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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Getting Undergraduate

Degree of S.Pd (S.1) in English Education Study Program




Advisor I : Dr.Muhammad Taridi, M.Pd
Advisor II : Edi Rozal, M.Pd
Adress : Faculty of Education and Teacher Training the State Islamic
University at Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

The Dean Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

The State Islamic University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi In Jambi.


Assalamu‘alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

After reading, giving guidance, and making necessary correction, we agree that
the thesis of:
Name : Pipian Rosa
NIM : TE. 161791
Department : English Education Program
Title : An Analysis of Students‘ Interest in Extensive Reading Text at
the Eighth Grade Students‘ of MTs Nururrodhiyah Jambi.
Has been progressed to be examined to fulfill the tasks and requirement to achieve
undergraduate degree (S.1) in English Education Program Faculty of Education
and Teacher Training of the State Islamic University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin
Jambi. We assert the thesis can be accepted well. Thus, we hope this thesis will be
useful for education, religion, and nation.

Wassalamu‘alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Advisor I Advisor II

Dr.Muhammad Taridi,M.Pd Edi Rozal,M.Pd

NIP:196401062014121002 NIP:198808032015031003
In the name of Allah SWT, the most merciful and powerful, who has
given the researcher mercy and blessing, health, and ability to finish this thesis.
Sholawat and salam to the rasulullah Muhammad SAW, who has brought us from
the darkness to the lightness.
Alhamdulillahirabbil’aalamiin, I can finish this thesis. But I can‘t write
this thesis without help of people that never stop giving their supports, attentions,
guidance, and affections. This thesis is heartedly dedicated to:
My Parents, my beloved father Mr Samsuryat/Suharman and my beloved
mother Mrs. Eropa who always give me everlasting love, guidance, motivation,
always praying for me, supporting me to finish this thesis and to be successful in
the future.
My beloved Two sister Putri Sonia and Esya Karin Lorenza who always
gives me support, guide me, listen to my story in arranging this thesis and force
me to graduate as fast as possible although in fact I cannot do it.
My greatest advisors, Dr. Muhammad Taridi,M.Pd, and Edi Rozal, M.Pd,
who have given me all of the advice, suggestions, and motivation to finish this
thesis. Thank you very much.
My best friends, my family and my ―Boo‖ who have been always giving
me support. Then, all of My Classmates English Education of C 2016. Your
support and your kindness make me strong to stand until now.

And for all, I just want to say: Thank you very much. All of people who
keep supporting me wherever you are. May Allah SWT always loves and bless us.

“ But when you are done (of a matter of business), keep working hard (for

other matters).” (Al-Insyirah (v)


Alhamdulillahirabbil’aalamiin. Firstly, the researcher expresses to Allah

SWT the greatest gratefulness for all the blessing and chances given, so that I
could finally finish this thesis as one of the requirements to get undergraduate
degree (S.1). Secondly, sholawat and salam always be given to my prophet
Muhammad SAW.
The researcher realizes that this thesis would have not been completed
without the help, supports, guidance, advice and special recognition for their
invaluable help in accomplishing this thesis. Therefore, in this opportunity, the
researcher would like to express thanks, gratitude, and deep appreciation to:
1. Prof. Dr. H. Suai‘di Asy‘ari, MA, pH.D., as the Rector of the State Islamic
University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.
2. Dr. Hj. Fadlilah, M.Pd as the Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher
Training of The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.
3. Dr. Risnita, M.Pd. as The Vice Dean of Academic Affair Faculty of Education
and Teacher training, Dr. Najmul Hayat, M. Pd.I as The Vice Dean of General
Administration Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, and Dr. Yusria,
S.Ag,.M.Pd as The Vice Dean of Students Affair Faculty of Education and
Teacher Training.
4. Wahyuni Fitria, M,Pd as the Chairwoman of English Education Program.
5. Dr. Muhammad Taridi, M.Pd. as my first advisor, thank you for your guidance.
6. Edi Rozal, M,Pd as my second advisor who has given a lot of input such as
correction, idea, and contribution of thought and beneficial idea toward the
progress of this thesis. Thank you very much.
7. All lecturer of the English Department for teaching precious knowledge,
sharing philosophy of live and giving wonderful experience.
8. Mr Imam Mashuri, S.Pd.I. The Principle of MTs Nururrodhiyah Jambi who
facilitated the researcher to conduct the research.
9. Reti Purnamasari, S.Pd as an English teacher that facilitated the researcher to
get the data.
10. My greatest family of English Education Program 2016.
11. The students at the eighth grade that welcomed the researcher into their
environment and so willingly involved in the research.
It is expected that this thesis will give contribution to the Students of
English Education Program especially in learning process. Then, the researcher
realized that this thesis is still far from being perfect.
For that reason, the researcher hopes constructive critics and suggestion
from readers for the perfection of this thesis. May Allah SWT always gives
guidance and blessing to us. Aamiin Yaa Rabbal ‘Aalamiin.

Jambi, 27 Mei 2022


Pipian Rosa

Name : Pipian Rosa

Study Program : English Education Program
Title : An Analysis of Students’ Interest in Reading Text at
the Eight Grade Students of MTs Nururrodhiyah Jambi

The aim of this research is to know what kind of reading text do the
students interest in extensive reading and to analyze what are the factors make the
students are interested in extensive reading at Madrasah Tsanawiyah
Nururrodhiyah Kota Jambi. This research is a descriptive study with a quantitative
approach. The design used is a survey research. The data was collected through a
questionnaire. There were 105 students of eight graders at MTs Nururrodhiyah
Jambi participated in this research. In this research, the researcher found that first,
the highest percentage of the extensive reading text is short story, it proves that
short story is the sort of reading text the students interest among extensive reading
text at the eight grade students at MTs Nururrodhiyah kota Jambi with the highest
percentage 64.8%. Second, The reason why most of students interest in extensive
reading text because they like when have a reading assignment text, they feel that
reading professional articles, essays, technical reports, short stories, and books
affect their behavior and attitude, and they even enjoy to read them wherever they
stay because they agree that it is easy to find out those kinds of extensive reading
text both at library and internet.

Key words: Interest, Extensive Reading Text


Nama : Pipian Rosa

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Judul : An Analysis of Students’ Interest in Reading Text at
the Eight Grade Students of MTs Nururrodhiyah Jambi

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis teks bacaan mana
yang siswa tertarik pada bacaan ekstensif dan untuk menganalisa apa faktor yang
membuat siswa tertarik pada teks bacaan ekstensif di Mts Nururrodhiyah Jambi.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif.
Desain yang digunakan adalah penelitian survei. Pengumpulan data dilakukan
melalui kuesioner. Ada 105 siswa dari kelas delapan di Mts Nururrodhiyah Jambi
yang berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti
menemukan bahwa pertama, persentase tertinggi pada teks ekstensif reading
adalah text bacaan jenis cerita pendek. Itu membuktikan bahwa cerita pendek
adalah jenis teks bacaan yang siswa tertarik diantara jenis teks bacaan ekstensif
yang lain di Mts Nururrodhiyah Jambi dengan persentase tertinggi yaitu 64.8%.
Kedua, alasan mengapa sebagian besar siswa tertarik pada teks bacaan ekstensif
karena mereka senang ketika mendapat latihan pada teks bacaan. Mereka merasa
bahwa membaca artikel profesional, essay, laporan tehnis, cerita pendek, dan
buku memepengaruhi sikap dan tingkah laku. Mereka bahkan menikmati
membaca bacaan tersebut dimanapun mereka berada karena mereka setuju jika
menemukan teks bacaan ekstensif tersebut mudah ditemukan di perpustakaan
maupun internet.

Kata Kunci: Ketertarikan, Teks Bacaan Extensif


TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................. i

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION................................................................... 1
A. Background of the Study ........................................................................ 1
B. Focus of the Research ............................................................................. 3
C. Formulation of the Problem .................................................................... 3
D. Objective of the Research ....................................................................... 3
E. Significance of the Research .................................................................. 3

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE ..............................................

A. Overview of the Reading ........................................................................ 5
1. Definition of Reading ....................................................................... 5
2. Purpose of Reading ........................................................................... 6
3. Types of Reading .............................................................................. 8
B. Overview of Extensive Reading ............................................................. 9
1. Definition of Extensive Reading ...................................................... 9
2. Benefits of Extensive Reading.......................................................... 10
C. Overview of Interest ............................................................................... 10
1. Definiton of interest .......................................................................... 10
2. Factors in Interest ............................................................................. 11
3. Types of Interest .............................................................................. 12
D. Reading Interest ..................................................................................... 13
1. Definition of Reading Interest ........................................................ 13
2. Factors which Affects Reading Interest .......................................... 14
3. Solution to Increase the Reading Interest ....................................... 16
E. The Previous Study ................................................................................. 18

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ....................................... 20

A. Place and Time of the Research.............................................................. 20
B. Design of the Research .......................................................................... 20


C. Population and Sample ........................................................................... 21

D. Technique of Collecting Data ................................................................. 21
E. Validity of Research Data ....................................................................... 23
F. Technique of Analysis Data ................................................................... 24


A. Research Finding .............................................................................. 25
1. Dominant Extensive Reading Text of Students‘ Interest ........... 26
2. The Students Interest in Extensive Reading Text ....................... 28
B. Dicussion .......................................................................................... 32

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................. 34

A. CONCLUSION ................................................................................. 34
B. SUGGESTION ................................................................................. 35

REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 36

A. Background of the Study

English has become the important thing in this era, because it is not
only means as a communication, but also to transfer technology and science.
English is the world‘s most widely-used language in international education,
telecommunications, newspaper and book publishing, entertainment,
diplomacy and others. So, English as a widow to enlarge our knowledge to
face the real life in this globalization era.
English Language Teaching is a beneficial process that is intended not
only to transfer the knowledge, but also to habitual the language learners to
be able to communicate using English. English is very important to be taught
in each level of education in Indonesia. By mastering English, people can
communicate well with many people all over the world. In order to able to
communicate English well, we should learn English that consist of four skill.
They are speaking, listening, reading and writing (H. D. Brown, 2001).
Reading is the most important activity in the teaching and learning
process. In fact, reading should be one of the skills that every student must
possess (Tarihoran & Dewi, 2020). Alshumaimeri (2011) supported that
reading is a crucial skill in learning and communication. Reading also is one
of the effective learning activities for get knowledge. The main purpose in
reading is to get information. By reading will be get information and more
useful knowledge for life everyday, and then reading will make a source of
inspiration, and can give a source of knowledge (Bawawa et al., 2019).
Generally, reading is a prsocess of communication between an author
and reader. Reading is also an activity of understanding meaning and to get
information from the text that the students read. It has many benefits for us.
The important thing of reading is to find the main idea, explanations and
conclusion from the text. Through the reading activity, the students can
enlarge their knowledge and it can also make them wise and respectful.


Moreover, reading is the culture of the developed countries. Indonesia

as a developing country should also make reading as a culture, because
Indonesia still requires a wider insight to improve the quality of the
community. To obtain good reading skills, interest is needed. Reading interest
is a feeling that accompanies or causes special attention to reading (Utami &
Nur, 2021). Interest in reading contains elements of attention, willingness,
encouragement and pleasure that arise from within and from the influence of
others (Bawawa et al., 2019). The students may actively read if they are
interested in reading. Reading interest can make them consider the reading
activity as a habitual activity for them.
The role of interest occupies the most decisive position besides the
ability of students to read. It has a strong driving force in the realization of an
activity (Tarihoran & Dewi, 2020). Students' interest in reading arises from
the curiosity of students understanding or obtaining information from their
environment. How good and interesting the contents of the reading text, but if
the readers are immaterial, then reading activity is not possible. Great interest
in its influence on learning, because if the learning material learned is not in
suitable with the interests of students, then there is no attraction for them.
Learning material in every level of education in Indonesia does not
escape from teaching materials in language and literature. Understanding the
material starts from school to university. But student interest in reading text is
still lacking. This factor may occur because students do not enjoy reading
activities. As technology develops rapidly, they prefer to spend their time
with relatively new activities, such as surfing the internet, enjoying music or
In the school of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nururrodhiyah kota Jambi, in
researcher‘s experience when the researcher taught the eighth class of
Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nururrodhiyah, researcher sometimes have problems
that students faced in reading texts in their study, whereas students almost get
texts in their study. The students feel uniterested with the text in their study
because its is a boring text. They feel more interest to read with the type of

Extensive reading, such as essay or short story. They feel that they get some
pleasure when read some essays or short stories. It is also able to get
knowledge larger that read another types of reading. That is why students
interested in extensive reading.
In that case, it can fill the gap related to this research. Based on the
observation and some excuses mentioned above, this study aims to know
what sort of Reading text the students interest among the extensive reading
and to analyze why the students interest in extensive reading text at Madrasah
Tsanawiyah Nururrodhiyah Kota Jambi.

B. Focus of the Research

In this study, the researcher will focus on the extensive reading text to
analyze text that contain of professional articles, essays, technical reports,
short stories and books.

C. Formulation of the Problem

1. What kind of reading text do the students interest in extensive reading?
2. What are the factors make the students are interested in extensive

D. Objective of the Research

1. To know what kind of reading text the students interest in extensive
2. To analyze what are the factors make the students are interested in
extensive reading.

E. Significant of the research

The result of this study hopefully can be useful for the researcher
herself, the students, the school, the English teachers, and for the readers. For
the researcher herself, the result of this research can help her in preparing
herself in order to be a good teacher of English. This study can also enlarge

her knowledge and give her some experiences in conducting an educational

research. This study can helps students to makes them aware how essential
the reading culture is. The students will also be motivated to grow reading
interest. Equally important, the results of this research can be used as a
measurement of quality toward the educational system, especially the
educational quality of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nururrodhiyah Kota Jambi.
Furthermore, the teachers can also be facilitators and they can make the
strategies to grow the students‘ reading interest. Moreover, this research is
expected that can be utilized as one of the valuable references in conducting
further research related to this research.
A. Overview of Reading
1. Definition of Reading
In searching for information and expanding the knowledge, reading
is very crucial. In the study of science, almost all are obtained by reading.
If people can read, they would be able to recognize words and pictures.
They know, understand, and appreciate the ideas that expressed by the
author which are contained in a reading. Reading is a process to get a
sense of the combination of several letters and words.
According to Nuriati et al (2015), reading is one of the ways to
communicate in written forms. A writer puts his idea on the page and a
reader tries to understand the author‘s ideas and thinks about what he or
she has read. Through reading, the readers get new information, acquiring
new knowledge and find new ideas. Provide the students more or less
understand what they read, the more they read, the better they get at it.
Because reading is used to communicate, when the reader needs to figure
out what is being read. In other words, one should comprehend or
understand the ideas.
McKay (2006) stated that reading is both process and product. The
process of reading involves the interaction between the reader and the text
– how the reader is deciphering the writing on the page, what he or she is
thinking about while reading, and how the reader is monitoring his or her
reading, if at all (Alderson in Mckay, 2006). The product of reading is
reading comprehension. It is internal construction of meaning. Thus,
reading in an interactive process between the reader and the writen that
bring comprehension as a result.
Moreover, Reading is likewise a skill that teachers simply expect
learners to acquire Brown (2004). In this aspect, the cognitive processes
involved in reading are similar to those employed while listening. Linse
stated that reading is a set of skills that involves making sense and


deriving meaning from the printed word (Linse, 2005). Reading text also
provided opportunities to study language: vocabulary, grammar,
punctuation, and the way we construct sentences, paragraphs and texts.
Tankersley (2003) defines skill as the center of reading that
requires making meaning from words when listening, speaking, reading,
and writing. The heart of reading is skill as the main aim of reading
process. Moreover, Blachowic (2008) stated that skill as an interest-
driven process where the purpose for reading can change over time. It
means that skill can be achieved by the continous process based on the
Furthermore, reading skill is defined by Snow (2002) as the
process of simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning through
interaction and involvement with written language. In the other words,
reading skill is the process of comprehensive forming and deciding
meaning as a result of a progressive interaction between the readers and
the text they read. According to Wainright (2007), reading skill is a
complex process which comprises the successful or unsuccessful use of
many abilities. It means that reading skill is a complicated process that
involves many abilities that cause the readers understand the meaning of
the text well or badly.
From the description above, the researcher can conclude that
reading skill is a process of communicate in written text that involved
background knowledge, then analyze vocabulary, grammar, or
punctuation to get new information, acquiring new knowledge and find
new ideas as the result.

2. Purpose of Reading
Pang et al (2003) argue that ―A reader reads a text to understand its
meaning, as well as to put that understanding to use. A person reads a text
to learn, to find out information, to be entertained, to reflect or as
religious practice. The purpose for reading is closely connected to a

person‘s motivation for reading. It will also affect the way a book is
read.‖ In addition, Berardo (2006) revealed the purpose of reading are
reading for survival, reading for learning, and reading for pleasure. The
first is reading for survival. It is considered to be in response to our
environment, to find out information and can include street signs,
advertising, and timetables. It depends very much on the day-to-day
needs of the reader and often involves an immediate response to a
situation. The second is reading for learning. The purpose of the reading
is to find the necessary information, to solve a study problem that
ultimately enriches the knowledge in certain disciplines. It is considered
to be the type of reading done in the classroom and is goal orientated. The
last is reading for pleasure. Reading for pleasure is reading to fill the
spare time and to satisfy the feelings and imaginations of reading. For
instance, reading a novel, short story, a magazine, and etc. It is something
that does not have to be done.
Further, Anderson in Tarigan (2008), revealed the purpose of
reading are:
a. Reading to discover or to know the discoveries.
b. Reading to find out why it is a good topic and interesting; to find the
problems contained in the story; what is learned or experienced by
the characters, and summarize things done by the character to
achieve its goals.
c. Reading to discover or to know what happens to each part of the
stories, what happens first, second, third and etc. Each stage is made
to solve a problem, scenes, and events, a dramatic event.
d. Reading to discover and know why the characters feel the way they
do, what the author will show to the readers, why the characters
change, the qualities of the characters that make them successful or

e. Reading to find out what funny is in the story.

f. Reading to find out if a character succeeds or lives with certain
measures and do we want to do as the characters do.
g. Reading to discover how the characters change, how life differs from
the life we know, how the two stories have similarities, and how the
characters resemble the reader.

3. Types of Reading
According to Brown (2004), there are four types of reading, they
are follows:
a. Perceptive
Perceptive reading tasks involve attending the components of
larger stretches of discourse. They are letters, words, punctuation,
and other graphemes symbol. It used bottom-up processing.
b. Selective
This category is larger in artifact of assessment formats. In
order to ascertain one‘s reading recognition of lexical, grammatical,
or discourse of features of language within a variety short stretch of
language, certain typical task are used pictures-cued task, matching,
true-false, multiple choice. A combination of bottom-up and top-
down processing may be used.
c. Interactive
Interactive reading types are stretches of language of several
paragraphs to one page or more in which reader must, in a
psycholinguistic sense, interact with the text. That is, reading is
process of negotiating meaning the reader brings to the next a set of
schemata for understanding it and inactive reading and anecdotes,
short narratives and description, excerpts from longer texts,
questionnaires, memos, announcements, recipes. Top-down
processing is typical of such tasks, and bottom-up is necessary.

d. Extensive
Extensive reading is applied to text of more than a page, up to
short and including professional articles, essays, technical reports,
short stories, and books. Here that definition is massaged a little in
order to encompass any text longer than a page. Top-down
processing is assumed for most extensive tasks.

B. Overview of Extensive Reading

1. Definition of Extensive Reading
Extensive Reading is an approach for teaching reading whose goal
is to get students reading in the English language and enjoying it (Day,
Bassett , Bowler & Parminter, 2011). As cited in Ferdila, Bamford and
Day (2004) Extensive Reading is a technique in teaching reading is
defined as a situation where students read a lot of materials in their level n
a new language: they read for general, for overall meaning, and for
information at one with enjoyment (Bamford and Day, 2004., cited in
Ferdila, 2014).
In addition, extensive Reading is reading which involves students
reading long text such as book, jornals, article and papers. The aim is for
general understanding with the intention of enjoying the text. After
reading, the students are asked to write a summary of the text (Ferbawanti,
Based on the definition of above, the summary is Extensive
Reading Activities is method in learning process, where the students
reading as many different kinds of English book, journals and paper for
pleasure, understanding of the content generall, and understanding for
overall meaning.

2. Benefit of Extensive Reading

Extensive reading has several benefits. The first one is the choice
in reading material. One of the reasons why students take pleasure in
extensive reading program is that they can choose what they want to read
(Day and Bamford, 2004). In extensive reading, students can choose
reading material to be read by their own. They can provide reading
materials by themselves or teacher can provide it.
The second, Grabe as citied in (Wilkinson, 2012) discusses some
of the benefits of Extensive reading that are to build vocabulary and
structural awareness, enhance background knowledge, develop
automaticity, improve comprehension skills, and promote confidence and
Further benefit of extensive reading is students‘ positive attitudes
toward reading might increase. As Sweet (2000) states that an ―effective
reading instruction can develop engaged readers who are knowledgeable,
strategic, socially interactive, and motivated‖.

C. Overview of Interest
1. Definition of Interest
According to Krapp (2007), interests are interpreted as content-
specific motivational variables that have an important influence on
leaming and the direction of human development. Most interests, that are
relevant for learning and working exist only for a limited period of time
and are triggered by external incentives (situational interests). But there
are also content- specific interests that remain rather stable for a longer
period of time and some are of central significance in the life-course of
the developing person. Thus, human interests are not primarily seen as
stable personal characteristics (traits) but rather as components of the
complex motivational System of the person, that undergoes permanent
developmental changes.

In general, interest is usually thought to be a person‘s willingness

to engage with specific content, such as science content or a video game,
in a given situation (Krapp, et al in Springer et al, 2017). Note that
interest always deals with a particular object, activity, topic, or text
(Schiefele in Springer et al, 2017).
Moreover, Krapp et al (2011) argue that an interest represents a
specific and distinguished relationship between a person and an object.
An object can refer to concrete things, a topic, a subject-matter or an
abstract idea, that is a certain part of the cognitively represented
environment. A person will develop an interest for some of these objects
for a shorter or longer period of time.
When students are interested in an academic topic, they are more
likely to go to class, pay attention, become engaged, take more courses, as
well as process information effectively and ultimately perform well (Hidi
& Harackiewicz, 2000). Students who discover academic interests in high
school and college are better prepared for satisfying careers. Interest is a
powerful motivational process that energizes learning and guides
academic and career trajectories (Renninger & Hidi in Harackiewicz et al,

2. Types of Interest
Harackiewicz et al (2016), interest divided into two types, they are
as follows:
a. Situational Interest
Situational interest combines affective qualities, such as feelings
enjoyment and excitement, with cognitive qualities, such as focused
attention and perceived value, all fostered by features of the situation
(Hidi & Renninger in Harackiewicz et al, 2016).
b. Individual Interest
Individual interest is a stable, underlying disposition activated in
particular situations. It means that the interest that appears from

someone‘s self without outside influences. Individual interest is a

hidden aspect of itself.
In Similar, Lefrancois (2000) divided interest into two types,
a. Intrinsic interest
It is an interest that comes from within the individual and has
fundamental characteristic to push the encouragement in behaving
with the interest activities, free and a tendency to like it without
coercion or any intervention.
b. Extrinsic interest
The interest is built on the principle of reward and punishment,
so that an individual's impulse will attract interest by prioritizing goals
in the form of rewards or make the tendency of individuals to be
interested through the intervention of punishment pressure. Although
it tends to be mechanistic in practice and less attentive to the principle
of humanity. In general, extrinsic interest is used to help strengthen
the impetus for intrinsic interest.

3. Factors in interest
Interest is essentially a result of experiences. Interest develops as a
result of activities that will be used again in the same activity. Interest
attracts people to new, unfamiliar things, and many of these things will
turn out to be trivial, capricious, dangerous, or disturbing. According to
the crow (1973), there are several factors that affect interest. These factors
are as follows:
a. The Factor of Inner Urge: Stimulation comes from environment or
scope that corresponds to someone's wants or needs will be easy to
generate interest. For instance, tendency towards learning, in this case,
someone has a desire to know the science.
b. The Factor of Social Motive: it is a person's interest toward an object
or something. Besides, it is also influenced by factor from within

someone and social motives. To emphasize, someone is interested in

high achievement in order to have high social status.
c. The Factor of Emotional: This feeling and emotional factor have an
effect on the object. In detail, someone success in traveling as his/her
particular activity which it will generate the feelings of pleasure and
increase the spirit or strong interest in the activity. Otherwise, the
failure experiences will flourish someone's interest.

Silvia (2008) suggested that interest comes from two appraisals.

The first appraisal is an evaluation of an event‘s novelty–complexity,
which refers to evaluating an event as new, unexpected, complex, hard to
process, surprising, mysterious, or obscure. This appraisal isn‘t
surprising: Intuition and decades of research. The second, less obvious
appraisal is an evaluation of an event‘s comprehensibility. Appraisal
theories would label this appraisal a coping-potential appraisal because it
involves people considering whether they have the skills, knowledge, and
resources to deal with an event (Lazarus in Silvia, 2008). In the case of
interest, people are ‗‗dealing with‘‘ an unexpected and complex event—
they are trying to understand it. In short, if people appraise an event as
new and as comprehensible, then they will find it interesting.

D. Reading Interest
1. Definition of Reading Interest
Aspects of reading interests include reading pleasure, awareness of
the benefits of reading, reading frequency, and the number of books that
has been read. Utami et al (2021) defined that Reading interest is a feeling
that accompanies or causes special attention to reading. The students may
actively read if they are interested in reading. Reading interest can make
them consider the reading activity as a habitual activity for them. When
students are interested in a text they are reading, their comprehension
improves more than when they are reading a text in which they are not

interested, and they tend to have deeper comprehension of what they are
reading (Baldwin et al in Springer et al, 2017). In addition, when students
are interested in what they read, they read more strategically and
remember what they read longer. Finally, and importantly, when students
are interested in what they read, they put more cognitive effort into the
process (Fulmer et al in Springer et al, 2017).
Reading interest was a strong incentive to someone to read which
is characterized by showing an interest in a variety of symbols (Sutarti,
2017). Darmono in Sutarti (2017) states that the reading interest is the
tendency of the soul that drives someone to do something to reading.
Reading interest is indicated by a strong desire to reading. This is because
of reading is one of the important factors that would help students to be
ready for reading. Interest in reading is an encouragement that can
influence behaviour and actions which are then followed by feelings of
pleasure and interest in reading activities (Aprilia et al, 2020).
In reading, must have a high interest in order to someone is
interested in reading. Interest in reading contains elements of attention,
willingness, encouragement and pleasure that arise from within and from
the influence of others (Bawawa et al, 2019).

2. Factors which Affects Reading Interest

Vuong et al (2021) defined that an effective factor for
encouraging reading behaviors is home scholarly culture. It is creating
literacy and a book-oriented environment for children at home. It has
three major aspects. They are: early home literacy activities, parental
attitudes toward reading, and the number of books at home.
According to the data from the Programme for the International
Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) between 2011 and 2015 in
Vuong (2021), those who were brought up in book-reading-oriented
environments tend to perform better in studying and working. Families
with plenty of books and considering reading as a leisure activity create a

better environment for children to study. In-home scholarly culture,

parents are the models, motivators, and facilitators who accompany
children in reading activities, encourage them to read and provide them
with various types of books. In brief, parents hold a significant role in
providing the optimal learning environment for their children, especially
Moreover, Tarihiran & Dewi (2020) stated that students' interest in
reading arises from the curiosity of students understanding or obtaining
information from their environment. How good and interesting the
contents of the reading text, but if the reader is indifferent, then reading
activities is not possible. Great interest in its influence on learning,
because if the learning material learned is not in accordance with the
interests of students then there is no attraction for him/her.
Furthermore, everyone‘s interest is also influenced by several
factors, such as proposed by Crow and Crow in Supriyadi in Sutarti
(2017) that there are four factors that affect a person's interest in reading,
they are:
a. The Physical Condition
The physical condition is becoming the main thing, because by
good and healthy physical condition than the state of a student will be
stable. That will also affect the activity which he/she did, such as
reading a book. If the physical condition is healthy, then he or she will
feel happy and likes to read.
b. The Mental Condition.
It is like physical condition, the mental condition of a person
(student) also affects the daily activities. If someone is mentally
"down" (fall), then the student will not respond well what he will do,
such as reading a book. Conversely, if the student's mental is "good",
then he will feel happy and likes to do reading
c. The Emotional Status.

It is like the physical and mental condition, emotional status also

affects the condition of each individual (student). If the condition is
stable and good emotions, then he/she will be happy in doing business
that he wanted, like reading a book. However, when emotions were
unstable, then the students were also reluctant to do any activities, it
includes reading.
d. The Social Environment. The social environment of each individual
(student) is certainly different. If the social environment in which
individuals live in a good neighborhood, in the sense of community
that likes to read, then the students indirectly will begin to love
reading, but he actually does not like reading.

3. Solution to Increase the Reading Interest

In the process of reading, interest is very necessary because
students will read fervently without being forced. Once the students have
a high reading interest, it is expected that they will reach a high
understanding, which enables them analyze the discourse well. By having
an interest in reading, it is expected that the students can arouse the
enthusiasm of reading, especially for students who are lazy to read as a
negative result from outside themselves (Aprilia et al, 2020). The students
can form good reading habits so that the ability to understand reading will
be better and the ability to analyze a discourse can be improved.
According to Springer et al (2017), here are some teaching tips for
building interest in and through reading as follows:
a. Cultivating Individual Interests
There are two spesific ways to accomplish this tips. They are:
first, Inquiry-based projects. Here, teachers begin by asking students
to generate questions based on their curiosity about different topics or
ideas. Students then research, read, and write about topics of personal
interest to them. Second, Paired fiction and informational texts. In this
case, teachers select an informational text, a picture book, and a

magazine article all on a specific topic so students will gain

knowledge about the topic, thereby becoming more interested in it.

b. Catching and Holding Students‘ Situational Interest

Creating situational interest may take some initial effort, but
the payoff in terms of time and motivation makes the investment
worthwhile. The following are some activities for catching and
holding students‘ interest in reading books:
 Hands-on activities: Teachers can begin approaching a topic
through hands-on activities to provide a tangible connection to the
relevant study materials, piquing students‘ interest while building
valuable background knowledge. Interest in reading about the
topic comes more easily after students develop ownership through
manipulative activities.
 Online book trailers: Book trailers introduce students to new
books being published. This and other engaging, action-packed
videos have been carefully crafted to hook students into reading
without giving away too much of a book‘s plot.

c. Selecting Interesting Texts

Some students, especially struggling or reluctant readers, need
help in selecting texts. The following are some activities teachers can
use to help students select interesting texts: first, Mock Caldecott and
Newbery medal elections. Here, teachers select a variety of high-
quality, inherently interesting books that are potential contenders for a
chosen award. Students then read and rate each book using methods
such as circling smiley faces for K–2 readers and itemized lists for
grades 3–6. The last is online resources. Booklists from many helpful
sources are available online to provide a quick and easy way to
discover interesting texts for students.

d. Helping Students Learn to Self-Regulate their Reading

Students need to learn strategies to use when they are required to
read texts that may be less interesting to them. These strategies help
them regulate their own interest as they read challenging, complex, or
uninteresting materials. The strategies are peer interest conferences
and curiosity catchers. In peer interest conferences, students can meet
and share what they find interesting in specific texts that might
otherwise be boring. Then in curiosity catchers, teachers can ask
students to find things that are interesting in any book: an intriguing
picture on the cover, a connection to something that they are already
interested in, or something they would like to learn about a topic.

E. The Previous Studies

In this research, the researcher summarizes the relevant previous studies
to prove the originality of the research. There are two previous studies related
to this study. First study conducted by Yoga Arifin (2021) with the title ―An
Analysis of Students‘ Interest in Reading Comprehension at The Eleventh
Grade of Senior High School 2 Siak Hulu‖. This research investigate the
students‘ interest in reading comprehension at the eleventh grade of senior
high school 2 siak hulu. There was one variable used in this research
(students‘ interest in reading comprehension). The purpose of this reseach
was to describe how is students‘ interest in reading comprehension and what
factor influencing students‘ interest in reading comprehension. The research
was descriptive quantitative and used questionnaire as instrument for
collecting data. The subject of the research was the eleventh MIPA 6 class
which consist of 36 students. The writer used cluster random sampling
technique with the total sample was 30 students from the total population.
The result of this research in students‘ interest got score with average
64.88%. in indicator of individual interest factor, students got score with
average 56.55%. In indicator of situational interest factor, students got score

with average 73.21%. the conclusion of this research was on the category of
Second, Raunaq et al (2021) with the title ―The Students‘ Perception of
Extensive Reading in Online Learning at Flsp Class‖. The purpose of this
research aimed to know the students‘ perception on their online Extensive
reading learning. Survey design was used to conduct this study, and therefore,
the questioner was constructed as the instruments of the study besides the
researcher himself. The participants of this research were 44 students of first
semester in the Accounting Department at FLSP class of University of
Muhammadiyah Malang (Class A). The researcher adopted the questionnaire
from a previous study conducted by Yogurtcu (2013), Tseng (2015), and
Torres (2017), and the questionnaire showed the students‘ perceptions of their
online learning. The questionnaire consists of 20 statements and each
statement has five alternative responses from 1 to 5: Strongly disagree,
disagree, neutral, agree, and strongly agree. Google Form is the media to
distribute the questionnaire due to the global pandemic of Covid 19. The
results of the study indicate that students show positive response towards the
use of Extensive reading in online learning. The students perceived that
benefits of the activities had substantial effect on increasing their
vocabularies, and students focused on educational evaluation they read during
the semester. Based on the data, there are advantages, they are: we can
complete to read the whole text, we can determine mind idea and supporting
idea of the texts, The online reading activities helped me to get more
interested in reading text, we can easily understand the text from online
reading activities, and there is disadvantage, they are: distraction (Tools and

A. Place and Time of the Research

The research was taken place at Islamic Junior High School in Jambi. It
is MTs Nururrodhiyah Kota Jambi in academic year 2021/2022. The
researcher chosen all of the eighth class students MTs Nururrodhiyah Kota
Baru, Jambi, that consist of four classes and total number of the students are
105 students. In collecting data, the researcher made questionnaire in the form
of Google Forms and distributed through students‘ Whatsapp groups on
October 1-5, 2021.

B. Design of the Research

In this research, the researcher used a descriptive study with a
quanstitative approach. The design used is a survey research. Survey research
designs are procedures in quantitative research in which investigators
administer a survey to a sample or to the entire population of people to
describe the attitudes, opinions, behaviors, or characteristics of the population
(Creswell, 2012). Latief (2015) stated that survey research is typically used to
describe opinions, attitudes, preferences, and perceptions of people of interest
to the researcher. The major purpose of surveys is to describe the
characteristics of a population. In essence, what researchers want to find out
is how the members of a population distribute themselves on one or more
variables (Fraenkel et al, 2012). In this procedure, survey researchers collect
quantitative, numbered data using questionnaires (e.g., mailed questionnaires)
or interviews (e.g., one-on-one interviews) and statistically analyze the data to
describe trends about responses to questions and to test research questions or
hypotheses (Creswell, 2012).
This research seeks to to know what sort of reading text the students
interest among the extensive reading and to analyze why the students interest


in extensive reading text at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nururrodhiyah Kota

Jambi. Then, this research is using a questionnaire instrument.

C. Population and Sample

1. Population
Population is the larger group that they wish to learn about (Gall,
M. D., Gall, J. P., & Borg, 2003). The population of the study included all
of the eighth year students of the MTs Nururrodhiyah in academic year
2021/2022. They are four classes and consisted of class VIII A, VIII B,
VIII C, and VIII D. The total of students is 105 students.

2. Sample
Sample is a sub-group of the target population that the researcher
plan to study for generalizing about the target population (Creswell,
2012). Technique to take sample is called sampling. In taking sample, the
researcher use total sampling. Total sampling is sampling technique for
all the population members used as a sample (Sugiyono, 2017).
The researcher took class VIII as sample. There are 105 students.
The researcher made questionnaires in the form of Google Forms and
distributed through students‘ Whatsapp groups. The sampling process is
carried out in several stages. First, the researcher distributes
questionnaires based on class time for each class. Second, the researcher
gives 5 days for respondents to fill out the questionnaire, after 5 days of
receipt of responses on Google Form will be closed by the researcher.

D. Technique of Collecting Data

1. Observation
Observation is complex process, a process that composed of variety
of biological processes and psychological processes (Sugiyono, 2012,
p.203). Sarwono explain that observation to recording the events,
behavioral, objects in view and other thing that need into support in the

research (Sarwono, 2006, p.224). Based on the theories above,

observations is process monitoring, see the phenomena in subject place.
In this technique of collecting data, the researcher observes to
recognize how the condition of students that they feel interested when
they studied extensive reading text in learning process. Therefore, the
researcher observes to find the data.
So, in this research, the observation process that is to observe the
students when studying about extensive reading text. Then, the researcher
also see what kind extensive reading text that students interested in. It is
short story.

2. Questionnaire
The researcher collecting the data used a questionnaire whose contents
are adaptation from Yoga Arifins' thesis and Journal of Bawawa et al. Yoga
Arifins' thesis entitled An Analysis of Students‘ Interest in Reading
Comprehension at the Eleventh Grade of Senior High School 2 Siak Hulu
Kampar, and journal of Bawawa et al entitled Analysis of Students‘ Interest
in Reading. The research questionnaire consists of 20 close questionnaires
that focusing on students' interest in reading and kinds of extensive reading
that students‘ most interested. The data in this research was collected by share
a questionnaire via Whatsapp or media social.
Likert Scale is used to scoring interest of students. Taherdoost (2019)
claimed that the Likert Scale is used to indicate degree of agreement and
disagreement with a variety of statements about some attitude, object, person
or event. Students‘ interest can be said to be positive if the most answer are
strongly agree, and students‘ interest can be said to be negative if the most
answer are in strongly disagree choices. The questionnaire in this instrument
used Likert Scale.

Table3.1: Likert Scale

NO Statement Positive Negative
1 Strongly agree SS 4 1
2 Agree S 3 2
3 Disagree TS 2 3
4 Strongly disagree STS 1 4

E. Validity of Research Data

Fraenkel et al (2012) have been defined validity as referring to the
appropriateness, correctness, meaningfulness, and usefulness of the specific
inferences researchers make based on the data they collect. The instrument is
valid when it has high validity, meaning it can be used to measure what
should be measured, on the other hand, the instrument is said to be less valid
and valid if it has low validity.
In this study, the researcher collected the data was used a questionnaire
whose contents are adaptation from Yoga Arifins' thesis and Journal of
Bawawa et al. Yoga Arifins' thesis entitled An Analysis of Students‘ Interest
in Reading Comprehension at the Eleventh Grade of Senior High School 2
Siak Hulu Kampar, and journal of Bawawa et al entitled Analysis of
Students‘ Interest in Reading. The research questionnaire consists of 20 close
questionnaires that focusing on students' interest in reading. This research
made an electronic questionnaire in the form of a Google form, then distribute
it to the Whatsapp group for four classes of class VIII at MTs Nururrodiyah
Kota Baru, Jambi. Because this type of questionnaire is a closed
questionnaire, students only choose the available answers without thinking
about their answers. The closed questionnaire here uses a rating scale
questionnaire, where the researcher uses a Likert Scale to get information
from participants, a Likert Scale to measure the existence of a subject
agreement with each item. The remaining items are measure on a four point
scale, strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree.

F. Technique of Analysis Data

To analyze the data, the researcher will use several steps. First, the
researcher rank respondents‘ data based on when the questionnaire was
collected. Second, the data that has been received is then entered into the
research table. Third, in the research table, the researcher calculates the
percentage of respondents who are divided into four parts, namely strongly
agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree. The use of scale classification in
this research is to measure the agreement and disagreement of respondents to
the object in the questionnaire. The statements contained in the questionnaire
contain content that will be assessed by respondents. So in this study, the
result of the data is ordinal data (tiered without a score). The numbers used
are just sequences to make it easier for the researcher. So, the analysis is only
in the form of frequencies (numbers) or percentages.

A. Research Finding
In this chapter, the researcher was elaborated the findings about
knowing what kind of reading text do the students interest in extensive
reading and analyze what are the factors make the students are interested in
extensive readin text at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nururrodhiyah Kota Jambi.
The researcher did the research and got the complete data from all the
questionnaires. To get the data, the researcher used a questionnaire whose
contents are adaptation. In this questionnaire there are twenty statements.
Students only give a checklist in the box provided in Google Form. In this
questionnaire the statements are presented in Indonesian so that in presenting
this data, the researcher translates the questions into English. For research in
Indonesian, it is recommended to use a balanced Likert Scale for example
with 4 levels. In presenting the following data description of the use of scale:
 4 : Strongly Agree
 3 : Agree
 2 : Disagree
 1 : Strongly disagree
The aims of this research are to know what kind of reading text the
students prefer in extensive reading and to analyze what are the factors make
the students are interested in extensive reading text at Madrasah Tsanawiyah
Nururrodhiyah Kota Jambi. The researcher took four classes as sample to be
analyzed. The sample was class VIII which has 105 students.
Based on the results of questioonnaires that have been conducted, here
are the result of the questionnaires:


1. Dominant Extensive Reading Text of Students’ Interest

According to Brown (2004), there are four types of reading, they
are perceptive, selective, interactive and extensive. There are 10
questions which are related to dominant extensive reading text of
students‘ interest. They are:
No Questionaire Statement Scale Frequency Percentage
1. Saya memiliki minat membaca 4 26 24.8%
I have a reading interest 3 71 67.6%
2 10 9.5%
1 0 0%
2. Saya merasa bosan ketika membaca 1 1 1%
I am bored when read 2 32 30.5%
3 65 61.9%
4 8 7.6%
3. Saya biasa membaca di rumah 4 11 10.5%
I like reading at home 3 66 62.9%
2 31 29.5%
1 1 1%
4. Membaca artikel, essay,cerita pendek, 4 30 28.6%
berita tehnis, cerita pendek dan buku 3 67 63.8%
memilki manfaat dalam pengetahuan 2 10 9.5%
Readi article, essay, short story,, 1 1 1%
technical report, and book are getting a
benefit of knowledge
5. Saya membaca article, essay, berita 4 17 16.2%
tehnis, cerita pendek, dan buku 3 52 49.5%
setidaknya 1 jam sehari 2 21 29.5%
I read professional articles, essays, 1 5 4.8%
technical reports, short stories, and
books at least an hour a day
6. Extensive reading text seperti cerita 4 33 31.4%
pendek menarik minat saya 3 68 64.8%

Extensive reading text like a short story 2 31 29.5%

makes me interest 1 5 4.8%
7. Extensive reading text seperti essay, 4 25 23.8%
menarik minat saya 3 62 59%
Extensive reading text like essay makes 2 18 17.1%
me interest 1 0 0%

8. Extensive reading text seperti artikel, 4 7 6.7%

menarik minat saya 3 41 39%
Extensive reading text like article makes 2 51 48.6%
me interest 1 6 5.7%

9. Extensive reading text seperti laporan 4 8 7.6%

tehnis, menarik minat saya 3 40 38.1%
Extensive reading text like technical 2 53 50.5%
report makes me interest
1 5 4.8%

10. Extensive reading text seperti buku 4 8 7.6%

menarik minat saya 3 64 61%
Extensive reading text like a book 2 29 27.6%
makes me interest
1 5 4.8%

First, based on the statement of ―I have a reading interest‖, most of

the student agree with the percentage 67.6%. Then on the next statement,
―I am bored when reading‖, it is a negative statement on the Likert scale.
So, the statement of disagree is in the scale 3. It means that most of
students do not agree if they are bored when reading or they actually like
to read. Next, on the third statement, ―I like reading at home‖, it has
percentage 62.9%. It can be seen that students read not only in the
school. So, it can be infer that most of students are interested in reading
Furthermore, the most of students agree that reading professional
articles, essays, technical reports, short stories, and books are getting a

benefit of knowledge with the percentage 63.8% and even most of the
students read professional articles, essays, technical reports, short stories,
and books at least an hour a day with the percentage 49.5%. the most
students like to read extensive reading text.
Moreover, most students interest to read short story with
percentage 64.8%, it was the higher percentage because students think
that short story is the most interest material in extensive reading text. At
the essay, students has percentage 59%, it mean that students interest
with essay. Then, students has 38.1% at the technical report and 39% at
the article. Those mean that most of students do not really interest at
them. The last is on the statement ―Extensive reading text like a book
makes me interest‖, students agree that book is an interested text to read
with the percentage 61%.
Based on the data and the statements above, students interest in
extensive reading text and most of them interested in short story with the
highest percentage 64.8%.

2. The Students Interest in Extensive Reading Text

There are ten statements which are related to the students interest
in extensive reading text. They are:
No Questionaire Statement Scale frequency Percentage
1. Saya senang ketika mendapat tugas 4 20 19%
membaca teks extensive reading 3 79 75.2%
I like when I have a reading assignment 2 7 6.7%
text 1 0 0%
2. Saya suka ketika guru memberi tugas 4 8 7.6%
membaca tentang laporan teknis 3 50 47.6%
I like when a teacher give me a technical 2 44 41.9%
report assignment 1 4 3.8%
3. Extensive reading text seperti artikel, 4 9 8.6%
essays, laporan tehnis, cerita pendek, 3 42 40%

and buku tidak mudah didapat baik di 2 53 50.5%

perpustakaan maupun di internet 1 4 3.8%
It is not easy to find out the Extensive
reading text such as professional
articles, essays, technical reports, short
stories, and books both at library and
4. Saya suka ketika guru memberi tugas 4 29 27.6%
membaca tentang cerita pendek 3 69 65.7%
I am like when a teacher give me a short 2 5 4.8%
story asssignment 1 3 2.9%
5. Saya suka ketika guru memberi tugas 4 21 20%
membaca tentang buku 3 64 61%
I like when a teacher give me a book 2 18 17.1%
assignment 1 2 1.9%
6. Membaca artikel, esay, laporan tehnis, 4 24 22.9%
cerita pendek dan buku mempengaruhi 3 67 63.8%
sikap dan tingkah laku saya 2 14 13.3%
Reading professional articles, essays, 1 0 0%
technical reports, short stories, and
books affect my attitude and behavior
7. Saya tidak suka membaca extensive 4 3 2.9%
raeding text 3 24 22.9%
I don‘t like to read extensive reading
2 69 65.7%
1 12 11.4%

8. Saya tidak suka membaca artikel, essay, 4 5 4.8%

laporan tehnis, cerita pendek, dan buku 3 44 41.9%
ketika saya berada dimana saja 2 51 48.6%
I don‘t like to read professional articles, 1 5 4.8%
essays, technical reports, short stories,
and books wherever I stay
9. Saya suka ketika guru memberi tugas 4 9 8.6%

membaca tentang artikel 3 51 48.6%

I like when a teacher give me a an article 2 43 41%
assignment 1 3 2.9%
10. Saya suka ketika guru memberi tugas 4 14 13.3%
membaca tentang essay 3 61 58.1%
I like when a teacher give me an essay 2 25 23.8%
assignment 1 5 4.8%

From the result of the questionnaire at the students interest in

extensive reading text, it can be inferred that most of the students have
high interest in extensive reading text. It is because most of the students
like when have a reading assignment text with the scale 75.2%.
Next, on the statement ―I like when a teacher give me a technical
report assignment‖, the percentage is 47.6 % students who agree and
41.9% students who are not agree. Then on the statement ―It is not easy
to find out the Extensive reading text such as professional articles,
essays, technical reports, short stories, and books both at library and
internet‖. It is a negative statement. Based on the likert scale, if the
negative statement on the disagree, it count on the number 3 scale. So the
percentage of agree is 50.5%.
Moreover, at the statement 4 and 5, those prove that student like to
get assignments about short story and book. The percentage are 65.7%
and 61%. Next statement is ―Reading professional articles, essays,
technical reports, short stories, and books affect my attitude and
behavior‖ with the high percentage 63.8%.
The next two statements are negative statements. They are ― I don‘t
like to read extensive reading text‖ and ―I don‘t like to read professional
articles, essays, technical reports, short stories, and books wherever I
stay. Those means that based on the likert scale, if the negative statement

on the disagree, it count on the number 3 scale. So the percentage of

agree are 65.7% and 48.6% and disagree are 22.9% and 41.9%.
The last two statements prove that students like to read extensive
reading both about article or essay. Those can be seen at the statements ―I
like when a teacher give me an article assignment‖ and ―I like when a
teacher give me an essay assignment‖, students have the agree percentage
48.6% and 58.1%. Those mean that students interest to read kind
extensive reading text both article and essay.

B. Discussion
This research aims are to know what kind of reading text do the
students interest in extensive reading and to analyze what are the factors
make the students are interested in extensive reading text at Madrasah
Tsanawiyah Nururrodhiyah Kota Jambi. To answer the research question, the
researcher distributed questionnaires. The questionnaire distributed to all the
students of eight grade at MTs Nururrodhiyah Kota Jambi, that consist of four
classes and total number of the students are 105 students. In collecting the
data, the researcher made questionnaire in the form of Google Forms and
distributed through students‘ via Whatsapp groups.
First, the discussion is about the kind of reading text do the students
prefer in extensive reading text at the eight grade students at MTs
Nururrodhiyah kota Jambi which consist five kinds. According to Brown
(2004), there are five types of extensive reading text, they are professional
articles, essays, technical reports, short stories, and books. The first type is
professional articles, the percentage of students who agree is 39%. Second is
essay. Essay has the percentage 59%. The third is technical report with the
percentage 38.1%. Next is short stories, it has the highest percentage. It is
64.8%. The last is book with the percentage 61%. Based on those elaboration,
two kind of extensive reading text have the low percentage, they are
professional article and technical report. Those mean that most students do
not really interested at both professional article and technical repor. But at the

essay, short story and book, students have the high score. Those mean that
most of students like to read extensive reading and the highest percentage is
short story reading text with the percentage 64.8%. It proves that short story
is the kind of reading text the students interest among extensive reading text
at the eight grade students at MTs Nururrodhiyah kota Jambi.
The next discussion is to analyze what are the factors make the
students are interested in extensive reading text at Madrasah Tsanawiyah
Nururrodhiyah Kota Jambi. The writer came up with research 10 statements.
The first statement is ―I like when I have a reading assignment text‖. Most of
students agree with the percentage 63.8% that they like a reading assignment.
Next, on the statement ―I like when a teacher give me a technical report
assignment‖, the percentage is 47.6 % students who agree and 41.9% students
who are not agree. It means that most of the students interest in technical
report assignment. Then on the statement ―It is not easy to find out the
Extensive reading text such as professional articles, essays, technical reports,
short stories, and books both at library and internet‖. It is a negative
statement. Based on the likert scale, if the negative statement on the disagree,
it count on the number 3 scale. So the percentage of agree is 50.5%. It means
that students feel easy to find out those kind of extensive reading text both at
library and internet.
Moreover, at the statement 4 and 5, those prove that student like to get
assignments about short story and book. The percentage are 65.7% and 61%.
Next statement is ―Reading professional articles, essays, technical reports,
short stories, and books affect my attitude and behavior‖. Most of the agree
because read the new text can improve the knowledge and of course affect the
attitude and behavior. It is supported by the Tarigan (2008), he stated that
reading to discover how the characters change, how life differs from the life
we know, how the two stories have similarities, and how the characters
resemble the reader.
The next two statements are negative statements. They are ― I don‘t
like to read extensive reading text‖ and ―I don‘t like to read professional

articles, essays, technical reports, short stories, and books wherever I stay.
Those means that based on the likert scale, if the negative statement on the
disagree, it count on the number 3 scale. So the percentage of agree are 65.7%
and 48.6% and disagree are 22.9% and 41.9% . those mean that most of
students like to read extensive reading text and like to read professional
articles, essays, technical reports, short stories, and books wherever they stay.
These are supported by Utami et al (2021). They stated that reading interest is
a feeling that accompanies or causes special attention to reading.
The last two statements prove that students like to read extensive
reading both about article or essay. Those can be seen at the statements ―I like
when a teacher give me an article assignment‖ and ―I like when a teacher give
me an essay assignment‖, students have the agree percentage 48.6% and
58.1%. Those mean that students interest to read kind extensive reading text
both article and essay.
Those explanation prove that most of students interest in extensive
reading text because they like when have a reading assignment text, they feel
that reading professional articles, essays, technical reports, short stories, and
books affect their behavior and attitude, and they even enjoy to read them
wherever they stay because they agree that it is easy to find out those kinds of
extensive reading text both at library and internet.

From the findings of the research that have been found and discussed,
the researcher can conclude as follows:
1. There are five types of extensive reading text, they are professional
articles, essays, technical reports, short stories, and books. The first type
is professional articles, the percentage of students who agree is 39%.
Second is essay. Essay has the percentage 59%. The third is technical
report with the percentage 38.1%. Next is short stories, it has the highest
percentage. It is 64.8%. The last is book with the percentage 61%. Based
on those elaboration, two kind of extensive reading text have the low
percentage, they are professional article and technical report. Those mean
that most students do not really interested at both professional article and
technical report. But at the essay, short story and book, students have the
high score. The highest percentage is 64.8% at short story reading text, it
proves that short story is the kind of reading text that students more
interest in extensive reading text at the eight grade students at MTs
Nururrodhiyah kota Jambi.
2. The factors that make the students interested in extensive reading text
because they like when have a reading assignment text, they feel that
reading professional articles, essays, technical reports, short stories, and
books affect their behavior and attitude, and they even enjoy to read
professional articles, essays, technical reports, short stories, and books
wherever they stay because they agree that it is easy to find out the
extensive reading text such as professional articles, essays, technical
reports, short stories, and books both at library and internet.


1. For the teacher
After considered the result of students‘ interest in extensive
reading text, the writer suggests the teacher to apply an interesting method
in teaching reading and place the students in the situation that has
possibility to increase their interest in all of the types of reading skill.
2. For the students
Students who feel or experienced are suggested to be aware that
reading skill is very useful and beneficial for the current era. Students
have to analyze and evaluate it to build their reading interest, not only in
extensive reading text but also all of reading skill‘s types.

3. For the future researcher

This research can be used as reference to the future researcher who
choose students‘ interest in reading skill which focus on the extensive
reading text as the topic. The future researcher can observe the same topic
of this research with different theory, objectives, and methodology.
Therefore, the researcher hopes that the future research will provide better
research than this research.

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Name : Pipian Rosa

Date of Birth :Padang Jering, 10 Juni 1997
Adress : Desa Padang Jering, Kec. Batang Asai, Kab. Sarolangun
Email : rosavivian005@gmail.com
Contact Person : 085283209434
Educational Background

No Level of Education Adress Graduated Years

1 SDN 023 Padang Jering 2010
2 SMP N 26 Kasiro 2013
3 MAN 1 Sungai Gelam 2016
4 Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Sei. Duren 2022
Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

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