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Software as a Service Case Study Discussion

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Software as a Service Case Study Discussion

The article selected was on the application of cloud computing in an Indian Healthcare

organization (Sharma & Sehrawat, 2020). The study's main objective was to investigate the

application of various types of cloud platforms in the healthcare sector and their performance.

The study used a qualitative approach to research to collect data on the use of the various cloud

platforms within the context of Indian healthcare and findings compared to the healthcare that

has used Software as a service cloud platform. The findings support the adoption of the SaaS

cloud platform over other platforms. According to Sharma and Sehrawat (2020), about 60% of

all healthcare organizations in India use SaaS information systems, which is quite impressive and

a step towards adopting cloud computing.

The research at hand aimed to identify the best criteria to follow in adopting cloud

computing. This is due to the need to successfully adopt cloud computing in healthcare while

allowing healthcare organizations to enjoy the benefits of the adoption. This is often hard when

the wrong platform and approach are adopted. The findings indicate that Electronic health

records, besides electronic patient records hosted in SaaS, are most suitable and offer healthcare

better outcomes in its information systems. The findings further indicate that the application of

SaaS in a healthcare organization must start by establishing a suitable vendor, creating a

relationship with the vendor, and understanding the cloud needs of the organization. This helps

and guarantees the success of adopting cloud computing and increases the benefits accrued from

the SaaS cloud service.



Sharma, M., & Sehrawat, R. (2020). A hybrid multi-criteria decision-making method for cloud

adoption: Evidence from the healthcare sector. Technology in Society, 61, 101258.

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