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1 a).Write a c program sum and average of three numbers.

b).Write a c program to find total ,average of n students using structures.

2 a).Write a c program checking a number palindrome.

b).Write a c program to simulate a calculator using switch case.

3 a).Write a c program conversion of Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa.

b).Write a c program to find the max and min of four numbers using if else.

4 a).Write recursive function to find the sum of series.

b).Addition of two matrices.

5 a).Demonstrate dangling pointer problem using a c program.

b). The reverse of a 1d integer array.

6 a).Write a c program area of a triangle using heron’s formulae.

b).Write a c program to copy one string to another using pointer.

7 a). Write a c program find the maximum of three numbers using conditional operators.

b).Write a c program to find no of lower case, upper case, digits and other characters using

8 a).Write a c function to find length of a strings.

b).Write a c program take marks of 5 subjects in integers and find the total, average in float.
9 a).Write a c program to find the given year is a leap year (or) not.

b).construct a pyramid of numbers.

10 a).Write a c program find the factorial of given number any loop.

b).Write a c program finding compound interest.

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