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Which European playwright wrote "Hamlet," "Romeo and Juliet," and "Macbeth" during tge
renaissance period?

- William Shakespeare

2. Used to describe the literary movement that emerged in the early 20th century, characterized
by a break from traditional forms and a focus on individual consciousness?

- Modernism

3. Ancient greek period, what genre of drama featured tragic heroes and explored the themes of
fate, morality, and the god's experience?

- Tragedy

4. The author of "The Divine Comedy"

- Dante Alighieri

5. How was Realism different from the Romantic Period

- It contained stories as close to reality as possible and usually about the middle class

6. Poetry is characterized by patterns of ____ and ____ lines.

- four-stress lines and six-stress

7. It is made up of two words separated by a hyphen. They may call the sea as swan-road or a
sword as a wound-hoe

- Kennings

8. The Spenserian sonnet rhyme scheme is ___


9. It is an unrhymed version of the iambic pentameter

- Blank Verse

10. The Elizabeth era is considered as the

- Golden age drama

11. Who is often considered as the father of American literature known for his works such as
"The adventures of Tom sawyer" and "The adventure of Huckleberry Finn"?

- Mark Twain

12. What is the difference between American Romanticism and Transcendentalism?

- American Romanticism focused on emotions and individualism, which

transcendentalism emphasized the importance of intuition and the individuals
connection to nature and the divine.

13. Both Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne

- Dark Romantics

14. "Golden Era" of American Literature

- Renaissance Period

15. Timeline of North American Literary Periods

IV - in the 1630s, a big wave of British immigration to Bustch(??) Paved way
II - literature of this period was political in tone
III - writers showed the spirit of liberation in their works
I - the writers of these periods are unconventional and not regarded as rebellious

16. Uprising of this genre can be attributed to Latin American literature

- magic realism

17. Where latin american literature focused on the aesthetics of the form rather than the realities
of society

- Modernismo

18. Work of Bartolome de las cases that led to the creation of the new law of 1542.

- Procurador y protector universal de todos los indios

19. Theme of latin american poetry can be considered as a conglomeration of cultures

- latin american poetry consists of a fusion of indigenous culture and imperialists

20. Foundational sacred narrative of kiche people of Guatemala

- Mayan Creation Myth

21. Golden age of Japan literature

- Nara Period

22. Major Literature figures in Thailand

- Sunthon Phu

23. Spring autumn morals classical work

- folk and ancient narratives are the local centrism of hindu text

24. Analects of Confucius

- poetry

25. Thai literary piece greatly influenced by indian literature

- Ramakien

26. Chinua Achebe's things fall apart is based on the influence in terms of both style

- evaluating how the author wrote in forms of linguistics

27. Oral traditions in africa in the form of moral tale that does not have an ending

- Dilemma Tale

28. Storyteller and a poet

- Griot

29. Which of the following features is when storytelling keeps tradition alive, teaches the youth
about codes of conduct and maintain social order

- it fulfills purposes beyond being just a form of entertainment

30. Which among the following does not belong to the literary devices included in african prose

- Repetition
4. During the ancient Greek period, what genre of drama featured tragic heroes and explored
themes of fate, morality, and the gods influence?

- tragedy

7.It is often made up of two words separated by a hyphen. They may call the sea as a
swan-road or a sword as a wound-hoe.

8. Which of the following is challenging to comprehend due to its distinct orthography, word
order, pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar?

9.Who is the African American poet and slave known for his poems that express themes of
Christian salvation and his desire for freedom during the Colonial period?

10. During the Colonial Period, writings were highly influenced by what religious persuasion?

11.What does the statement, "Themes of Latin American poetry can be considered as
conglomeration of cultures" imply?

12.What gave birth to the literary movement "indigenismo"?

13. This is an ancient tale of war within a family caused by a desire for power.

14.Which of the following DOES NOT BELONG to the Vedas?

16 Which of the following describes ancient Indonesian literature?

- Multicultural due to the country colonization history

17.Which among the following DOES NOT BELONG to the literary devices included in African
- repetition

18. This is a learned storyteller, poet, performer, and historian who usually accompanies his or
her stories with music.
- Griot

19.It adheres to the principle that art must depict contemporary events exposing the ills of a
nonsocialist society.
- magic realism

20.It is the golden age of poetry in Japanese Literature.

- Nara Period

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