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2019-2020 Quality Review Rubric

As schools strengthen practices outlined in the Quality

The 2019-2020 Quality Review (QR) Rubric has 10 indicators within Review Rubric to support student achievement, the impact
three quality categories: of this work will be reflected within the elements of the
Framework for Great Schools.
School Quality Indicators
Instructional Core
 1.1 Curriculum
 1.2 Pedagogy
 2.2 Assessment

School Culture
 1.4 Positive Learning Environment
 3.4 High Expectations

Systems for Improvement

 1.3 Leveraging Resources
 3.1 Goals and Action Plans
 4.1 Teacher Support and Supervision
 4.2 Teacher Teams and Leadership Development
 5.1 Monitoring and Revising Systems

The 2019-2020 Quality Review will assess all indicators listed above.

The indicators of quality for curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment are grounded in the theory
of action that student learning improves when the relationship between student, teacher, and
content – the instructional core – is improved.
2019-2020 Quality Review Rubric

Indicators Underdeveloped Developing Proficient Well Developed

1.1 Ensure engaging, rigorous, and a) School leaders and faculty have a) School leaders and faculty are in a) School leaders and faculty ensure a) School leaders and faculty ensure
coherent curricula in all subjects, not aligned curricula to State the process of aligning curricula to that curricula are aligned to State that curricula are strategically aligned
accessible for a variety of learners and standards State standards standards and make purposeful to State standards resulting in
aligned to State standards1 and/or decisions to build coherence and coherence across grades and subject
content standards promote college and career areas that promotes college and
readiness2 for all students3 career readiness for all students

1Aligned with the New York State

b) Curricula and academic tasks do b) Curricula and academic tasks b) Curricula and academic tasks b) Rigorous habits and higher-order
implementation timeline for the Next
Generation Learning Standards, “State
not typically emphasize rigorous emphasize rigorous habits and higher- consistently emphasize rigorous skills are emphasized in curricula and
standards” replaces references to habits or higher-order skills4 order skills inconsistently across habits and higher-order skills across academic tasks and are embedded in
“Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS)” grades, subjects, and/or for grades and subjects and for a coherent way across grades and
and the “Instructional Shifts” multilingual learners (ELLs/MLLs)5 and ELLs/MLLs and students with subjects so that all learners, including
2 College and career readiness also includes students with disabilities disabilities ELLs/MLLs and students with
other post-secondary outcomes such as disabilities, must demonstrate their
independent living, mobility, and structured thinking
employment options
3All students/learners: includes all
demographic groups represented within the
school population
4 Rigorous habits or higher-order skills:
Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK) tool and
c) Curricula and academic tasks do c) Curricula and academic tasks reflect c) Curricula and academic tasks are c) Curricula and academic tasks are
Hess’s Cognitive Rigor Matrix inform the terms
“rigorous habits” and “higher-order skills” not reflect planning to provide planning to provide students access to planned and refined using student planned and refined using student
5 Multilingual learners (ELLs/MLLs): students access6 to the curricula and the curricula and tasks and cognitively work and data so that a diversity of work and data so that individual and
students whose home or primary languages tasks and cognitively engage a engage a diversity of learners learners, including ELLs/MLLs and groups of students, including the
are other than English and who need diversity of learners students with disabilities, have access lowest- and highest-achieving
support in reaching English language to the curricula and tasks and are students, ELLs/MLLs, and students
proficiency cognitively engaged with disabilities, have access to the
6Access: Universal Design for Learning (UDL) curricula and tasks and are cognitively
informs the curricular planning and revisions engaged
for access in this rubric
2019-2020 Quality Review Rubric

Indicators Underdeveloped Developing Proficient Well Developed

1.2 Develop teacher pedagogy from a a) Across classrooms, teaching a) Across classrooms, teaching a) Across classrooms, teaching a) Across the vast majority of
coherent set of beliefs about how practices are not typically aligned to practices are becoming aligned to the practices are aligned to the classrooms, teaching practices are
students learn best that is informed the curricula and/or do not reflect a curricula and beginning to reflect a set curricula and reflect an articulated aligned to the curricula and reflect a
by State standards and the Danielson set of beliefs about how students of beliefs about how students learn set of beliefs about how students coherent set of beliefs about how
Framework for Teaching7, aligned to learn best best that is informed by the Danielson learn best that is informed by the students learn best that is informed
the curricula, engaging, and meets Framework for Teaching and State Danielson Framework for Teaching by the Danielson Framework for
the needs of all learners so that all standards and State standards Teaching and State standards, as
students produce meaningful work well as by discussions at the team
products and school levels

b) Across classrooms, teaching b) Across classrooms, teaching b) Across classrooms, teaching b) Across the vast majority of
with the implementation of the
strategies (including questioning, strategies (including questioning, strategies (including questioning, classrooms, teaching strategies
teacher evaluation law in September 2013,
“Danielson Framework for Teaching” scaffolds in English and/or native scaffolds in English and/or native scaffolds in English and/or native (including questioning, scaffolds in
replaces the term “common teaching language where appropriate, and language where appropriate, and language where appropriate, and English and/or native language
framework” routines) typically do not provide routines) inconsistently provide routines) consistently provide where appropriate, and routines)
multiple entry points into the multiple entry points into the multiple entry points into the strategically provide multiple entry
curricula and do not support curricula leading to uneven curricula so that all learners, including points and high-quality supports and
appropriately challenging tasks or the engagement in appropriately ELLs/MLLs and students with extensions into the curricula so that
demonstration of higher-order challenging tasks and uneven disabilities, are engaged in all learners, including ELLs/MLLs and
thinking skills for students, including demonstration of higher-order appropriately challenging tasks and students with disabilities, are
ELLs/MLLs and students with thinking skills in student work demonstrate higher-order thinking engaged in appropriately challenging
disabilities products, including the work of skills in student work products tasks and demonstrate higher-order
ELLs/MLLs and students with thinking skills in student work
disabilities products

c) Across classrooms, student work c) Across classrooms, student work c) Across classrooms, student work c) Across the vast majority of
products and discussions reflect a products and discussions reflect products and discussions reflect high classrooms, student work products
general lack of student thinking and uneven levels of student thinking and levels of student thinking and and discussions reflect high levels of
participation participation participation student thinking, participation, and
2019-2020 Quality Review Rubric

Indicators Underdeveloped Developing Proficient Well Developed

1.3 Make strategic organizational a) The use of resources (e.g., budget, a) Alignment is developing between a) The use of resources (e.g., budget, a) The use of resources (e.g., budget,
decisions to support the school’s space, technology, coaches, the use of resources (e.g., budget, space, technology, coaches, space, technology, coaches,
instructional goals and meet student partnerships) is not aligned to the space, technology, coaches, partnerships) and other partnerships) and other organizational
learning needs, as evidenced by school’s instructional goals, as evident partnerships) and the school’s organizational decisions are aligned to decisions are well-aligned to and
meaningful student work products in student work products instructional goals, as evident in and support the school’s instructional support the school’s instructional
meaningful student work products goals, as evident in meaningful goals and long-range action plans, as
student work products evident in meaningful student work

b) The use of staff time is structured b) The use of staff time is structured b) The use of staff time is structured b) The use of staff time is structured
such that teams meet so infrequently such that teams meet infrequently such that teams meet regularly (e.g., such that teams have substantial and
(e.g., monthly) that it is difficult for (e.g., twice per month) or do not weekly) and effectively- teachers’ regular meetings that are deliberately
them to improve instruction and utilize the time effectively- teachers’ professional responsibilities are structured so that teachers’
engage students in challenging professional responsibilities are aligned with the school’s instructional professional responsibilities align with
academic tasks inconsistently aligned with the goals with a conscious effort to focus the school’s instructional goals,
school’s instructional goals, thus teacher time on instructional work, focusing teacher time on instructional
hindering efforts to focus teacher thus improving instruction and work and resulting in improved
time on instructional work and their engaging students in challenging instruction that engages all students
potential to improve instruction and academic tasks in challenging academic tasks
engage students in challenging
academic tasks

c) Hiring practices, teacher c) Alignment among hiring practices, c) Hiring practices, teacher c) Hiring practices, teacher
assignments (e.g., total student load, teacher assignments (e.g., total assignments (e.g., total student load, assignments (e.g., total student load,
effective teachers placed to close the student load, effective teachers effective teachers placed to close the effective teachers placed to close the
achievement gap), and student placed to close the achievement gap), achievement gap), and student achievement gap), and student
program groupings and interventions and student program groupings and program groupings and interventions, program groupings and interventions,
are not aligned to support access to interventions, including those for including those for ELLs/MLLs and including those for ELLs/MLLs and
learning opportunities that lead to ELLs/MLLs and students with students with disabilities, effectively students with disabilities, are
college and career readiness disabilities, is developing to support support access to learning strategic, promoting access to college
access to learning opportunities that opportunities that lead to college and and career readiness as well as
lead to college and career readiness career readiness accountable collaborations among
faculty so that groups of teachers hold
themselves accountable for their
students’ progress
2019-2020 Quality Review Rubric

Indicators Underdeveloped Developing Proficient Well Developed

1.4 Maintain a culture of mutual trust a) The school does not have a a) The school is developing an a) The school’s approach to culture- a) The school’s approach to culture-
and positive attitudes that supports coherent approach to culture- approach to culture-building, building, discipline, and social- building, discipline, and social-
the academic and personal growth of building, discipline, and social- discipline, and social-emotional emotional support results in a safe emotional support is informed by a
students and adults emotional support; the tone of the support such that the tone of the environment and inclusive culture theory of action and results in a safe
school is not respectful or orderly school is generally respectful; the that is conducive to student and adult environment and inclusive culture
school is working to address areas of learning; students and adults treat that support progress toward the
need or inconsistencies in order to each other respectfully and student school’s goals- the school
build an inclusive culture in which voice is welcome and valued meaningfully involves student voice
student voice is welcome and valued in decision-making to initiate, guide,
and lead school improvement efforts

8Academic and personal behaviors b) The school has limited structures b) The school is developing structures b) Structures are in place to ensure b) Structures are in place so that each
encompass a range of indicators that to provide attendance, social- to ensure targeted attendance, social- that each student is known well by at student is known well by at least one
support resilience as well as college emotional learning, child/youth emotional learning, child/youth least one adult who helps to adult who helps to personalize
enrollment and persistence. These behaviors development, and development, and guidance/ coordinate attendance, social- attendance supports and coordinate
are disaggregated into five overlapping guidance/advisement supports to advisement supports to students, but emotional learning, child/youth social-emotional learning, child/youth
categories: motivation, engagement, work
students, and/or not all students are supports do not consistently align development, and development, and
habits/organizational skills,
communication/collaboration skills, and known well by at least one adult with student learning needs and/or guidance/advisement supports that guidance/advisement supports that
self-regulation. not all students are known well by at align with student learning needs impact students’ academic and
least one adult personal behaviors

c) The school community has not c) The school community is c) The school community aligns c) The school community strategically
aligned professional development, developing alignment among professional development, family aligns professional development,
family outreach, and student learning professional development, family outreach, and student learning family outreach, and student learning
experiences and supports to promote outreach, and student learning experiences and supports to promote experiences and supports, resulting in
the adoption of effective academic experiences and supports to promote the adoption of effective academic the adoption of effective academic
and personal behaviors8 the adoption of effective academic and personal behaviors and personal behaviors
and personal behaviors
2019-2020 Quality Review Rubric

Indicators Underdeveloped Developing Proficient Well Developed

2.2 Align assessments to curricula, use a) Across classrooms, teachers use or a) Across classrooms, teachers use or a) Across classrooms, teachers use or a) Across the vast majority of
on-going assessment and grading create assessments, rubrics, and create assessments, rubrics, and create assessments, rubrics, and classrooms, teachers use or create
practices, and analyze information on grading policies that are not aligned grading policies that are loosely grading policies that are aligned with assessments, rubrics, and grading
student learning outcomes to adjust with the school’s curricula, or the aligned with the school’s curricula, the school’s curricula, thus providing policies that are aligned with the
instructional decisions at the team analysis of those assessments has no thus providing limited feedback to actionable feedback to students and school’s curricula and offer a clear
and classroom levels impact on classroom-level curricular students and teachers regarding teachers regarding student portrait of student mastery, thus
and instructional practices student achievement achievement providing actionable and meaningful
feedback to students and teachers
regarding student achievement

9 Common assessment: Teachers use one b) The school does not use common b) The school is developing in its use b) The school uses common b) The school uses common
shared assessment or use different assessments9, or the assessments are of common assessments to measure assessments to determine student assessments to create a clear picture
assessments that measure common skills to not able to measure student progress student progress toward goals across progress toward goals across grades of student progress toward goals
evaluate student progress across classes and toward goals across grades and grades and subject areas, or there are and subject areas and the results are across grades and subjects, track
over time. subject areas common assessments in place but used to adjust curricula and progress, and adjust curricular and
results are inconsistently used to instruction instructional decisions so that all
adjust curricula and instruction students, including ELLs/MLLs and
students with disabilities,
demonstrate increased mastery

c) !cross classrooms, teachers’ c) !cross classrooms, teachers’ c) !cross classrooms, teachers’ c) Across the vast majority of
assessment practices do not reflect assessment practices inconsistently assessment practices consistently classrooms, teachers’ assessment
the use of ongoing checks for reflect the use of ongoing checks for reflect the use of ongoing checks for practices consistently reflect the
understanding and student self- understanding and student self- understanding and student self- varied use of ongoing checks for
assessment, and do not allow for assessment so that teachers assessment so that teachers make understanding and student self-
effective adjustments to lessons inconsistently make effective effective adjustments to meet all assessment so that teachers make
based on student confusion adjustments to meet students’ students’ learning needs effective adjustments to meet all
learning needs students’ learning needs and students
are aware of their next learning steps
2019-2020 Quality Review Rubric

Indicators Underdeveloped Developing Proficient Well Developed

3.1 Establish a coherent vision of a) School-level goals and action a) There is a short list of school-level a) There is a short list of clear, a) There is a theory of action, which
school improvement that is reflected plans are not clear and focused or goals that are tracked for progress but focused school-level goals and action includes a rationale for the short list
in a short list of focused, data-based are not tracked for progress do not drive efforts to accelerate plans (long-term, annual, and interim) of clear, focused school-level goals
goals that are tracked for progress student learning apparent in the CEP and other and action plans (long-range, annual,
and are understood and supported by planning documents; those goals are and interim) apparent in the CEP and
the entire school community tracked for progress and adjusted to other planning documents; those
drive efforts to accelerate student goals are tracked for progress and
learning and foster social-emotional thoughtfully adjusted to leverage
growth changes that explicitly link to
accelerated student learning and
social-emotional growth

b) Goal-setting and action planning, b) Goal-setting and action planning, b) Goal-setting and effective action b) Goal-setting and effective action
including professional development including professional development planning at the school level, including planning at the school level, including
planning, occur at the school level planning, occur at the school level professional development planning, professional development planning,
but are not informed by a data- with only a surface connection to the are informed by a comprehensive, are informed by a comprehensive,
driven needs assessment or ongoing school’s data gathering and analysis, data-driven needs assessment and data-driven needs assessment and
data gathering and analysis such that impact on teacher practice ongoing data gathering and analysis ongoing data gathering and analysis
is unclear or inconsistent that improve teacher practice across that improve teacher practice across
classrooms classrooms and close the achievement

c) School leaders do not effectively c) School leaders involve and c) School leaders involve and c) School leaders effectively involve
involve and/or communicate with communicate with the school communicate with the school and communicate with the school
the school community, including community, including teachers, community, including teachers, community, including teachers,
teachers, families, and age- families, and age-appropriate families, and age-appropriate families, and age-appropriate
appropriate students, regarding students, in a limited way regarding students, regarding school students, regarding school
school improvement plans and school improvement plans and improvement plans and decision- improvement plans and decision-
decision-making processes decision-making processes making processes making processes
2019-2020 Quality Review Rubric

Indicators Underdeveloped Developing Proficient Well Developed

3.4 Establish a culture for learning a) School leaders inconsistently a) School leaders consistently a) School leaders consistently a) School leaders consistently
that communicates high expectations communicate high expectations communicate high expectations communicate high expectations communicate high expectations
to staff, students, and families, and (professionalism, instruction, (professionalism, instruction, (professionalism, instruction, (professionalism, instruction,
provide supports to achieve those communication, and other elements communication, and other elements communication, and other elements communication, and other elements
expectations of the Danielson Framework for of the Danielson Framework for of the Danielson Framework for of the Danielson Framework for
Teaching) to the entire staff Teaching) to the entire staff and are Teaching) to the entire staff and Teaching) to the entire staff, and
developing training and a system of provide training and have a system of provide training, resulting in a culture
accountability for those expectations accountability for those expectations of mutual accountability for those

b) School leaders and staff do not b) School leaders and staff are b) School leaders and staff b) School leaders and staff effectively
have expectations that are clearly developing expectations that are consistently communicate communicate expectations connected
connected to a path to college and connected to a path to college and expectations that are connected to a to a path to college and career
career readiness career readiness and/or the school is path to college and career readiness readiness and successfully partner
developing systems to provide and offer ongoing feedback to help with families to support student
feedback to families regarding families understand student progress progress toward those expectations
student progress toward meeting toward those expectations
those expectations

c) Teacher teams and staff do not c) Teacher teams and staff establish a c) Teacher teams and staff establish a c) Teacher teams and staff establish a
establish a culture for learning that culture for learning that culture for learning that consistently culture for learning that
communicates high expectations for communicates high expectations for communicates high expectations for systematically communicates a
all students and/or are not developing all students; feedback and all students and offer ongoing and unified set of high expectations for all
feedback systems and guidance/advisement supports are detailed feedback and students and provide clear, focused,
guidance/advisement supports to developing the level of detail and guidance/advisement supports that and effective feedback and
help prepare all students for the next clarity needed to help prepare all prepare all students for the next level guidance/advisement supports to
level students for the next level ensure that all students, including
high-need subgroups, own their
educational experience and are
prepared for the next level
2019-2020 Quality Review Rubric

Indicators Underdeveloped Developing Proficient Well Developed

4.1 Observe teachers using the a) There is little evidence that a) School leaders support the a) School leaders support the a) School leaders and teacher peers
Danielson Framework for Teaching teachers receive feedback and next development of teachers, including development of teachers, including support the development of teachers,
along with the analysis of learning steps from classroom observations those new to the profession, with those new to the profession, with including those new to the profession,
outcomes to elevate schoolwide and analysis of student work/data feedback and next steps from effective feedback and next steps with effective feedback and next
instructional practices and implement infrequent cycles of classroom from frequent cycles of classroom steps from the strategic use of
strategies that promote professional observation and analysis of student observation and analysis of student frequent cycles of classroom
growth and reflection work/data, or the feedback is not work/data observation and analysis of student
consistently effective10 work/data

10 Effective feedback is specific, actionable, b) Feedback to teachers does not b) Feedback to teachers captures b) Feedback to teachers accurately b) Feedback to teachers accurately
time-bound, and prioritized. It is also aligned aptly capture strengths, challenges, strengths, challenges, and next steps, captures strengths, challenges, and captures strengths, challenges, and
to the Danielson Framework for Teaching and next steps, and/or is not aligned but is not yet fully connected to the next steps using the Danielson next steps using the Danielson
(2013 version) and to State standards, where to the Danielson Framework for Danielson Framework for Teaching, Framework for Teaching; feedback Framework for Teaching; feedback
appropriate. Teaching and/or feedback is beginning to articulates clear expectations for articulates clear expectations for
support teacher development teacher practice and supports teacher teacher practice, supports teacher
development development, and aligns with
professional goals for teachers

c) School leaders do not have a c) School leaders are developing a c) School leaders have an effective c) School leaders have a strategic,
system for using teacher observation system to use teacher observation system that uses teacher observation transparent system for managing
data to design professional data to effectively design and data to effectively design and professional development, make
development, make informed facilitate professional development facilitate professional development informed decisions, and develop
decisions (assignment, tenure, and are beginning to make informed and are making informed decisions succession plans (assignment, tenure,
retention), and develop succession decisions (assignment, tenure, (assignment, tenure, retention) and retention) about teachers, APs, and
plans connected to teachers, APs, and retention) and develop succession developing succession plans other staff members; this system is
other staff members plans connected to teachers, APs, and connected to teachers, APs, and other leading to improved quality of student
other staff members staff members work products
2019-2020 Quality Review Rubric

Indicators Underdeveloped Developing Proficient Well Developed

4.2 Engage in structured professional a) A minority of teachers are engaged a) The majority of teachers are a) The majority of teachers are a) The vast majority of teachers are
collaborations on teams using an in structured professional engaged in structured professional engaged in structured, inquiry-based engaged in inquiry-based, structured
inquiry approach11 that promotes collaborations on teams using an collaborations on teams that may be professional collaborations that professional collaborations that have
shared leadership and focuses on inquiry approach; other team work loosely (or ineffectively) connected to promote the achievement of school strengthened teacher instructional
improved student learning may focus on problem-solving for school goals and the implementation goals and the implementation of capacity and promoted the
individual students or non- of State standards or the use of an State standards, strengthening the implementation of State standards,
instructional supports inquiry approach is developing across instructional capacity of teachers resulting in schoolwide instructional
the teams coherence and increased student
achievement for all learners

11 The term inquiry approach is defined by b) Teacher teams do not typically b) Teacher teams analyze assessment b) Teacher teams consistently analyze b) Teacher teams systematically
the expectations of teacher teams in 4.2b analyze assessment data and student data and student work for students assessment data and student work for analyze key elements of teacher work
and across this rubric work for students they share or on they share or on whom they are students they share or on whom they including classroom practice,
whom they are focused focused, but this work does not are focused, typically resulting in assessment data, and student work
typically result in improved teacher improved teacher practice and for students they share or on whom
practice or progress toward goals for progress toward goals for groups of they are focused, resulting in shared
groups of students students improvements in teacher practice and
mastery of goals for groups of

c) There are limited opportunities for c) Distributed leadership structures c) Distributed leadership structures c) Distributed leadership structures
faculty to develop leadership capacity are developing to support leadership are in place so that teachers have are embedded so that there is
or to influence key decisions that capacity-building and to include built leadership capacity and have a effective teacher leadership and
affect student learning across the teachers in key decisions that affect voice in key decisions that affect teachers play an integral role in key
school student learning across the school student learning across the school decisions that affect student learning
across the school
2019-2020 Quality Review Rubric

Indicators Underdeveloped Developing Proficient Well Developed

5.1 Evaluate the quality of school- a) School leaders and faculty do not a) School leaders and faculty are a) School leaders and faculty have a a) School leaders and faculty have an
level decisions, making adjustments have a process to evaluate and adjust developing a process to regularly process in place to regularly evaluate effective and transparent process in
as needed to increase the coherence curricular and instructional practices evaluate and adjust curricular and and adjust curricular and instructional place to purposefully evaluate and
of policies and practices across the in response to student learning needs instructional practices in response to practices in response to student adjust curricular and instructional
school, with particular attention to and the expectations of State student learning needs and the learning needs and the expectations practices in response to student
State standards standards (evaluation of practices of expectations of State standards of State standards (evaluation of learning needs and the expectations
1.1, 1.2, 2.2) (evaluation of practices of 1.1, 1.2, practices of 1.1,1.2, 2.2) of State standards, with a focus on
2.2) building alignment and coherence
between what is taught and how it is
taught (evaluation of practices of 1.1,
1.2, 2.2)

b) School leaders and faculty do not b) School leaders and faculty are b) School leaders and faculty have a b) School leaders and faculty have a
have a process to evaluate the quality developing a process to regularly process in place to regularly evaluate process in place to purposefully
of school culture and the ways evaluate the quality of school culture the quality of school culture and the evaluate the quality of school culture
expectations are developed and and the ways expectations are ways expectations are developed and and the ways expectations are
shared among school constituents, or developed and shared among school shared among school constituents, developed and shared among school
they do not focus on making constituents, with a developing focus with a focus on making adjustments constituents, with a focus on making
adjustments to support the on making adjustments to support the to support the expectations of State adjustments to support the
expectations of State standards expectations of State standards standards (evaluation of practices of expectations of State standards
(evaluation of practices of 1.4, 3.4) (evaluation of practices of 1.4, 3.4) 1.4, 3.4) (evaluation of practices of 1.4, 3.4)

c) School leaders and faculty do not c) School leaders and faculty are c) School leaders and faculty have a c) School leaders and faculty have a
have a process to evaluate and adjust developing a process to regularly process in place to regularly evaluate process in place to purposefully
the use of organizational resources, evaluate and adjust the use of and adjust the use of organizational evaluate and adjust the use of
the quality of teacher team work, and organizational resources, the quality resources, and the quality of teacher organizational resources and the
professional development practices, of teacher team work, and team work, and professional quality of teacher team work and
or they do not pay particular professional development practices, development practices, with professional development practices,
attention to the implications of State with particular attention to what particular attention to what teachers with particular attention to what
standards (evaluation of practices of teachers need to learn to support need to learn to support student teachers need to learn to support
1.3, 4.1, 4.2) student mastery of State standards mastery of State standards student mastery of State standards
(evaluation of practices of 1.3, 4.1, (evaluation of practices of 1.3, 4.1, (evaluation of practices of 1.3, 4.1,
4.2) 4.2) 4.2)

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