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9: Traffic Observation and traffic conduct during driving

What is the right course of action now?false

I drive as far to the right as possible

I brake immediately
I continue driving as before

You want to overtake. What should you do?false

I overtake
- only if I have a clear view over the necessary stretch of road
- only if there is no oncoming vehicle
- at the same time, as the blue car

Which vehicles are you allowed to overtake where you see this
traffic sign?right

Motorcycle with sidecar

Motorcycle without sidecar

What is the right course of action?false

I have to allow the motorcycle to pass through

I have to allow the bus to pass through
I take priority before the motorcycle

What is the right course of action?right

I have to allow the green vehicle to pass through

I have to allow the tram to pass through
The tram must allow me to make the turn first

What mistakes make overtaking dangerous even on clear and

straight roads?false
You underestimate your overtaking distance
The distance of an oncoming vehicle is overestimated
You overestimate your overtaking distance

What is the right course of action?false

I have to allow the truck to pass through

I have to allow the yellow van to pass through
I take priority before the truck

After turning left, you want to turn immediately right. How

should you position your vehicle?false

- the red car
- the blue car
- the green car

What do these traffic signs indicate?right

No overtaking for 200 m

Start of a no-overtaking area 200 m ahead
End of a no-overtaking area 200 m ahead

You are driving on a road not within a built-up area and want to
overtake a car. Where is the very latest point at which the
overtaking manoeuvre should be completed?false
Before a no-overtaking sign for vehicles of all types
Before the start of a lane marking
Before the start of a solid line (traffic lane boundary)

Is it irresponsible to overtake a truck and trailer before a

No, because trucks and trailers mostly drive at low speed
Yes, because the truck and trailer can obscure the view of important
traffic signs
Yes, because the truck and trailer can obscure the view of the crossing

What is the right course of action?right

I have to allow the cyclist to turn
The motorcycle has to allow me to turn
I have to allow the motorcycle to pass through

You want to leave a traffic-calming zone and begin driving

along a road. What should you do?false
I have to
- allow pedestrians on the footpath to walk past
- indicate the direction of movement prior to taking the turn
- observe the "right before left" rule

Why do you have to lower your speed here?right

Because of the speed limit

Because of the vehicle overtaking
Because of the low volume of traffic

Why do you have to wait before turning right?right

Because of the pedestrian
Because of the black car
Because of the cyclist

What is the right course of action?false

I may
- only turn after the yellow bus
- be the first to make my turn
- turn before the motorcycle

Why can it be dangerous to overtake even on clearly visible,

straight roads?right
Because the
- the overtaking distance is longer than first thought
- oncoming traffic is travelling slower than first thought
- oncoming traffic is travelling faster than first thought

What is the right course of action when reversing?right

I look behind me and
- ensure the road area is safe by additionally looking all around me
- drive slowly and attentively
- make sure that no-one is located in my blind spot

For what reason do you have to switch to the right-hand lane


Because of the red car
Because of the rule on using the right-hand lane unless overtaking etc
Because of the tractor

What should you do now?false

I continue driving,
- so as not to impede the way of possible oncoming traffic
- if it is clear that there is no oncoming traffic
- because any possible oncoming traffic must already be waiting

What must you watch out for when turning right here?false

For the motorbike
For oncoming traffic
For the cyclist

What should you do in this situation?right

I move
- onwards, because the oncoming vehicle has to reverse
- backwards, because the oncoming vehicle has right of way
- into the gap to allow the oncoming vehicle to drive past
You want to turn left. What difficulties could arise here?false
Traffic turning left can come dangerously close
Visibility restrictions caused by oncoming vehicles
Misunderstandings with oncoming traffic turning left

You want to overtake. What is the right course of action here?


I overtake, because no oncoming traffic is visible

I do not overtake, because oncoming traffic could emerge
I do not overtake, because the yellow vehicle might want to overtake

You want to leave a property lot and turn into a road while
passing over a footpath. What must you look out for?false
Pedestrians on the footpath may not be endangered
First take note of the flowing traffic on the road
You should be directed by another person if necessary

ou want to pull out of a row of parked vehicles into the stream

of moving traffic. Behind you is a parked truck and trailer. How
do you assess this situation?right
Because of your restricted view, you cannot see approaching vehicles
until they are very close
Because of their restricted view, vehicles approaching from behind
cannot see your vehicle until very late
It is safe to pull out here because you are protected by the truck and
trailer behind you

You want to overtake. Why should you not do so?right

The bend in the road

The state of the road surface
The oncoming traffic

You want to turn left. In what sequence do you prepare to take

the left turn?false
Observe traffic behind you, indicate the direction of turn, enter the lane
Indicate the direction of turn, enter the lane, observe traffic behind you
Enter the lane, indicate the direction of turn, observe traffic behind you

What should you anticipate, if you want to overtake?right

With the risk of skidding
With an extended stopping distance
With the unsafe riding manner of the cyclist

What is the right course of action?false

I have to
- give way to the bus
- stop on the stop line
- give way to the green car

Why must you abort your overtaking manoeuvre?right

Because the tractor wants to turn left
Because it could obstruct oncoming traffic
Because a no-overtaking zone is visible ahead

What is the right course of action?false

I have to allow the tractor to pass through

I may not stop and wait on the rails
I have to allow the tram to pass through

What is the right course of action?right

I remain in the centre of my lane
I drive over to the right-side as far as possible
I brake

You want to exit a parking space and move into the moving
traffic. What should you do?right
I have to take note of the traffic behind me
I have to indicate before moving off
I may not endanger the moving traffic

When are you in danger when overtaking?false

When the road user being overtaken
- swerves out to overtake
- suddenly accelerates
- reduces his speed considerably

You want to turn left. When must you check for traffic behind?
Before getting into lane and again immediately before turning
Only once before turning

What is the right course of action?false

I have to
- stop on the stop line
- give way to the cyclist
- give way to the bus

When do have you to indicate a change in direction?false

Before turning into a junction or a property lot
If I want to continue straight on, thereby leaving a priority road that
changes direction
If I want to continue following a priority road that changes direction

What is the right course of action?right

I forgo my right of way so as to not block the junction
I have to allow the cyclist to pass through
I may turn left before the cyclist

You want to exit the property lot. What is the right thing to do?

I have to wait until the pedestrians have crossed over the exit
I sound my horn briefly so that the pedestrians will allow me to exit
I may drive on if the pedestrians waive their right of way
What is the right course of action?false

I have to allow the motorcycle to pass through

I take priority before the bus
I have to allow the bus to pass through

Who must wait?right

I must wait
The oncoming vehicle must wait

What is the right course of action?right

I have to allow the cyclist to pass through

I have to allow the motorcyclist to pass through
I may make the turn before the cyclist

Why are you not allowed to overtake here?right

Because I would not be able to maintain an adequate distance to the

side in the event of oncoming traffic
Because the visible stretch is not sufficient
Because I am not permitted to cross the central line

What is the right course of action?right

I take the turn before the oncoming pedestrian, because only this one
is required to wait
I continue driving, because the two pedestrians have to wait
I wait, because the two pedestrians have priority

What is the right course of action?right

I have to allow the bus to pass through
I have to allow the motorcycle to pass through
I take priority before the bus

You want to turn right. What should you do?false

Take the turn ahead of the cyclist

Allow the cyclist to pass through the junction
Check way is clear by glancing over your shoulder

On which side must you overtake a tram which is travelling in

the middle of the roadway (not a one-way street)?right
On the right
On the left
On the left only if other vehicles are blocking the roadway on the right

You are waiting at a traffic light and want to turn right. What
should you remember?false
You must
- simply glance in the mirror to check that there is no cyclist behind
- make sure there is no road user beside you on the right intending to
go straight on
- concentrate fully on the turning manoeuvre because any cyclist has to
wait anyway

What is the right course of action?right

I may make the turn before the motorcycle

I have to allow the motorcycle to pass through

Which vehicles may be overtaken only by maintaining a

specially great lateral distance?right

You want to overtake the blue car. What is the right course of

- overtake while maintaining the speed driven
- overtake at a substantially higher speed
- do not overtake, because a motorbike is in moving in the blind spot

You are driving a slow-moving vehicle on a main road. How can

you facilitate faster-moving vehicles in overtaking?false
By moving
- into a lay-by
- onto the parking area
- onto the hard shoulder

Sie fahren mit 100 km/h auf einer Straße außerhalb

geschlossener Ortschaften. Vor Ihnen fährt ein Lkw mit 70
km/h. Wie weit müssen Sie bei Beginn eines Überholvorgangs
von einer Straßenkuppe mindestens noch entfernt sein?Falsch
800 m
400 m
200 m

You want to overtake. What is the right course of action now?


I follow the motorbike, because the truck is using its indicators to
signal an opportunity to overtake
I refrain from overtaking the truck, because I do not have a clear view
over the necessary stretch of road
I reduce my distance to the truck, to enable me to overtake more

Two vehicles are approaching each other. Both want to turn

left. In which cases are you not allowed to turn left in front of
each other?false
When the approaching vehicle wanting to turn left stops just before the
middle of the crossroads
When this is forbidden by lane markings
When you notice that the approaching vehicle wanting to turn left
wishes to turn behind your vehicle

You want to turn out of a road with a sunken kerbstone into

another road. A car is coming from the left. What applies here?
The rule "right before left"
Whoever turns into a road over a sunken kerbstone must wait
The sunken kerbstone is of no relevance for the obligation to wait

When is overtaking forbidden?right

If the traffic situation is not clear
If you do not have a clear view of the road ahead

If you are unable to drive considerably faster than the road user being

Why should you drive especially slowly here?false

- the truck is narrowing the lane
- I am approaching a traffic light junction
- people are proceeding onto the road

When do have you to indicate a change in direction?false

Before turning into a junction or a property lot
If I want to continue straight on, thereby leaving a priority road that
changes direction
If I want to continue following a priority road that changes direction

When must you signal?false

Before pulling in again after overtaking
Before pulling out to overtake or to pass
When proceeding straight ahead as you leave a priority road which
bends sharply

What is the right course of action?right

I have to allow the tractor to pass through
I may make the turn before the cyclist
I have to allow the cyclist to pass through

What is the right course of action?right

I may make the turn before the yellow vehicle

I have to allow the yellow vehicle to pass through

How should you behave?right

Only give way to the cyclist travelling in the same direction

Give way to both cyclists
Sound your horn and take the turn before the two cyclists

Why do you have to wait before turning right?false

Because of
- the van
- the pedestrian
- the cyclist

What must you do when you see this traffic sign?false

You are obliged to turn right

You must pass on the right of traffic islands
You may not turn left in front of this sign

What is the right course of action?right

I move
- after the yellow bus

- before the yellow bus
- after the motorcycle

What is the correct procedure for pulling out to overtake?false

Any danger to traffic following is excluded
Oncoming traffic is not endangered
The vehicle in front indicates right

When may a tram be overtaken on the left?false

When the roadway (not a one-way street) to the right of the tram is
blocked by other vehicles
In one-way streets
When the rails run too far to the right

What are the regulations governing speed when overtaking?

The speed of the overtaking vehicle must be appreciably higher
The person being overtaken must not increase his speed
The permissible top speed must not be exceeded

What is the right course of action?false

I make the turn

- now so that following vehicles will not be confused by my slowing
- once the blue vehicle has overtaken me
- now in order to make the carriageway clear

What must you do when you are being overtaken?right

If possible, drive on the far right
Increase your speed
Not increase your speed

Both cars are travelling at about 30 km/h. Are you allowed to

overtake both before the bend?false

No, because
- the distance you need to overtake would be too great
- you are not allowed to cross the interrupted line
- the light-coloured car could pull out to overtake

Why should you continue to slow down here?false

Because the red vehicle could cross onto my lane
Because otherwise my vehicle could leave the road
Because other people may walk onto the road

Which vehicle must wait when half the roadway is closed

because of roadworks?right
Always the smaller vehicle
The vehicle on the side of the roadway where the roadworks are
The vehicle on the unobstructed side of the roadway

You want to overtake. What is the right course of action here?


I do not overtake, because oncoming traffic could emerge
I do not overtake, because the red vehicle might want to overtake
I overtake, because no oncoming traffic is visible

All three vehicles want to turn left. Which is in the correct


The green car

The truck
The yellow car

Which conduct is right?false

The green car must wait

I may turn observing the traffic signs
I may only turn when the lights show "green"

What must you do when leaving the edge of the roadway?right

A look into the rear-view mirror is sufficient
Check for traffic from behind
Switch on your direction indicator

What is the right thing to do?right

I have to allow the red car to pass

I turn left before the green car
I give way to the green car

You want to overtake. What should you do now?right

I do not overtake yet, because the blue car could overtake

I overtake all the vehicles in one overtaking manoeuvre
I follow right behind the blue car if it overtakes

In which cases must you abandon overtaking?right

When the road user being overtaken suddenly accelerates
When the road user being overtaken considerably reduces his speed
When there is danger from unexpected oncoming traffic

What is the right course of action?false

The blue car has to allow me to turn

I have to allow the blue car to pass through
I have to allow the cyclist to turn

You want to turn left. To whom must you give priority?right

Pedestrians seeking to cross the road into which I am turning
Oncoming vehicles
Oncoming cyclists

Why must you abort your overtaking manoeuvre?false

Because the tractor wants to turn left
Because it could obstruct oncoming traffic
Because a no-overtaking zone is visible ahead

Why can it be dangerous if you, as the last in a queue,

immediately overtake as soon as the oncoming traffic is past?
Because if you perhaps need to push back into the queue, this could
lead to an accident
Because you must reckon with others in the queue swinging out to
Because the distance needed to overtake might not be sufficient

You want to turn right into a priority road. What must you look
out for?false
Vehicles coming from the left and from the right
For cyclists and pedestrians alongside you to the right or behind you
Only for vehicles coming from the left

When overtaking several trucks, you are faced with this

situation. What should you do now?false

After pulling back into lane, I again establish an adequate safety
I continue overtaking quickly and pull back into lane in front of the red
I abort the overtaking manoeuvre

Where is it forbidden to overtake?right

At points in the road where visibility is poor
At pedestrian crossings
At special bus lanes

You want to overtake. What is the right course of action now?


I refrain from overtaking

I maintain my speed
I accelerate

You want to overtake a horse-drawn carriage on a rural road.

What should you do?right
I pay attention to the driver's hand signals
I overtake with a high engine speed
I maintain the most space to the side possible

You are driving a slow-moving vehicle on a rural road. A line of

vehicles is forming behind you. What should you do?false
I come to a stop at a suitable place, if this is the only way the vehicles
behind me can overtake
I allow the vehicles behind me to overtake

What must you do to end an overtaking manoeuvre?false

Move over to the right as soon as possible without inconveniencing the
vehicle you have overtaken
Signal your intention to draw in clearly and in good time
Move over to the right-hand side of the roadway right in front of the
vehicle you have overtaken

What is the right thing to do in this situation?false

I cease the overtaking manoeuvre and move into the right-hand lane
I continue the overtaking manoeuvre at an unchanged speed

I accelerate and continue the overtaking manoeuvre

Two vehicles are approaching each other. Both want to turn

left. What must they do as a rule?false
They pass each other in a wide arc and turn behind each other
They turn in front of each other

You want to join the motorway. What driving line should you

Answer: Driving line no.


What should you do?false

I drive carefully past to the right of the truck
I stop
I move into the middle lane now

What is the right course of action?false

I may
- turn before the yellow car
- only turn after the motorcycle
- be the first to make my turn

You are being overtaken and the oncoming traffic is getting
dangerously close. Despite this the other vehicle continues
with the overtaking manoeuvre. What should you do?right
I drive as far to the right-side as possible and
- reduce my speed
- increase my speed
- maintain my speed

What must you do upon seeing this traffic sign?false

I may not perform a U-turn here

I am in a cul-de-sac and have to turn around
I may not turn left here

You want to overtake. What should you do?false

I overtake
- at the same time, as the quad bike
- only if there is no oncoming vehicle
- only if I have a clear view over the necessary stretch of road

What is the right course of action?right

The blue truck may proceed first

I have to allow the cyclist to pass through
I may make the turn in front of the cyclist

What can give rise to particularly dangerous situations where
several lanes turn off?right
Driving too fast
Changing lanes while turning off
Keeping exactly to your lane
When overtaking, what do you have to observe regarding spacing?false
Maintain an adequate space to the side, particularly between the
vehicle and persons
To maintain an adequate space to the side between the vehicle and
other road users
To maintain a greater side spacing towards multi-lane vehicles than
towards single-lane vehicles

Where is overtaking prohibited?false

In all one-way streets
When the traffic situation is not clear
Where oncoming traffic could be obstructed


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