bushes on the left a mile or so into the route.
footbridge on this side of the river.
The house is cared for by the National Trust and a visit here is similar to taking a step
Shortly after is Marble Hill House. This is a good area to stop for a picnic. Back in the
into a time machine and the life of the rich in the 17th Century. The House, together
18th century this was home to George II’s mistress Henrietta Howard. Later on it was
with its lavish decoration, fashion sense and furniture has been impeccably preserved.
occupied by the secret wife of George IV.
Continuing along the river Thames, across the way you should be able to see Eel Pie
Island. The island was a major blues and jazz venue in the 60’s. Bands such as Pink Floyd
and The Rolling Stones performed at Eel Pie Island Hotel, which has since burned down.
These days it has its own small population. The island was also where Danny Wallace,
on the television show “How to start your own country” staged an invasion and claimed
to be leader of the island for a few hours until the police peacefully reclaimed the island
back into the possession of HM Queen Elizabeth II.

The route then follows the Thames until you come across the next little island. This is
called the Teddington Barge Lock. It is man-made and has been around since 1904. A
Monthy Python sketch was performed here where Michael Palin was whacked into the
lock by John cheese using a huge fish.

The route then goes through Kingston using cycling lanes and over the bridge. On the
other side there is busy traffic until you take the turn for Church Grove. Then on the left
is the Church Grove Passage that takes you around the outskirts of Bushy Park. Finally,
you cycle into Hampton Court Palace. On the left is the ticket office (Tickets around £15
for adult) and then slightly further along there is bicycle parking.

Hampton Court Palace

Pg. 2 – Royal London – Hampton Court 01




Marble Hill
The White

Eel Pie



Pg. 3 – Royal London – Hampton Court 01


8m Hampton
Court Palace

Pg. 4 – Royal London – Hampton Court 01

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