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3 $ 1. What is Report writing Q. 2. What are the various 34.6, RESUME WRITING Besus writing is more of an art and tess of a mechanical format. Its the index of the traits OF the candidate, Impressing an employer with your resume can make all the difference. The term ‘Resume’ comes from the French and means Summary. Resume is a summary of qualifications, skills, training, work experience, education and most importantly, accomplishments with past employers. Importance of Resume : j According to Dr. Martin, “If your resume works, you work, if it doesn’t, you don't \” Resume plays an important part in your career. It acts as a “marketing tool” or as an advertisement. Resume gets you the interview. Most employers will use your resume as a : guideline when they interview you. Your resume is your supporter, if properly prepared. If \ ‘not, it could be put the thing that loses your opportunity, ‘Guidelines : Follow the important guidelines while preparing your resume : ‘ (i) Name, address and contact number should be given on the first page. Do not forget to mention the basic information. (ii) It should be brief and to the point. (iti) The language should be very simple and logical, (iy) It should be very neat and tidy, (v) It should be short, concise and readable. _ (vi) After you finish writing your resume, ensure that there are no spelling mistakes or other Do not include salary history. | Project Handled : © ADA: Aeronautical Development Agency. HAL : Hindustan Aeronautical Limited. _® ISRO : Indian Space Research Organisation. * TELCO : Tata Engineering Locomotive Company, CADICAM Skills : © Auto CAD 2004 : 2p Drafting, 3 D Drafting and Detailing Views. Master 1AM 9 : 1 tool path creating and verification for CNC multi axis milling and turning. Part programming : FANOC controller. ork Experience (six years) From Jan. 2010 to till date | Programmer Bhubhneshwar (Orissa) Unique International April 2007 to Dec. 2009 | Programmer Techno Private Limited | Sept. 2005 to July 2007 | Operator Mahindra Net Limited CNC Programmer and Designer. Curricular Activities Won the best project handled award in 2007. Participated in various singing and writing competitions and won various awards. | Member of Eco Club of the town, _ Amenergetic and enthusiastic software developer is looking for a role in Soft in Industry that embraces technology, 26} ftware Developer IT (Aug. 2011-pre application that handles morta: Experience : State Community Bank (Himachal Pradesh) So! Developed and support front end to middle tie transactions using ADO.NET and ODP.NET «Using pair based programming on mid to large scale team projects. Worked in analysis of business requirements. © Developed various unit test plans. Progressive Insurance + IPAPP programmer (July 2010 to Aug. 2011) Written software in industry standard design patterns. © Developed web based applications. © Upgrade store procedures and rules. Software Test Engineer : © Wrote DTP extension using C © Developed internal company websites. Educational Background : B.E., Computer Science, in 2007 Interests Travelling and Singing 3-5 for applications such as flash, windows. Cover Letter It is a brief written document which should be attached with c nent resume. Covering your resume personalised. I highlights your qualifications and strengths. a oid un details in the covering letter. It should be neat and brief. It should be ae anda : Sample of a Covering Letter Davinder Kumar 24, Thapar Lodge, Patiala, Punjab Contact no. 97253 ~ 24346 February 6, 2012 Dear Mr. Gupta - Z I read with great delight about a senior acci a0) F deli bout ‘Ountant in the accounts conlginall esos is aria ; 4 perfect prospect for my skills, interests and career. ay I have a strong academic foundation in accounting along with over five years of rience in the field of accounts. My personal attributes, as such as attention to detail and "Please review my resume. It would be a pleasure to receive your call for an interview. hanking you in anticipation. Application for a Job aman Resources Department ncial Bank of Hyderabad 67, Gandhi Nagar After many years of working with the people of different professional settings, I am cing to have my experience in a customer service position within the field of banking at h level. For this reason, I was delighted to learn about a customer service job opening at your bank. I would like to be considered as a strong candidate. this position will allow me the chance to utilize my experience gained as an ¥ with RAMADA Hotel. The key strengths that I possess for success in this areas of sales and customer service support. d in office management area. ed in positioning my clients for career growth through coordination of unique ons opportunities. nt communication skills. 1 am confident that my experience and ability asset to your branch. my resume for your review. Thank you for your time and consideration. d to speaking with you soon. " resume is often referred to as Curriculum Vitae (C.V,). It is also known as bio ‘Creates an impression of the candidate in the selector’s mind. C.V. should be accurate ey and flawless. It is the important aspect which offers work experience and educational qualification of the candidate. Sample of Curriculum Vitae Mohan Trivedi Name : Age: 28 years, (Date of Birth 24-01-1982) Address : 312, Gandhi Nagar Ludhiana. E-mail Address : Nationality : Indian Marital Status : Married Contact No. : 94152 - 05677 Master of Business Birla Institute I in Administration of Technology and production Science Pilani management Indian Institute BE. of Technology Kharagpur XII(CBSE) Kundan Vidya Distasi ane in Maths Matric Kundan Vidya Dinicsed Mandir in Physics and Extra Curricular Activities © Student President of Eco Club. © Captain of Cricket Team. © Winner of best singer award in youth festival. Training ¢ Worked as a management trainee for two years, Experience © Worked as an assistant production manager, . As chemical engineer for maintenance and control of Le Rt Tre ably to take efetive part in group cussions is one of the mast important sills that conérifute to proyssional success. omic, and political issues. These discussions sions can take place at a restaurant, bop, or cven at home, Qathe other att 166 = Group Discussions ution to group deliberation and help the group in the in recent times due to its increasing role as an effective tool in solving, (b) decision making, and (c) personality assessment. In most of the organisations, ‘and institutions, group discussion aids in problem solving and decision making. When a jtuation arises. the concerned people discuss it. They ‘exchange their perceptions about the and its possible solutions. The alternative solutions are discussed and analysed and the best js chosen by the group. Similarly, whenever there is a need to take a decision in a particular case, matter is first discussed by a group of people and the different aspects are analysed, interpreted, and “evaluated. This leads to effective decisions. GD is also used as a technique for personality assessment of candidates for job selection or admis- sion to professional courses. Groups of six to eight members are formed, and are given a topic to discuss svithin a limited time (generally 30 to. 45 minutes). The given topic may be an opinion, a problem or a Case, The members of the selection committee closely evaluate the different skills reflected by the candi- dates and those who reflect leadership qualities and emergeas natural group leaders are normally is for a personal interview. “Thus, all of us need effective GD skills. It can do wonders for us and may ensure academic success, popularity and power in our organisation, "ob offer that we always waited for, or admission 10 8 ‘course that is going to change our life. Therefore, itis important to be able take part in a GD and ly, Participants should know how to persuade their group members ow 0 Felis one ‘while speakin: "pow to reflect leadership qualities, and how ‘the group achieve its die ability to take initiatives during 4 “Thausston_ present ther personal views in an effective ideas logically, analyse and respond to the views expressed by other members, and should have the ‘al leader of the group. way, develop their emerge as the natur Technical Communication 168 12. There is always an elected or form elected leader. The ability to take effective part success. 14. In most organisations, ‘companies, and sion making. GD is also used as a technique for personality assessment of candidates for job se sion to professional courses, 13, - rien tutions, group discussion aids in prob CHARACTERISTICS OF SUCCESSFUL GROUP DISCUSSIONS Effective group discussions achieve group goals and aid in decision making. However, a group discussions end without a ns gTOup consensus. It is therefore, important to know the ch that make a group discussion successful. Successful group discussions s micnanine or all of the following features: ¥ Re Aneffe ren Agreement on Group Goals ec tive GD begins with a purpose, shared and understood by all the group members. As the participants know oe - they are taking part in the discussion, they can concentrate better and can b ‘procedures, active in realising the group goals. They can smoothly work 170, SELECTION GROUP DIS! Group discussion has emerged as an ality traits of candidates for job selec major position in the employment and multinational companies. More relied upon for making hiring dec brief discussion on a simple topic troversial issue o an actual compan the depth and range of the that knowledge in a convincing ‘ion, leadership, and team Subject Knowledge | Ld Group Diseussions 173, ld be able to analyse the given topic for discussion in order to develop his/her own point of view. Hither capacity to analyse the subject in a convincing manner and present all the facts logically can help jncarrying the rest of the group with hinv/her. Moreover, the leader should listen carefully to each partici- pant in order to analyse his or her opinions and views. A positive analysis of all the views, suggestions, proposals, and solutions exchanged during the discussion can lead to the identification of common ele- ments that may form the basis of group consensus. Assertiveness A leader has to be bold and assertive without being offensive, aggressive, and rigid. If person is mild and weak, he/she will be too eager to give up in the face of opposition and obstacles. In fact, a weak, submissive, and passive person can never be successful as a group leader. Assertiveness is a desirable leadership quality that can make a person successful during a GD. If one is assertive, one can tackle obstacles and handicaps effectively. Assertiveness can help in bringing order to a chaotic group, encourage balanced participation, deal with conflict effectively, and lead the discussion to a positive end. By taking a firm stand, an assertive leader can control members of the group who are more interested in sabotaging the discussion rather than contributing to its success. It is always desirable that the leader does not take a rigid stand but he/she must be able t@ assert himself during a GD. Self-confidence _Self-confidence is the hallmark of a leader. Selecti look for a candidate with a strong but realistic level of confidence. So, it is important to remember to talk with confidence and self-assurance. A participant's confidence will not only impress the examiners but also help hinvher lead the group and instill confidence in each of its members. A leader can tackle problems with confidence and find workable solutions with ease. However, he/she should avoid being boastful and pretending that he/she knows everything and has a solution for every problem. He/she should not forget that overconfidence causes failures whereas under-confidence leads to lack of produc- tivity. experts and examiners always Objectivity Objectivity is the quality of being impartial, rational, and factual. In order to be successful as a group leader, one needs to view a situation or a problem dispassionately and objectively. In other words the leader’s approach should be systematic. scientific, and realistic. As group discussion is an exchange of views and opinions on a specifie topic, there would be conflicting views and heated argu- ments, The leader should not become sentimental because if he/she gets emotional and excited, his/her ideas may get jumbled and arguments will become dogmatic and self-appointed. The leader can over- come opposition by adopting a logical, rational, and practical viewpoint, and utilising concrete and foolproof illustrations and examples. As he/she should be rational rather than emotional, irrational ideas and emotional bias should not influence him/her. A leader’s ideas and arguments should be fully backed. by relevant facts and figures, this will give validity and appeal to his/her arguments. Patience and Composure Patience is the key to successful leadership in GD. A successful leader never loses his cool and is not easily provoked. Even in the face of extreme provocation, the leader keep 4 patient profile. So, during the GD itis essential to keep one’s cool and not get provoked, group of heterogeneous elements requires a l0t of patience and composure. It is always ditt group of people together to discuss an issue amicably because a few inthe group would ty the group and create problems. In such @ Condition, if the leader wants to bring th eet conclusion, he/she has to situation with tact and patience. Hit maintain his/her composure. Provocation will help bring together p and strike a consensus D. ampl can make be persuasiv afavourat re, one has to adva frotwal data and forceful ilust superiority Listeners should convince others and make them for leadership. “Motivation constitutes the bi who are motivated and can ace possible and can achieve targe a GD. A leader can display th process of discussion. By cl: providing enough material for an active part in the group del etcal vecie a eae jews in today’s 0 < ago. As the poe oo hers of the committee wns, talents, traits, and satay for the P -tion committee t0 j \didate’s nversation with the candi pen devi ait ornect evaluation of & a oe creening interviews before the final intet we erviews more challengitig today. They « Growing competition in the job ‘There is more competition in the. job experienced candidates. The fast i specialised education and training, globalisation of the world economy: job, there are hundreds of applicants. : . Job few years ago. 8. Job interviews are more challenging today because of the growing competition in the job market. 9. There is an increasing focus on the candidate's ‘qualification, experience, and job skills rather than on personal qualities. 40. Most organisations have their own recruitment departments with highly competent people who receive appropriate training so that they-ean make valid selection decisions. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE JOB INTERVIEW ‘As noted earlier, a job interview is a pre-arranged and planned conversation characterised by a defined purpose and some level of informality. Let us discuss these aspeets in some deta Planning

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