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· On October 5th (Thursday) the activities will be published in our TEAMS folder
· The questionnaire to answer will be open in TEAMS from October 10th (Tuesday) at 15:00
until October 13th (Friday) at 23:59
· If you send the questionnaire late, you will have a discount of 5% each day from October 13th
· You can’t send the questionnaire later than October 20th

Task1 (1.3pt) Join the name of these biomolecules with their correct definition
They build cell membranes LIPIDS
They form the muscles and move them PROTEINS
Lipids that store energy reserves CELLULOSE
Glucide that stores energy reserves ENZYMES
Organic molecules insoluble in water STARCH
Most abundant biomolecules on food LACTOSE
Lipid used to form hormones TRIGLYCERIDES
Most abundant simple glucide SACCHARIN
Formed by aminoacid chain ALBUMIN
Control all body processes ANTIBODIES
Transports oxygen in blood CHOLESTEROL
Proteins that defend us form infections ACTIN & MYOSIN
Builds rigid cell walls PHOSPHOLIPIDS

Task2 (3pt) Answer these questions:

a) What biomolecules bring energy to our body? (0’3)
b) By which ways does our body eliminate water? (0’5)
c) Why are pork proteins different as human proteins? (0’8)
d) What is more dangerous, missing or over water? Why? (0’6)
e) Which food should we eat to have all the mineral salts? (0’4)
f) Why are bones considered to be organs? (0’4)

Task3 (0.3pt) List all the systems of the human body

Task4 (0.8pt) Do some research and then describe the functions of the following
minerals in our body:
a) Iron c) Potassium
b) Iodine d) Phosphorus
Task5 (0.4pt) Which number labels the organelle that performs each function?

a) Cellular respiration

b) RNA transcription

c) Cellular digestion

d) Lipids building

e) Package of

f) Prevent DNA to

g) Control cell

h) Exchange of
minerals in and out

Task6 (0.4pt) Which of the foods found in the photos above contain
monosaccharides and which ones contain polysaccharides? Which of them may have
certain components which our bodies cannot assimilate?

Task7 (0.5pt) It is very important that we reduce the amount of cholesterol in our
diet. Which foods are rich in cholesterol? What are the consequences of consuming too
much cholesterol?

Task8 (0.6pt) Write 2 things the four types of organic biomolecules have in
common. Write one different that allow you to distinguish each one of them.

Task9 (0.5pt) Research and join with arrows:

Hyaluronic acid
Folic acid
· Mineral salt
· Glucide
· Lipid
Oleic acid
· Protein
· Vitamin
Task10 (1.3pt) Mark if the sentence is true (T) or false (F)
Enzymes control all the metabolic
Olive oil hasn’t got cholesterol
reactions of the cell
The most abundant molecule in living Each species makes its own amino
beings is DNA acids
The presence of mineral salts prevents
All glucides have a sweet taste
the movement of muscles
We get a lot of energy from the
Proteins are very small molecules
cellulose in the vegetables we eat
Starch is the reserve polysaccharide of
There is only calcium in our bones
All living beings have 60% water
Triglycerides dissolve well in water

The brain stores glycogen

Task11 (0.9pt) This scheme represents a pancreas cell during the manufacture of
insulin, which is a protein expelled into the blood where it performs its function.
Indicate the order of the phrases that describe the process:

___ Manufactured insulin goes through the

Golgi apparatus (C)
___ In the nucleus (F) a piece of DNA is
copied to RNA
___ The Golgi apparatus stores insulin in
vesicles (B)
___The RNA crosses the nuclear membrane
___ The vesicles fuse with the membrane (A)
and the insulin is left out
___ In the endoplasmic reticulum (I) there are
ribosomes (H) that use that RNA to make
insulin proteins

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