Potato Corner

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Give five domestic businesses that lasted 10 years or more in the domestic market
before they expanded their business abroad.

a. Why did each of the cited businesses take too long to venture abroad?

Recognizing the necessity of establishing a strong foundation, Potato Corner deliberately

invested time and resources in fortifying its brand identity within the domestic market. The
company understood that a renowned and trusted brand would be pivotal for a successful
international expansion. This involved not only perfecting the product but also developing a
cohesive and resonant brand image that would resonate with consumers.

The decision to take a considerable amount of time before venturing abroad was rooted in a
strategic approach. Rather than hastily expanding, Potato Corner prioritized meticulous
planning and execution. This included conducting thorough market research to understand
the unique demands and preferences of consumers in diverse international markets. By
doing so, the company sought to tailor its offerings, flavors, and marketing strategies to
ensure a seamless integration into each new market.

b. What did they see before? and why weren't they ready?

In its formative years, Potato Corner faced financial challenges that prompted the business
owner to strategically address weaknesses in both product quality and operational
strategies. Acknowledging the importance of enhancing competitiveness, the management
embarked on a comprehensive overhaul to bolster the strengths of their offerings relative to
competitors. This period of financial difficulty served as a catalyst for significant
improvements, fostering a commitment to delivering a superior product and refining
operational efficiency.

c. What did they see today that made them decide to expand their business abroad?

The decision to take a considerable amount of time before venturing abroad was rooted in a
strategic approach. Rather than hastily expanding, Potato Corner prioritized meticulous
planning and execution. This included conducting thorough market research to understand
the unique demands and preferences of consumers in diverse international markets. By
doing so, the company sought to tailor its offerings, flavors, and marketing strategies to
ensure a seamless integration into each new market.

Financial considerations played a crucial role in determining the pace of international

expansion. Potato Corner aimed to secure a solid financial footing before venturing into new
territories, recognizing the substantial resources required for successful market entry and
sustained growth. This strategic approach allowed the company to mitigate risks and ensure
a stable trajectory for expansion.
d. Now that they have already penetrated the international market arena, how did they
cope with the nature of international business concepts, which include:

International restrictions
When it comes to running a potato corner business, navigating international business
concepts can be a daunting task. There are numerous factors at play that can make it
challenging to conduct successful operations across borders. These include international
restrictions, the benefits of participating countries, large scale operations, domination by
developed countries, market segmentation and sensitivity.One of the biggest challenges in
international business is dealing with international restrictions. This may include regulations
on foreign investment or trade barriers that limit access to certain markets. It is essential to
have a deep understanding of these restrictions in order to successfully navigate them
Benefits if participating Countries
The participating in international business can also bring numerous benefits such as
increased revenue and access to new customer bases. This is why it is important to carefully
weigh the pros and cons of expanding into new markets.Managing large scale operations
can also pose significant challenges related to logistics and supply chain management. It is
critical to have a solid plan in place for managing operations across borders.
Dominance Developed countries
Dominance by developed countries can create difficulties for newcomers trying to establish
potato corners in the global marketplace. It is important to carefully consider how your
company will fit into the existing landscape and what steps you can take to stand out from
established competitors.Market segmentation is another key factor that must be considered
when conducting international business. Different regions have unique preferences and
cultural nuances that must be understood for successful market penetration.Finally,
sensitivity should always be exercised when conducting business across borders as cultural
misunderstandings or miscommunications can lead to costly mistakes or damage
reputations.Overall, successfully navigating international business concepts requires an
understanding of all these factors and careful consideration when making decisions about
entering new markets or expanding existing ones. A comprehensive approach that considers
all relevant factors while remaining flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances is
Market segmentation
Potato corner businesses face a range of challenges that require strategic coping
mechanisms. One such challenge is navigating international restrictions, which can limit the
ability to trade or access certain markets. At the same time, there are benefits to
participating in different countries, including potential growth opportunities and access to
new customer bases.and collaboration across different teams and departments.
In addition to these operational challenges, potato corner businesses must also contend with
domination by developed countries. This can make it difficult to compete on price or quality,
and may require innovative strategies for differentiation and market positioning.
Large Scale operation
Another key factor in successfully operating a potato corner business is managing large-
scale operations. This requires careful planning and execution, as well as effective
communication .
Sensitive nature
The sensitive nature of the potato industry requires careful attention to ethical considerations
such as sustainability and fair labor practices. Companies that prioritize these values are
likely to earn greater trust from customers and stakeholders alike.

2. What are your takeaways on their experiences domestically that led them to
eventually venture into international market.
According to Tonpibulsak , T (2019) Potato Corner has implemented various effective
strategies to provide customers with a sense of getting a great value for their money, despite
the fact that the actual price of their french fries may be higher. In addition, they have
skillfully executed numerous tactics related to international business concepts. These
include adhering to international restrictions, taking advantage of benefits offered by
participating countries, engaging in large scale operations, dominating developed countries,
utilizing market segmentation techniques, and acknowledging the delicate nature of global
markets. By implementing these practices, Potato Corner has been able to effectively
establish a strong presence in the highly competitive realm of fast food. Their ability to
navigate and succeed in such a challenging environment is a testament to their astute
business acumen and unwavering commitment to providing exceptional quality products and
services.For me , The business nature, strategy, and success of Potato Corner have created
an opportunity for them to venture into international and global markets. With their domestic
experience in the industry, they are well-equipped to not only boost sales but also expand
their brand presence globally. This move holds great potential for the company's growth and
success in the long term. By leveraging their strengths and expertise, Potato Corner can
establish themselves as a formidable player in the global market while continuing to provide
quality products and excellent customer service.


Clemente-Koppe, J. (2021, September 29). Potato Corner owner: Businesses don’t always
have to innovate - F&B Report. F&B Report Magazine. https://fnbreport.ph/7586/potato-

Agrawal , C (2023) "Chanchal Aggarwal - Expert at Shiksha"

Tara Tonpibulsak | Medium" https://medium.com/@2020tara.t/i-am-both-a-fan-of-potato-

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