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Gencdler ugtice anel feminist Jurispruclerrd

Geucer hustice aud Fuuinist uieprucleuce

Sberal Conchueb
Stereby pecl roles givnu to 9ols aud boyd
unugual pawer -Pahiarchy, unali olouinanee.
Kaula Bhaseuu enaunple preferunoe fora So.
(Je. 1R o Co Ad -unaiuluaneepaaugukeran aldo oblyuol.
Reproouuctive hoibe.
Housuuolol cluors
lack of roloun, uuobilihy
Suual larasunb at wotkplaoe
No dhare u fakuer 's or husbauat prop erhy.
wouww. rakal likt poperly, ohael (Nonqut o say No)
Ca Seipl w o . bas to be marty ( daerifice
Juolia as a r Ceouomy
Aas rhive auot Aggrie
Covucept o1Jauuly, Jtuhus of woue in Voliepoiool
nauplo of Mauus duuits Bible.
parioruy ualedoninaliou aOmol.
SeFintioun o Pakriardluy
. Juliet Mitohe:a luuinást péychuologisb ryr b Khdhip dyst in wuih man
enendung wmn, aldorters Co dyinbolo powerthat fahur

Julid says uis pouoer f mau u

upondiple for tupui DØ'ddiel pdycuoloy9
EqualKaglke for woueu: uuinist
pvia Walby u hur booR heoraiug pahiarhy oalls pathiarcy au

JOcal vruthrt du viuth un douunabt, opress auol

enploite uuOe
Sub versive Urdes
Subvrsiv ides

CnmAuQL aw wu TUwiuwal rcenby mo nuuan

msa part of com1miltt e dteTewrng
criuinal tad Mahilnal/ ws. Mahiarchal doci
Covib-19 unduuit.
enaupls of Nuw Kealand funnale kader in utnagg Mahi local
Palridroy u diferut i aifernt vounhid anol Culluns. Moderuikakiu is olo hoppaulngin pariarchal a
wuu's tabour pouwtn Aqyiculhural sector
cakalysb of hauge Jushie Vrma
Qu uas to be
woueu kaproduaire cuoices ate caurole Heminlamisodesoribud as a polihial, culhural ouoleeononaitmbvement aimd
Haunty Planniug Q dupining auol esth. ual riquks aud prolehienfor RoM dt mvolvs
(eg oCuiua, Maladta, VSA potihiad alnesociologicai tunis auel pudtbcopluiucaucenul ia bu i4ue tf
Jodeolagy of Moturhodl, Couhal overwou Vtnualymaril Kape, wouu a4 propehy Geuneur aifernee, a uls uuorcmenb akt aevoataqusouryualty for doM
: Parda yalkun, Hijab Couhorercy aud tomnpaingsfor Romeaighbs auel iutruta.
Relgiou iuaihetiou ar polria dhal AMoug u term funinium or feminisb did uot qaid idespradl uw uwill 1970
awen alraoy binq u inpubu patance uuuelhearlir
e'q caltuerine epbun apuo o fuuinub mouaut in 194% flun oame
CKE Topisu i t
Kuurh perl assdgumub Fervinsmu all abaul qumolu nawig cqual oighle audl opporthunikes. Il's akoub
Mut mutiou reud ca rppetin otivre momen enpen'ueh, duaihu,Khowlidlge auo dungktns amol
dkiing to upojr Ame ta raure uirniudeiu Dord.
bugol ydtuufauily laws (Gerka Hariharazniase.ustur au uahurl quardiau)
potlkas inShuiou nk ofadaya Ryrsukthou Hai sjunaprudeuee was fuuinist lial tumy bassol cu biy Hhab
Melia Jintordug unale douninamne Law u fmelesental iw woun ubordiuatibu.
upal tuukbooru, okur tutbook dypicting umal caminanoe. t Au to Magit tummanolRbco akur Hu uisbory ! luinisu can
Sura wally he
tividial iuto 8wovw
Heldi hutwiavan dlose ink bJw palriaruy aud captkalle 1 19t cenhury ay do cenhury

tu uattial bo au ouih poriarh ruh uú uuo undomutly 2 1160 6 190s

n mu wurol ovun womeu akenr puwer u mamkain h 1990s olat
y tneunalig womtn un aores subal prooluoire
Tuu ces0
Fuinisu nauilutel in a varthy of cltseplius, tuinia" geograpyp u fuuinist movementcau bedvideal into 8mawu
uitory, itrahun. Puuuinism has dltiral ta purpptou rde vaug
ars in utem docthu runqiug tou alhie lauo. i s t wawe: womeu wHarage mormeut (19 auol early 20 cuuhry)
KAarisP os auspaiuss for looukuw's lyal rqute i= 0lt0 auoL aolious asiooiikd.0rta wou ihunton movuauut 1605)
A qubeofconbrott lgol aud docinl riquk
Dproperh nguts Coulirugnon ofunol.racnn lo porceirn failurta duoond aue tnnism-
C ebind riqut's 4940s
ole riguk o beoltly inkgrik aud auonoy * fist Wave
aborh'on riquts 1naue nilially focustol ou pruuohou ofuual uouract ano
rproduehY rlqut meludsnq eptiou anolgyalily pre ualal cave
prepriguts aua oposo cwuepb of uakel ouol ousunep of o0meA
anc i lerun by e uusbauol. Howererby uo of 19M uhury
8l2 2023 u fuinrtactivd t laeuscol priwariy on guminq polh'eal pouwtr pahaulary
. ptutiou houus.douuthe wiole iqle of wuwudufaraqy ui eltalrine dedeyr auol
Mop auo tunuol hamameub Maqrt danger nti JHU acuin in tauspaiquiug aouuadenul, rprodueh
uiorbplsce riqhuks Quol wenwi ngutu

uOt o Huu avävicks wr roun middhe clos fanib Ju /frstware 1854uoruee uig uäingalt uh wmalu uuntu asaciuneu b tuu uulltry
wuten uropt, uork aueria. du Brilnn u ulhoqeltu ouo autrogila caumpaiqual
Sojauar ruki's dpegcu to amuritau fuuinwt, o0mlin o oluy ra 1918u KPA 0A pusiudl. qrautng u 'vott rigu ower t aqe
prepou vol alternotive fuanisms, i rud Aal atetleradsl in tu e 30 wto ouuo Uioud a 1948 t was ertuoluel ti all wmu Dv
1960' ia dvil dou momwts ia tu Us, uo tu wllapeu
Curodas colonu allim iw arico, amribean, parls of latina aunerita

Cuud JoukH cost asia ce hat Huuu wouun n omtreuropau u tu Us boolrs o tuio movemut bneoluotud tureha Mat, luy Jhut
a u l uirt
ColouisOud taird worla uawepreposea 'patuoouial elixobtt usy dtuuton aud uzau B. Aukuny sD caunpaq ue
world uinÁÝM. SouuL pot ColouiaL Juuunt uah o cuaola aholiou. ol dlaury pnar h thauplauidg 0auuiglu avot,
tulpasymolhaukyarn urihal q wutern poninsm for ehnoretit oll wire inuenaa by qudekr 's bougur aunerico ft wa
Blaskn s tluch an aupela
lauisk alicswolku Jnaro involvnd wdl rauge of wouun Jout o hewm duou adrauneis
wilard hilouq o conlervai ohridtuop uuile ur au Maslda
Jo4 line wirmon roltal.
L 0LOM fixt waue euul oit pasing 0[ 19 amuduut
Liman dahtaur Hudunool Senlbook). coukaana auteil ualys
u fist au wA Coivua rerosptetively alter Hu Ra Jaut/eminiam wouun. opressionauos louunaathouol Mac Juntemporory uuinii
bLAM b hi nAuol b cdeibe.anuaer uuinish movmunlsatfocua u riku in 1994 raslah o 1068 Her aualysaloous 0U dbual
0 doe ial ao ulhml nyuau hu u bell polibcal iutaualuhu COushuctho of ooueu as otur
BApoR hu feuuiain Mistique ihty reclaun u aihoizu ku idua Hnab
Jwond Nou of Pumin ism culy tould kuak hullbmuut Lurauugh duiledharig auel braki
WwL rr to apunool athriy a u eary 1960& oua lasbg fuoon Auraisgtour obhuaryia NegerR tma iquildfuuhttu
aouqu ut 1980su ekolar uaul tuedha whelelhon dugguts ADUeuAent in 1163aue. u
cosequouceensforma wooaldh
Kaak wNE AMA ALOUinmahou of u oslie luose Juubism vaving US usl atarwunnes. Her ork considlerol Qs unosh
ragate i tu UKaual SA uuunhal wut of od0 cenhu
purose w n uberahin nas irst Ata tu iu 6 9 av i r a
2u wawt coutinueol o nit dince Haot tis l ban
wH ohak olluel rd waw uaiuisUM. hu -euidd abpear ol tn print in 1966. By 1968 Huterm wud belvq uscol to tu
wol movmuut found
Alla rudmau copare aud1 Rawe hy enplaining t t 1 Wawe
okelou riolut dudho duna. asduras u d yaadh Ros toarq dy
grd have
rly 1990 's)
h uuris ackind aundl aukur (larol Hauised aing os arupoudt b perceeo Jalluru o/u 204 owe h 3a
L pLROuaL ù pouhak vkhiuo butame duuamymou conuul i ugau
tu 2 wou Juond Bawe NE wniut fkia Jooucelou uieropolito be challengu b tu
uinatk daw Amnen ulMaL aual polihal mugjualuhu uudy Z ur /eninism. i 8 Dowe feuninism ooukolns inlimal olubalos
lnktdl aus eucourag.d Rounea b' unolrdtand tu dttrwt wpou f Hur bul drauws_a dashnoian Quuug lounbnisk dueuau
tu pyuoloaisa
KuaL Livua duply puhiadl andl 4 rueing tarol qillgau uolo beliul tlat un a n iug dalf b
uu derist pouotr
to nisk wlo bliwd huok tun aht uo od aud Atnsjas
h uh nqeudlu role uuadu by on-

ta bas
aUM ruauuTinqtawlo olknoiledge uun danu by qrauhng
out buu.araund 2018: lu haraderiae by fous o ahli i adiphou
eupodtment omeu, ukt ofinturumt, ntarashonahy 19 udunydan nuajorily aouuun issuus uuda cau o ipokgu
ma dawe dubagraterguraureualiy by ousig ou 9bsTe
nmdaud mardiuahsahos ometiu ocithy
Nae has evolwd nto a mulädinensional solulin tua? 1 ue: 1860-1U5: clal vefom moveru
combinA u orcu polihcd. eeononid, culhun, m ialia amd uminic uovemeue buqn s a sotial relo1m mumaub Telattel
Oud lainabily b buld lu arquuwnt bs quouruualig. lo riglusd of Raun hitdua. of Libery jualily futinty u Aesltrn, liberlita
-Hou 'auot iontaeb oitu Hu Tub doustkleol iut luge Social nmm movemen.
hwave ima amd mor omen are dhrng turoon wA 0omn. movemu not hamo quou nol amitd aob. iu kemsof Todas aud
ukurprises due to bunq ablelo aceu Kuowledc aud dhougs tual weetobefoskere
bnakdaiwn bordureHroupu onleneh h neð fumniom. Oerumb rtovm movement dharn a tomnmon concernlorelininony
control uel
tu woul ewlu presut iu tu uty, tu Rus tu perioel hegemoue 0ue
Waves mndja nlueuce wteual iloledy This Ru alt a time rauntbou,
o eme1givg kousgoi y aud valus na mdu o nehods
Hury o Jnian fem inism > h coloial utervuticn i ku 14 uahry Aal notowly uonfined
b patilhy o rarkd bnt iohunud n tu uultkru orooi apwla
00-b moiriachoutdhary wnikh Hu uten uniniat movammk nda todttu tu iuctian soeiy wi' s ouu ulhn and hoduhous asa
euurist aorwatut hos starta bymu ial taun oinaoley Jomtn, OuOpeu hu inolual inteluchual Yefomur dusul s arat auol
bukfuuinsw MDvunent boomun d44 dtariol iuuldharachha doug t Aay 4 h rul ud coulanial huguony by Twhing to alha
by piomurmg oudvacoleof uni rul dueahou KN pamlkar vyns to as "ulhral oufuude tu maidu do0al
ormerd akuptd h ral uuo 4ocldhy, reoluu in incian
Souihi Bai uuls 1848-it deuea porgi raliiowahy ougul liminatmg Macidl evilo e dak, cuild
JAva Bai o lfstuwust-tentrui pualo hulnaF1882 mayriot, poly qtnay, Coutikm, itoraay th all of oil uy
Puoila Kuua Bai (uihu'zed pamory aud Atesydleu in uinduidu, bliuwed toern iufotimenta o tu pror unu Al Hu sotil
d mamd oukidu wr caste anch uohver td o Tuomtr dharul o comman blit haat uw di couild praay
duriubauhy 1880 t Auun Rye 6aoknava y wmkud o hprove u 'skabu
Bugali Kyomer iepoVabelifioudati dull uaria9L, Mnugh leglu laiau, tluoahn we polihtal achou

ptr Coute olu idou, ducabou toucnhord ou

tu bauic vlquad WousA
o uni gal slquts to 0Ar priper

w Yadlucal feuiuw A uo lougen olloww Qunel t alou uot p0V dL.

DiHeru ypesoffeuis m. (a targat paniarchy) cultural ubnisu lt iu labdld as racical abecaus Uuy dee
1.tberal ouinisu ba4al ou doolol wnhuet ueoy. oY
boudariu ol Yace, tulhuy ancl es0Moit class
Heucler Badudl violeue
CEPAR: owwhou on elimiuttn of olisariminaliom aqaiust Rouueu Mormst eruinimt bdiewu Uuok piaryyoA0u foY uudlu oppriou d
Art 14-18
olous tic vlaleute asti-civiluned ay tatukh te l ubuferioy poathiou l womeum uuilu i k d to
(OKicls of orclers ae pad std wudeDv At elas bad ol.
00uMeM ULbOTdinatiou waAa couueauune o uhro. pve pToptrhy luia
Aicle 21 anol beoam HueibEoprsid daM.
Chauni Sugu Case rgut to cluule ALOt oMBn butame prop eity of meun
It u causl by eouoic dtpendunet 0u Hu fauiy auol olAo n wcikplaee
Cus toely o hilcru wOuueu uas Chluo uaue to eounpaiol ndok uqiaketou Newxeataunol)
woueu wst have eapnal yartioipahu in du eo. proa proces

iberal uind smgoueler u uot dehrmined by stn.

k prop odes waqu for houiuwok, devulopiug syteu ia pouy pr fiouse0.
enaly s bo Jeuumam.
duka umirisu aciolisus bust illcras a miheraty wlurn aseial ewairous , Clunuur in oice arekakrr lakinq carof a lov uel oue.
0M i ba4dl ou vaui tolucatiou &s a mdus duaug
Ay also baliowe ak opprcd6iou 4s uot a u ououuic to4y dtm A. Sociali'st fsminsm: inkyraka iswu quteranaLclasatie it itu.
Quol took
captialicn cuncept of parialayavnel fuinisui, uk lumirnae qmdur
upo Hu state b brng about Amn' upuimt by aw
for eq Huy advocale mihahive d URe amaive achu, euuptoyuuu
tauhy wwew'A oppresdiou couueol by eomomie depudevee
1Tulal leawt dubdidiua doy can ce t bluiws eonornie produchio utu of otuuol ulelbtarinq,eudot
vwring, tarn of Bkur membtr o famail y, alkadelg ucluy A0ciuahou,
Kosial emusUMViws pariarcu and Aenii as tu obt ol o tum wud b Loetua iub
letueu tatoy t woUun oprssiou, cuttng arosA all Jacialist aus wuhqadi.ou L0ouun'A paiol labuur au louuushe
oktus h0u Yai aMol a9e culmy casle avio ubAs 1 Labous au.
patrou Hu vuy dudtuu und idsdogu huuiu Woun dubjugahiou. heq oalhiouat dexuahy coucep
Auk to undtrstand tu T00 Proviglad au iup 4oundlahou or . ahol tiouw o Qeuounol'dtost
Jut o eumintsh A vau Ts ABdu io 4wu by wauy a umdesrable wouuLive ludour eoueiiuu s eAuali wukur il's a capitalied,
Lad achially d Jreeding qrounol i dea aring roun dotalls t coumunis.
unism cdto uudh qlahap lun vyi ous byaulciu t Jhy Aaub a aouolres pamrardhy
eumind sna (1961- A16)
pahiaruluypervadu H pubte worlol
otormalexo prod proek,bue
alo pyt. botlel (amaq) aq niespouioe
Says Anaal cuoy di uucelsay iubou pye vud publie donoin. Serv ce proviclers, - NG0. 9ovt bodits, uoapifale.
alks s nplace enoting dacial wlu n audrogni Ourts.
oldo oclelrusspuydica). Aooal, pyualoolonl comholof funal duua Kutis of protehou ofrers
Asd basIO rAdOu Jor wouu dubotoiaaho Rewuouitu,'orders, aleluiteu.
Culhura Auuinismn Juclra Sama vs. KV Carma (k018) S SCC 156
eco uuiu'm u S daiol tHhew lgisasive iutut id to provicle dil um ty to vichims.

Dome she Yolunee Aet .Vaucauo vs. 1. Srikautw (Ao0¥) SCCauliuuMacl

OOHeet of Ac: b retam tuu lusihuHon os mariage. u aut os oTmulaled o tuupluemt ruommudah 12 o UN Coumite
CiVil low Jemec Ou CEDAR
what u douesie elabiousup.
t ae also covrs ive iu velaiouclup.
3. Jshyal Ciugh vs. Kamait (Xol) Sc ouliu Bom ul2.
H bbj ut DV ac! v b'qraut siahuboy prolechios b vicim indaueshe
CEDAN: uda nas ritol HuiseQnvuutiou. AuOY vheren wo uave uo ropriedary gute
olu to tuu cou
50rurs pased undur DYAdh Kinds o violuuce . Krisua, BuaHachar(ee vs. dar ti (uouduary (2016) 2Scc Ho
1. protehiou erour 1. Muukal uoli dal dyaration does uot phaug t Hu dhahus m aggrevoal
, ruiduee ovdun. . Puysia psoU 4 Ss Qta) rat ita ue 182.
3.Ordty for mouutary Rdie uainteuaueu 3 Seua oiciak upArahou dlos ot end olauuhe Ualioudu 2 ) DY wh
4 Coupeuwaion ordr or turauf auul dui lel y. Eououucal
5:Cusooy ordur-ouwhdy ai woun 6.Yrbol 6. Heras PHasoTa. vs. usum NarohmolaAasor sou
. wwwill waHer b qoug o
Thi Lugiodlation à Seuulan aud qwoiur spcilo
aqruiv persouwoul unamul uun unmarid.dkster Sountou Bokutt ts Akaluo Juuob(o1u)13 See2s
WA.aivo wouu wwdun oue 00o sharncl u court bo4 said Mal propercoplaius i naoll onoL propervoistcatio
usououd oloue
Kujouduuk ucluds otlatived, iuor ild
ck haM Kuro/)wtive etu tore 2005)
Kope: de. 846. 3%6 ishmevn
VelluAwmi . D.Pabuaimal (Ro10) asundueut act 2018 vaplug unor cuilclrenCapital pan
Criminal lauo iHiu Luuou Hu
duould bt decicled
Lvwin Telakiansuip:uamag -uharaelerstia Maniac Rape c a u
Aqgravatecd Hom of Kape Yape ou prequant woMU
8 Sauollay onkuede vc. Mau WaunKtecde Maxtat Rape
0Ppolent dhouls be allouwealb day in mahinanial houw, uoP
poadiblu Haa huband qive rdut to up
V. DBhauot vs. Sowila Buauob
Ad hos Tuhoapue eu
A20 Kuwar ys. lata Suarui.

Moukary Relie)Mainkenance
Mqho. Khondteluoal vs. Ryat Khondelnal (SLP)Cr no.6422 o 2018
i u wou u Aulionk beam ou urous, 1 tuoom
utomlug cLou uot iuuhteur vo maiuteuauL

12.Prublua yogt . Kauluu Dui 12May 200

Sa. 1201): Douuic vuicdeut Repor
*Violnee aqainstRuun LwmTod draffcKing awo
s DPSPport I9) Juducu? Repruutaiou d oun eu Acb.
PC provsTOULs 1 Ac
y98A Dowyprouibhou Nct
Yoyeunism Sen Sigoimbnariou
oual oeA
Prwuiou of Aro ihu Acb.
persous oH% disab? lily
Nakioual poly ou esdlpovweitMoub

iple t ala

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