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Unit 10 forum Improving Teams Flow

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Unit 10 Forum Improving Teams Flow

Kanban offers an organization the opportunity to deliver work continuously while

focusing on optimizing the organization’s ability to deliver value to the customers. To achieve

this, the Kanban must improve the team’s flow. This starts by reducing the control over the teams

and staying loose enough to allow the leaders to observe the progress areas that need

improvement and work on improving the process. This can be done in two steps: starting with

what is known and pursuing evolutionary change.

Starting with what is known

The simplicity of Kanban is based on the reason that it begins from what is known. In a

typical organization, the team members will have various titles and roles, which enables them to

achieve the organizational goals. To ensure Kanban successfully builds the teams, start by using

the people to analyze their work areas and identify the issues within the regions. This gives the

team members autonomy in decision-making and a sense of empowerment. This encourages the

teams to work harder to deliver as expected.

Pursue evolutionary change

Change is an important input in a Kanban environment. However, many people do not

feel comfortable with change, and thus, the change process must be strategic. In a kanban

environment, the leaders should offer the opportunity to the teams to participate in the change

process by proposing changes to the teams and soliciting ideas on the change before

implementation (Connor, 2020). This creates a sense of importance to the teams and encourages

them to feel part of the process. This contributes significantly to the success of Kanban in the



Connor, J. (2020). Implementation of a Positive Feedback Framework to Improve Team

Collaboration in Kanban Software Development. Southern Connecticut State University.

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