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Roll No. ......................

Total Pages : 2

BT-6/M-21 46190

Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 75

Note : Attempt five questions in all, selecting at least one question

from each unit. All questions carry equal marks.


1. What do you understand by term Irrigation Engineering and

explain its need and Classification. (15)

2. What are the requirements for the success of irrigation

project? How is an irrigation project Planned explain in detail?


3. What is Tank Irrigation and Well Irrigation ? Explain in detail

with neat and clean Diagram and also write merits of Tank
irrigation over the Well irrigation. (15)

4. Define the Water Distribution system in irrigation and explain

furrow irrigation method with its diagram and detail of its
components. (15)

46190//KD/1249 [P.T.O.

5. Write down the Design of Gravity Dam and also state the
Forces acting upon the gravity dam in detail. (15)

6. Explain Design of Prismatic canal alignments and Lacey's

Regime Theory in detail. (15)


7. How can we do the Optimization of water in Irrigation

engineering and also mention the Modern techniques of it?

8. What is role of Water Management in Irrigation and how it

impacts the productivity and what are the parameters to
evaluate the Economic Aspects? (15)

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