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Winning in life begins inside you

Philippians 4:8
Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is
pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praise worthy,
think about such things

Secret No. 1


 Everyone has a problem

 Success in life depends on how you are willing to solve people’s problems
 Successful people are problem solvers
John 6:35
Ant Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life: He that cometh to me shall never
hunger, and he that believeth in me shall never thirst
 You have something
 Everything GOD created is a solution to a problem
 You are a solution to a problem
 You have something to offer
 What you have is your assignment
 Your assignment is to other people
 Your assignment is to help people succeed
 The more you help other people get what they want the more you have what you want

 Keeping other people down is holding yourself down
 You enrich yourself as you enrich others

1. Find people who need you and what you have and build your life around
that contribution
2. Your life is a solution to someone in trouble

Secret No. 2


John 4:13-14
Jesus answered and said unto her, anyone that drinketh of this water shall thirst again but
whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst, but the water that I
shall give him shall become in him a well of water springing up onto eternal life
 Believe you can change the lives of people through your product
 Your products should be boldly declared
 Jesus believed in His; eternal life, joy, peace, forgiveness, healing, financial freedom
and health among others
 Believe your product will satisfy people
John 10:27
 Doubt is deadly
 Doubt will drive people away from you
 You can only succeed in a business you believe in
 You can only sell products you believe in
 Believe in your products

That means;
 You must have knowledge about your product
 Take time and make effort to know your product
 Don’t expect to succeed until you are thoroughly informed about your product
 Update yourself on current news concerning your product
o E.g. a doctor on drugs, a lawyer on law.. Etc.

1. Spend time cultivating awareness of your business
2. Invest in becoming informed
3. Don’t be interested in making money, know your product
4. Jesus was very busy teaching, preaching, travelling, healing and mentoring
5. Jesus took time with God his father He always renewed his understanding
on his purpose, his plan and his product
Hosea 4:6
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge
Secret No. 3


 You should never misrepresent your product

John 14:2
In my Father’s house there are many mansions, if it were not so would have told you
 Talk about the total picture, the good things, the benefits of what you are offering
 Jesus talked about them, the salvation
 He also warned them to be prepared to face trials, persecution, afflictions, rejections,
temptations, failures,
 There is a price you will have to pay
 2nd Corinthians 11:24-25
Five times I received form the Jews the forty lashes minus one. Three times I was
beaten with rods, once I was pelted with stone, three times I was ship wrecked, I spent
a night and a day in the open sea


1. Focus on the benefits and advantages your product will have on another
person, but tell him the total picture of your product
2. Never forget that one honest relationship is worth one hundred sales
3. Your integrity will always be remembered longer than your product

Secret No. 4


Luke 9:6
He went through the towns, preaching the gospel and healing everywhere

 Jesus knew He must go where people are; market places, boats, synagogues and
people’s homes
 You may be shy and timid or even feel inadequate, but you will not succeed in life
unless you are connected to people

1. Somebody needs you, go to them
2. Keep reaching others and don’t fear rejection, your dreams and goals are
far more important than rejection.
3. Get out of your comfort zones. Jesus left angels and his father in heaven
to come and save us

4. Share your special skill, talent or pertinent information to help other
people grow
5. Start your people list today. People who already know you have something
they need
6. Go find them, get out of your house, car, go to the door and reach out for
your telephone
7. Believe that God gave you a plan and opportunity to reach out to people
and succeed with them

Secret No. 5


Mark 6: 21
Come ye yourselves apart into a desert and rest a while
 There is need for rest and recreation
 Work is giving rest is receiving
 Jesus after facing hundreds of people daily, separated himself to receive
 You can only give away what you posses
 Fatigue can be costly
 A tired mind rarely makes good decisions
 Life is demanding, people are demanding, the more you succeed the more people will
demand of you
 Work hard but play just enthusiastically
 One bad decision can create countless tragedies

1. Rest and recreation are not sin. It is a repair time not a loss of
production. It is a receiving time. it helps release your potential
2. Schedule one day a week off completely with your family
3. Take time to taste the present
4. The most important time of your life is NOW. Now time

Secret No. 6


Habakkuk 2:2
Write the vision and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it
 Noah planned the building of the ark
 Solomon planned building of the temple
 Moses took time to plan the terbanacle
 The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine
 Planning is the starting point for any dreamor goal that you posses
 Dreams gives you a sense of purpose
 3% people write. 97% don’t and end up working for the 3%


1. Write up your plan clearly on a sheet of paper, even if it is tedious,
meticulous, grilling, demanding and exhausting
2. Sometimes you have to do something you hate to create something you
3. Be specific
4. The clear it is the faster you accomplish, and your life will be better in
every area
5. Make a list of things to do daily and focus your total attention on each
6. Assign each task to a specific time, think each hour as an employee,
delegate assignment to each hour
7. Success are usually scheduled events

Secret No. 7


Galatians 6:19
Let us not become weary in doing good for at a proper time we will reap a harvest if we do
not give up

 Jesus experienced many rejections; born in a stable, betrayed by Judas but He was not
 He was denied three times by his closest friend but He did not give up
 He was willing to create a season of pain to create eternity of gain. His dreams and
goals lasted longer than those rejection

1. Move beyond your scar. Not everyone will celebrate with you. Not
everyone will welcome your future
2. Someone needs what you have. They need your contribution to succeed.
Go find them
3. Rejection is not fatal. It is merely someone’s opinion.
4. Jesus taught His disciples to handle rejection
Mathew 10:14
And whosoever shall not receive you; nor hear your words, when you
depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust off your feet.
5. 14 out of 15 people will always say no. Hurry to make presentations to as
many as possible to reach that one out of the fifteen who will accept.

Secret No. 8


Luke 6:19
And the whole multitude sought to touch him, for virtue went out of Him and He healed them

 Jesus looked for people in trouble. He was water to the thirsty, bread to the hungry,
roadmap to the lost and companion to the lonely
 John 4:14

Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again, but whosoever drinketh of the
water that I shall give him shall never thirst. But the water that I shall give him shall
be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life
 You were created to change somebody
 You may not be qualified to help every person but you have something that can help
another person. Love, gift, opportunity, warmth etc.
 Every person is trying to change, desire excellence, want their wealth to improve,
want financial freedom, hate loneliness, be a gift to them and use your expertise to
help them improve.

1. Discover your gift and find those who need your gift. Improve their lives,
incomes, peace of mind, health

Secret No. 9


Jesus was concerned about people’s finances.

Philippians 4:19
But my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory. By Christ Jesus.
 Jesus recognized the importance of money
 Jesus did not want you to worry about finances
Mathew 6: 26
Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow or reap, or store away in barns, and yet
you heavenly father feeds themare you not much more valuable than them?
 Jesus recognized the importance of money, He knew that God loved to give people
good things
James 1:17
Every good and perfect gift is from above and comes down from the farther
 Money is necessary. Money is in Gods mind. It is in the bible. 20% of Jesus teaching
was in money and finances. He showed people to get ahead financially through
parables. Luke 25:17-29, parable of gifts.
 Jesus recognized the importance of money
 God loves to see people prosper
Psalms 35:27
Let the Lord be magnified; who has pleasure in the prosperity of his servant
 GOD wants to reveal ways for you, for profit and success financially
Isaiah 47: 17
Iam the Lord thy God who teaches thee to profit.
 Jesus showed people where money could be found; a hundred fold return Luke 10:29-
30, fishermen to drop their nets Luke 5:1-11,where to get money to pay their taxes
Mathew 17:27
 Wealth is when small efforts produce big results
 Poverty is when big efforts produce small results
1. Everyone has received something from God which is capable of
2. Be a financial blessing to someone
3. Discover your gift that is capable of reproducing
4. Money is what you receive when you help someone else achieve their goal
Secret No. 10


 Jesus was willing to go places He has never gone before

 He came down from the mountain Mathew 8:1, He entered Capernaum Mathew 8:5,
He came into peters house Mathew 8:14, He entered a sheep Mathew 8:23, He
crossed seas and others.
 He required and sought people
 He was constantly arising, departing and going new places.
 He teaches many kinds of people of varied backgrounds,

 He was constantly in movements, constantly changing locations.

1. Leave comforts of your home or offices to reach others and achieve
extraordinary success
2. Change locations and situations to unlock the full potential of your
3. Some people will not come to where you are, you have to go to their
homes, their towns and their environment

You will never succeed without networking with many different kinds of people. You have to
go where you have never been before to taste the extraordinary success that you want

Go for your big dreams, go for the best, aim high and aim for excellence

Get a mentor to model the crucial


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