Nano Urea

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Plant Soil


Is India’s largest fertilizer manufacturer misleading

farmers and society using dubious plant and soil science?
Max Frank · Søren Husted

Received: 3 May 2023 / Accepted: 25 July 2023

© The Author(s) 2023

Abstract times compared to conventional urea. This year, the

Background and Aims The accessibility and rela- Indian government and IFFCO announced plans to
tively low cost of nitrogen (N) fertilizers have been massively boost production by building 10 new fac-
a gift to humankind and made it possible to feed the tories, with an annual production capacity of 440 mil-
exponentially growing world population. The exces- lion bottles NU by 2025 and to expand export of the
sive use of N, in combination with a poor N use product to another 25 countries, mainly situated in
efficiency (NUE) in crop production, is associated Asia, Africa and South-America. In the marketing of
with severe environmental impacts, and the scien- NU, IFFCO states that there is scientific evidence for
tific community has repeatedly warned that the safe distinct beneficial properties in terms of higher crop
operating space for N within the planetary bounda- yields and reduced negative environmental impacts.
ries has been exceeded. In the light of these consid- Similar ambitions have recently been presented for
erations, a global player and India’s largest fertilizer Nano Zinc, Nano Copper, and Nano Di-Ammonium-
manufacturer, the Indian Farmers Fertilizer Coopera- Phosphate, a product that entered the market in March
tive (IFFCO), has recently developed and patented a 2023.
nanotechnology-based fertilizer marketed as Nano Methods In this Opinion Paper, we compare the
Urea (liquid). Strikingly, the producers state that claims made by IFFCO scientists to the existing sci-
it is now possible to replace a 45 kg bag of conven- entific evidence in the field of foliar nanofertilizers.
tional urea, containing 21 kg N, by foliar application Results We observe that NU is a poorly described
of just 20 g N in the form of nano urea (NU). If so, product with no scientifically proven effects. The
N from this novel high-tech fertilizer product should product is marketed with misleading and wrong
be able to increase the NUE of crops more than 1000 statements about its fertilizer efficiency, the under-
lying plant uptake pathways, and the environmental
Responsible Editor: Jeff R. Powell. Conclusion The expectations raised by IFFCO are
far from reality and may lead to large-scale yield
Supplementary Information The online version
contains supplementary material available at https://​doi.​
losses with serious consequences for food security
org/​10.​1007/​s11104-​023-​06191-4. and the livelihood of farmers. At the same time, the
confidence in innovative sustainable products as well
M. Frank · S. Husted (*) as the science behind them may be threatened. Based
Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences (PLEN),
on the IFFCO case, and considering the booming
University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
e-mail: emergence of novel nano based fertilizers appearing

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Plant Soil

all over the world these years, it is clear that much nanofertilizers have gained increased attention. Hopes
more priority should be given to scientifically prove connected to their application include enhanced effi-
their efficacy and mode of action, before they are ciency of plant nutrient uptake, reduced greenhouse
launched on the markets. gas emissions, reduced leaching, and a better timing of
N release aligned with crop demands (Seleiman et al.
Keywords Foliar fertilizers · Agronomy · Nano 2021).
technology · Sustainability · Nano fertilizers · The Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative
Agriculture (IFFCO) recently developed and patented a novel
urea nanofertilizer (NU) addressing exactly the
abovementioned issues. The producers state it is
possible to replace “a bag of urea” (45 kg urea or
Introduction 20,7 kg N) by a 500 ml bottle of 4% w/v NU foliar
fertilizer (43 g urea or 20 g N). According to the
Nitrogen (N) is an essential macronutrient in all company, average yield increases of 8% with 50%
living organisms. In the human diet, N ultimately less N application are possible, thus reducing the
originates from plants. The reduction of molecular costs farmers spend on fertilizers significantly
atmospheric N to its biologically accessible forms is (Kumar et al. 2021b; IFFCO 2022). The product is
highly energy consuming, and is either accomplished promoted as being able to reduce nitrate leaching,
by N-fixing archaea and bacteria (biological N fixa- eutrophication, greenhouse gas emissions, and tox-
tion), or through the industrial Haber–Bosch process icity to flora and fauna (Kumar et al. 2021b; Sharma
(anthropogenic N fixation) (Erisman et al. 2008). The et al. 2022). If these claims reflect reality, the inno-
growth of the global human population from 2.5 bil- vative product is paving the way for the “sustain-
lion people in 1950 to 8.0 billion people in Novem- able green revolution” that many scientists have
ber 2022 was achieved by a major intensification of called for during the last decade. Having the prod-
agriculture, referred to as The Green Revolution. uct approved in India in 2021 (Adidam and Kumar
Highly productive crops were bred and selected, 2021; Press Trust of India Ltd. 2022), the first pro-
machinery and irrigation were developed, pest control duction plant was inaugurated by the Prime Min-
was improved, and NPK fertilizers increasingly used ister of India, Narendra Modi, in 2022 in Gujarat,
(Khush 2001). India (Parikh 2022). Further production plants were
To date, the global N cycling is heavily influ- built within the same year. The company plans to
enced by human activities, which is linked to severe expand sales to another 25 countries, mainly situ-
environmental problems: It contributes to climate ated in Asia, Africa, and South America. IFFCO
change, water eutrophication, ocean acidification, aims to sell 300 million bottles of NU until the
ozone depletion, and results in loss of species diver- end of 2024 (Press Trust of India Ltd. 2023a), and
sity and ecosystem instability (Gruber and Galloway recently started to expand the product palette with
2008; Stevens 1979; Midolo et al. 2019). The scien- Nano DAP (Di-ammonium phosphate), Nano Cop-
tific community has repeatedly concluded that the per, and Nano Zinc (Kumar et al. 2020b; IFFCO
human contribution to global N cycling has exceeded 2022, 2023).
the safe operating space and the planetary bounda- However, if the claims made by IFFCO prove
ries (Gruber and Galloway 2008; Steffen et al. 2015; to be overstated and far from reality, this might
Kopittke et al. 2021). lead to large scale yield losses and have tremen-
Thus, it has become a major goal to reduce the dous impacts on food security, livelihood of farm-
N inputs to agricultural systems while securing the ers, and reduce the trust into innovative sustainable
global food production. The development of more effi- products as well as the science behind them. From
cient fertilizers is, among other strategies, intended a plant nutritional perspective, it is rather puzzling
to increase the nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of how 20 g N from NU should be able to replace
crop plants and thereby reduce the need for apply- 20,7 kg of N from traditional urea (Kumar 2021b;
ing excess amounts of N to secure yield and quality Babu et al. 2022a, b; IFFCO 2022). In this Opinion
(Kopittke et al. 2021). In the last decade, slow release Paper, the claims made by IFFCO are compared to

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the existing scientific evidence in the field of foliar The behavior of nanoparticles (NPs) as ferti-
nanofertilizers. We discuss, in how far the potential lizers or as potentially harmful compounds in the
mismatches between claims and evidence might environment or food chain depends greatly on struc-
cause problems to farmers, societies, the envi- tural, morphological, and chemical properties of
ronment, and not least the trust in plant and soil the particle itself or the detergents (solvents) used
science. to formulate it. Therefore, it is important to investi-
gate these characteristics thoroughly (Iavicoli et al.
2017). However, apart from a TEM image (Kumar
What do we know about Nano Urea (liquid)? et al. 2022), no morphological or structural analyses
of NU are reported so far. Physicochemical param-
The basic properties of NU particles are listed in eters like size and surface charge of a particle criti-
Table 1. The Indian patent no. 400681 connected to cally define the stability and the ability to translocate
the product states that 20 – 50 nm large spherical to across the foliar barriers and within the plant (Hus-
rod-shaped nano particles are produced, when urea ted et al. 2023). These properties also define reten-
interacts with 50 – 500 nm long linear fibers derived tion and accumulation in the environment such as
from a naturally occurring glucose polymer at ele- in soils, water bodies, or the food chain (de Oliveira
vated temperatures (Raliya 2020, 2022). The authors Pereira et al. 2020). The surface zeta potential of NU
do not describe which chemical processes lead to particles, a measure for the particle surface charge,
this remarkable change in size. The surface to vol- is listed in Table 1. Remarkably, whether the val-
ume ratio of NU particles is increased by factor 1000 ues were positive or negative, was not stated in the
(Babu et al. 2022b) to 10 000 (e.g., Babu et al. 2022a) references found. Furthermore, no studies about
compared to conventional urea. the dissolution dynamics or the N release from NU

Table 1  Properties of NU Property Dimension Reference

particles as reported in
different references N content [%] 4 written on bottle; (Babu et al. 2022b)
1–5* (Adidam and Kumar 2021; IFFCO 2022)
4.26 (Patel 2022)
4.3 (Kumar et al. 2022)
Organic polymer content [%] N/A written on bottle
< 1% (IFFCO 2022)
Boiling point [°C] 100 (IFFCO 2022)
Density [g c­ m−3] 1.02 – 1.06 (IFFCO 2022)
Viscosity [cP] 5.9 (Patel 2022)
9.65 (Kumar et al. 2022)
5 – 30* (Adidam and Kumar 2021; IFFCO 2022)
pH 4.55 (Patel 2022)
4.6 (Kumar et al. 2022)
4.5 – 6.0* (Adidam and Kumar 2021; IFFCO 2022)
Size [nm] 10 – 50 (Kumar et al. 2021a)
30 – 50 (Kumar et al. 2021c)
TEM: physical size 20–50* (TEM); (Adidam and Kumar 2021; IFFCO 2022)
measured by transmission 20–80* (DLS) (Patel 2022)
electron microscopy. DLS: 42.51 (TEM); 35.0 (Kumar et al. 2022)
hydraulic particle size (DLS)
measured by dynamic light 28.3 (TEM); 56.6
scattering. Stars (*) indicate (DLS)
product specifications from Zeta potential [mV] 40.6 (Patel 2022)
the Indian Fertilizer Control 42.4 (Kumar et al. 2022)
Order and are not actual > 30* (Adidam and Kumar 2021; IFFCO 2022)

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in laboratory experiments or in the field have been studies lack statistical analyses of the data; the experi-
published. mental set-ups are poorly described including the
location of the plots and the composition of the fer-
tilizers. It is remarkable that some text sections have
Nano Urea (liquid) as a fertilizer been copied from one publication to another (Kumar
et al. 2020a, b; Tiwari et al. 2021). Authors employed
The foliar N uptake efficiency of urea is potentially at IFFCO do generally not state any conflicts of inter-
high; it can amount to 69% in wheat (Smith et al. est (Kumar et al. 2020a, b, 2021b, c; Mishra et al.
1991). Foliar treatments with aqueous solutions 2020; Tiwari et al. 2021).
containing > 2% urea may lead to visible and physi- Most recently, authors claimed that the application
ological symptoms associated with ammonia toxic- of 75% of the recommended N dose (in the form of
ity (de Castro et al. 2022). Controlled release N fer- conventional urea) to the soil plus two foliar sprays
tilizers have been proposed as a novel approach to of NU resulted in the same yield as applying the full
allow for application of higher amounts of foliar N, dose of 100% conventional urea to the soil. Based
where N is either encapsulated, coated, or present on this, the authors conclude that a 25% reduction of
in a nano composite (Zulfiqar et al. 2019). How- N usage is possible with NU. However, the conclu-
ever, IFFCO recommends a mix of NU resulting sion falls short in stating that the 75% N treatments
in a foliar spray containing a maximum of 0.035% with and without NU resulted in the same yields in
w/v urea (Raliya et al. 2021). This is far below the six out of eight investigated seasons. Thus, according
observed limits of toxicity for conventional urea. to the results, NU could actually be omitted without
Thus, the benefits of applying highly processed urea a reduction in yield. Yet again, the study does not
nanoparticles rather than dissolved urea as a foliar include a proper control treatment where foliar appli-
spray appears puzzling, unless the scientific com- cation of NU was compared to foliar application of a
munity is unaware of unknown positive side effects conventional N source (Upadhyay et al. 2023) mak-
of nano-sized materials stimulating plant growth. ing it impossible to isolate the effects of the nano
Table 2 summarizes studies, claims, and rec- approach.
ommendations associated with NU by IFFCO. It The dry matter concentration of N in most crops
becomes evident that there is a significant mismatch is 1–5% (de Bang et al. 2021). Thus, hypothesizing
between the control treatments used in field stud- that the 20 g N present in a bottle of NU was taken
ies, the subsequent claims made, and the resulting up by the crop 100% efficiently, a bottle of NU would
recommendations to farmers. In order to state yield provide sufficient N to grow a maximum of 0,4 – 2,0
improvements in response to a specific form of fer- kg plant material. A field with such a low biomass
tilizer application, the reference point must be clear productivity would fail to produce any significant
and well defined. IFFCO scientists did clearly not amounts of cereal grains. By contrast, a bag of con-
meet this basic requirement. ventional urea containing 20,7 kg N would provide
The major field studies cited in Table 2 were con- enough N to grow 414,0 – 2070,0 kg of plant mate-
ducted in various regions in India for only one season rial. This difference corresponds to a reduction in bio-
in winter 2019/2020 (Kumar et al. 2020a, b; Tiwari mass of more than 1000 fold.
et al. 2021). None of the studies shows basic physical The yield increase reported for NU might not be a
or chemical analyses of the soils, nor weather/climate result of N fertilization, but rather of unknown growth
data. Most importantly, the N availability in the soils stimulating side effects that NPs may have, e.g. scav-
was not investigated prior to the experiments. In order enging reactive oxygen species to reduce oxidative
to assess whether a fertilizer has a positive effect on damage and thereby increase plant stress tolerance
plant growth, it is essential to ensure that the yield (Seleiman et al. 2021). However, none of the above-
increase is caused by fertilizer application, and not for mentioned explanations supports a stunning increase
instance by N mineralization from residual N stocks. in the NUE by more than 1000-fold. IFFCO is sell-
This is ensured by analyzing N uptake in a control ing and promoting the product as a fertilizer, not as a
treatment not receiving N fertilizer (Hochmuth et al. growth stimulant (Kumar 2021b; Babu et al. 2022a;
2022), which was not done here. In addition, the IFFCO 2022).

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Table 2  Summary of treatments from literature in relation to NU by IFFCO and what they mean in terms of fertilizing efficiency
compared to conventional fertilizers
Field trials referred to Reviews, popular out- Recommenda on to farm-
reach, and adver sement ers
Treatment Reducon of convenonal A 45 kg bag of urea Farmers can replace a 45 kg
in words soil ferlizaon (urea, (20,7 kg N) can be re- bag of foliar applied con-
DAP) by half and replace- placed by a single 500 ml venonal urea (20,7 kg N)
ment by two foliar sprays boŽle of NU containing 4 with a 500 ml boŽle of NU
of 0,035 % NU containing % N (20 g N) (20 g N) applied in two
0,016 % N sprays of 0,035 % NU each,
while keeping the basal
(Kumar et al. 2020b, a, (Kumar 2021b; Kumar et ferlizaon constant.
2021c, b; Panda et al. al. 2021a; Baboo 2021;
2020; Mishra et al. 2020; Babu et al. 2022a; IFFCO (Kumar 2021b; Baboo 2021;
Tiwari et al. 2021; Kumar 2022; Sharma et al. 2022; Kumar et al. 2021b; IFFCO
Midde et al. 2022; Kantwa and Yadav 2022) 2022; Kantwa and Yadav
Lekshmi et al. 2022; Goud 2022)
et al. 2022)

General- 8 % yield increase averaged over 94 crops in >10 000 field trials (Baboo 2021; Kumar
ized stated et al. 2021c, b; Kantwa and Yadav 2022)
What it With NU, a reducon of Generally, crops ulize N Top-dressed NU is at least
means soil applied urea usage by present in NU at least 1035 mes as efficient as a
> 50 % results in average 1035 mes as efficiently as ferlizer as top-dressed
yield increases of 8 %. convenonal urea applied convenonal urea.
to either soil or leaves.

Column 1: field trials that IFFCO scientists refer to; column 2: claims on the efficiency of NU from review articles, popular outreach
and advertisements; column 3: NU application recommendation for farmers. The illustrations in this table were made using the pro-
gram BioRender

In another study, conventional NPKS fertilizer of 24.24% (reported with two digits!) for sesame,
application was compared to application of organic 4.2% in pearl millet, and 8.4% in mustard, although
manure plus two sprays of NU (Kumar et al. 2022). these effects appear not to be statistically significant.
Both treatments occurred with the same estimated Scientific reviews on the topic repeat claims made
amount of nutrients. The authors claim yield increases by IFFCO since 2019, such as NU being taken up

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“80% more efficiently than conventional urea” (Babu (SPAD) study was conducted on NU sprayed maize.
et al. 2022b). However, the authors refer to a publi- However, the study does not state if the basal ferti-
cation about a chitosan-based nano NPK fertilizer lization had been reduced in the NU treatment, or
investigated for its efficiency on wheat grown in a whether NU was added as a top-up. The authors do
sandy soil in Egypt (Abdel-Aziz et al. 2016), three not mention on which leaf position the measure-
years before NU entered the market (Kumar 2021b). ments were made, how old the plants were, or how
Another review repeats similar statements on high long after fertilizer application the analysis took
efficiency and environmental compatibility of NU by place (Jadhav et al. 2022), all of which are critical for
IFFCO (Sharma et al. 2022), but cites an article titled SPAD measurements (Kandel 2020). Among several
“Current research on silver NPs: synthesis, charac- additional flaws, the study was conducted for only
terization, and applications” (Dawadi et al. 2021). A one season and the conclusions are lacking statistical
review on the use of nanotechnology in sustainable backup (Jadhav et al. 2022).
agriculture even describes a pathway of NU particle According to some publications, NU adheres
translocation within plants including phloem trans- to plant leaves and particles are taken up through
location (Kumar et al. 2021c). However, there is not stomatal openings, hydathodes and other leaf open-
one single reference to support this statement, and ings. Subsequently, particles are loaded into the
to the best of our knowledge, no one has ever man- phloem, and can pass plasmodesmata connecting
aged to trace urea or urea based NP translocation individual cells. By binding to transport proteins,
in the phloem. We generally observe that i) many NU can pass aquaporins and ion channels to enter
reviews made about nanotechnology in agriculture cells, or via endocytosis. NU can be stored in vac-
make claims without providing proper scientific evi- uoles until needed, and urea is released from the
dence, and/or ii) cite unrelated references, and/or iii) particles in a controlled process (Babu et al. 2022a;
cite older reviews or statements made by companies IFFCO 2022). It has indeed been shown that NPs
rather than referring back to the original literature may be taken up by cells via endocytosis and can
reference. be transported within the symplasm. However,
it has never been shown that untargeted NPs are
taken up by any transport proteins, including aqua-
Do we know how Nano Urea interacts with plants? porins and ion channels, as NPs are expected to be
excluded by e.g. size (Pérez-de-Luque 2017). Thus,
IFFCO advertises NU as useful on a large variety of the uptake and transport pathway stated by IFFCO
plants, including “cereals, pulses, vegetable, fruits, remains purely speculative.
flowers, medicinal [eds. plants] and others” (IFFCO Lastly, IFFCO states that the product works effi-
2022). Independently of the crop concerned, two ciently for soil applications (IFFCO 2022), but the
sprays are recommended: 30–35 days after germina- exact application is not specified on the web page or
tion or 20–25 days after transplanting, and 20–25 days elsewhere to our knowledge. By now, studies about
after the first spray (Kumar 2021b; Babu et al. 2022a; NU application on soils do not exist in the scientific
IFFCO 2022; Kantwa and Yadav 2022). However, literature.
evidence suggests that uptake dynamics vary due to
leaf properties such as morphology, stomata location
and density, thickness and composition of the cuticu- Is Nano Urea (liquid) non‑toxic
lar wax layer, and trichomes (Pérez-de-Luque 2017). and environmentally friendly?
Therefore, the efficiency of foliar uptake of any sub-
stance is expected to vary across different crops and The environmental friendliness of NU plays
growth stages. With respect to this evidence, there a major role in the promotion of the product
must be a more efficient way to use a foliar fertilizer (Kumar 2021b). A closer inspection of the NU
than advising a one-fits-all recipe to farmers. website: “Production of IFFCO Nano Urea is
IFFCO reports enhanced photosynthesis and chlo- energy and resource friendly” and “It reduces
rophyll contents (IFFCO 2022) and refers to (Jadhav excess application of bulk urea and associated
et al. 2022), where a Soil Plant Analysis Development volatilization as well as leaching and run off

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losses” (IFFCO 2022). Similar statements have to nanofertilizers and the procedures necessary to
been adopted or generalized in various forms ensure their safe use have been pointed out in detail
in a variety of publications (e.g., Kumar et al. (Iavicoli et al. 2017). We must assume that such
2020b, 2021b; Babu et al. 2022a, b; Kantwa and safety measures have either not been met by IFFCO,
Yadav 2022). However, N utilized for producing or the test results have not been published transpar-
NU must originate from the Haber–Bosch pro- ently to the public.
cess alike N in any synthetic fertilizer. Accord-
ing to the patent application, the N source used
is urea (Raliya 2020, 2022) and any processing Do farmers and societies benefit financially
(e.g. mixing, cooling, heating, transport) of urea from Nano Urea (liquid)?
by IFFCO must increase the environmental foot-
print per unit of N applied, when compared to The price of NU has been set strategically 10%
bulk urea. below the price of a bag of conventional urea on the
N losses by leaching through the soil column in Indian market (Kumar 2021b; Kumar et al. 2021a;

date at 225 ₹ (Indian Rs.) (IFFCO 2022). While

the form of N­ O3−, as well as N volatilization in the Baboo 2021; Kantwa and Yadav 2022) and is to
form of ­NH3 to the atmosphere can lead to a vari-
ety of negative environmental impacts, as well as conventional urea is subsidized by the Indian gov-
economic losses for farmers (Stevens 1979). How- ernment (Kishore et al. 2021), NU is excluded from
ever, only the latter form of N loss from soils is a the subsidies (Kumar et al. 2021a; Baboo 2021;
major problem for the usage of bulk urea. There- Press Trust of India Ltd. 2023b). Potentially, this
fore, urease inhibitors or fertilizer coatings are fre- allows the Indian government to save money when
quently used nowadays in order to prevent N loss conventional urea is replaced by NU (Kumar et al.
to the atmosphere as ammonia (Klimczyk et al. 2021c; Press Trust of India Ltd. 2023b). Per unit of

times the price of conventional urea (225 ₹ for 0,02

2021). It has been suggested that nanotechnology N sold to Indian farmers, NU is approximately 1000

kg N versus 242 ₹ for 20.7 kg N) (Kumar 2021b;

can enhance nutrient uptake by plants, and reduce
their loss through leaching and volatilization (Iavi-
coli et al. 2017; Seleiman et al. 2021). However, IFFCO 2022). Therefore, farmers save expenses
this has not been investigated for NU. The N field only as long as the efficiency of the product as a fer-
balance for NU is not established, and the loss of tilizer has been proven to be at least 1045 times as
N per unit N applied remains to be elucidated. high as for conventional urea. As discussed above,
One could assume lower environmental impacts this is currently far from being proven. Some stud-
of NU due to its supposedly high efficiency and ies present increases in the economic returns of
lower necessity for N application. However, as farmers per land unit cultivated under application of
discussed above, these claims are not sufficiently NU, but the basis for the calculations (e.g. market
documented. prices) were not specified and therefore impossi-
As stated by IFFCO, NU was tested for bio- ble to elucidate (e.g., Kumar et al. 2020a, b; Tiwari
toxicity according to the “Guidelines for Evalua- et al. 2021).
tion of Nano-Based-Agri-Input & Food products The price of NU has already enforced a socio-
in India 2020” released by the Department of Bio- economic crisis: Sri Lanka has been suffering from
technology, government of India (IFFCO 2022). a severe economic crisis since 2020, which brought
IFFCO provides a product safety assessment sheet the government to reduce expenses spent on synthetic
meant to document the non-toxicity and biosafety fertilizers by rashly shifting to organic agriculture in
of the product to a variety of organisms, as well 2021 (Wipulasena and Mashal 2021; Torrella 2022).
as soil and water quality in line with several inter- In combination with high fuel prices, this has lead
national guidelines (Kumar et al. 2021b; IFFCO to large scale yield losses and rising food insecurity
2022). However, the sources do neither contain since 2022 (UN/OCHA 2023), culminating in riots
information about the laboratories in charge for calmed only by military forces and the president flee-
the testing, nor about the procedures used for the ing from the country (Mashal 2022). Remarkably, the
tests, nor about detailed test results. Risks attached Sri Lankan government had purchased Nano Nitrogen

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by IFFCO in the course of the crisis in 2021 at a price 2. Choose control treatments that fit the conclusions
4 times as high as on the Indian market (Nilar 2022). to be drawn
Later, it turned out that the purchased Nano Nitrogen It is essential to set and state a clear reference point
was in fact NU (Kumar 2021a; Ileperuma 2021). In (control treatment) to which the treatment is
2022, these procedures were questioned by the politi- superior or mediocre to. In field testings, the con-
cal opposition in an audit report and required the Sri trol treatments are typically a plot not receiving
Lankan minister of external affairs to resolve the disa- N fertilizer and a plot reflecting best practice fer-
greements with India (Nilar 2022). tilization for a given crop cultivated on a specific
soil type and location.
3. Describe materials and methods properly
What is the way forward? Materials and methods for field trials must contain
proper information about which products (includ-
Based on the above, it seems necessary and acute ing detailed description of NP composition) were
that independent bodies conduct scientific research applied to a specific crop cultivar.
on whether NU has a positive impact on plant growth 4. Make an adequate amount of randomized repeti-
and to which extent. Its functional properties at tions and apply statistics
plant physiological level (i.e. uptake and assimila- When drawing quantitative information from a field
tion mechanisms), and assessments of environmental trial, it is necessary to design the experiment in
risks, toxicity, and life cycle assessments (LCA) must a way that allows proper statistical evaluation
be performed and made available to the public. We of the obtained results. Therefore, an adequate
propose to follow the framework listed below to prove amount of randomized repetitions (typically n>3)
that the nanofertilizer has the positive yield responses for each treatment and control are necessary. The
expected. Secondly, we refer to (Pérez-de-Luque experiment should span several years, and a wide
2017; Seleiman et al. 2021; Husted et al. 2023), as range of soils and growing conditions. Statistical
these publications describe which details must be tests must be reported to ensure that the observed
known in order to understand uptake and assimila- effects are indeed: i) significantly different, ii)
tion of NPs as fertilizers at the mechanistic level. reproducible over time and between seasons, and
Thirdly, potential environmental risks associated with iii) excluding type I errors expected in nature.
the agricultural use of NPs are reported in literature,
and frameworks are provided in order to assess them
properly (Iavicoli et al. 2017; de Oliveira Pereira Conclusion
et al. 2020). These guidelines should be followed, and
results should be transparent to the public. In addi- NU is a novel N fertilizer recently marketed by India’s
tion, LCAs may allow to justify claims on environ- largest fertilizer manufacturer (IFFCO) in a way that
mental friendliness of a product (Hasler et al. 2015). suggests its effect and sustainability have been sci-
Based on authoritative publications (Karamanos entifically proven. We challenge this presentation by
et al. 2014; Davis et al. 2017; Hochmuth et al. 2022), questioning and comparing the claims with the exist-
we selected four central criteria that must be met in ing scientific literature from well-reputed journals. We
order to document the superiority of nano based N conclude, that NU is a scarcely characterized product
fertilizers in the field: with no or poor scientifically proven effects. The prod-
uct is promoted with misleading and wrong statements
1. The field study must be conducted on an N about its efficiency as a fertilizer, plant uptake path-
responsive soil ways, and environmental friendliness. With the doubts
The plant-availability of soil-derived N during the about the effect of NU in mind, the price of the product
experimental period must be sufficiently low to seems excessively high. Reported economic benefits
induce deficiency and a yield response if ferti- for farmers applying NU suffer from the absence of a
lized. Preferably several levels of N additions solid basis for the calculations. We do not stand alone
should be used in order to reflect the yield- with these doubts (Saklani et al. 2022), and some criti-
response curve for N at the experimental site. cal voices have recently been raised in India as well,

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