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This chapter presents the result and discussion of the study with regards to the

demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, types of managers,

educational attainment, degree, number of years and service and monthly income as well

as the skills, work values and problem encountered of fast food restaurant manager.

I. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Table 1. Demographic profile of Fast Food Restaurant Managers of Puerto Princesa


Table 1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

(n=15) E (%)
23 – 26 7 46.7
27 – 30 6 40.0
31 – 34 1 6.7
35 – 38 1 6.7

Male 6 40.0
Female 9 60.0

Type of Manager
Restaurant Manager 1 6.7
Area Manager 1 6.7
Restaurant General Manager 0 0.0
Assistant Restaurant Manager 12 80.0
Operational Manager 0 0.0
Shift Manager 1 6.7

Educational Attainment
Elementary Graduate 0 0.0
High School Graduate 1 6.7
College Graduate 14 93.3
Vocational 0 0.0

BSHM 5 33.3
BS. CRIM 2 13.3
BS. AGRI. 1 6.7
BSBA-FM 2 13.3
BEED 1 6.7
BS. ENTREP 1 6.7
Not Applicable 1 6.7

Number Of Years In Service

Less than 1 Year 4 26.7
1 - 3 Years 6 40.0
4 - 6 Years 3 20.0
7 - 9 Years 2 13.3

Monthly Income
10000 – 12599 2 13.3
12600 – 15199 3 20.0
15200 – 17799 1 6.7
17800 – 20399 2 13.3
Confidential 7 46.7

Table 1 shows the summary result of the demographic profile of the respondents such as

age, sex, types of managers, educational attainment, degree, number of years in service

and monthly income.


The total sample size of the current study was 15 respondents. Among them 7

(46.7 %) belonged to 23-26 years old, followed by 6 (40.0 %) belonged to 27-30 years

old, 1 (6.7 %) belonged to 31-34 years old and 1 (6.7%) are 35-38 years old. It implies

that the majority of the fast food restaurants managers are aged between 23-26 years old.


In terms of sex, it shows that large number of fast food restaurant manager is

female with 9(60. %) out of 15 respondents and the least number is male with 6 (40.0 %).

Types of Managers

In terms of types of managers, 12 (80.0) of the respondents are assistant restaurant

managers, 1 (6.7) of them are restaurant manager, area manager and shift manager. It

implies that the majority of the managers of fast-food restaurants are assistant restaurants.

Educational attainment

As for their educational attainment, 15 (100.0%) of the respondents are college

graduates, 1 (6.7%) are high school graduates, and the 0 (0.0%) are vocational and

elementary graduate. The result shows that the majority of the fast food restaurant

managers are college graduates.


As for their Degree, 5 (33.3%) of the respondents are Hospitality Management

graduate, 2 (13.3%) are BS Criminology and BSBA Financial Management graduate, 1

(6.7%) are BS Agriculture, BSBA Human Resource, BE Education, BS Entrepreneur,

BSBA major in Management are Graduates, lastly the 1 (6.7%) are High School

Graduate. It implies that the majority of the fast food restaurant managers are Bachelor of

Science in Hospitality Management Graduate.

Number of Years in Service

In terms of numbers of years in service, 6 (40.0%) of the respondents are 1-3

years in service, 4 (26.7%) are less than 1 year, 3 (20.0%) are 4-6 years in service, and 2

(13.3%) are 7-9 years in service. The results shows that the majority of the fast food

restaurant managers are 1-3 years in Service.

Monthly Income

In terms of Monthly income, 7 (46.7%) of the respondents of fast food restaurant

managers monthly income are confidential, 3 (20.0%) are 12,600-15,199 of their monthly

income, 2 (13.3%) are 10,000- 12,599 and 17,800-20,399 of their monthly income, and 1

(6.7%) are 15,200-17,799 of their monthly income. It Implies that majority of the fast

food restaurant managers monthly income are Confidential.

II. Management Skills

Table 2. Level of Management Skills of Fast-food Restaurant Managers as Assessed by Themselves

1. Communicate is allowed to help share information and to
collaborate efficiently with subordinates 4.53 Excellent
2. Productive and able to complete the task on time. 4.27 Very Good
3. A participative leader who works directly with team to go
over problems, ideas, and solutions. 4.47 Very Good
4. Build strong relationship with the subordinates,
understand the need, and create positive work environment. 4.53 Excellent
5. Solve problems with efficiency and help the team with
difficulties and challenges. 4.33 Very Good
6. Actively listen, taking time to analyze and then thinking of
the best possible solution to perform better. 4.33 Very Good
7. Can handle emotion that gives ability to guide and help
employees. 4.33 Very Good
8. Unlock the potential of individual employees and create
more collaborative and productive workplace. 4.40 Very Good
9. Aware to the goals and emotions and thoughts 4.47 Very Good
10. Able to motivate employees to accomplish the goals of the
organization. 4.40 Very Good
Weighted Mean 4.41 Very Good
4.50-5.00 Excellent
3.50-4.49 Very Good
2.50-3.49 Good
1.50-2.49 Fair
1.00-1.49 Poor

Table 2 shows the level of management skills of fast food restaurants managers as

assessed by themselves;

In terms of management skills, most of the respondents described themselves as

Excellent about “communicate is allowed to help share information and to collaborate

efficiently with subordinates” and to “build strong relationship with the subordinates,

understand the need, and create positive work environment”, with the total mean of

4.53; and Very good for “a participative leader who works directly with team to go over

problems, ideas and solutions” and “Aware to the goals and emotions and thoughts”

with the total mean of 4.47; and Very good for “unlock the potential of individual

employees and create more collaborative and productive workplace” and “able to

motivate employees to accomplish the goals of the organization” with the total mean of

4.40; and Very good for “solve problems with efficiency and help the team with
difficulties and challenges” and “actively listen, taking time to analyze and then thinking

of the best possible solution to perform better” and “can handle emotion that gives

ability to guide and help employees” with the total mean of 4.33. and very good for

“productive and able to complete task on time.” with the total mean of 4.27. The overall

weighted mean for the Management skills of the Fats-food restaurants managers where

4.41 describe as “very good”.

The highest mean is 4.53, which states that “communicate is allowed to help

share information and to collaborate efficiently with subordinates” and to “build strong

relationship with the subordinates, understand the need, and create positive work

environment”. This implies that fast food restaurants managers are excellent.

Communication skills That the need for good communication skills is apparent (Jackson

2016) communication is one of the most important skills that is highly needed in the

industry. “Empathy” is an essential competency in building certain leader’s behavior

styles Hensel and Visser (2018). However, fast-food restaurants managers have the

lowest mean 4.27 in “Productive and able to complete the task on time.” That implies

that the fast-food restaurants managers are very good. Great leaders not only have to

manage their own time, but they also must manage an entire company’s time and efforts.

Time management for leaders entails knowing how and where to spend their own time,

understanding how employees spend their time, and what objectives each department

should spend its time on Annie (2015).


Table 3. Level Of Work Values By The Managers In Managing Fast Food Restaurant
1. Take work seriously and work above what’s
required. 4.53 Excellent
2. Accountable with the subordinate action and
conduct 4.40 Very Good
3. Have a positive attitude that encourage my team
members to overcome obstacles 4.47 Very Good
4. Able to quickly change and adapt behavior based
on the situation that faced with. 4.40 Very Good
5. Honest, truthful, and sincere with words, action,
and thoughts. 4.53 Excellent
6. Provide a working environment that is not just
secure and encouraging but also full of opportunities to
learn and grow. 4.27 Very Good
7. Able to develop skills allow to better motivate my
colleagues, communicate effectively, and increase
team’s effectiveness 4.47 Very Good
8. Motivate and encourage other employees to
confidently act by their moral compass and trust
themselves and their capabilities. 4.47 Very Good
9. Deliver high-quality of work and pay close
attention to detail. 4.53 Excellent
10. Loyal and faithful as employer, and act with good
faith and not to compete with but rather advance the
employees interests. 4.73 Excellent
Weighted Mean 4.48 Very Good
4.50-5.00 Excellent
3.50-4.49 Very Good
2.50-3.49 Good
1.50-2.49 Fair
1.00-1.49 Poor

Table 3 shows the level of work values by the managers in managing fast-food

In terms of work values, the respondents have a highest rating is excellent which “Loyal

and faithful as employer, and act with good faith and not to compete with but rather

advance the employees interests” with total of 4.73. And excellent for “Take work

seriously and work above what’s required.”, “Honest, truthful, and sincere with words,

action, and thoughts.” And” deliver high-quality of work and pay close attention to

detail” with total mean of 4.53. and very good for “Have a positive attitude that

encourage my team members to overcome obstacles.”, “Able to develop skills allow to

better motivate my colleagues, communicate effectively, and increase team’s

effectiveness.” and” motivate and encourage other employees to confidently act by their

moral compass and trust themselves and their capabilities.” With total mean of 4.47. and

very good for “Accountable with the subordinate action and conduct.”, and “Able to

quickly change and adapt behavior based on the situation that faced with”. With the total

mean of 4.40 and for the total mean of 4.27 is “provide a working environment that is not

just secure and encouraging but also full of opportunities to learn and grow”. The

overall weighted mean for the Work Values of the Fast-food restaurants managers where

4.48 describe as “very good”.

The highest mean is 4.73, which states that “Loyal and faithful as employer, and act with

good faith and not to compete with but rather advance the employees interests.” It

implies that “loyalty.” Loyal employees are motivated to utilize their knowledge and

skills to their fullest extent, contributing directly to the organization's operations and

performance. Their dedication and commitment have a significant impact on driving

organizational success (Tomic et al., 2018). Employee loyalty and engagement play a

crucial role in determining the success of an organization. However, the lowest mean is
4.27, which states that “Provide a working environment that is not just secure and

encouraging but also full of opportunities to learn and grow.” It implies that “self-

motivation” Establishing a motivational strategy demands taking into consideration

factors that drive employees both individually and collectively to their peak performance

and thus the leaders influence employee effectiveness (Saad & Abbas, 2019).

IV. Problem Encountered


(n=15) (%)
Customer Complaint 7 46.7
Bad Attitude of the Staff 1 6.7
Communication Issues (Lack of Communication, Miscommunication
with Staff) 2 13.3
Lack of Proper Endorsement of All Documents 1 6.7
Lack of Manpower/Crew Availability 3 20.0
Lacking/Limited/Unavailability of Products and Equipment 3 20.0
Tiredness of Crew 1 6.7
Low Sales 1 6.7
Rude Customers 3 20.0
Unfair Treatment of Management 1 6.7
Missing Items 1 6.7
Equipment Breakdown/Malfunction 2 13.3
Drainage Overflow 1 6.7
Food Issues (Visible foreign object in cooked rice, bloody or burnt
chicken, not properly cooked rice) 2 13.3
Slow Services 1 6.7
Order Issues (Pending and Wrong Orders) 2 13.3
Time Management 1 6.7
Scheduling Issue 1 6.7
None 3 20.0
Legend: *Multiple Response
IV. Problem Encountered
Table 4 shows the problem encountered by the fast-food restaurants managers in Puerto

Princesa City were 7 or 46.7% which is “customer complaint” while the 3 or 20.0% is

“lack of manpower/ crew availability”, “Lacking/Limited/Unavailability of Products and

Equipment”, “Rude Customers.” And the 2 or 13.3% is “Communication Issues”,

“Equipment Breakdown/Malfunction”, “Food Issues”, “Order Issues” and the 1or 6.7%

is “Bad Attitude of the Staff”, “Lack of Proper Endorsement of All Documents”,

“Tiredness of Crew”, “Low Sales”, “Unfair Treatment of Management”, “Missing

Items”, “Drainage Overflow”, “Slow Services”, “Time Management” and the

“Scheduling Issue”.

Most of the problems encountered by the fast-food restaurants managers is 7 or

46.7% which is the customer complaint. That implies that Customer complaints are clear

expression of dissatisfaction, which poses a challenge to the firm. However, rather than

dissuading them from complaining, firms need to take measures to reduce the volume of

dissatisfied customers (Stauss & Seidel, 2019). However, the lowest percentage of

problem encountered is 1 or 6.7% which is “Bad Attitude of the Staff”, “Lack of Proper

Endorsement of All Documents”, “Tiredness of Crew”, “Low Sales”, “Unfair Treatment

of Management”, “Missing Items”, “Drainage Overflow”, “Slow Services”, “Time

Management” and the “Scheduling Issue”.

That means that a bad attitude on the part of the staff argues that attitude

influences behavior in the sense that people will behave favorably or adversely toward a

specific object, person, or institution, or work or job depending on their attitude toward

the work. According to Bianca (2020), employees' attitudes affect their work

effectiveness. McQuerrey (2019) observes that both a negative and positive attitude
toward work affects performance and the workplace. The Lack of propre endorsement to

all documents that Employees who have not been properly endorse the documents will

produce less work and of a lower quality. Less knowledge and training lead to a lower

level of performance, resulting in less profit. This type of work often leads to errors,

quality issues, and time lost repeating activities. It also has enormous implications for

customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders who are all negatively impacted Gendron

(2020). The Tiredness of the Crew tired employees are more prone to making errors and

experiencing workplace accidents due to impaired motor skills and decreased vigilance

Mohren, Jansen, Kant, Galama, & van den Brandt, (2010). Such incidents not only

disrupt workflow but also pose significant risks to employee safety. Low sales, the

changing market dynamics, including increased competition or disruptive innovations,

can also contribute to low sales in the industry. Organizations that fail to adapt to

changing customer preferences or technological advancements may experience low sales

and declining sales Narayanan, Chen, & Mullen, (2018).

Unfair treatment of management, Unfair treatment of management can negatively

impact employee morale, job satisfaction, and commitment to the organization (Chen,

Chen, & Chiu, 2018). Managers who experience unfair treatment may become

disengaged, leading to decreased productivity, and increased turnover rates. The Missing

item, that implies poor inventory control systems and inadequate tracking mechanisms

were significant contributors to missing items. The authors emphasized the importance of

implementing effective inventory management strategies to prevent losses in the industry

Johnson, & Smith (2018).

The Drainage Overflow is systems sometimes clog because of different trash

bulking up in the passageway of the water. In rainy seasons, some drainages overflow

blackish water and sometimes accompanied by a foul smell and different kinds of

garbage Aziz, N. A., & Basri, M. S. M. (2021). That implies the Slow Service is Service

quality creates first impression on consumers and affects consumers’ perception of

quality. Service industry provides good service quality to the customers to attain

sustainable competitive advantage Elyasi M, Mohammadi M (2017). That implies that

Time management is a very worthwhile issue during to being it a key factor in any

success at all levels of life and for that the term time management is strongly associated

with administrative work. Despite its importance, it is never an easy task to manage time

individually and a need to specific qualifications along with many personal skills is then a

must, Al-Zoubi, M. (2016). That Scheduling issues implies that Staff scheduling and

rostering are typical problems to solve within this area. There is however a big lack of

published articles focusing these problems applied to the hospitality sector, as realized by

Ernst, Jiang, Krishnamoorthy and Sier (2012).

V. Relationship between the demographic Profile and the Management Skills

and Work Values.

Table 5.1. Relationship Between the Demographic Profile and the Level of
Management Skills of Fast-food Restaurant Managers
Age -0.513 0.051ns
Sex -0.254 0.362ns
Type of Manager -0.285 0.303ns
Educational Attainment 0.436 0.104ns
Degree 0.122 0.665ns
Number Of Years In Service 0.107 0.704ns
Monthly Income 0.053 0.851ns
Legend: ns=not significant

Table 5.1 shows the relationship between the demographic profile of the respondents and
level of the management skills of fast-food restaurants managers has no significant.

Table 5.2 shows the relationship between the demographic profile of the respondents and
the level of the work values of fast-food restaurants managers has no significant.

Table 5.2. Relationship Between the Demographic Profile and the Level of Work
Values By The Managers In Managing Fast Food Restaurant
Age -0.376 0.168ns
Sex -0.288 0.299ns
Type of Manager -0.332 0.227ns
Educational Attainment 0.377 0.167ns
Degree 0.104 0.714ns
Number Of Years In Service 0.192 0.492ns
Monthly Income -0.064 0.82ns
Legend: ns=not significant


A summary of the data was presented in this chapter. The conclusion and

recommendations are also included.


This study entitled “Skills and Work Values of Fast-Food Restaurants Manager at

Puerto Princesa City.” Was conducted from October- December 2023 at Puerto Princesa

City to determine the management skills, work values and problem encountered of the

fast-food restaurants managers.

The respondents of this study were the managers of fast-food restaurants at Puerto

Princesa City. The researcher used survey questionnaires; the data gathering was

accompanied by a personal interview by the researchers.

The questionnaires for the respondents was composed of four parts namely, Part I.

Demographic Profile of the respondents; Part II. Management Skills of the fast-food

restaurants managers; Part III. Work Values of the fast-food restaurants managers; Part

IV. Problem Encountered of the fast-food restaurants managers. The likers scales used to

rate the Skills, Work Values and Problem Encountered were the following 5-excellent, 4-

very good, 3- good, 2-fair, 1-poor.

In order to collect data, the researchers sought approval from the college dean to conduct

the study. After the letters to collect information had been approved. The researchers
gathered data from the respondents using survey questionnaires. The respondents were

given available time to answer the questions.

The descriptive research method was used in conducting the data, while quota and

convenience procedure was used as the sampling method. The study was analysed using

the statistical tools such as frequency counts, means, weighted means, and percentages to

analysed and interpret the data. To test the hypotheses of the study, Pearson Correlation

will be used to test the significant relationship between the demographic profile and the

skills and work values of fast-food restaurants managers.

The result of the study revealed that most of the respondents were 23-26 years old

with a total of 7 or 46.7%. the study also found the most respondents were female with

total of 9 or 60.0%.

Furthermore, most of the respondent were Assistant Restaurant Manager, with a

total of 12 or 80.0%, and most of the respondent are college graduate, with a total of 14

or 93.3%. the study also found the most respondent was graduated in degree of Bachelor

of Science in Hospitality Management, with a total of 5 or 33.3%. The majority of

respondent have been in service for 1-3 years with a total of 6 or 40.0%. These

respondents are confidential regarding to their monthly- income with a total of 7 or 46.7.

Regarding to the management skills, majority of the respondents had a total mean

of 4.53, equivalent of excellent rating on the communication allowed to help share

information and to collaborate efficiently with subordinates and build strong relationship

with the subordinates, understand the need, and create positive work. While in terms of

work values the Loyal and Faithful as employer, and act with good faith and not to
compete with but rather advance the employees interests, respondent had total mean of

4.73 which is described as excellent. In terms of problem encounter the customer

complain had total of 7 or 46.7%. To seek the significant relationship between the

demographic profile of the respondents and the management skills the result show that

there is no significance relationship between the demographic profile of the respondents

and management skills. While there is no significant between the demographic profile of

the respondents and level of work values.


Based on the result of this study, the researcher concludes the following:

1. Most of the respondents were female aged 23-26. They are assistant restaurants

managers and college graduates with Bachelor of Science in Hospitality

Management. They have 1-3 years of service and prefer to keep their monthly

income confidential.

2. The result shows that the highest level of management skills of fast-food

restaurant managers as assessed by themselves with weighted total mean of 4.53

in “Communication is allowed to help share information and to collaborate

efficiently with subordinates” and “Build strong relationship with the

subordinates, understand the need and create positive work”. The lowest level of

management skills with weighted total means of 4.27 in “Productive and able to

complete the task on time.”

3. The highest level of work values by the managers in managing fast food

restaurant with weighted total mean of 4.73 in “loyal and faithful as employer,

and act with good faith and not to compete with but rather advance the employees
interest” and the lowest weighted total mean are 4.27 in “provide a working

environment that is not just secure and encouraging but also full of opportunities

to learn and grow”.

4. The highest problem encountered by the fast-food restaurant managers in Puerto

Princesa City with the frequency number of 7 and percentage of 46.7% which is

the Customer complaint while the lowest is with the frequency of 1 and in

percentage of 6.7% which is “Bad Attitude of the Staff”, “Lack of Proper

Endorsement of All Documents”, “Tiredness of Crew”, “Low Sales”, “Unfair

Treatment of Management”, “Missing Items”, “Drainage Overflow”, “Slow

Services”, “Time Management” and the “Scheduling Issue”.

5. The results show that there is no significant relationship between demographic

profile and management skills and work values.

1. To establishment and business owners, researchers suggested providing a

working environment that is not just secure and encouraging but also full of

opportunities to learn and grow.

2. The researchers suggested to managers, to maintain open and effective

communication to the employees. Regular feedback sessions can help address

any issues promptly and improve overall team performance.

3. The researchers suggested to managers that understanding the work values of

fast food restaurant managers can provide insights into their motivations and

job satisfaction.

4. The researchers suggested continuously monitoring and improve processes to

prevent similar problems from arising in the future.

5. To Future Researchers, the researchers recommended this study to the future

researchers because this study will help them when they want to study about

the fast food restaurant managers skills and work values. It would also help

them to get an idea to expand their knowledge and it may also answer some

questions in their mind.


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