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What is Mentor Match? What if there aren’t enough mentors and

Mentor Match is an online matching program targeted some mentees miss out?
specifically at graduate members and early career engineers We are working hard to make sure this doesn’t happen.
and will provide them with access to senior engineers for Invitations for mentors to sign up will be open for two
the purpose of gaining career guidance, connection and weeks prior to launching to mentees to ensure we know
advice for planning their future engineering careers. how many mentoring relationships we have available. We
will then only allow for that number of mentees to sign up
Why was Mentor Match created? so that nobody misses out.

Mentor Match was brought in to fill a gap in our current

product offering for graduate members. Our research What if someone missed out?
says the number one thing graduates want is mentoring Once all relationships have been established, the platform
connection - now we have a way to give them access to this will be closed to new enrolments and a waiting list will be
kind of career support! available so these people will be notified once the next
round opens.
Who is Mentor Match for?
Mentor Match is exclusively for Engineers Australia What can be expected from participating?
members. At the start of the relationship, participants will receive a
Mentor Match User Guide which outlines everything they
How does Mentor Match work? need to know about the program, how it will work and a
guide to questions, managing the relationship and more. EA
Mentor Match offers any Graduate Engineers Australia will also guide the mentorship through automated emails
member an individual and focused mentorship. Mentors and throughout the period, reminding them to connect and
mentees must apply, and then match up to work together provide discussion topics for meetings and resources for
for the entirety of the cycle. Every 6 months, the match can them to use.
be renewed or ended. Then a new program of application
EA has the capability to measure and report on connections
opens and matching begins. made including discontinued/abandoned connections.
There will also be a mid-point contact and a wrap-up at the
How long does each round go for? end of the cycle. Mentees will complete a form upfront to
help to guide the relationship. We recommend mentors and
Each round will round will run over a 6 month period. mentees spend one hour connecting each month.

Who can be a mentor? Does the match have to be local?

All Chartered members will be invited to become a mentor. No, relationships can form between members from
The Canberra CLM and the Victorian Division Committee anywhere across the globe. Mentoring partnerships take
have also agreed to take part to give us value feedback on into account the preferred communication method of both
the program in this first round. parties -- phone, Skype, email, or whatever suits them.

Who can be a mentee?

Mentees will be graduate members of Engineers Australia.
This is a membership benefit for our early career engineers.

How do mentors and mentees sign up?

An invitation email will be sent out to each cohort advising
the round is open and they can enrol. Enrolment periods
for mentors will be open for two weeks prior to opening
enrolment for mentees.

Engineers Australia | Mentoring Exchange Guide 2020 1

What is the difference between Mentor I have questions! Who do I speak to?
Match and the Divisional and Group based For more information, please contact:
programs that already exist?
Mentor Match is just the platform that will host our National Samantha Zdjelar
Graduate Mentoring Program. This will not affect the
current mentoring programs happening within EA – those National Manager, Membership Growth
run by our Divisions and Groups. As our overall strategic
aim for Mentoring is to provide a consistent membership
experience, we will invite other EA mentoring programs to 02 6270 6104
join us on using Mentor Match to assist them in matching
and communicating with those involved. This will happen
once our pilot program has completed its first six-month Lucie Reilly
cycle and we gain feedback from participants.
Relationship Manager, Membership Growth
What if there are more members wanting a
mentoring program? 08 8202 7150

We will have a waitlist and expression of interest form

available for all members to indicate what they are Grace Bodman
looking for. We will also send out communications to the
membership base if any criteria changes or the platform is Marketing Manager, Membership Growth
extended to other membership grades.
02 6270 6138
Can an employer access Mentor Match?
The short answer is no. The long answer is that Mentor
Match will have the capability to host joint EA Company
Mentoring Programs. This will not be possible until at least

Who manages Mentor Match?

Mentor Match is owned and managed by the Membership
Growth Team.

What is the URL for Mentor Match?

Is there a generic email for members to use

speak to someone about Mentor Match?
Yes! you can direct member enquiries to and the team will be
able to assist.

Engineers Australia | Mentoring Exchange Guide 2020 2

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