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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.



Subject Code:2171910 Date:10/08/2021
Subject Name:Power Plant Engineering
Time:10:30 AM TO 01:00 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Use of Mollier chart and steam table is permissible.

Q.1 (a) State the functions of following components of thermal power plant : 03
(i) Economiser (ii) Boiler feed pump (iii) Control room
(b) Describe the following circuits of thermal power plant : 04
(i) Coal and ash circuit (ii) Cooling water circuit
(c) Describe the construction and working of Schmidt- Hartmann boiler. 07

Q.2 (a) Compare forced and induced draught. 03

(b) Describe the unit pulverized coal handling system. 04
(c) Describe the pneumatic ash handling system. 07
(c) Describe cyclone burner with neat diagram. 07

Q.3 (a) Define boiler draught and state the objects of producing draught. 03
(b) Derive an expression for velocity in terms of enthalpy for steam flow through a 04
(c) A steam nozzle is supplied steam at 15 bar, 350C and discharges steam at 1 bar. 07
If the diverging portion of the nozzle is 85 mm long and the throat diameter is
5.5 mm, determine the cone angle of the divergent portion. Assume 10% of the
total available enthalpy drop is lost in friction in the divergent portion. Also
determine the velocity and temperature of the steam at throat.
Q.3 (a) State the function and material of the following with reference to nuclear power 03
plant :
(i) Moderator (ii) Radiation shield (iii) Coolant
(b) State the effects of air leakage in a condenser. 04
(c) Describe the reverse osmosis feed water treatment process. 07

Q.4 (a) Discuss the principle of operation of steam turbine. 03

(b) Differentiate between open and closed cycle gas turbine plant. 04
(c) The steam expands isentropically in a simple impulse turbine from 12 bar, 250C 07
with an enthalpy of 2935 kJ/kg to an enthalpy of 2584 kJ/kg at 0.1 bar. The nozzle
makes 18 with blade motion and the blades are symmetrical. Calculate the blade
velocity that produces maximum efficiency for a turbine speed of 3500 rpm.
Assume that steam enters the nozzle with negligible velocity.
Q.4 (a) Discuss any one method of cooling of gas turbine blade. 03
(b) Describe the working of natural draught hyperbolic cooling tower. 04
(c) Describe any one method of governing of steam turbine. 07

Q.5 (a) Differentiate between jet and rocket engines. 03

(b) Define the following terms : 04
(i) Plant capacity factor (ii) Plant use factor (iii) Load factor
(c) Describe the combined gas and steam turbine power plant. 07
Q.5 (a) Differentiate between ramjet and pulsejet engine. 03
(b) What do you understand by depreciation ? Discuss any one method to calculate 04
the depreciation cost.
(c) Discuss the boiling water reactor with schematic diagram. State its advantages 07
and disadvantages.

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