First Quarter MAPEH TLE 10

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Towards the end of the nineteenth century, Romantic impulse had run its
course. Composers reached artistic maturity in the final years of the century to
bridge the gap-between the dying Romanticism and the twentieth century.

Twentieth-century music has seen a great coming and going of various

movements. Some composers of the period continued on the traditional path;
others tried new directions; and still others tried to steer a middle course between
the old and the new. Two important movements surfaced at the turn of the
twentieth century: Post Romanticism, in Germany and Austria; and
Impressionism, in France.

At the end of the quarter, the learners are able to:
1. Describe the distinct musical elements of given pieces in 20th century
2. Explain the performance practice (setting, composition, role of
composers/performers, and audience) of 20th century music.
3. Relate 20th century music to other forms and media during the same time
4. Perform music sample from the 20th century.
5. Evaluate music and music performances using guided rubrics.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Lesson 1: Impressionism

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners are able to:

1. Describe the characteristics of Impressionist music.

2. Recognize the prominent composers and their remarkable compositions.
3. Relate Impressionist music to other art forms.

Impressionism is a French movement in the late 19 th and early 20th

century. It was a French movement developed by painters who tried to capture
their “first impression” of a subject through the use of light and color. The
continuous change in the appearance of things fascinated the artists like Monet.
They went out of the conventional studio painting and ventured into the open air.

Features of Impressionism:
 The use of timbre which can be achieved through orchestration, harmonic
usage and texture.
 New combinations of extended chords, harmonies, whole tone, chromatic
scales, and pentatonic scales emerged.

Composers of Impressionism

Claude Debussy (1862-1918)

He is a French composer. Debussy was one of the
most influential and leading composers of the 20th century. For
him, the primary aim of French music is to give pleasure. He
reformed the course of musical development by eradicating
traditional rules and conventions into a new language of possibilities in harmony,
rhythm, form, texture and color. He was considered as the “Father of the Modern
School of Composition”.

His works include:

The Prodigal Son, Pelleas et Melisande, Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun,
Claire de Lune, Evening in Granada, Reflections in the Water, The Sunken
Cathedral, Reverie.

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Joseph-Maurice Ravel (1875-197)
He is a French composer. Along with Claude Debussy, he was
one of the most prominent figures associated with Impressionist
music. His compositional style is mainly characterized by its
distinctively innovative but not atonal style of harmonic treatment.
His works are defined with intricate and sometimes modal
melodies and extended chordal components.

His works include:

Daphnis et Chloe, La Valse, Bolero, Spanish Rhapsody, Tzigane, Don Quixote to
Dulcinea, Sheherazade, Mother Goose Suite

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________
Grade 10

Activity: Active Listening

A. Access the links below that feature Debussy’s composition, “Claire de

Lune” and Ravel’s composition, “Bolero”.

B. Discuss the characteristics of the composition according to the

a. Claire de Lune
1. Rhythm
It had a pretty slow start, then it started to pick up its pace, and started to
speed up in the middle, but it was still able to keep that peaceful rhythm,
and that even when it sped up, it still felt peaceful. Then it slowed down in
the end.

2. Tone Color
The tone color of this piece, it is very calming, even when it was starting to
speed up, it still somehow felt very calming. But it also had some parts
where it felt aggressive, then it would calm down again.

3. Melody
The melody was nice, and that it had a pretty slow start, but it sped up,
then slowed a bit again at the end. And it was really nice because it was
the kind of piece that you would here in an old cartoon, and it felt peaceful.

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b. Bolero
1. Rhythm
This has a very nice rhythm, because it is not slow, it is not fast either, it is
just the right speed, and then it starts to be fast near the end and it stays
like that until it finished.

2. Tone Color
The tone color of this one, it starts out like at a very peaceful pace, and
then from the middle until the end it gets aggressive, and that they start to
get loud and it finished with a full and sudden stop.

3. Melody
The melody was really nice, it was really peaceful, at first it feels like just a
background music to a cartoon, then towards the ending it felt like it was a
chasing scene between a mouse and a cat.

C. Answer the following questions.

1. Discuss impressionism in music.

I think it is creative to use light and color as a way to describe music. Because
music is one of those things that sometimes cannot be described with just words,
and that sometimes you need something else to say it feels like. Like how
sometimes some songs just feels like your childhood, or some songs feel warm
and cozy, and some are blue and sad. It is a really nice way of describing music,
because sometimes you don’t need words, you need scenes.

2. Enumerate and discuss the elements of music that were emphasized in

There are 3 elements of music that is emphasized in impressionism, and that is
rhythm, melody and tone color. With the rhythm, it describes how fast the music
or the song is going, and how it turns from fast to slow or slow to fast. Then in
melody, this describes how the song goes, this describes what is the tune of the
piece, how does it feel like, or if it is a sad melody, happy or angry. Then the tone
color describes whenever the piece is aggressive or if it is calm.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________
Grade 10

Activity: Music Inspired Drawing

Impressionism in music was a movement among various composers in Western

classical music whose music focuses on mood and atmosphere. Claude
Debussy was one of the most prominent figures associated with Impressionist.
Music can change atmosphere or mood of someone. Music, when it is combined
with drawing, is another way of human expression. In this activity, you will
experience freehand drawing inspired by music impressionism.

 Color pencil or crayons

1. Prepare your bond paper and crayons.
2. Listen to the piece “Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun” by Debussy. Access
the link
3. As soon as the music starts playing, start drawing freely.
4. When the music stops, put down your crayons.

Write a paragraph describing your observations and experiences in

drawing while listening to music.
This piece seems very peaceful, and it sounds very calming. And that the
instruments make a very calming sound, and that it isn’t really loud. It is calming
and silent enough to maybe listen to it in the background while I do my works or
play some games. But it does get louder at some times. It goes from a very
peaceful landscape to a very elegant kingdom, and then it calms back down
again. The whole piece goes off with this pattern where it goes from really calm
and peaceful, then into elegant, then back into peaceful. The feeling that I get
when I listen to this is like when I watch Tom and Jerry back then. To where this
is the kind of music they would put into an episode. It would be calming and
peaceful, a chasing scene happens and the music would speed up with the
characters running. But then they would get tired, and then get back to the
peaceful and calming side of things.

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My Music Inspired Drawing

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________
Grade 10 Quiz no. ________

Question Countdown on Impressionism

A. Identify if the composer being described is Debussy or Ravel. Write your

answer on the blank before each sentence.

Answer Statement

Debussy 1. He had his classical musical education in a leading

conservatory in Paris for 12 years.

Debussy 2. He was the “Father of the Modern School of Composition”.

Debussy 3. He wrote the Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun.

Ravel 4. In his compositions, he paid much attention to tone color.

Ravel 5. His works are defined with intricate and extended chordal

Ravel 6. His most famous work, “Bolero,” which used Spanish


Ravel 7. He was greatly influenced by the music of the new world.

Debussy 8. For him, the primary aim of French music is to give


Ravel 9. His song cycle, Sheherazade had Persian melody.

Debussy 10. He reformed the course of musical development by

eradicating traditional rules and conventions of music.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Lesson 2: Expressionism

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners are able to:

1. Describe the characteristics of Expressionist music.

2. Recognize the prominent composers and their remarkable compositions.
3. Perform music sample of Expressionist music.

Expressionism is a modernist movement, initially in poetry and painting,

originating in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. Its typical trait is to
present the world solely from a subjective perspective, distorting it radically for
emotional effect in order to evoke moods or ideas.

Expressionism was the German answer to French Impressionism. The

musical language of Expressionism favored a hyper expressive harmonic
language marked by extraordinarily wide leaps in melody and by the use of
instruments in their extreme registers. Expressionist music soon reached the
boundaries of what was possible within the major-minor system.

Composers of Expressionism

Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951)

He was an Austrian-born composer. At 1908, Schoenberg
took the revolutionary step of abandoning the traditional tonal
system. He began to write atonal music or music with no definite
key center or tonality. His compositions were characterized by
irregular melodies, unusual instrumental effects, extreme contrasts of dynamics
and register, and uneven phrases. During the early 1920s, he developed a more
systematic method of organizing atonal music or the twelve-tone system. In this
composition, the ordering or unifying idea is the tone row called serial technique
or serialise.

His works include:

Five Pieces for Orchestra, Op.16, Pierrot Lunaire, Op. 21, Transfigured Night,
Verklarte Nacht, Gurrelieder

Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971)

He was a Russian composer. He was recognized as
MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10
one of the most important, influential, and famous composers
of the 20th century. He grew up in a musical atmosphere.
Most of his compositions have Russian influence and constant
qualities such as clarity of sound and almost transparent
texture that is heightened by his use of orchestration.

During World War I, he wrote for chamber groups using combinations of

instruments and incorporating ragtime rhythms and popular dances.
From 1920 to 1951, he was inspired by his 18th century music that by 1950s, he
shifted to the twelve-tone system. This twelve-tone music was originally
developed by Arnold Schoenberg.

His works include:

The Firebird, Petrushka, The Rite of Spring, The Nightingale, Les Noces (The
Wedding), In Memoriam Dylan Thomas, Agon, Canticum Sacrum, Pulcinella

Name: __________________________ Date: _______________

Grade 10 Worksheet no. _______

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Musical Thinking: Expressionism

Answer the following questions.

1. Discuss expressionism in music.

Expressionism is a way to really try to feel the music and it is a way to describe it.
And as the name says it, it is to show the expression that the piece is trying to
show. Like the piece is trying to express something and that it tries its best to
show it off to the listener or to the viewer. Like with the Scream painting, it shows
shock, but it uses a distorted painting of a man, but you can still feel the shock in
his face, that is what expressionism is trying to do in music. To where you don’t
need to think what its supposed to mean, it already shows you what it means,

2. Enumerate remarkable features of Igor Stravinsky’s music display.

With his music, most of it has Russian influence and that his music is very clear
and that his pieces has almost transparent texture. And that his pieces get better
when he also has an orchestration. He has also inspired his music with 18
century music. And because of his music, he always gets recognized and that he
influences many people. He also uses a lot of mixes of instruments, which makes
the music better.
3. Enumerate remarkable features of Arnold Shoenberg’s music display.
There are a lot of things going on with Shoenberg’s music. And one of those is
irregular melodies. And with this, it is like with paintings, it is distorted but
somehow still conveys the message. Unusual instrument effects, and with this, it
adds more to the piece. Extreme contrasts of dynamics and register, and with
this one, like it says, it adds more contrast to the piece making it more complex.
And then the uneven phrases, which adds to the distortion to the piece.

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________

Grade 10

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Activity: Pierrot Lunaire

Pierrot lunaire, Op. 21 also known as "Moonstruck Pierrot" or "Pierrot in

the Moonlight", is a melodrama by Arnold Schoenberg. It is a setting of 21
selected poems from Albert Giraud's cycle of the same name as translated into
German by Otto Erich Hartleben. The work is written for reciter (voice-type
unspecified in the score, but traditionally performed by a soprano) who delivers
the poems in the sprechstimme style (expressionist vocal techniques between
singing and speaking) accompanied by a small instrumental ensemble.
Pretend to be Pierrot, the clown and recite the English translation of Shoenberg’s
“Pierrot Lunaire”. (In this scene, Pierrot is obsessed with the moon, having drunk
moon wine; his love, fantasies, and frenzies are exposed). Record your
performance through a video. Add background music t your performance.

The wine that through the eyes is drunk,
at night the moon pours down in torrents,
until a spring-flood overflows the silent for horizon.

Desires the shuddering and sweet,

are swimming through the flood unnumbered
The wine that through the eyes is drunk,
at night the moon pours down in torrents.

The poet, whom devotion drives,

grows tipsy on the sacred liquor,
to heaven turning his enraptured gaze
and reeling, sucks and slurps up
the wine that through the eyes is drunk.

You will be graded according to:

Clarity of the words - 15
Manner of Reciting - 15
Action/Performance - 15
Appropriateness of Music -5
Name: __________________________ Date: ___________
Grade 10 Quiz no. ________

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Question Countdown on Neoclassicism and Expressionism

A. Identify the composer of each composition. Write Stravinsky or

Shoenberg on the space before the number.

Shoenberg 1. Transfigured Night Shoenberg_ 6. Gurrelieder

Stravinsky 2. The Firebird Shoenberg_ 7. Pierrot Lunaire
Stravinsky _ 3. Pulcinella Stravinsky_ 8. Petrushka
Stravinsky _ 4. Agon Shoenberg_ 9. Verklarte Nacht
Shoenberg_ 5. Five Pieces for Stravinsky_ 10. Les Noces

B. Fill in the blank. Choose your answer from the box.

Igor Stravinsky Neoclassicism Frederic Chopin

Sergei Diaghilev Pierrot German Expressionism
Expressionist Chromatic Arnold Schoenberg

1. Igor Stravinsky was able to get the attention of Sergei Diaghilev, the director
of the Ballet Russe de Paris in 1909.
2. One of the leading early neoclassical composers is the Russian born
Igor Stravinsky.
3. The _ Expressionist movement was manifested in the music of Arnold
Schoenberg and his followers.
4. The period between 1920-1950 which marks an artistic movement is called
German Expressionism.
5. One of the most parodied characters is the clown __ Pierrot _, who has been
the model of pantomime for centuries.
6. In a twelve-tone music, all 12 semitones of the __ Chromatic ____ scales are
treated with equal importance.
7. In the play, Pierrot is obsessed with the __ Moon _____.
8. Stravinsky was asked to orchestrate piano pieces by Arnold Schoenberg as
ballet music.
9. Frederic Chopin had no formal training in music but he was able to compose
at the age of eight.
10. _ Neoclassicism music is very atonal and dissonant.


MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

The modern and contemporary eras (20th century to present time)
witnessed amazing scientific discoveries, inventions, and drastic socio-cultural

The artists experience more freedom in the choice of subject matter and
the use of mediums. The wide variety of artistic styles also requires the viewer
new ways of understanding art.

Modern art was created as the answer to the challenge to produce art that
realistically depicts the various social factors at the turn of the century. It is
characterized by the expressive use of color, non-traditional materials and new
techniques and mediums. It includes all movements, theories and attitude that
reject traditional, historical or academic forms and conventions.

At the end of the quarter, the learners are able to:
1. Analyze art elements and principles in the production of work following a
specific art style from the various art movements.
2. Identify distinct characteristics of arts from the various art movements.
3. Reflect on and derive the mood, idea, or message from selected artworks.
4. Use artworks to derive the traditions/history of the various art movements.
5. Compare the characteristics of artworks produced in the various art
6. Create artworks guided by techniques and styles of the various art

Lesson 1: Forms and Styles in Modern and Contemporary Arts

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners are able to:

1. Identify the forms and styles of modern and contemporary art.

2. Describe the art elements and principles of various movement styles in
modern and contemporary art.
3. Identify the prominent artists, their art styles and their famous artworks in each
art movement.
4. Compare the characteristics of artworks in various art movements.
5. Create artworks featuring an art movement in modern and contemporary art.

Non-Figurative Art
It refers to art that does not attempt to represent or reference reality. In the
late 19th century, artists began to move toward increasing abstraction as a
means of communicating subjective experience more personally and creatively.

Styles of Non-figurative art:

 Op Art
 Cubism
 Abstract Expressionism

Figurative Art
It describes artwork particularly paintings and sculptures, that is clearly
derived from real object sources and so is, by definition, representational.

Styles of Figurative art:

 Fauvism
 Pop Art
 Surrealism
 Dadaism

Construction-based Art
Constructivism was an artistic and architectural philosophy that originated
in Russia beginning in 1915 by Vladimir Tatlin and Alexander Rodchenko.
Abstract and austere, constructivist art aimed to reflect modern industrial society
and urban space.

Styles of Construction-based Art:

 Kinetic Art  Happenings
 Assemblage  Installation Art
Styles and Art Movements in Modern and Contemporary Art

1. Impressionism

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The Impressionism style in painting which developed in the last quarter of the
19th century is characterized by short brisk strokes of bright colors to create
impressionisms of light on the object that is painted. lt reflects the experience
upon the consciousness of the artist and the audience. It also a theory and
school of art that produces vividness, nature immediacy and the impression
made on the artist.

Claude Monet Impression: Sunrise (1872)

Oscar Claude Monet

He was one of the French founders of the Impressionism movement. He rejected
the traditional approach to landscape painting.

2. Expressionism
The Expressionism style is a manner of painting and sculpturing in which
natural forms and colors are distorted and exaggerated. This was developed
in the 20th century. It is characterized by heavy black lines that define form,
vivid colors and subjective use of thematic materials. The artists use
distortions of color and form which gives visual form to emotions and inner

Edvard Munch The Scream (1895)

Edvard Munch
He was a Norwegian painter who pioneered the Expressionism movement in
modern painting. He developed a bolder and more simplified style in painting.

3. Cubism
It is a style in painting and sculpture which was developed in the early 20th
century. It is characterized by formal structure of work of art and the reduction
of natural geometrical figures. It was the first abstract style of modern art.

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Pablo Picasso The Weeping Woman (1937)

Pablo Picasso
He was a Spanish artist. He was the first artist to take a step towards modern art
and developed the genre in which cut paper fragments were pasted into his

4. Dadaism
It is a revolt by painters and writers in France, Germany and Switzerland
during the 20th century against the prevailing standards in art. It declared
absurdity of all conventions and destroyed the notion of art itself.

Marcel Duchamp Fountain (1917) Passage from Virgin

to Bride (1912)

Marcel Duchamp
He was a pioneer of Dada movement. He developed artworks called
“Readymades” through the use of commercially available objects. He argued that
any ordinary object could be elevated to the dignity of work of art by the mere
choice of an artist. He was a French-American artist.

5. Surrealism
It is a style of art that evolved from Dadaism and developed in the 20th
century. It uses impossible landscapes, optical illusions and stresses the
subconscious or nonrational significance of imagery arrived at by the
extensive use of chance effects, symbolic objects or comparisons.
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Salvador Dali The Persistence of Memory (1931)

Salvador Dali
One of the most famous Spanish-Catalan surrealist painters and an icon of the
Surrealist movement. His paintings probed the unconscious world of thoughts,
dreams and perception in fanciful and nightmarish images. Dali’s art has been
called the epitome of Surrealism.

6. Abstract Realism/Expressionism
It exists through patterns, colors, texture and line without the need for an
external motivation. It is a combination of art that aims to replicate nature and
art that does not have a definable focus and attempts to depict the emotions
behind a particular real-life object. It is a form of art that seeks realistic
depictions of the world and non-representational abstraction.

Jackson Pollock Autumn Rhythm No. 30 (1950)

Jackson Pollock
He was an American painter. His “dripping style” marked the used of sticks,
trowels, or knives to drip and splatter paints, as well as pouring paint directly from
the can. Pollock’s drip painting, also called “action painting,” revolutionized
the potential for contemporary art.

7. Pop Art
It is a form of art that captures everyday occurrences through the use of style
applied in mass media and advertising. This art movement began in the US
during the 1950s and made common objects larger than life.

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Andy Warhol Shot Marilyns (1964)

Andy Warhol
He was an American visual artist of the 1960s pop art movement. He was a
successful magazine and ad illustrator who ventured into wide variety of art

8. Op Art
Op art is a form of abstract art that gives an illusion of movement, by the
precise use of pattern and color. Sometimes artists use organized geometric
shapes, lines, forms, space and brilliant colors to achieve optical illusions. It
developed during the 1960s.

Victor Vasarely Vega III (1957-1959)

Victor Vasarely
He was a Hungarian-French artist widely accepted as the “grandfather” and
leader of the op art movement. He developed his style of geometric abstract art
working on various materials while utilizing a minimal number of forms and

9. Fauvism
It combines bright colors without outlines in a playful way. It was a joyful style
of painting that delighted in using outrageously bold colors. It was developed
in France at the beginning of the 20th century by Henri Matisse and André

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Henri Matisse Woman with a Hat (1905)

Henri Matisse
He was a French artist, known for both his use of color and his fluid and original
draughtsmanship. He was a draughtsman, printmaker, and sculptor, but is known
primarily as a painter.

Name: __________________________ Date: _______________

Grade 10 Worksheet no. _______

Art Thinking: Compare and Contrast

Compare and contrast the following art movements using the given artworks.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Op Art Pop Art

Similarities: it is a repeating pattern, and that it is the same thing

Differences: the pop art is repeating a can, while the other is using a
shape, and it is also changing angle

Expressionism Impressionism

Similarities: they both have people in it, and that they are doing something

Differences: the first one seems to be smoother and cleaner, while the other is
more rough because of the strokes

Fauvism Cubism

Similarities: both have a lot of colors, and that they both look kind of abstract

Differences: the first one have houses, and is more colorful, also looks rough
because of the strokes, the second one is more straight and use more shapes

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________

Grade 10

Creating Art: Optical Illusion

Op art explores optical responses by the rhythmic patterns formed by

repetition of line or color which are exact in measurements.
MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10
Make your own optical illusion art.

Activity Assessment:
1. Describe your experience in doing your optical illusion artwork.
For doing this work, it even confused me while I was doing it, because you really
want it to look like it is never ending, and that you want it to look like it is
connected to nothing. And making the whole thing is just confusing, especially
with just using the shapes in Microsoft Word, but for me, making this confuses
me, but it was still fun to make because I like how it turned out.
Name: __________________________ Date: ___________
Grade 10

Creating Art: Figurative and Non-Figurative Art

Study the different art styles used in modern art. Choose one figurative and one
non-figurative art style that you want to try and experience. Create artworks from
your chosen art styles.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Styles of Figurative art: Styles of Non-figurative art:
 Fauvism  Op Art
 Pop Art  Cubism
 Surrealism  Abstract Expressionism
 Dadaism

You will be graded according to:

Creativity 10 points
Composition and Design 15 points
Presentation 15 points
Timeliness 10 points
Total Points 50 points

B. Activity Assessment
For this activity, it was just drawing things, but it’s not the normal drawings that
we are used to doing. Because with this, it is drawing random things, and also
drawing something normal, but also coloring it the with a lot of colors. With the
non-figurative art, it was the simplest one to do, because I chose to be abstract.
So what I did was just draw random shapes, drew just a couple of random lines,
and colored them in with different colors. Then in the figurative art one, I just
drew one character from a video game, then just drew random lines on his face,
then colored those in with random colors as well.

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________

Grade 10 Quiz no. ________

Question Countdown on Forms and Styles in Modern Art

I. Identify what/who is being asked in each statement. Write your answer on

the space provided.

_ Dadaism ____ 1. This art movement declared absurdity of all conventions

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

and destroyed the notion of art itself.
Op art ______ 2. It is similar to collage that employs any method of joining or
expressionism__ 3. It is a style of painting and sculpturing in which natural
forms and colors are distorted and exaggerated.
Kinetic art __ 4. It is a construction-based art that involves materials that
are organized by the sculptor to create motion.
Pop art ___ 5. It is a form of art that captures everyday occurrences
through the use of style applied in mass media and
Op art __ 6. It explores optical response by the rhythmic patterns
formed by repetition of line or color which are exact in
Non -figurative art 7. It is a form of art that does not attempt to represent or
reference reality.
Andy Warhol __ 8. He is the artist behind the masterpiece “Green Coca-Cola
Pollock’s drip painting 9. It is a non-figurative art that was introduced in the 1950’s
which is also known as action painting.
impressionism_____ 10. It is a theory and school of art that produces vividness,
nature immediacy and the impression made on the artist.
Figurative art 11. It is a form of art that describes artwork that is clearly
derived from real object sources.
Fauvism ______ 12. It is an art movement that combines bright colors without
outlines in a playful way.
Happenings ___ 13. It is consist of artworks defined to have a short life.
Surrealism ___ 14. It is an art movement inspired by scientific research,
Freudian psychology and dream interpretation.
Installation __ 15. It is a non-figurative art that uses geometric shapes and
three-dimensional forms.

Lesson 2: Mixing Mediums and Exploring New Techniques

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners are able to:

1. Identify the mediums and techniques applied in modern art.

2. Create an artwork using the various mediums and techniques in modern art.

From 1905 to 1941, experimentation in technique and subject matter came as a

result of modernization, scientific, engineering, and intellectual development.
MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10
Three types of modern and contemporary artists:
(a) Sensationalists
(b) Experimentalists
(c) Artists

Techniques employed by the modern and contemporary artists:

Composition - is the arrangement of the elements of art to create a unified

Process - is the procedure taken to do an artwork. It tells how the artist
used various materials in creating the artwork.
Symbol - is something that stands for an object or idea.
Medium - is the material which the artist uses for his or her art. Some
examples of mediums used in art-making are:
 Finger Painting Acrylic
 Watercolor
 Poster Paint
 Oil Paint
 Acrylic
 Pastels
Technique - is the method using the medium to achieve the desired result.

Name: __________________________ Date: _______________

Grade 10 Worksheet no. _______

Art Thinking: Mixing Mediums and Exploring New Techniques

Modified True or False. Write true if the sentence is correct. If it is not,

underline the word/s that makes it incorrect and write the correct answer
on the space provided.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

1905__ 1. From 1805 to 1941, experimentation in technique and subject
matter came as a result of modernization, scientific, engineering,
and intellectual development.
technique 2. Process is the method using the medium to achieve the desired
process 3. Symbol tells how the artist used various materials in creating the
True _ 4. There are three types of modern and contemporary artists.
True __ 5. New media and techniques are employed in art-making.
Oil paint 6. Tempera is also called as plastic paints.
True ___ 7. Medium is the material which the artist uses for his or her art.
True ___ 8. Experimentation with new mediums and techniques allowed artists
to use their art to make statements about the environment.
True ____ 9. Poster paint is sometimes called tempera.
True ____ 10. Oil paints are made by mixing pigments with oil to form a thick
substance like toothpaste.
True ___ 11. Acrylic are pigments that are molded into sticks similar to chalk.
True ____ 12. Watercolor are pigments that are mixed with water and applied to
paper with brush.
symbol____ 13. Logo is something that stands for an object or idea.
True ____ 14. Composition is the arrangement of the elements of art to create a
unified whole.
True _____ 15. The pigments used in finger painting are pasty substances mixed
with water and smeared on slick paper with the fingers.

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________

Grade 10

Creating Art: Soap-Sculpture Making

A characteristic of modern art is experimentation with new techniques and

materials that can be used to make an artwork. Soap is a material that you can
carve into a three-dimensional form. You can create smooth and rough textures
MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10
on its surface. Space is of two types: positive and negative. Positive spaces are
occupied by the big and small forms within the sculpture. Those that have been
carved out and thus, left empty, are called negative spaces. In this activity, you
will carve a sculpture made of soap. Use the rubric (p.38) as your guide in
making your sculpture.

 soft bar soap (perla soap)
 sharp tools/carving tools

1. Describe your experience in doing your optical illusion artwork.

2. Explain how technology helps in making new form of art.


Name: __________________________ Date: ___________

Grade 10 Quiz no. ________

Question Countdown on Mixing Mediums and Exploring

New Techniques

Discuss the following statements.

1. Difference between process and technique.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

The difference of process and technique, is that the process is the whole
procedure. And that it is what you did the whole way to get the end result that
you wanted. With technique, this is the method that you used, to get the result
that you wanted. It is as simple as, process is you doing the piece, and that
technique is how you made the piece. Process is the step by step way that you
made the piece, and technique is how.

2. Enumerate and describe the three types of artists in the modern and
contemporary art.
There is the Sensationalist, Experimentalist, and the Artists. With the
sensationalist, they are the ones that do not care about what anyone says about
their art. Because they are the ones that just makes the things that they want to
do. Then the experimentalists, as the names says, they are the ones that do
different things, just to try it out and to see if it would work out. Then the Artists,
they are the ones that combine what they find good in what the sensationalists
and experimentalist did.

3. Explain how artists use new mediums and techniques in art.

With artists, they just used different mediums to further express the creativity that
they have, and that they use different mediums to further more express what they
are feeling. And with the techniques, they find new techniques so, like the
medium, they can better express what they are feeling. Because some
techniques do things that others can't.

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________

Grade 10

Creating Art: 2-Page Digital Comic Strip

Go to and visit our class. Open the given template for your
work and do the following activities:
1. Create your own storyline for the given comic strips.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

2. Create your own comic strip by using the given images.
3. Upon submitting, write your reflection as your message.


Storyline - 15
Originality - 10
Creativity - 15
Quality and Effort - 10

Total: 50 pts.

Assessment / Reflection:
For this activity, it was a really fun activity to do because I get to learn another
app for editing, and that I learned a lot about the app, and what things it can do,
that my normal editor can not do. It was a little difficult to think of a topic, for
both the comics, but once I got a topic, that it can be about, the editing was
already easy. I also like that the app is very beginner friendly, because Canva
isn’t really my first choice when it comes to editing because I already have
Photoshop, but event that can get a little difficult and confusing. But with
Canva, all the needed images were already there, which made it really easy to
use and also fun to use.

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________

Grade 10

Creating Art: 3-Page Digital Comic Strip

Create a 3-page digital comic strips about a usual scenario at home. Be

creative in doing your work.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10


Storyline - 15
Originality - 10
Creativity - 15
Quality and Effort - 10

Total: 50 pts.

Assessment / Reflection:
For this activity, it was really fun using the fun, but some things were just
missing. Like when I try to search up PNGs to use for the comic, there wasn’t
really any to choose because it was just not the PNG that I was looking for. And
when a good PNG does come up, and something that I was searching up, it is
only for the premium users. So I needed to search for the PNGs myself in
Google. And that was still difficult because they would have that transparent
checkers background, and when you put it in, it is not an actual PNG. In terms
of coming up with the actual comic, it wasn’t really that difficult, but trying to find
pictures were difficult, especially when different people come up.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________
Grade 10

Creating Art: Newsletter

Choose any topic in Music or Arts. Then, create a newsletter presenting

your reasons why students should study your chosen topic. Be creative in
doing your work.


Content - 15
Originality - 10
Creativity - 15
Quality and Effort - 10

Total: 50 pts.

Assessment / Reflection:
For this activity, it was really fun doing it because we really get to do it together.
And that we can see what each other is doing, and if something is done in a way
that we don’t like, we can just tell them, and we can see them move it or change
it. With this one, I was the one that wrote something about like the top speeds of
the typhoons, the international name, and also some news about the typhoon
Jolina. While the others were for the designing and how the news looked, and
the others were for research. And for me, I think that everyone did their own
part. And that everyone did contribute to the news and did their part that they
were told.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________
Grade 10

Creating Art: Digital Poster

Create a digital poster regarding our safety with the theme “Prevention is
better than Cure”.


Content - 15
Originality - 10
Creativity - 15
Quality and Effort - 10

Total: 50 pts.

Assessment / Reflection:

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________
Grade 10

Creating Art: 3D Model

Using App, create a 3D figure of any chosen subject. Be creative in

doing your digital artwork. Use the criteria below as your guide in making
your 3D model. Then, share your experiences through your reflection.

Originality 10 pts
Creativity 10 pts
Design 10 pts
Use of the Editing tool 10 pts
Total: 40 pts

Assessment / Reflection:
For this one, it was pretty difficult at first, and that I was intimidated at first, but
just some practice and research, I was able to use the software. And that it
became almost simple to use, and that it became easy to use. What I did was a
knife, and that I just took inspiration from some of the games that I play. But I
wish that there was more that I can do, because I can't curve or bend some of
the shapes that I used. Like a rectangle, it just has to stay as a rectangle, it can't
bend in half, and I just wished that I was able to do that, because I feel like it
would’ve been more fun, and that I would’ve been easier to design things and
that you can just make your own shapes.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________
Grade 10

Creating Art: 3D Model

Think of a place that you want to visit if pandemic ends. Then, create a 3D
model of your chosen subject/place. Be creative in doing your digital
artwork. Use the criteria below as your guide in making your 3D model.
After that, share your reason why you chose that place and your
experiences while doing the activity as your written output.

Originality 10 pts
Creativity 10 pts
Design 10 pts
Use of the Editing tool 10 pts
Total: 40 pts

Assessment / Reflection:
For this place, this is the A site of Ascent which is a map from Valorant. And for
me, Ascent is one of those maps where I always win my games, which made
me like it, and if it is possible, I would like to visit it one day. But for this activity,
it was nice making it. Since I got the hang of using the website, it can now make
it without asking for help. But for this one though, I wish that there was more
space to work with, because I think that the grid that Tinkercad gives you is just
too small. And that once I export it as an .obj, some of the things might be
missing, but they will appear on the screenshots. This was a very fun work to
do, and that it was also nice that I was able to find new textures for the objects.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________
Grade 10

Creating Art: Word Search Mobile App

Create a word search mobile application which includes topics in Physical

Education. Be guided with the following criteria for grading.

Layout and Design 10 pts

Content 10 pts
Accuracy and Organization of 10 pts
Mobile App Navigation 10 pts
Total: 40 pts

Assessment / Reflection:
For this activity, it was really fun making it. I expected it to be difficult because
making apps usually take a long time, and that we still need to learn some
coding or something like that. I am glad that we just make it through a website.
Using the website, it was a little tricky because I usually sign in with google, but
whenever I use the sign in with google button, nothing it happing. I try left
clicking it, right clicking, I can't even open it in another tab, it wasn’t that big of a
problem because you could still sign up with Facebook. That was the only
problem that I had with the website, but making it, it is really easy and that it
only took a couple of minutes.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________
Grade 10

Creating Art: Quiz Mobile App

Create a quiz type mobile application which includes topics in Health. Be

guided with the following criteria for grading.

Layout and Design 10 pts

Content 10 pts
Accuracy and Organization of 10 pts
Mobile App Navigation 10 pts
Total: 40 pts

Assessment / Reflection:
For this very app, I had an idea of making an identification quiz, with just
pictures, but the website is just really confusing, because sometimes some
pictures process through, and some just don’t show up and sometimes. And
since that didn’t work out, and that I didn’t really know what pictures would go
through, and what wouldn’t, I just did a quiz with just texts. Because I just
realized that it is so much easier. And that the thing that I chose is truth or false,
and that was really easy because it is just that, just choose a random statement,
and just choose if it’s true or not. I chose the topic of Valorant because I think
that is the easiest for me. And you could see in the app icon, that it is stretched,
and I just don’t know how that happened, it is the right aspect ratio, it is 512 x
512, but is still somehow stretched. I did have fun making the app though, I also
added some sound effects that I just found funny.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10


Weight management is a long-term approach to a healthy lifestyle.

Although healthy weight prevents the occurrence of diseases, it is also important
to maintain healthy eating and exercise healthy habits. When you are active and
eating well, your body will settle into a weight that is healthy for you.

Lifestyle is the way one lives or reflects his values and attitudes. it speaks
of daily habits; from diet, family fitness to bad habits like smoking and drinking.
Anything a person does on a regular basis is a lifestyle.

Leading a positive, productive and healthy lifestyle takes time and effort. it
takes a lot of mental and physical energy to change bad habits.

Weight management is keeping and maintaining your body weight at a

healthy level.

At the end of the quarter, the learners are able to:
1. Assess physical activity, exercise and eating habits.
2. Describe the value and importance of active lifestyle to attain lifelong
3. Engage in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at least 60 minutes
a day in and out of school.
4. Express a sense of purpose and belongingness by participating in
physical activity-related community services and programs.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Lesson 1: Revisiting Health-Related and Skill-Related Fitness Tests

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners are able to:

1. Identify the health and skill-related fitness components.

2. Discuss the importance of each component in achieving lifelong fitness.
3. Assess one’s health and skill-related components through fitness tests.

A. Health-Related Components
Body composition - refers to the relative amount of muscle, fat, bone, and other
vital parts of the body. It is important to manage also the
weight of the body.

Flexibility - is the range of motion in the body. It is the ability to stretch,

bend and twist.

Muscular endurance - is the ability of the muscle to continue to perform without


Muscular strength - is the ability of the muscle to exert force during an activity.

Cardiovascular Endurance - is the ability of the body's circulatory and

respiratory systems to supply fuel during sustained
physical activity.
B. Skill-Related Components

Agility - is the ability to move quickly and change direction in different


Balance - refers to the sense of equilibrium in the body. The weight of the
body rests in the center of gravity.

Coordination - is the ability to use body parts and senses together to produce
smooth, efficient movements vital in sports.

Reaction Time - is how quickly your brain can pond to a stimulus and initiate a

Power - is the ability to release maximum force very quickly.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Speed - is the ability to reach a distance in the shortest period of time.

Some Benefits of Physical Fitness:

 It makes the body strong and healthy.
 It improves health and skill-related components of fitness.
 It helps the body adopt to different physical exertion or activity.
 It enables one to do different activities and still have reserved energy.
 It avoids cardio and respiratory illnesses.
 It helps the body to be in good shape.
 It makes the body become flexible and less susceptible to sickness.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________
Grade 10

Activity: Let’s Test Cardio!

Do the following cardiovascular or weight-bearing exercises for endurance

and strength.

Facilities and Equipment:

 Spacious area
 Stopwatch
 Jumping rope or any rope

Physical Activities:
1. Walking (8 minutes)
2. Jogging (2 kilometers)
3. Jumping Jacks (30 times)
4. Jump Rope (7 minutes)

Performance assessment:
1. Explain how you feel after doing all the physical activities.
For doing all of these, it was pretty tiring, but it was not that bad. Because all that
I needed to do was to just keep on breathing and give myself enough time to
catch my breath and then I'm fine. But at the end of it, it just feels like I was doing
a table tennis match, and that it just got me as tired as that. But at the end of it,
only my legs are the ones that is tired, but anything else is just fine.

2. Is your endurance enough to perform vigorous activities? Why or

why not?
If feel like I would be able to do it, and that I feel like that I have enough
endurance to do it, but I would also be very tired after doing all of it. And that I
feel like I would fall asleep very quickly after coming home after doing the
vigorous activities. And since I had some experience with a sport, I feel like I
would be able to last, but I would need to keep drinking water because I get very
thirsty very quickly, and I feel like that is the only thing that would make me last
for a while.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________
Grade 10

Activity: Revisiting my Body Mass Index (BMI)

Determine your body mass index following the right protocol.

Materials needed:
 Weighing scale
 Tape measure

My Current BMI Profile Write your BMI

Your present weight (in kilograms): ____________ here: __________
Your present height (in meters): ______________

BMI = ___weight in kgs___

height in meter

Answer the following questions.

1. What is your BMI and its classification?

2. What approaches will you do to improve the current level of your BMI?

3. What physical activities will you undertake to help improve or retain your
desired BMI?

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Name: __________________________ Date: _______________
Grade 10 Worksheet no. _______

Health and Skill- Related Fitness Components

I. Complete the table.

A. Identify the fitness components in column B if it is health or skill
related. Write your answer in column A.
B. Match the fitness components in column B from the physical activities in column D.
Write the letter of your answer in column C.
A B C D Muscular Endurance 11.b a. push-ups Flexibility 12.j b. curl-ups
3.skill Coordination 13.h c. side shuttle
4.skill Balance 14.e d. ruler drop
5.skill Reaction Time 15.d e. stick balance Muscular Strength 16.a f. standing long jump
7.skill Agility 17.c g. 1 Km Run/Walk
8.skill Power 18.f h. wand juggling
9.skill Speed 19.i i. 50-meter sprint Cardiovascular Endurance 20.g j. sit-and-reach

II. Identify what is being asked in each statement. Write your answer on the
space provided before the number.
___agility __ 1. It is the ability to move and change directions quickly.
__speed __ 2. It is the ability to perform a movement or cover a distance in a
short period of time.
muscle strength 3. It is the relative percentage of the different body tissues.
Cardiovascular Endurance 4. It is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to
contracted or to contract repeatedly for a long period of time.
Reaction time 5. It is the time it takes to perform an action once a person realizes
the need to act.
Balance 6. It is the ability to keep an upright posture while standing still or
Muscular endurance 7. It refers to the ability to exercise the body continuously
over long periods of time.
Power 8. It is the ability to release maximum force very quickly.
Flexibility 9. It is the ability of the muscles to move joints with ease through
the full range of motion without strain or injury.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Coordination 10. It is the ability to use the senses together with the body parts.

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________

Grade 10 Quiz no. ________

Question Countdown on Components of Physical Fitness

A. Modified True or False. Write true if the sentence is correct and if it is

not, underline the word/s that makes it incorrect and write the correct
answer on the space provided.

___t____ 1. When the individual can twist the body without discomfort, he or she
is flexible.
Eat, sleep and be active 2. To be totally healthy, you can just eat and sleep.
not same as running 3. Jogging is also running.
__t_____ 4. You are healthy if you can integrate all senses in the body while
___t____ 5. When the individual is able to sustain and exert effort at a given
time, he has endurance.
_____t__ 6. Curl-ups develop strength in the abdomen.
____t___ 7. When the individual can do successive movements in a short period
of time, he or she is agile.
Skill 8. Balance is a health-related fitness component.
____t____ 9. Flexibility is a health-related fitness component.
____t___ 10. Power is a skill-related fitness component.

B. Answer the question.

1. Explain the importance of knowing the different fitness components.
This is really important because when you know the different fitness
components, you would know in what things you are lacking, and you would
also know what things you are good at. And if you know what you are good
at, you could be using it in life and that you could use it in different things.
Like with reaction time, if you know that you have a very fast reaction time,
you could play games that needs fast reaction time, or if you have bad
coordination, you could either improve, or just do things that doesn’t require
that good of coordination.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Lesson 2: Fitness, Exercise and Eating Habits

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners are able to:

1. Identify the benefits of exercise and healthy eating habits.

2. Discuss the importance of fitness, exercise and healthy eating habits in
maintaining healthy lifestyle.
3. Determine the facts and fallacies on fitness, exercise and eating habits.

Physical Activity
It is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires
energy expenditure. Physical activity encompasses all activities, at any intensity,
performed during any time of day or night. It includes exercise and incidental
activity integrated into daily activity.

The choice of physical activity will depend on the following factors:

 Your age
 Weather
 Time of day available for exercise
 Availability of funds for special equipment
 Opportunity for combining exercise with recreational interest
 Your preference

Being physically active means you:

 Have more energy
 Have better mental health
 Have more self-esteem
 Can manage stress better

Other key factors to a good lifestyle are nutrition, rest and sleep. Nutrition feeds
on our cell growth and metabolism while sleep provides for your body’s self-
repair. Memory retention and appetite regulation also occur during sleep.

Physical fitness is a state of health and well-being and, more specifically, the
ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations and daily activities. Physical
fitness is generally achieved through proper nutrition, moderate-vigorous physical
exercise, and sufficient rest.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Exercise is any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and
overall health and wellness. It promotes health and improves one’s quality of life.
Therefore, it should be a lifetime habit. Exercise has physical, psychological and
intellectual benefits.

Eating habits refers to why and how people eat, which foods they eat, and with
whom they eat, as well as the ways people obtain, store, use, and discard food.
Individual, social, cultural, religious, economic, environmental, and political
factors all influence people's eating habits.

Exercise and eating healthy are two of the most important things you need to do to
take care of your body properly. These two have many advantages and benefits.
They help with multiple things needed throughout your life. It is important to
understand the fitness facts and fallacies because it can cause possible health
problems if not corrected.

Name: __________________________ Date: _______________

Grade 10 Worksheet no. _______
MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10
Lifestyle and Weight Management

Define the following terms.

1. Lifestyle

2. Sedentary lifestyle
3. Weight Management

4. Active Recreation

5. Body Mass Index

Name: __________________________ Date: _______________
Grade 10 Worksheet no. _______

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Benefits of Exercise

List down the benefits of exercise. Give 5 for each aspect.

Physical Intellectual

Social Psychological

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________

Grade 10

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Activity: Let’s Exercise!

Exercise is a form of leisure time physical activity that is usually

performed on a repeated basis over an extended period of time with a specific
external objective such as the improvement of fitness, physical performance or

In this activity, you are going to perform an exercise together with your family.
Follow the proper procedure and enjoy the exercise. Take pictures while having
the exercise and submit through photo collage.

1. Stretching
2. Warm-Up
3. Exercise (Zumba, yoga, calisthenics, etc.)
4. Cool-down

1. Why did you choose that exercise?

2. What did you feel after the exercise?


Name: __________________________ Date: ___________

Grade 10 Quiz no. ________

Question Countdown on Facts and Fallacies on

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10
Fitness, Exercise, and Eating Habits

A. Write whether the following statements are fallacy or fact.

__________ 1. Fat is the main fuel of the body.
__________ 2. If there is no pain during exercise, there is no gain.
__________ 3. Skipping meals will help you lose weight.
__________ 4. Muscle and fat are two different kinds of tissues and can never
“turn into” the other.
__________ 5. As long as people workout, they can eat whatever they want.
__________ 6. Regular exercise and a balanced diet go hand in hand.
__________ 7. All fat is bad for you.
__________ 8. Exercise can turn fat into muscles.
__________ 9. It requires to hire a coach to be in shape.
__________ 10. Sweating is a part of the physical activity process.

B. Write true if the sentence is correct and false if it is incorrect.

___________ 1. Physical fitness is defined as any bodily movement produced by
skeletal muscles that require energy expenditure.
___________ 2. Warm-up promotes health and improve one’s quality of life.
___________ 3. Salt tablets taken without adequate fluid may aggravate
___________ 4. Energy drink is the best fluid to take for replenishment during
___________ 5. Fitness fallacies can cause possible health problems if not
___________ 6. Engaging in regular physical activity is an important part of
effective weight management.
___________ 7. Exercise should be a lifetime habit.
___________ 8. Exercise is a state of health and well-being and, more
specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations
and daily activities.
___________ 9. Warm up first before stretching.
___________ 10. During stretching exercises, apply smooth constant pressure.


Nobody wants to get involved in any accident. Accidents are almost

always equated to loss, damage, injuries, and worst of all, death. To avoid these,
MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10
the home, school, and community, must be kept free from hazards that can
cause accidents.

But is there such a thing as an accident-free environment? How can this

be achieved?

This unit focuses on the precautionary measures that need to be taken to

avoid accidents. It also gives guidelines on what to do in case accidents still
occur despite the safety measures already in place.

At the end of the quarter, the learners are able to:
1. Explain the concept of safety and prevention.
2. Identify the various unintentional injuries.
3. Describe the types of unintentional injuries.
4. Analyze the risk factors related to unintentional injuries.
5. Identify protective factors related to unintentional injuries.
6. Demonstrate ways to prevent and control intentional and unintentional

Lesson 1: When Safety is More than Just a Concept

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners are able to:

1. Explain the concept of safety and prevention.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10
2. Identify the common unintentional injuries.
3. Discuss the risk and protective factors of various unintentional injuries.
4. Identify the characteristics of a safety-conscious individual.

Accident is defined as a sequence of events which usually produces unintended

injury, damage to property and death.

Hazard is a term used to describe something that has the potential to cause
harm. Risk, on the other hand, is a measure of the possibility of a specific
harmful effect in given circumstances. It is very important to know the difference
between a hazard and a risk.

Practicing safety minimizes the risks while maximizing the quality of life. It can
prevent accidents and unintentional injuries from happening. Understanding that
unintentional injuries are almost always caused by contributory factors present in
one’s immediate environment can help in their prevention.

Classes of Hazard:
1. Physical 4. Biological
2. Mechanical and/or Electrical 5. Psychosocial Environment
3. Chemical

Types of Unintentional Injuries:

1. Road traffic injuries 5. Suffocation
2. Burns 6. Drowning
3. Poisoning 7. Fall
4. Occupational hazards

By re-evaluating the home and school environment, many unintentional injuries

that result from accidents can be prevented. In addition, vigilance, alertness, and
acting quickly and decisively when one detects something wrong is crucial in
keeping situations manageable and preventing an incident from escalating into
an emergency

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________

Grade 10

Activity: My Top Three!

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

A. Below are the characteristics of a safety-conscious individual. Which do
you think are the three most important and why?

responsible diligent conscientious

vigilant careful organized
alert resourceful attentive
thorough neat and tidy

I think that the resourceful, alert and responsible are the 3 most important.
Because those things can really help you in a lot of things, and that you can get
more information faster. Like if you are responsible, you would know what things
you should be doing, and that you would attend to those responsibilities. You
being resourceful can really help you in anything, because if you somehow don’t
have something that you need, you can be resourceful and that you can always
find a cheap alternative, or even find a better alternative that is cheaper. This can
also help in accidents because you can help people with just the things you have.
Then the alert because you can really be ready for anything. And that means that
you are ready for anything that comes your way.

B. In reference to your answer in letter A, which type of accident can you

personally relate with? Why?
With those, an accident that I can really relate to is with being alert. Because I
feel like that is one thing that I need, because sometimes I just get very
distracted and that I don’t focus on just one thing. And that is the main source of
some of the accidents that happen to me. Either I wasn’t paying attention, or that
I was just too focused on too many things, to the point where I just can’t do
anything. And the I also want to be more responsible, because it goes to a point
where I don’t attend to my responsibilities early enough, to where they stack up
and I panic and that would be the cause of my accidents.

Name: __________________________ Date: _______________

Grade 10 Worksheet no. _______

Health Thinking: When Safety is More than Just a Concept

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Write the risk and protective factors for each unintentional injury.

Types of
Unintentional Risk Factors Preventive Factors
A risk factor here is that it Drive under the speed
Motor vehicle might cause more limit, wear a helmet, and
accidents accidents and a traffic jam. stay clear from the cars
Motor cycle might explode. and trucks.
Might spread more to other Unplug any electronics if
Fire / burns areas, bad for the you’re not using it, put out
environment. fires when not being used,

Can cause chemical Be more safe, and maybe

Occupational hazards, that can cause stay away from hazards.
hazards diseases.

B. Describe the following terms.

1. Hazard
This is something that can really hurt you, or can really do you something
bad. An example of this is somewhere that has a lot of radiation, like
Chernobyl. This is a hazard because of the harms that it can do to you, that is
just constantly happening. Unlike risk, risk is just what could happen and just
a result from an action, and you can stop the risk by just not doing the thing
that has the risk, but with hazard, it is constantly running.

2. Accident
An accident is something that happens, even though you didn’t want it to
happen or if you didn’t know it would happen. Accidents can mean different
things, generally, something happens, but you didn’t know that that thing
would be the outcome. Another meaning of accident is when you do
something and it causes harm, but you didn’t intend to do harm. Like when
you accidentally cut yourself while chopping, you didn’t want it to happen, but
it happened, which makes it an accident.
Name: __________________________ Date: ___________
Grade 10

Activity: My Philosophy of Safety

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

What is your philosophy of safety? Write an essay about this philosophy.

For me, the safety philosophy that I stand by, is that “Safety is
number 1 priority”. Because I feel like that is true in everything.
And that you just need to be safe about everything. And that
should be the first thing that you should be looking at, when it
comes to things like, buying a product from someone that you
don’t know, or maybe working somewhere you are not very
familiar with, or even when you are taking a job interview. You
need to be safe. Safe in health and body, but you also need to be
safe in making your decisions. But there are also some times
where you need to be out of your comfort zone and do
something that you haven’t done before. But in short, you need
to just really think about the safety first, and that is the first
thing that you should look when it comes to everything.

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________

Grade 10 Quiz no. ________

Question Countdown on Safety

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

A. Identify what is asked in each statement. Write your answer on the space
provided before the number.

Unintentional injuries 1. These are injuries that happen as a result of accident.

Safety 2. It is the state of being safe and the condition of being
protected from harm or other non-desirable outcomes.
Hazard 3. It is a term used to describe something that has the
potential to cause harm.
Accidents 4. It refers to the sequence of events which usually
produces unintended injury, damage to property and
Risk 5. It refers to the chance or probability that person will be
harmed or experience an adverse health effect if exposed
to a hazard.

B. Give three examples of the following hazards.

Classes of Hazard Examples
Flammable fluids, slipping on the stairs, wet floors

Crushing, entanglement, trapping


Radiation, poisonous chemicals, poison gases


Viruses, diseases, bacteria


Stress, sadness, anxiety


Lesson 2: Road Safety: Everyone’s Responsibility

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners are able to:

1. Identify the road users.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10
2. Explain the concept of road safety.
3. Discuss the risk and protective factors of road traffic injuries.
4. Recognize the various road signs and explain its importance on road safety.

You often see many people on the road: pedestrians, commuters, cyclists,
and drivers. You share the road with all these people. Thus, you share in the
responsibility of helping prevent road accidents.

Here are some tips for:

A. Pedestrians or people who walk in the street
1. Always be alert.
2. Walk on the side of the road facing traffic.
3. Use the sidewalk intended for pedestrians.
4. Always be visible.
5. Make sure you know how to read traffic signs.

B. Commuters or people who ride public or private modes of transportation

1. Know the rules while waiting for transportation.
2. Be mindful of your things.
3. Do not use any of your gadgets while in transit.
4. Do not let any part of your body to dangle outside the doors or windows
of the vehicle.
5. Use the safety facilities of the vehicle you are riding.

C. Cyclists or people riding bicycles and motorcycles

1. Wear reflective colors for early and easy detection.
2. Use bicycle and motorcycle lanes.

3. Do not use earphones and the like while riding your bicycle or
4. Wear the proper safety gears like helmet and knee and elbow pads.
5. Double check the safety features and condition of your bicycle or
motorcycle before every trip.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

D. Drivers or people driving private or public transport
1. Be knowledgeable of the road signs and strictly abide by them.
2. Double check the safety facilities of your car/vehicle.
3. Do not drink and drive.
4. Be alert.
5. Be a defensive driver. Somebody who is able to stay away from
preventable accidents.

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________

Grade 10

Activity: Word Search

Circle the words that are connected with road safety.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

















Name: __________________________ Date: _______________

Grade 10 Worksheet no. _______

Health Thinking: Road Signs

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Match the words to the pictures. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before
the number.
a. e. i. m. q.

b. f. j. n. r.

c. g. k. o. s.

d. h. l. p. t.

__e___ 1. Men at work ___k__ 11. Cross roads ahead

___q__ 2. Bump ahead ____f_ 12. No U turn
__g___ 3. Parking ___m__ 13. One way
__t___ 4. No overtaking ___h__ 14. No cars
___d__ 5. Falling rocks __c___ 15. Stop
__r___ 6. Slippery road ___i__ 16. Train tracks ahead
__o___ 7. Maximum Speed Limit 60 Mph ___b__ 17. Two way
__l___ 8. Caution Cows in road ___d__ 18. Caution horses
__a___ 9. Traffic lights ahead ___n__ 19. N blowing of horn
__j__ 10. School crossing ___p__ 20. No entry

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________

Grade 10 Quiz no. ________

Question Countdown on Road Safety

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Answer the following questions.

1. What is road safety? Explain you answer.

Road safety is the safety that you take when you are on the road so that you
would be safe when you are on the road. And that this is the steps that you take
so that there would be safety for everyone on the road and not only you.

2. What are the four classifications of people that can be seen on the road?
Describe each.
There are the commuters, the pedestrians, cyclists, and the drivers. And they all
use a different method in transportation. Pedestrians walk or run, commuters use
public transport, cyclist use bicycles or motorcycles, then drivers use cars.

3. What are the significance of road signs? Explain your answer.

The significance of road signs is that they tell us what to do and what not to do.
And that they are just signs that tell us information, so that there would be less
accidents or traffic on the road.

4. Is it important to be aware and to be familiar with the road signs? Why or why
For the signs, yes it is important to know them or just to be familiar with them,
because knowing them makes sure that you are safe on the roads and that you
don’t cause any trouble to any other people.

5. What are the risk factors that caused road accidents?

It is that some people just don’t follow some of the rules and laws on the road,
and another is that there are just roads that are not very good and bumpy, but
there are no warnings there.

6. How can road accidents be prevented?

The road accidents can mostly be prevented by just following most of the rules,
and that just having a lot of discipline and that letting people pass, or just having
to follow the rules, without it being said to us over and over.

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________

Tips and Tricks No. 1

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Watch the video about ways on how to take good shots/pictures. After that,
ask anyone at home to be your model. Follow the given tips from the video.
Make sure to have at least 5 creative shots. You may also check out other
videos or apply other creative shots.

Highly Skilled Skilled Moderately Skilled Unskilled
15 (15-13) (12-10) (9-7) (6-0)

Proper Appropriate and Appropriate and Appropriate and Never selects,

and effective selection, effective effective selection, prepares and
effective preparation and selection, preparation and use appropriate
use use of materials preparation and use of materials materials and
of needed and tools use of materials and tools/ equipment
materials /equipment all the and tools/ tools/equipment
time. equipment most some of the time.
of the time.
15 (15-13) (12-10) (9-7) (6-0)

Work Systematic Systematic Systematic Never follows

Application application of all application of application of work systematic
work procedure all work procedure procedure some of application of
the time even most of the time the time with procedure and
without proper with minimum constant highly
supervision supervision supervision development on
15 (15-13) (12-10) (9-7) (6-0)

Highly self- Self- motivated Self- motivated and Needs to be

Safety motivated and and observes observes motivated and
and observes all safety most safety and sometimes some of does not
security and security security the safety and observe safety
work precautions all the precautions security and security
habits time most of the time precautions in work precaution in
in work work
5 5 4 3 2

Speed/ Finished the work Finished the Finished the work Finished the
Time ahead of time work on time close to given time work beyond the
given time.

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________

Tips and Tricks No. 2

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Making doodle is an artistic way to express ideas and concepts. It can also
can be done when you have extra time. Watch the video then choose 3 tips
and do it afterwards. You may submit pictures or videos as your output
depending on your chosen tips. Make sure to present it creatively.
Highly Skilled Skilled Moderately Skilled Unskilled
15 (15-13) (12-10) (9-7) (6-0)

Proper Appropriate and Appropriate and Appropriate and Never selects,

and effective selection, effective effective selection, prepares and
effective preparation and selection, preparation and use appropriate
use use of materials preparation and use of materials materials and
of needed and tools use of materials and tools/ equipment
materials /equipment all the and tools/ tools/equipment
time. equipment most some of the time.
of the time.
15 (15-13) (12-10) (9-7) (6-0)

Work Systematic Systematic Systematic Never follows

Application application of all application of application of work systematic
work procedure all work procedure procedure some of application of
the time even most of the time the time with procedure and
without proper with minimum constant highly
supervision supervision supervision development on
15 (15-13) (12-10) (9-7) (6-0)

Highly self- Self- motivated Self- motivated and Needs to be

Safety motivated and and observes observes motivated and
and observes all safety most safety and sometimes some of does not
security and security security the safety and observe safety
work precautions all the precautions security and security
habits time most of the time precautions in work precaution in
in work work
5 5 4 3 2

Speed/ Finished the work Finished the Finished the work Finished the
Time ahead of time work on time close to given time work beyond the
given time.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________

Tips and Tricks No. 3

Even if you’re at home, learning new things like tech hacks is very
exciting. Watch the video about genius tech hacks. After that, choose 3
tips and try to do it afterwards. You may submit pictures or videos as
your output. You are also allowed to apply your knowledge/skills about
this activity.

Highly Skilled Skilled Moderately Skilled Unskilled
15 (15-13) (12-10) (9-7) (6-0)

Proper Appropriate and Appropriate and Appropriate and Never selects,

and effective selection, effective effective selection, prepares and
effective preparation and selection, preparation and use appropriate
use use of materials preparation and use of materials materials and
of needed and tools use of materials and tools/ equipment
materials /equipment all the and tools/ tools/equipment
time. equipment most some of the time.
of the time.
15 (15-13) (12-10) (9-7) (6-0)

Work Systematic Systematic Systematic Never follows

Application application of all application of application of work systematic
work procedure all work procedure procedure some of application of
the time even most of the time the time with procedure and
without proper with minimum constant highly
supervision supervision supervision development on
15 (15-13) (12-10) (9-7) (6-0)

Highly self- Self- motivated Self- motivated and Needs to be

Safety motivated and and observes observes motivated and
and observes all safety most safety and sometimes some of does not
security and security security the safety and observe safety
work precautions all the precautions security and security
habits time most of the time precautions in work precaution in
in work work
5 5 4 3 2

Speed/ Finished the work Finished the Finished the work Finished the
Time ahead of time work on time close to given time work beyond the
given time.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________

Tips and Tricks No. 4

Art is the application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a

visual form. Watch the video about illusions/ art ideas that can be enjoyed
by the whole family. After that, choose 3 tips and try to do it afterwards.
You may submit pictures or videos as your output. You are also allowed
to apply your knowledge/skills about this activity.
Highly Skilled Skilled Moderately Skilled Unskilled
15 (15-13) (12-10) (9-7) (6-0)

Proper Appropriate and Appropriate and Appropriate and Never selects,

and effective selection, effective effective selection, prepares and
effective preparation and selection, preparation and use appropriate
use use of materials preparation and use of materials materials and
of needed and tools use of materials and tools/ equipment
materials /equipment all the and tools/ tools/equipment
time. equipment most some of the time.
of the time.
15 (15-13) (12-10) (9-7) (6-0)

Work Systematic Systematic Systematic Never follows

Applicatio application of all application of application of work systematic
n work procedure all work procedure procedure some of application of
Procedur the time even most of the time the time with procedure and
e without proper with minimum constant highly
supervision supervision supervision development on
15 (15-13) (12-10) (9-7) (6-0)

Highly self- Self- motivated Self- motivated and Needs to be

Safety motivated and and observes observes motivated and
and observes all safety most safety and sometimes some of does not
security and security security the safety and observe safety
work precautions all the precautions security and security
habits time most of the time precautions in work precaution in
in work work
5 5 4 3 2

Speed/ Finished the work Finished the Finished the work Finished the
Time ahead of time work on time close to given time work beyond the
given time.

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10
Tips and Tricks No. 5

Experiment is a fun and exciting activity that you can do at home. Watch
the video then choose 3 tips that you haven’t tried before and try to do it
afterwards. You may submit pictures or videos as your output depending
on your chosen tips. Make sure to present it creatively.

Highly Skilled Skilled Moderately Skilled Unskilled
15 (15-13) (12-10) (9-7) (6-0)

Proper Appropriate and Appropriate and Appropriate and Never selects,

and effective selection, effective effective selection, prepares and
effective preparation and selection, preparation and use appropriate
use use of materials preparation and use of materials materials and
of needed and tools use of materials and tools/ equipment
materials /equipment all the and tools/ tools/equipment
time. equipment most some of the time.
of the time.
15 (15-13) (12-10) (9-7) (6-0)

Work Systematic Systematic Systematic Never follows

Applicatio application of all application of application of work systematic
n work procedure all work procedure procedure some of application of
Procedur the time even most of the time the time with procedure and
e without proper with minimum constant highly
supervision supervision supervision development on
15 (15-13) (12-10) (9-7) (6-0)

Highly self- Self- motivated Self- motivated and Needs to be

Safety motivated and and observes observes motivated and
and observes all safety most safety and sometimes some of does not
security and security security the safety and observe safety
work precautions all the precautions security and security
habits time most of the time precautions in work precaution in
in work work
5 5 4 3 2

Speed/ Finished the work Finished the Finished the work Finished the
Time ahead of time work on time close to given time work beyond the
given time.

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10



MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10

Aguinaldo, Aparicio,, Our World of MAPEH 10. Quezon City, Philippines:
Vibal Group, Inc., 2014
Baarde, Garcia,, MAPEH on the Go 10. Quezon City, Philippines: Sunshine
Interlinks Publishing House, Inc., 2015

Aguinaldo, Aparicio,, Our World of MAPEH 10. Quezon City, Philippines:
Vibal Group, Inc., 2014
Baarde, Garcia,, MAPEH on the Go 10. Quezon City, Philippines: Sunshine
Interlinks Publishing House, Inc., 2015

MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10


Aguinaldo, Aparicio,, Our World of MAPEH 10. Quezon City, Philippines:
Vibal Group, Inc., 2014
Baarde, Garcia,, MAPEH on the Go 10. Quezon City, Philippines: Sunshine
Interlinks Publishing House, Inc., 2015

Aguinaldo, Aparicio,, Our World of MAPEH 10. Quezon City, Philippines:
Vibal Group, Inc., 2014
Baarde, Garcia,, MAPEH on the Go 10. Quezon City, Philippines: Sunshine
Interlinks Publishing House, Inc., 2015


MAPEH / Technology and Livelihood Education 10


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