Chapter 8

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8: Speed, spacing and environment friendly driving

What should you anticipate in this situation?false

Fast oncoming traffic cutting the corner

Wild animals crossing the road
Slow-moving vehicle on my side of the road

What must you do to avoid endangering others by equipment or

load which has fallen off your vehicle?right
Depending on the situation,
- remove the parts yourself
- secure the danger spot and immediately inform the road service or
- proceed and inform the nearest municipal office

The red lorry wants to turn left. What is the right course of
action if the lorry fails to stop?false

I reduce my speed
I waive my right of way
I sound my horn and continue driving as before

The road is icy for a short distance. What should you avoid
here, if possible?right
Steering wheel movements

What must you reckon with when it starts raining after a long
period of dry weather?false
A dangerous greasy film on the surface of the road
Shorter braking distance
Bad visibility immediately upon switching the windscreen wipers on

Was erleichtert das Fahren im Kolonnenverkehr?Falsch

Leicht versetztes Fahren im eigenen Fahrstreifen
Fahren mit ständig eingeschaltetem Warnblinklicht
Das Beobachten der Kolonne durch die Scheiben der Vorausfahrenden

What must you be prepared for in this situation?right

An uneven and dirty roadway

Workers and construction equipment on the roadway
Police regulating traffic

The white car wants to turn left. What is the right course of
action if the car fails to stop?right

I waive my right of way

I reduce my speed
I sound my horn and continue driving as before

What must you be prepared for upon seeing this traffic sign?

For aircraft overhead
For side winds
For counter-steering

Sie fahren 50 km/h, haben 1 Sekunde Reaktionszeit und führen

eine normale Bremsung durch. Wie lang ist der Anhalteweg
nach der Faustformel?Falsch

Antwort: m
50/10*3 = 15 + 50/10*50/10 = 15+25 = 40

You are entering a public road e.g. from a field or building site
and considerably soil the road. Who is responsible for
eliminating this traffic obstruction?right
The persons living along this section of the road
The competent road-building authority
You, as you have caused it

What must you look out for when the traffic lights turn green?

For the pedestrian
For the motorbike
For oncoming traffic

You double the speed at which you are travelling. How does
this affect the braking distance?right

Answer: It is times as long

The vehicle’s speed (quadratic increase; “raised to the power of 2”):
 2 x higher speed = 4 x longer braking distance.
 3 x higher speed = 9 x longer braking distance.

What must you be prepared for here?right

A vehicle coming from the right
An extended braking distance

A narrowed carriageway

What must you be prepared for here?right

A narrowed carriageway

A vehicle coming from the right

An extended braking distance

What could cause the vehicle to leave the road?right



You are driving on a narrow road. About 20 m ahead of you a

child suddenly runs onto the roadway. When is a collision
unavoidable despite emergency braking?false
At a speed of

50 km/h
30 km/h

20 km/h

When is it sensible to switch off a combustion engine?false

When stopping at intersections with a stop sign

When loading and unloading the vehicle

During lengthy waits at rail crossings

What could cause a fast travelling motor vehicle suddenly to

veer sideways on a dry straight road?right
It is suddenly hit by a gust of strong side wind
A burst tyre

Sudden headwind

You increase your speed from 50 km/h to 100 km/h. How does
the reaction distance change in accordance with the rule of
It is quadrupled from 25 m to 100 m

It is doubled from 15 m to 30 m
It is halved from 50 m to 25 m

How is avoidable noise caused?right

By "playing" with the accelerator when standing still

By sounding your horn when in danger

By driving with a defective exhaust

Why does driving on this stretch of road require greater
alertness on the part of the motorist?false

Driving on the tracks is dangerous

The road surface is uneven and road grip varies

A tram might come from the opposite direction

What should you do to protect the environment?false


- waiting for prolonged periods, I should switch off the engine

- a lot of smoke is coming from the exhaust, I should arrange for the
motor vehicle to be checked
- driving, I should use the upper engine speed range

Why should you avoid driving off at a rapid pace?right

Because this is a great strain on the rear brake

Because of heavier tyre wear

Because the noise you cause annoys others

You are travelling at 50 km/h and brake normally. What is the
braking distance according to the rule of thumb?right

Answer: m

What should you anticipate?right

Cross-wise moving traffic before the summit

A dangerous left-hand bend

An obstacle situated around the corner

When should you switch off the engine to save fuel and reduce
When you have to wait at level crossings or building sites

When you stop at a "STOP" sign

When you have to wait in a traffic jam for a long time

What is important to avoid pollution and to save energy when

Wash the engine regularly, at least four times a year

Check the fuel consumption regularly

Have the engine tuning checked regularly

What must you do if your vehicle is caught by a strong side

Steer against the wind
Accelerate rapidly

Reduce speed

You turn from a brightly lit road into an unlit road. What do you
have to bear in mind?right
Eyes adapt only slowly to darkness
Your eyes have already adapted to the darkness when you turned off

Obstructions are harder to make out than before

What is correct in this situation?right

At this point

- a deviation ends

- a built-up area starts

- a built-up area ends

Other road users draw your attention to the persistent thick

smoke coming from your exhaust. What do you have to do?
Change up gears early

Change down gears early

Have the vehicle promptly checked

A strong side wind is blowing from the right. When are you
particularly exposed to danger when overtaking?false

When you leave the slipstream of the truck

When you change lane after overtaking

When you enter the slipstream of the truck

What can cause in aquaplaning (sliding on wet roads) on wet

road surfaces?false
Worn tyres

Grooves in the roadway

High speed

What must you do?right

Drive slowly because children might run out from between the parked
vehicles at any time
Drive slowly because a door on one of the vehicles could be opened on
the roadway side

Drive at the permitted maximum speed because there is no actual

apparent danger

You are travelling at 100 km/h, have a reaction time of 1

second, and brake normally. What is the stopping distance
according to the rule of thumb?right

Answer: m

Why must you drive with particular caution here?right

Because the roadway is made narrower by the wrongly parked car

Because the view is obscured by the bend

Because the roadway is slippery

What increases the danger of "flying out" of a bend when

driving at high speed?false

Disengaging the clutch

How do you drive with consideration to the environment?right

Avoid unnecessary acceleration and unnecessary braking

Always accelerate to the maximum when the traffic light changes to


Decelerate in good time and use the momentum of the car when the
next traffic light is on red

What can cause unnecessary noise pollution when driving?right

Driving at low revolutions per minute

A defective exhaust

Unnecessarily fast acceleration

You are travelling at 30 km/h. According to the rule of thumb,

the braking distance is 9 metres when braking normally. How
long is the braking distance under the same conditions when
travelling at 60 km/h?right
27 m

36 m
18 m

Where must you anticipate dangerous situations suddenly

After hilltops

In forested areas
In front of schools

You are driving in fog on the autobahn and have 50 m visibility.

What is the maximum speed you may drive?right
90 km/h

70 km/h

50 km/h

What should you do after starting the vehicle?false

I should

- drive at low engine speeds where possible

- drive off as promptly as possible

- if possible, allow the engine of the stationary vehicle to warm up

Why must you be particularly careful here?false

Because there is an increased danger of skidding when braking
Because a vehicle could come from the right

Because the car coming from the left has priority

You are driving on a new road through a woodland area. What must you reckon
There is no reason to expect accidents involving game animals on new

An obstruction caused by an accident involving a game animal

Game animals unexpectedly crossing the roadway

What can be the causes of rear-end collisions?false

Driving too close behind the vehicle in front


Unexpectedly heavy braking

How can you drive fuel-efficiently when travelling at a constant

By driving at a high engine speed

By using cruise control

By driving at a low engine speed

What does the distance to be maintained from the vehicle

ahead depend on?right
State of the road surface

Visibility conditions

Several deer run across the road in front of your vehicle. What
must you reckon with?right
There is no reason to expect any more animals

The herd may come back and cross the road again

There could be stragglers following the herd

Why is it beneficial to use low viscosity engine oil?right

Because these oils

- can be disposed of as household waste

- reduce fuel consumption

- generate less friction in the engine

Are you allowed to drive at a speed faster than 60 km/h here?


Yes, if the roadway is wet

Yes, if the roadway is dry

What should you do?right

I perform the overtaking manoeuvre cautiously

I perform the overtaking manoeuvre quickly

I abort the overtaking manoeuvre

You are travelling at 50 km/h and have a reaction time of 1

second. What is the reaction distance according to the rule of

Answer: m

What influences the degree of centrifugal force on bends?right


The radius of the bend


What must you be aware of here?right

That you only detect oncoming vehicles after it is too late

That the traffic lights are hardly distinct from the coloured signs

That your vehicle will not be seen in time

When is there a danger of underestimating your own speed?

When the roadside features (trees, houses, fences) are constantly

When you have already been driving at high speed for some time

When the road is wide and there are no trees, buildings, fences etc. at
the edge of the road

What must you be prepared for upon seeing this traffic sign?

For an alteration in the responsiveness of the vehicle

For the necessity for counter-steering

For the necessity for adjusting speed

What can result from driving for a long time at high speed?false
Your reactions improve

You lose your feel for speed

You drive too close to vehicles in front

When leaving a built-up area, both you and the vehicle

approximately 15 m ahead of you increase speed from 50 km/h
to 100 km/h. How should you change the safety distance
between you and the vehicle ahead?right
The safety distance should

- increase to at least 50 m
- remain the same

- increase to at least 25 m

What must you do on encountering sudden dense fog driving at

Adapt speed immediately to visibility conditions
Only switch on parking lights

Switch on dipped headlights

Why is it necessary to maintain a larger safety distance to the

vehicle ahead?false

Because the braking distance is longer than on a dry road

Because uneven areas of the road will otherwise be detected later

Because spray water could otherwise impede visibility

What must you watch out for when you drive into an
underground car park?false
My eyes need to adjust to the change in lighting conditions
Pedestrians frequently walk on vehicle lanes

My tyres could get damaged by narrow entrances and exits

What indicates excessive petrol consumption due to high wear

or wrong tuning of the engine?right
A lot of dark exhaust smoke
Condensation water from the exhaust

You are driving on a rural road. A line of approximately 15 slow-

moving vehicles is travelling in front of you. What should you
I overtake the line of vehicles as quickly as possible

I flash my lights and sound my horn to urge vehicles ahead to overtake

I remain behind the line of vehicles for the moment

When must a car with trailer driving outside built-up areas on

roads with only one lane for each direction keep a sufficient
distance from the car in front so that an overtaking vehicle
may pull in?false

Answer: When the combination of vehicles exceeds m


You are driving through city traffic in rush hour. What are the
effects of stop-and-go driving?false
My vehicle

- consumes more fuel

- creates more exhaust gases

- creates more nuisances for others

What are the effects of driving at high speed in motor vehicles

with combustion engines?right
The noise level is reduced

The emission of harmful substances increases

Fuel consumption increases

What must you be prepared for in this situation?right

That traffic signs are concealed behind the truck

That oncoming traffic will appear

That the truck driver will jump down onto the carriageway

What is the rule of thumb when calculating the braking

distance for evasive braking on a dry, even and asphalted
(((speed in km/h) / 10) x ((speed in km/h) / 10)) / 2
(((speed in km/h) / 10) x 5) / 2

(((speed in km/h) / 10) x 3) / 2

Why could overtaking be dangerous here?right

Slush could be thrown up and impair visibility

Because beneath the slush there could also be ice on the road

There is still slush on the overtaking lane

You want to overtake cyclists on a narrow road. The width of

the road means that the maximum possible space between
them and the car is 50 cm. What should you do?false
I give a short warning signal before overtaking

I refrain from overtaking

I overtake at a moderate speed

By which rule of thumb can you determine the braking distance

in metres from speed when braking normally?false
((Speed in km/h) / 10) x 5

((Speed in km/h) / 10) x ((speed in km/h) / 10)

((Speed in km/h) / 10) x 3

You are driving on this road which is not inside a built-up area.
What should you prepare yourself for?false

Pedestrians walking only off the road

Pedestrians using the road

The road is narrow

What is the right course of action?false

I switch to the left lane now

I wait before the obstruction

I continue slowing down

What is the right course of action?false

I switch to the left lane now

I wait before the obstruction

I continue slowing down

The noise of the exhaust has suddenly become louder than

usual. What do you do?false
Check the exhaust system
Renew the engine air filter

Nothing because nobody is endangered

How do you take tight bends?right

Reduce speed before reaching the bend
Reduce speed only when you reach the centre of the bend

Only accelerate again when the road straightens out

How can noise be avoided?right

By driving at high revolutions

By switching off the engine if you have to wait or stop for a longer

If possible, avoid strong acceleration

What should you anticipate?right

That pedestrians will suddenly walk onto the road

That doors of vehicles will be opened

That vehicles will begin moving

What increases the fuel consumption of your vehicle

The use of

- the air-conditioning

- the navigation device

- heated seats

You increase your speed from 50 km/h to 100 km/h. How is the
braking distance changed according to the rule of thumb?right
It is halved from 50 m to 25 m

It is doubled from 15 m to 30 m

It is quadrupled from 25 m to 100 m

There is oil on the road. What should you do now?right

I notify the fire brigade

I avoid heavy braking and abrupt steering movements

I swerve onto the left-hand side of the road

Where must you be prepared to encounter sudden fog?right

Near rivers
Near lakes

In marshy areas

What do you do?right

Brake and move to the right
Proceed without taking action so that the truck is forced to pull back
over to the right

What should you anticipate in this situation?false

That the

- motorcyclist will slow down

- tractor will proceed onto the road

- tractor will wait

What must you do in this situation?right

I do not swerve

I steer to the left

I immediately brake sharply

What is the maximum speed a motor vehicle fitted with snow

chains is allowed to travel?right

Answer: km/h

Where does driving fast often lead to accidents?right

At pedestrian crossings

At crossroads and junctions

On bends

You have been driving at high speed for some time. What
effects can this have?false
Your powers of concentration diminish

You lose your feel for speed

The feel for the right speed on bends grows

What is the maximum speed you are allowed to drive a car with
trailer on roads outside of built-up areas?right

Answer: km/h

You are driving at 80 km/h behind a motor vehicle. What is the

minimum safe distance you must observe?false
A "distance of 2 seconds"
A distance of 15 metres

A "distance of 1 second"

What is the maximum speed a truck with a permissible total

mass of 3.0 t and trailer may be driven on autobahns?false

Answer: km/h

How can you save fuel?right


- driving in a foresighted manner

- removing any non-essential roof boxes etc

- driving with winter tyres the whole year round

What is the permissible top speed generally in built-up areas?


Answer: km/h

What adversely affects road safety here?right

Poor visibility
The dipped headlights of oncoming traffic

Reduced grip of the tyres on the wet roadway

What does this traffic sign indicate?right

I may not drive faster than 60 km/h

There is absolutely no problem in driving at 60 km/h

The recommended minimum speed is 60 km/h

Ahead of the motorbike a car is seeking to reverse on the road.
What should you anticipate?right

That my braking distance will be longer than normal

That the motorbike will suddenly brake

That the car continues to reverse

What must you anticipate with this road sign?right

Vehicles in front of me might slow down sharply

Oncoming traffic might cut the corner

You are nearing a hard right-hand bend

How can you avoid pollution of the environment and benefit

your engine after a cold start?false
Set off at low revolutions per minute without running the engine until it
warms up
Do not accelerate, let the engine warm up while the vehicle is

Accelerate several times when stationary so that a favourable

operation temperature is quickly reached

What should you do now?right

Continue driving as before

Slow down and be ready to brake

Swerve to the left

For which purposes is a horn allowed to be used in built-up

As an overtaking signal

As a calling signal

As a warning signal

You are driving on a country road in darkness and rain and

encounter oncoming vehicles with dipped headlights. What
must you remember?right
You can avoid possible dazzle by switching on full beam
Your wet windscreen can result in your being dazzled

You can be dazzled by reflections on the wet road

What should you do now?right

I steer to the left

I hold the steering wheel straight and firmly

I perform an emergency braking manoeuvre

How can you save fuel?right

Change to a higher gear earlier
Change to a lower gear later

By driving frequently at high revolutions

You are driving quickly along a main road and some distance
ahead you see a deer close to the carriageway. What should
you do?right
I have to

- perform an emergency braking manoeuvre

- reduce speed
- be ready to brake

What does the braking distance depend on?right

The condition of the

- tyres
- road surface

- braking system

You are travelling at 40 km/h. The braking distance for evasive

braking is approximately 8 metres. How long is the braking
distance at 50 km/h given otherwise the same conditions?right
12.5 m
9.5 m

11.0 m

What could make this situation become hazardous?false

The motorcyclist

Oncoming traffic
The tractor

You are driving with dipped headlights on a main road. Within
what distance must you be able to stop?right
Within the range of the

- dipped headlights
- side lights

- main beam lights

How can you save fuel?right

By removing roof racks or ski racks

Avoid driving in top gear

By observing at least the tyre pressure indicated in the owner's manual

What should you anticipate in this situation?right

That the

- motorcyclist will slow down

- tractor will proceed onto the road

- tractor will wait

What should you do when you approach this traffic sign?false

Avoid the uneven patches by making sudden steering wheel

Reduce your speed

Increase your speed

Your vehicle loses oil. How much drinking water can be

polluted by a single drop of oil?right
Up to

1 litre

50 litres

600 litres

At which time of the day do you have to reckon with increased

game pass?false
At noon

At dusk
At dawn

While driving, how can you safely check whether the road is
By jerking the steering wheel to the left and right

By rapid acceleration

By carefully applying the brakes at very low speed

Why might driving along this road become dangerous?false

Because persons on the road can be easily overlooked
Because oncoming vehicles will only be detected very late

Because poorly lit vehicles can be difficult to detect

You are driving in dense fog on a federal road (Bundesstraße)

outside a built-up area. Are you allowed to drive in the middle
of the road continuously straddling the broken white line?right
No, because it could represent a danger to oncoming traffic
Yes, because it reduces the risk of running off the road

Yes, if fog headlamps and rear fog lamps are switched on

What should you know about using the rear-view mirror?false

Rear-view mirrors must be adjusted to the particular driver

I am unable to see vehicles and pedestrians in the blind spot

The interior mirror has no blind spot to the right-side

What should you anticipate?right

A dangerous left-hand bend
Cross-wise moving traffic before the summit

An obstacle situated around the corner

What must you remember in the interests of environmental

To drive with high revolutions per minute too often

To avoid running the engine unnecessarily when you are stationary

To avoid driving back and forth unnecessarily

What is the minimum distance that should normally be

maintained from the vehicle in front outside built-up areas?
1/2 the speedometer reading in metres
1/5 the speedometer reading in metres

When can strong side wind be particularly dangerous?false

When overtaking trucks
When driving past firebreaks in forests

When driving across bridges

What is the maximum speed you are allowed to drive a truck
with a permissible total mass of 3.0 t on roads with one marked
lane for each direction outside built-up areas?false

Answer: km/h

What can result in your motor vehicle skidding while driving

round a bend?right
Gently accelerating at the exit of the bend

Heavy oversteer
Driving too fast

What is the maximum speed you are allowed to drive a car on

roads with one marked lane for each direction outside built-up

Answer: km/h

You are travelling at 100 km/h and brake normally. What is the
braking distance according to the rule of thumb?right

Answer: m

What can you do to help protect the environment?right

I should avoid

- driving at flat-out speed

- driving short distances

- driving in crowded city centres

Why should you brake now?right

Because of the

- tractor

- green car
- blue car

What dangers can arise if this traffic sign is ignored?right

The vehicle could suffer a broken axle or spring fracture

The vehicle could go into a skid and endanger oncoming traffic

The load could be damaged

What can be caused if the road surface suddenly becomes
Danger of sliding and skidding
Changes in tyre noise

Longer reaction distance

What must you do in this situation?right

I immediately brake sharply

I do not swerve

I steer to the left

How can you cover more kilometres on less fuel?right

Accelerate in such a way that the highest possible gear is quickly
By pushing all gears to the highest possible revolutions

Think ahead when driving in order to avoid unnecessary acceleration

and braking

Where can used oil, lubricants and car batteries be taken to be

disposed of properly?false
To car workshops

To recycling centres
In the household waste
How is fuel wasted and the environment polluted?right
By driving in a hectic manner
By "playing with the accelerator" while waiting at traffic lights

Using a high gear driving downhill

It starts raining. Why must you immediately increase the safe

Because visibility may become worse and the windscreen wipers do
not immediately provide a clear field of vision

Because a greasy film may form which increases the braking distance
Because the brakes react more quickly

What should you do, if it is no longer possible to avoid a

collision with wild animals?false
I brake as hard as possible
I always take an evasive movement

I maintain my direction of movement

Why should you lower your speed now?false

Because I am badly visible to other road users

Because the direction of the road ahead demands it

Because I have to give right of way

How can you achieve efficient fuel consumption and low
pollutant emissions?right
By using the total capacity of every gear

By having the proper tyre pressure

By maintaining an even driving style at low engine speeds

What must you take into consideration when selecting your

The condition of the road and traffic conditions

Visibility and weather conditions

Personal driving ability

Why is it necessary to maintain a larger safety distance to the

vehicle ahead?false

Because uneven areas of the road will otherwise be detected later

Because spray water could otherwise impede visibility

Because the braking distance is longer than on a dry road

What benefit can be obtained by maintaining an adequate

distance between you and the vehicle ahead?right
It aids far-sighted driving
It helps reduce the risk of accidents

It restricts visibility

The engine and exhaust system of a vehicle have been "souped

up". What could be the effects?right
Increased pollutant emission

Increased noise pollution

Considerable reduction in fuel consumption

You are approaching a sharp left-hand bend at high speed. Why

is it necessary to reduce your speed before you have actually
reached the bend?false
Because otherwise my vehicle

- could slide off to the left along the bend

- could slide off to the right along the bend

- could begin to skid

What should you anticipate in this situation?right

The oncoming car will now

- overtake without crossing the centre of the road

- pull out and cross the centre of the road

- brake and not cross the centre of the road
Where is fast driving particularly dangerous?right
At road narrowings

At level crossings

At blind corners

For which purposes is a horn allowed to be used outside built-

up areas?false
As a warning signal
As an overtaking signal

As a calling signal

Where is it permitted to flash headlights to indicate your

intention to overtake?false
In darkness outside built-up areas

In daylight outside built-up areas

In darkness in built-up areas

How can you reduce the noise made by a car?right

By driving at a low engine speed
By using all-terrain tyres

By removing the air filter

What must you remember when refuelling?false

Fill up to the brim if possible

Do not breath in any fuel fumes

Do not refuel when the tank is full and the nozzle has switched off

You are driving on a very narrow road and can see 50 m ahead.
What must be your maximum stopping distance?false

Answer: m

What must you reckon with here?false

The vehicle travelling in front of you can be blown to the right

When overtaking, your vehicle is pulling to the right when you enter the
slipstream of the truck

Your vehicle could be blown to the left by the strong side wind

What should you do now?right

I hold the steering wheel straight and firmly

I perform an emergency braking manoeuvre

I steer to the left
What should you anticipate?right

The person beside the van could encroach further onto the road

The motorbike could swerve to the left

Pedestrians could cross the road in front of the van

By which rule of thumb can you determine from the speed the
distance in metres a motor vehicle travels in one second?false
((Speed in km/h) / 10) x 5

((Speed in km/h) / 10) x 3

((Speed in km/h) / 10) x ((speed in km/h) / 10)

What measures help protect the environment?false


- low viscosity engine oil

- low-resistance tyres
- air-conditioning systems

What does this traffic sign indicate?right

End of speed restriction
A prohibition to drive faster than 60 km/h

Start of speed restriction

What do you do when you see this traffic sign?right

You are not allowed to drive faster than 60 km/h

You may not use this road if you cannot or are not allowed to drive at
least 60 km/h

You must drive at least at a speed of 60 km/h, weather and traffic

conditions permitting

What must be regularly serviced to prevent high fuel

consumption and excessive pollutant emission?false
Ignition system

Carburettor or fuel-injection system

Engine air filter

What kind of driving results in high fuel consumption?right

Driving at high speed

Fast starts and unnecessary acceleration

Revving up all gears

Where does aquaplaning (sliding on wet roads) occur
particularly often?false
At level crossings

Where there are grooves in the roadway

In dips in the roadway

Where must you particularly reckon with dirt on the roadway

and therefore danger of skidding?false
Near construction sites
At innercity crossroads

At junctions with farm tracks

What manufacturer specifications will allow you to know if your

motor vehicle is environmentally-friendly?right
From the details

- about the efficiency category

- about the fuel consumption

- about the emissions class

You are driving your car and caravan trailer (length of

combination of vehicles exceeding 7 m) outside built-up areas
on a road with only one marked lane in each direction. What
must you remember?false
The distance from the car in front must not be greater than the length
of your combination of vehicles in order to make best use of traffic

As a rule, the distance from a car in front must be great enough to

allow an overtaking car to pull in
You may not drive faster than 60 km/h

What do you do if visibility is drastically reduced by fog?right

Drive up close to the vehicle in front so you can use its rear lights as an
orientation point

Increase the distance from the vehicle in front

Adapt your speed in time to visibility conditions

You want to overtake cyclists. What should be noted when

selecting the distance between the cyclists and the car?right
How the cyclists are acting; The speed of my vehicle
1.0 m between the cyclist and the car is always sufficient

You are driving in urban traffic on a dry roadway in a stream of

traffic travelling at a speed of 50 km/h. What is the minimum
safe distance you must keep from the vehicle in front?false
15 m or approximately 3 car lengths
5 m or approximately 1 car length

10 m or approximately 2 car lengths

0 m between the cyclist and the car is always sufficient

You are driving on a good quality road in good visibility

conditions. Within what distance must you be able to stop?

- twice the stretch of road visible to me

- the stretch of road visible to me

- half of the stretch of road visible to me

Where must you especially reckon with ice on the roadway?

On stretches of road running through forest

On frequently used stretches of road

On bridges

At which engine speed range will fuel consumption be lower?

At high engine speed

At low engine speed

Why must the safe distance maintained be much greater on a

wet roadway than on a dry roadway?false
Wheel-spray can impair visibility

Braking distances are greater

The contact between the tyres and the roadway deteriorates

What is the maximum speed you are allowed to drive a truck

with a 3.0 t gross vehicle weight rating with trailer on roads
outside of settlements?right

Answer: km/h

What can lead to your dangerously underestimating your own

Driving on a good, wide road

Loud engine and tyre noise

Driving for a long time at high speed

What happens as a result of tyre pressures being well below

the recommended levels?right
Pollutant emission decreases

Fuel consumption increases

Tyre wear increases

Why must you be ready to brake in this situation?right

Because the direction of the road ahead demands it

Because a speed limit is visible

Because the other vehicle might continue moving

How should you change gears in order to drive with particular

consideration to the environment and fuel saving?false
Change to a lower gear as late as possible

Change gears only when reaching the upper revolution limit

Change to a higher gear as early as possible

How can you minimise tyre wear?right

I regularly check the tyre inflation pressure

I refrain as much as possible from rapid acceleration

I use winter tyres all year round

Why must you reduce your speed in heavy rain?right

Because aquaplaning (sliding on wet roads) can occur

Because visibility is reduced

Because braking distance is increased

Why might taking the right turn be dangerous here?right

Because vehicles emerging from the side street could start to skid

Because I might possibly not be able to stop in time, if pedestrians are
crossing the side street
Because my vehicle might start to skid if I take the turn too fast

Why are you required to have a defective exhaust system

repaired immediately?right
Because of the noise pollution
Because parts of the exhaust system can drop on the roadway

Because the engine would overheat

Which factors lengthen your braking distance?right

A wet or slippery roadway

Driving down slopes

Towing a trailer not fitted with brakes

Which conduct shows awareness of the environment?false

Changing to public transport at collective parking areas ("P + R")
Switching off the engine in a traffic jam

The formation of car pools

What does aquaplaning (sliding on wet roads) lead to?right

Steering becomes heavy

The vehicle can leave the road

The vehicle can no longer be steered and braked

What can help save fuel and reduce pollution?false

Contributing to a constant flow of traffic by thinking ahead and driving

Paying attention to the fuel consumption of a motor vehicle when

buying it
Using public transport, a bicycle or walking, wherever possible

You are travelling at 100 km/h and have a reaction time of 1

second. What is the reaction distance according to the rule of

Answer: m


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