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Chapter 5


This chapter summarizes the conclusions and recommendations emanating from

this study. It then includes a brief discussion presented according to each of the main

research questions followed by the outcomes of this study.


The purpose of this study is to find out if the Mobile Legends has a significant

Influence on the Academic Performance of the students. Specifically, this study would

like to find answers the following questions; What is the typical number of playing hours

of the respondents in a day? Does playing mobile legends affect the Academic

Performance of the students? Is there any significant relationship between Mobile

Legends usage and Academic Performance of the students? In view of the question

presented, hypothesis was formulated: There is a significant relationship between the

independent variable, Mobile Legends, and the dependent variable, Academic

Performance of the students.

There is a significant relationship between Mobile Legends and the Academic

Performance of the students. Based on the data gathered, almost half of the respondents

are influenced by Mobile Legends. Most of them are plays in the range of 1-3 hours a

day. The collected data were tabulated, analysed, subjected and correlated to appropriate

statistical treatment. The data shows that the impact of playing Mobile Legends is not

negative but positive instead. So, it still has significant influence of mobile games to the

Academic Performance of the students.


The analysis and interpretation of the data gathered led to the following findings:

The frequency of playing Mobile Legends in a day according to the respondents is

almost 50% of never playing the game, 40.43% is in 1-3 hours with 19 out of 50

respondents, 4 students played in 4-6 hours a day and 1 student play in 10 hours a day

having a 50 respondents.

Among respondents which were surveyed, many students have very satisfactory

academic average ranging from 85-89 which was 48 % of the total respondents. There are

also many students who got an outstanding academic average with a range from 90-100.

Unlike the range aforementioned, 17 students had grades that are in the range. Lastly,

only 9 students got a satisfactory average ranging from 80-84, it is 18% of the total


The relationship between Mobile Legends and Academic Performance of the

students attained -0.4439302876 which correspond to a fair linear relationship that means

there is a significant correlation between variables. Moreover, there is a significant

relationship between Mobile Legends and Academic Performance of the Students. This

means that Mobile Legends significantly affects the Academic Performance of the

students in a way that it doesn’t make the Academic Performance of the students decrease

but increase instead.

The following conclusions were drawn based on the findings of the study:

There is a significant relationship between the Mobile Legends and the Academic

Performance of the students given with the result of negative correlation. This means that

the Mobile Legends doesn’t make the Academic Performance of those gamers to

decrease but increase instead.

Many of the students also responded that they never played Mobile Legends with

a percentage of 48.94% but for those who played, 40.43% of the total students play

Mobile Legends within 1-3 hours a day while some played 4-6 hours a day.

Another conclusion derived from this study is that playing of Mobile Legends

affects the academic performance of the student in their studies. However, the results

gathered in the study can be verified and investigated thoroughly.


In light of the conclusion drawn from the findings, the researchers recommend that:

1. Students must engage themselves deeper in studying and give more importance

and focus to their activities at school.

2. Gather more data that can effectively prove the impact of Mobile Legends to the

Academic Performance of the students.

3. Future researchers may conduct similar study in order to verify the result of this


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