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Name: ____________________

Math 30-2 Set Theory, Permutations, Combinations, and Probability

Show all your work for full marks!

a) Fill in the blanks on the supplied Venn Diagram given the hints below [3 marks]
A ∩ B = 8, A ∪ C \ B = 28, C = 20, D = 5

b) What is the size of the universal set U? [2 marks]

2. Consider the numbers 1-35 inclusive.

a) Write each of the following sets in set notations: the universal set, the set of multiples of 3, the
set of multiples of 5, and the set of multiples of 11.

a) Draw a Venn diagram to represent the above sets.

Name: ____________________

3. In a standard deck of 52 cards, the letters represent the following sets.

B – cards that are all black H – cards that are all hearts
R – cards that are all red S – cards that are all spades
E – cards that have an even number D – cards that are all diamonds
O – cards that have an odd number C – cards that are all clubs
F – cards that contain a face A – cards that are aces

How many cards are contained in each of the following sets? ∩ ∪

a) (B ∩ E) \ S

b) F ∩ B

c) (H ∪ S ∪ D) ∩ E

d) O ∪ E ∩ C

4. In how many ways can the letters of the word BOOKKEEPER be arranged?

5. In a deck of 52 cards, how many ways can you choose 5 cards such that there is at least one card
from each suit?

6. A chess tournament has 8 players. In how many ways can the first, second, and third places be

7. Algebraically solve for n in 𝑛 𝑃3 = 35

Name: ____________________

8. Find the number of paths from A to be B

a) b)

9. Two eight-sided dice are rolled. What is the probability of the sum being 7?

10. In a certain school, 60% of students play basketball, and 40% of students play soccer. Among the
basketball players, 25% also play soccer. What is the probability that a randomly chosen student
plays soccer given that the student plays basketball?

11. In a deck of 52 cards, you draw two cards without replacement. What is the probability that the
second card is a king given that the first card drawn was a king?

12. Drake has an unknown number of coins in his pocket, in which some are quarters. The odds
against him reaching into his pocket and pulling out a quarter are 1:3. The probability of pulling
out a quarter is what?

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