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Chapter 5: Basic rules, right of way and traffic regulations

What is the right thing to do?right

I have to give way to the motorcycle

I have to give way to the yellow car
I may drive out before the yellow car

What is correct in this situation?right

Traffic turning right may proceed

Traffic continuing ahead may proceed
Traffic turning left may proceed

At which places where there are no traffic signs regulating
priority does the rule "right before left" apply?right
At junctions with sunken kerbstone
At junctions of farm tracks or forest tracks with other roads
At crossroads and junctions

Which of these is a good example of "anticipatory driving"?

I respond as soon as possible to probable changes in the road traffic
I limit my observation of road traffic as much as possible on the vehicle
travelling directly in front of me
I attempt to identify the intentions of other road users, as soon as

How should you behave in this situation?false

Stop on the stop line

Pass through the crossing without stopping
Stop on the line of sight

You are approaching a crossroads where the priority situation

is not clear to you straightaway. What do you do?false
Always proceed when driving straight ahead
Wait, observe and come to an agreement with others, if necessary

Proceed according to the rule "right before left"

You want to continue driving straight ahead. What is the right

course of action?right

I overtake the vehicle alongside me and switch lanes

I remain waiting in my lane
I move to the right if there is sufficient space in the traffic

What is the right course of action?false

I may
- be the first to make my turn
- turn before the yellow car
- only turn after the motorcycle

What should you understand by defensive driving?false

Not insisting on your rights
Stopping as a precaution at every crossroads
Allowing for other people's mistakes

You are travelling at a speed of approximately 40 km/h. The

lights change from "green" to "amber" when you are 40 m
away. What do you do?right

Where should a vehicle stop at these traffic lights with green

arrow sign?right

At the stop line
There is no need to stop
Before the crossing or junction if there is no stop line

You are entering a public road e.g. from a field or building site
and considerably soil the road. Who is responsible for
eliminating this traffic obstruction?right
You, as you have caused it
The persons living along this section of the road
The competent road-building authority

What is the right course of action?false

I may proceed before the delivery truck
I have to allow the motorbike through
I may only proceed after the delivery truck

What is the right course of action?right

I have to give way to the red car

I may be the first to proceed
I have to give way to the tram

What is the right course of action?right

I have to allow the blue truck to pass through

I have to allow the tractor to turn
The blue truck has to allow me to pass through

What is the right course of action?right

I have to allow the tram to pass through

I have to allow the green vehicle to pass through

The tram must allow me to make the turn first

What is the right thing to do?false

I give way to the green car

I turn left before the green car
I have to allow the red car to pass

What can cause unnecessary obstructions?right

Stalling the engine in dense traffic
Motor vehicles breaking down because they have run out of fuel
Vehicles proceeding too slowly for no good reason

What is the right course of action?false

I may make the turn before the blue car
I have to allow the green tractor to pass
I have to allow the blue car to pass through

What must you pay attention to when turning right?right

To the motorbike
To the tractor
To vehicles coming from the left

Why should you brake hard now?right

Because of the truck
Because of the tractor
Because of the car

Participation in road traffic requires caution at all times and

consideration towards other road users. What does this mean
for you?false
You must
- insist on your right of priority at all times
- drive with foresight
- reckon with improper conduct on the part of others

What is the right course of action?false

I move
- before the two cars
- after the blue car
- after the two cars

What is the right course of action?false

The red truck has to wait

I have to wait

What is correct?right

Wait at the crossroads

Turn without stopping

What is correct in this situation?right

I have to allow the red vehicle the right of way

I have to signal a left-turn
The red vehicle has to wait

What is true of permanently illuminated signs?false

Permanently illuminated signs apply to multi-track motor vehicles only

Permanently illuminated signs either block lanes or open them up to
Vehicles may not stop at the side of carriageways with permanently
illuminated signs

What do you do when you see this traffic sign?false

Observe the traffic coming from the right only

Be ready to brake
Reduce speed

What can present a danger?false

Vehicle in a spectacular colour
Worn tyres
Headlights set too high

You are travelling at a speed of approximately 40 km/h. The

lights change from "green" to "amber" when you are 10 m
away. What do you do?false

Where must you wait?false

Level with the traffic lights
At the stop line
At the point where you can see along the intersecting road (sight line)

What is the right course of action?right

I have to allow the blue car to pass through

I may drive through

Which defects of a vehicle can result in a danger for road

Worn tyres
Defective rear lamps
Insufficient braking effect

In what sequence may each continue driving?false

The cyclist, the white delivery van, me
Me, the cyclist, the white delivery van
The cyclist, me, the white delivery van

What is correct?false

The yellow car must leave the crossroads

I can turn now
I must get ready to proceed

You want to turn left and the lights are "green". On your left
there is a tram wanting to proceed straight ahead. What is
The tram must wait
You must wait
You must come to an agreement since there are no rules for this

What is the right course of action?right

The blue car has to allow me to turn

I have to allow the blue car to pass through
I have to allow the cyclist to turn

What is the right course of action?false

I may be the first to pass through the junction

I have to allow the green car to turn
I have to allow the cyclist to turn

What should you do?right

Slow down
Continue driving

A police officer is regulating the traffic at a crossroads even

though the traffic lights are in operation. What applies?right
The police officer's signals
The traffic signs governing priority
The traffic light signals

What applies here?right

Turning off is prohibited

You must wait for further signals from the police officer before the
crossroads may be entered
The crossroads may be crossed

What do you have to be aware of when you see this traffic sign

The direction of traffic to the left is prescribed

If I am following the priority road, I have to signal a left-turn
If I continue driving straight ahead, I have to signal a right-turn

What is the right course of action?right

I have to allow right of way to the orange tractor
I have to allow right of way to the yellow van
I may drive through

What is the right thing to do?false

I have to give way to the motorcycle

I may drive out before the blue car
I have to give way to the blue car

What can cause a dangerous situation?right

Disturbed reception of traffic information on the radio
Too much steering-wheel play
Brakes which engage heavily on one side

What is correct in this situation?right

At the next junction

- the "right-before-left" right-of-way rule applies
- I have right of way
- a traffic-calming zone ends

What is the right course of action?right

I have to allow the cyclist to pass through

I forgo my right of way so as to not block the junction
I may turn left before the cyclist

Who is required to indicate?false

The blue truck
The red car

What must you be aware of here?right

Of vehicles speeding

That junctions will not be noticed
That children may run onto the road

In what sequence may each continue driving?right

Me, the cyclist, the yellow car

The cyclist, the yellow car, me
The cyclist, me, the yellow car

What do you do?right

Reduce speed and, if necessary, stop
Proceed, pulling over onto the pavement
Speed up and proceed since the oncoming traffic must wait

What is the right course of action?false

I allow the motorcycle to turn before me

I am the first to proceed
I allow the blue car to turn

Who has priority?right

The green tractor
The red car

What is the right course of action?right

I have to allow the cyclist to pass through

The cyclist has to allow me to pass
I may proceed before the green car

What is the right course of action?false

I may make the turn in front of the cyclist

I have to allow the cyclist to pass through
The blue truck may proceed first

What is the right course of action?right

I move first
I have to allow the red truck to pass through

What is the right course of action?right

I may make the turn before the green vehicle

I have to allow the blue vehicle to pass
I have to allow the green vehicle to pass through

What is the right course of action?false

I have to allow the bus to pass through

I have to allow the motorcycle to pass through
I take priority before the motorcycle

Which are the areas you must not drive into when there is
traffic congestion?false
Pedestrian crossings
Bus stops with "zig-zag lines"

What is the right course of action?false

I have to allow the cyclist to pass through

I may make the turn in front of the cyclist
I have to wait at the stop line

What must you be aware of here?right

I have to
- indicate when entering the roundabout
- continue to break
- give the car right of way

What is the right course of action?false

I am the first to proceed

I allow the motorcycle to turn before me
I allow the yellow truck to turn

At which places where there are no traffic signs regulating

priority does the rule "right before left" apply?right
At crossroads and junctions
At driveways
At the end of a traffic calmed area

What should you do?right

Continue driving
Slow down

What is the right course of action?false

I move
- after the blue truck
- after the yellow car
- before the yellow car

What is the right course of action?false

I have to allow the yellow van to pass through
I take priority before the truck
I have to allow the truck to pass through

Who is required to wait?false

The tractor that is exiting the dirt track

I have to wait

The traffic lights are on flashing amber. What is the correct

Wait until the lights change

Approach with greater caution, giving way if necessary

You would like to cross over a priority road. The view to both
sides is very restricted due to parked vehicles. What should
you do?right
I carefully ease my way into the junction
I sound my horn to warn crossing traffic
I quickly cross over the junction

What is the right course of action?right

I may pass through the junction before the blue car
I have to wait

What do these permanently illuminated signs mean?false

Vehicles travelling in lane

- 1 may continue driving on it
- 2 must change to the right-side lane
- 3 and lane 4 must stop

What is the right course of action?right

Slow down
Swerve to the left

What is the right course of action?right

I may drive through

I have to allow the red truck to pass through

You want to drive straight ahead. What should you do?false

I stop
- at the stop line
- between the yellow and the blue vehicle
- directly behind the yellow vehicle

What is the right course of action?false

I have to allow the tram to pass through

The tram must allow me to make the turn first

I have to allow the motorcycle to pass through

What is the right course of action now?right

I continue driving as before

I move into the left-hand lane
I continue braking

What is the right course of action?false

I have to allow the bus to pass through

I take priority before the bus
I have to allow the motorcycle to pass through

What do you have to do in this traffic situation?right

I have to
- stop only if there is cross-wise moving traffic
- stop only at the stop sign
- stop at the stop line and give way

What is correct in this situation?false

I have to reduce my speed
The truck has right of way
The truck has to wait

What is the right course of action?right

I may not stop and wait on the rails

I have to allow the tram to pass through
I have to allow the tractor to pass through

What must you do upon seeing this traffic sign?right

I have to
- stop only if there is a stop line
- stop and give way
- stop only if there is cross-wise moving traffic

You are approaching a traffic light which has been "green" for
some time. What do you do?false
Watch the traffic light closely
Accelerate even though the speed limit is exceeded
Approach but be ready to stop

How should you behave in this situation?false

Stop on the line of sight

Stop on the stop line
Pass through the crossing without stopping

What is the right course of action?right

I have to allow right of way to the blue car

I may drive through
I have to allow right of way to the green car

You want to turn right at these traffic lights with a green arrow
sign. What is the right course of action?false

I have to ensure that other road users are not impeded

I may turn right into any lane
I stop before the junction

What is the right course of action?false

I move
- after the blue truck
- after the two trucks
- before the two trucks

What is the right course of action?false

I move
- after the motorcycle
- after the yellow bus
- before the yellow bus

Who is required to indicate?right

The blue truck

The red car

Which are the areas you must not drive into when there is
traffic congestion?false
Level crossings

The cyclist wants to continue straight ahead. What is the right

course of action here?false

I remain behind the cyclist
I overtake the cyclist

What is the right course of action?right

I have to wait
The cyclist has to wait
What is correct?right

Wait at the crossroads for further instructions from the police officer
Cross the crossroads at a brisk pace

What is the right course of action?false

I have to
- give way to the bus
- give way to the green car
- stop on the stop line

What does this traffic road sign mean?false

Priority road
No parking on the carriageway outside of settlements

You want to turn left. Who is required to wait?right

The blue vehicle has to wait

I have to wait

In which situations are you not allowed to enter a junction
even though the traffic light is green?right
If the sign "Stop. Give way" is displayed at the junction
If I would have to stop in the middle of the junction because the traffic
is backing up
If asked to stop by a police officer

What is the right course of action?right

The motorbike is obliged to wait

I have to wait

What do you do upon seeing this traffic sign?false

I approach at a moderate speed ready to brake

I allow the cross-wise moving traffic the right of way
If I am turning right, I am not obliged to wait

Which traffic sign gives right of way at the next crossroads?


Traffic sign 3
Traffic sign 2
Traffic sign 1

What is the right course of action?right

I have to allow the cyclist to turn
I have to allow the red truck to turn
I may be the first to pass through the junction

What is the right thing to do?false

I turn left before the motorcyclist

I have to allow the blue van to pass
I give way to the motorcyclist

A police officer is regulating the traffic at a crossroads where

there are also traffic signs governing priority. What applies?
The police officer's signals
The traffic signs governing priority

The rule "right before left"

Why is it possible that vehicle drivers do not take notice of the

"Give way" sign?false

The layout of the road creates the impression of a priority road

The continuous lighting gives rise to the assumption of having the right
of way at the junction
Parked vehicles partially conceal the intersection

Who is required to indicate a change of driving direction here?


The oncoming bus


In what instances may you not enter a junction, even though
you have right of way?false
If I
- would have to wait in the junction because the traffic in my direction
is backing up
- want to turn left and would have to wait in the junction because of
oncoming traffic
- would impede a vehicle with flashing blue lights and siren

What is permitted at these traffic lights with green arrow sign?


Turn right without stopping

Turn right from the right lane after having stopped first, when there is
no obstruction or danger to others
Turn right only when the traffic lights are green

You want to continue driving straight ahead. What is the right

course of action?false

I remain waiting in my lane
I overtake the vehicle alongside me and switch lanes
I move to the right if there is sufficient space in the traffic

What is correct in this situation?right

Traffic continuing ahead may proceed

Traffic turning right may proceed
Traffic turning left may proceed

What is the right course of action?false

I have to allow the cyclist to pass through
I have to allow the tractor to pass through
I may make the turn before the cyclist

What is the right course of action?right

I have to allow the cyclist to pass through

I have to allow the motorcyclist to pass through
I may make the turn before the cyclist

What is the right course of action?right

Slow down
Swerve to the left

Why are you required to stop here?false

Because of the cyclist

Because of the pedestrian

Because of the green car

What is the right course of action?right

I have to allow the yellow car to turn

I have to allow the red bus to pass through
The red bus has to allow me to pass through

What is the right course of action?false

I have right of way ahead of the blue car

I have to allow right of way to the blue car
I have to allow right of way to the red car

What should you do?false

Come to a stop in the central divide, where the other car is stopped
Turn smoothly, so as not to impede following traffic
Stop before the left turn and keep the central divide clear

What must you pay attention to when turning right?false

To vehicles coming from the left
To the motorbike
To the lorry

Where must you wait?right

Level with the traffic lights

At the stop line
At the point where you can see along the intersecting road (sight line)

What is the right course of action?right

I have to
- give way to the bus
- stop on the stop line
- give way to the cyclist

What is the right course of action?right

I have to wait
The red tractor has to wait

What is the right course of action?right

I have to allow the cyclist to pass through
The cyclist has to allow me to pass
I may proceed before the motorcycle

What is correct in this situation?right

I have to allow the motorbike the right of way

I have to signal a left-turn

The motorbike has to wait

What is the right course of action?false

I take priority before the bus

I have to allow the bus to pass through
I have to allow the motorcycle to pass through

What does this traffic sign combination indicate?false

100 m ahead is a traffic sign saying

- "Give way."
- "Give way to oncoming traffic"
- "Stop. Give way."

What is the right course of action?right

The blue car is obliged to wait

I have to wait

What ends here?false

A priority road

All previous zonal prohibitions
A controlled parking zone

What is the right course of action?right

I may pass through the junction before the motorbike

I have to wait

Who is required to indicate a change of driving direction here?


The oncoming car

What should you anticipate?right

A vehicle driving past the bus

That I will have to stop at the junction
Pedestrians crossing the road

What do you have to particularly remember at crossroads and

junctions in a built-up area?right
Intersecting roads may have priority even though they are narrow and
less well developed
A better developed road always has priority
The rule "right before left" applies without exception at all crossroads
and junctions

You are driving in a built-up area behind a vehicle with number

plates that are not local. What could happen?false
The driver in front
- could brake unexpectedly
- may switch on the direction indicators too late before turning
- could stop unexpectedly to ask the way

What does this traffic sign indicate?right

- at all crossroads and junctions on this road
- as far as the urban limit
- only at the next crossroads or junction

Why are you required to stop here?right

Because of the red car

Because of the pedestrian
Because of the cyclist

What is the right course of action?right

I may not stop and wait on the rails

I have to allow the tram to pass through
I have to allow the tractor to pass through

Who has priority?right

The white delivery van

The blue car

What must you be aware of here?right

That children may run onto the road
Of vehicles speeding
That junctions will not be noticed

What is the right course of action?false

I may be the first to proceed

I have to give way to the tram
I have to give way to the yellow truck

What do these signals indicate?right

You may use the two lanes on the left for overtaking only
You may not use the two lanes on the left
The two lanes on the right are open to traffic

What is the right course of action?right

I may only proceed after the blue truck

I may proceed before the blue truck
I have to allow the red car to pass through

What is the right course of action now?false

I drive through the junction quickly, because "yellow" is displayed

I wait at the stop line for the next set of green lights
I allow any cross traffic the right of way

What is the right course of action?false

I may
- turn before the motorcycle
- be the first to make my turn
- only turn after the yellow bus

ou come to a stop unexpectedly on a pedestrian crossing. What

do you do?false
Move half onto the footpath in order to clear the crossing
Move slightly forward or backward in order to clear the crossing as
quickly as possible
Reverse under no circumstances, even though the roadway is clear
behind you

What is the right course of action?right

I have to wait at the line of sight

I have to wait
The cyclist has to wait

What is the right course of action?right

I have to allow the yellow car to pass through
I move first

Which traffic sign gives right of way?right

Traffic sign 3
Traffic sign 1
Traffic sign 2

You are driving along a priority road. Which traffic sign ends
your right of way?right


What do you have to watch out for, when crossing a priority
I watch out for
- the speed and the distance of the cross traffic
- the weather conditions
- the width of the priority road

How important are instructions from police officers?false

They must be obeyed
They release you from your own duty to take care
They must be obeyed only if they tally with the traffic signs installed

What should you anticipate?right

A vehicle driving past the bus

Pedestrians crossing the road
That I will have to stop at the junction

What is the right course of action?right

I have to allow right of way to the motorcycle
I have right of way ahead of the motorcycle
I have to allow right of way to the white transporter

Who is required to wait?right

The car that is exiting the dirt track

I have to wait

What is the right course of action?right

The green car has to wait

I have to wait

All vehicles have been waiting at the junction for a few

seconds. What should you do in this situation?false

I am the first to drive to the centre of the junction, where I stop

I use clear hand signals to forego my right of way

I am the first to pass through the junction

The cyclist wants to continue straight ahead. What is the right

course of action here?right

I overtake the cyclist

I remain behind the cyclist

Who must signal a change of direction here?right

I myself

The motorcycle
No one

The traffic light has just changed to yellow. What is the right
course of action if you are turning left?right

I have to
- stop
- turn

How could a dangerous situation arise?false

By having lights turned on during day
Through failure to maintain suitable speed
Through vehicles at a standstill

What is correct in this situation?false

I must allow the oncoming traffic to pass through
I have to wait in the centre of the junction
I may turn unimpeded

What can cause a dangerous situation?right

Dipping your headlights too late
Driving too far behind the vehicle in front
Cutting corners

What do you have to do in this traffic situation?right

I have to
- stop only if there is cross-wise moving traffic
- not stop, because there is no stop line
- stop at the line of sight and give way


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