Diass 2nd Quarter Reflection

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Throughout our academic journey, there are certain subjects and teachers who leave a
lasting impact on our lives. In the case of our Disciplines and Ideas in Applied Social Sciences
class, I am grateful for the guidance and knowledge imparted by our esteemed teacher, Sir Japeth
Balatero. This reflective essay aims to express my gratitude and highlight the valuable lessons I
have learned in this course.

First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Sir Japeth Balatero.
His dedication to our learning experience was evident in every lesson. He brought passion,
enthusiasm, and a deep understanding of the subject matter to the classroom. His ability to
engage us in meaningful discussions and encourage critical thinking truly fostered an
environment of intellectual growth.

Disciplines and Ideas in Applied Social Sciences provided a platform for us to explore
various fields, such as sociology, psychology, anthropology, and political science. Sir Japeth
guided us through the intricate web of theories, concepts, and research findings that form the
foundation of these disciplines. Through his lectures and thought-provoking discussions, he
enabled us to delve deeper into the complexities of human behavior, society, and the world at

One of the most significant lessons I learned was the interconnectivity of these
disciplines. Sir Japeth emphasized the importance of multidisciplinary approaches in
understanding social phenomena. This interdisciplinary perspective opened my eyes to the fact
that social issues cannot be fully comprehended from a single lens. By integrating insights from
different fields, we gain a more comprehensive understanding of the complexities and nuances of
human society.

The course also enhanced my critical thinking skills. Sir Japeth challenged us to analyze,
question, and evaluate the information presented. He encouraged us to think beyond the surface,
identify biases, and develop evidence-based arguments. Through assignments and class
discussions, we learned to approach societal issues with a critical and analytical mindset.

Moreover, Sir Japeth instilled in us the importance of applying our knowledge to real-
world problems. He highlighted the significance of using social science theories and research to
address social inequalities, promote social justice, and create positive change in our
communities. This emphasis on practical application has inspired me to explore how I can
contribute to the betterment of society through my future endeavors.

My journey in Disciplines and Ideas in Applied Social Sciences has been a transformative
one. Under the guidance of Sir Japeth Balatero, I have gained a deeper appreciation for the
complexities of human behavior and society. I am grateful for the valuable insights, critical
thinking skills, and multidisciplinary perspectives that this course has provided.
I extend my sincerest thanks to Sir Japeth for his unwavering commitment to our learning
and growth. His passion for teaching and dedication to expanding our intellectual horizons have
had a profound impact on my educational journey. I am confident that the knowledge and skills
acquired in this class will continue to shape my future academic pursuits and personal

Thank you, Sir Japeth Balatero, for being an exceptional educator and mentor. Your
influence will be cherished and remembered as I embark on my journey to make a positive
difference in the world using the tools and insights gained in this course.

Throughout our grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences class, we delved deep into the
fascinating world of disciplines and ideas in applied social sciences. Under the guidance of our
esteemed teacher, Sir Japeth Balatero, we embarked on a thought-provoking journey that
broadened our understanding of how social sciences can be applied to real-world contexts. This
subject has not only provided us with valuable knowledge but has also honed our critical
thinking skills, enabling us to analyze complex societal issues and propose practical solutions.

Sir Japeth Balatero's passion for the subject was evident in every lesson. His expertise
and dedication to teaching made the material come alive, transforming what could have been dry
theoretical concepts into engaging discussions. His ability to connect the dots between different
disciplines within the social sciences was truly remarkable, highlighting the interconnectedness
of fields such as sociology, psychology, anthropology, and economics. Through his guidance, we
were able to see the intricate web of influences that shape our society, and how these various
disciplines work together to address the multifaceted challenges we face.

One of the most valuable lessons we learned in this course was the importance of
interdisciplinary approaches in the applied social sciences. By incorporating multiple
perspectives and methodologies, we gained a more comprehensive understanding of social
phenomena and were able to analyze them from various angles. This approach encouraged us to
think critically, challenge assumptions, and consider the broader implications of our findings. It
was empowering to realize that our knowledge and skills in the social sciences could be utilized
to make a positive impact on our communities and contribute to the betterment of society.

In conclusion, our grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences class on disciplines and ideas
in applied social sciences has been an enlightening and enriching experience. Under the guidance
of Sir Japeth Balatero, we explored the interconnected nature of various social science
disciplines and learned to apply their principles to real-world scenarios. This course has not only
expanded our knowledge but has also equipped us with the analytical and critical thinking skills
necessary to tackle complex social issues. We are grateful for Sir Japeth's dedication and passion
in teaching, which made this subject come alive and inspired us to become agents of positive
change in the world.

Counseling is a discipline within applied social sciences that aims to facilitate personal
growth, emotional well-being, and positive change in individuals and communities. It is a
professional field that employs various therapeutic approaches to help individuals address and
overcome psychological, emotional, and behavioral challenges. Through the application of
theories, techniques, and ethical principles, counselors provide support, guidance, and
interventions to promote mental health and improve the overall quality of life for their clients.

One of the key aspects of counseling is its emphasis on the therapeutic relationship
between the counselor and the client. Counselors create a safe and confidential space where
individuals can freely express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. This relationship is built on
trust, empathy, and non-judgment, allowing clients to explore their emotions, gain insights into
their difficulties, and develop strategies for coping and problem-solving. By actively listening,
asking probing questions, and providing unconditional positive regard, counselors foster a
supportive environment that encourages self-reflection, self-awareness, and personal growth.

Applied social sciences, including counseling, draw upon a wide range of theoretical
frameworks and techniques to address the diverse needs of clients. Some common counseling
approaches include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), psychodynamic therapy, person-
centered therapy, and solution-focused brief therapy. These approaches help individuals identify
negative patterns of thinking, explore underlying causes of distress, develop coping skills, and
set achievable goals. Additionally, counselors often work collaboratively with clients to develop
personalized treatment plans that take into account their unique backgrounds, values, and

The discipline of counseling extends beyond individual therapy sessions. Counselors may
also engage in group counseling, family therapy, career counseling, and community outreach
programs. They play a vital role in schools, clinics, rehabilitation centers, and various other
settings where individuals and communities seek support. By addressing mental health concerns,
facilitating personal growth, and promoting overall well-being, counseling contributes to the
creation of healthier and more resilient individuals and societies.

In conclusion, counseling is an essential discipline within applied social sciences that

focuses on supporting individuals in their journey towards emotional well-being and personal
growth. It provides a safe and confidential space for clients to explore their thoughts, feelings,
and concerns, while also offering evidence-based interventions and techniques to address their
specific needs. Through the establishment of a therapeutic relationship and the application of
various theoretical approaches, counselors play a crucial role in promoting mental health,
fostering resilience, and improving the overall quality of life for their clients.
Social work is a discipline within the field of applied social sciences that focuses on
promoting social change, improving the well-being of individuals and communities, and
addressing social issues. It encompasses a wide range of professional activities aimed at assisting
vulnerable populations, advocating for social justice, and enhancing the overall quality of life for
individuals and society as a whole. Social workers utilize their knowledge of human behavior,
social systems, and social policy to provide support, guidance, and resources to individuals,
families, groups, and communities in need.

One of the key aspects of social work is its emphasis on a holistic and person-centered
approach. Social workers recognize the interconnectedness of individuals with their social
environments and consider the various factors that may contribute to challenges and inequalities.
They work closely with clients to assess their needs, develop personalized intervention plans,
and empower them to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. Whether it's providing
counseling services, connecting individuals with community resources, or advocating for policy
changes, social workers strive to address the complex and multifaceted issues that impact
individuals and communities.

Another crucial component of social work is its commitment to social justice and human
rights. Social workers are dedicated to challenging and addressing systemic injustices and
advocating for equitable access to resources and opportunities. They work to dismantle
discriminatory policies and practices, promote inclusivity, and ensure that all individuals,
regardless of their background or circumstances, have equal opportunities to thrive. By engaging
in social and political advocacy, social workers strive to create a more just and equitable society
for all.

In conclusion, social work is an essential discipline within the realm of applied social
sciences. It combines theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and a deep commitment to social
justice to improve the lives of individuals and communities. Social workers play a vital role in
addressing social issues, supporting vulnerable populations, and advocating for change. By
promoting empowerment, resilience, and social inclusion, social work contributes to creating a
more equitable and compassionate society.
Communication is a fundamental discipline within the realm of applied social sciences
that encompasses the study and understanding of how individuals, groups, and societies interact
and convey information, ideas, and emotions. It serves as a vital tool for human connection,
facilitating the exchange of thoughts, beliefs, and experiences. The discipline of communication
in applied social sciences explores the intricacies of verbal and non-verbal communication, its
impact on relationships and social structures, and its role in shaping culture, power dynamics,
and social change.

In applied social sciences, the study of communication delves into various dimensions,
including interpersonal, intercultural, organizational, and mass communication. Interpersonal
communication focuses on the dynamics between individuals, examining factors such as
language, gestures, facial expressions, and listening skills. It explores how effective
communication fosters healthy relationships, resolves conflicts, and builds trust. Intercultural
communication, on the other hand, explores how cultural differences influence communication
styles, norms, and understanding. It analyzes the challenges and opportunities that arise when
individuals from different cultures interact and aims to promote intercultural understanding and

Organizational communication explores the ways in which communication processes

operate within formal structures, such as businesses, institutions, and government bodies. It
examines how communication flows within organizations, the role of leadership and hierarchy in
shaping communication patterns, and the impact of effective communication on productivity and
employee satisfaction. Additionally, mass communication focuses on the transmission of
messages through various media platforms, such as television, radio, newspapers, and the
internet. It explores the role of media in shaping public opinion, disseminating information, and
influencing social, political, and cultural discourse.

The discipline of communication in applied social sciences has significant implications

for individuals, communities, and societies. Effective communication skills are crucial for
building meaningful relationships, resolving conflicts, and promoting social cohesion. It plays a
pivotal role in addressing social issues, raising awareness, and advocating for social justice. By
studying communication in applied social sciences, individuals gain the knowledge and skills
necessary to navigate complex social contexts, engage in constructive dialogue, and contribute to
positive social change.

In conclusion, communication is a multifaceted discipline within applied social sciences

that encompasses the study of how individuals, groups, and societies interact and exchange
information. It explores various dimensions of communication, including interpersonal,
intercultural, organizational, and mass communication. The study of communication equips
individuals with valuable skills to navigate social contexts, foster relationships, and contribute to
positive social change. By understanding the complexities of communication, we can enhance
our ability to connect with others, bridge cultural divides, and address societal challenges
Interviewing a Licensed Social Worker
10 Interview Questions

1. What does it takes to become a social worker?

2. What motivated you to become a social worker?

3. What is your area of specialization, can you describe it to us?

4. What are the processes and methods do you use in doing social work, can you give

example too?

5. Can you describe your approach in assessing client's needs and developing a treatment


6. What is your experience working with clients who have experienced trauma?

7. How does it feel to be able to help people who are in needs?

8. Can you describe your experience working with clients from divert cultural

9. Can you share an example of how you have advocate for a clients moods and rights in a

challenging situation?

10. To those students aspiring to be a social worker, what advice and techniques you can

give a to them to be a competent and respectable social worker?



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