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Proprietary + Confidential

How to improve
ad strength
Responsive search ads
How many headlines should I have?Proprietary + Confidential
What is ad strength?
Are my descriptions diverse enough?
Ad strength is a tool that measures the
relevance, quantity, and diversity of your Do I have my keywords in the headline?
responsive search ad content.
Combined with actionable feedback, this new What should I focus on?
tool makes it easy for you to improve the
effectiveness of your ads even before your
ads serve.

Advertisers who improve ad strength

for their responsive search ads from
'Poor' to 'Excellent' see 9% more clicks
and conversions on average.

Source: Google internal data, Global, 7/18/2020 - 8/1/2020

How can Ad Strength help me?
Proprietary + Confidential

Ad Strength can help you

1. Create effective RSA’s during ad creation :
- You can see your ad strength real time while creating your RSA’s in the UI or in
Google Ads Editor and use action items to to get to Good or Excellent ad strength.
2. Optimize your RSA’s post ad creation :
- You can filter your RSA’s by ad strength and improve any RSA’s with Poor and
Average ad strengths.
- You can use the Recommendation page to view ‘’Improve your responsive search
ads’’ suggestion and improve your RSA’s with Poor and Average ad strengths.
Where can I find Ad Strength? (During ad creation)
Proprietary + Confidential

Ad strength can be found during ad creation in Google Ads UI

Where can I find Ad Strength? (During ad creation)
Proprietary + Confidential

Ad strength can be found during ad creation in Google Ads Editor.

You can use the new button on the toolbar on Responsive Search Ads view, "Check ad strength". The
tool estimates the ad strength of selected ads. This can be used to evaluate a new ad before
uploading it live.
Where can I find Ad Strength? (Post ad creation)
Proprietary + Confidential

Ad strength can be found in a column in Google Ads, Google Ads Editor and API. You can
filter your RSA’s by ad strength and improve any RSA’s with Poor and Average ad strengths.
Where can I find Ad Strength? (Post ad creation)
Proprietary + Confidential

You can use the Recommendation page to view ‘’Improve your responsive search ads’’
suggestion and improve your RSA’s with Poor and Average ad strength.
What should I expect to see?
Proprietary + Confidential

You will see one of the 5 different ad strength

ratings when you work on your responsive search Action item

No ads, Poor, Average, Good and Excellent. Along
with these ratings, you will see action items in the
following areas to help improve the effectiveness of
your ads: Diversity, Quality, headlines,
Overall rating Categories
description and keyword relevance

Ad strength, real time feedback in RSA

Advertisers who improve ad strength for their
responsive search ads from 'Poor' to 'Excellent' see
9% more clicks on average

Get the most out of your responsive search ads performance by including existing headlines and descriptions from your
Note expanded text ads. Advertisers who have implemented this best practice may see up to 10% more clicks and
conversions for their responsive search ads.

Source: Google internal data, Global, 7/18/2020 - 8/1/2020

Make your headlines more unique
Proprietary + Confidential

Make sure not to repeat the same word, phrase or ideas over and over again. If you have a phrase that must show in every ad,
instead of adding it to every headline and description line, pin it to Headline position 1, 2 or Description position 1, as these
are guaranteed to always show.

Before After
Headline Examples: Headline Examples:
1. 300 Hour Yoga Training 1. 300 Hour Yoga Training
2. Book 300 Hour Yoga Training 2. From Top Rated Trainers
3. Immerse into a 300hr Yoga 3. Learn Advanced Yoga now
4. 29 days Intensive 300hr Yoga 4. Call Now for a special Offer
5. Learn Yoga in 300 hours 5. Starting from $1300

Our system can’t assemble any ads since Since ‘’Make your headlines more unique’’ is
headlines are repetitive. checked, you can work on the other action items.
Try including your popular keywords in your headlines
Proprietary + Confidential

Make sure to provide enough details in your headlines related to your keywords. If the information provided are not related to
your keywords, you may be asked to try including more keywords in your headlines. Including more keywords in your headlines
can help to be more relevant to your user.

Make your descriptions more unique

Before After
Headline Examples: Headline Examples:
1. Bali Hotel 1. Bali Hotel All inclusive
2. Villas in Bali 2. Luxurious Villas in Bali
3. Starting from $100 per night 3. Starting from $100 per night
4. Compare & Book Online 4. Compare & Book Online
5. 24/7 Customer Service 5. 24/7 Customer Service
6. Book Now with Confidence 6. Book Now with Confidence

Keywords: Luxurious villas, All inclusive Since you are not asked to ‘’Try including more keywords
in your headlines’’, you can work on other improvements.
Try adding a few more unique headlines
Proprietary + Confidential

Even after you checked all the requirements, you might still not reach ‘’Excellent’’
and might be prompted to add more unique headlines.Try adding more unique
headlines to increase your chances for better performance.

Before After
Headline Examples: Headline Examples:
1. Bali Hotel All inclusive 1. Bali Hotel All inclusive
2. Luxurious Villas in Bali 2. Luxurious Villas in Bali
3. Starting from $100 per night 3. Starting from $100 per night
4. Compare & Book Online 4. Compare & Book Online
5. 24/7 Customer Service 5. 24/7 Customer Service
6. Book Now with Confidence 6. Book Now with Confidence
7. Honeymoon Suits 7. Honeymoon Suits
8. Villas with private pool 8. Villas with private pool
9. From spectacular to affordable 9. From spectacular to affordable
10. Over 100 Villas in Bali 10. Over 100 Villas in Bali
11. Bali&Seminyak Villas for rent
12. Holiday villas in Bali
Add more headlines to increase your
Proprietary + Confidential

chances for better performance

The more headlines and description lines you provide, the more combinations our machine learning can test and learn which
combinations performs best over time.Try to take advantage of all 15 options for headline. Start with your existing content from
your text ads.
Why can’t I get to ‘’Excellent’’ ?
Proprietary + Confidential

Here are some common issues and how you can resolve them to improve Ad strength:

Missing ad group: Assign your ad to an ad group.

Final URL is missing: Add a final URL to your ad.

Headlines/Descriptions are too similar: Approach your headlines and descriptions differently, and emphasize new aspects of
what you’re selling or the different customers you’re appealing to. Adding more unique headlines and descriptions can increase
your chances for better performance.

Headlines/Descriptions are too short: Provide enough details to catch the attention of your target customers.

Add popular keywords to your headlines: Try including text from your keywords that serve most often in your ad group to your

Add more keywords to your descriptions: Try including more keywords in your descriptions to improve the performance of your

Pinning: Pinning reduces the overall number of headlines or descriptions that can be shown. If you unpin or pin multiple
headlines or descriptions to each position, you will have more headlines or descriptions than are able to be shown.
Best Practice: Reuse your existing good assets from your
Proprietary + Confidential

expanded text ads.

The same good content that worked in your other text ads will work well in your responsive search ads. Advertisers who
have implemented this best practice may see up to 10% more clicks and conversions for their responsive search ads.

You can use the Recommendation page to view “Add missing headlines and descriptions from your text ads” suggestion
and improve your RSA’s with Poor and Average ad strengths.
Ad strength vs. Optimization score vs. Quality score
Proprietary + Confidential

Ad strength is a creative score only. Don’t confuse Ad strength with other metrics!

Optimization Score Quality Score Ad Strength

Ad strength is a creative score that
Measures how well-optimized Scores the quality of ads and
Purpose measures how well an ad is configured
campaigns and accounts are influences rank
compared with creative best practices

● Expected click-through rate

Based on 50+ recommendations from Quantity, diversity, quality, relevance of
Signals Used ● Ad relevance
the Recommendations page ad’s creative content
● Landing page experience

Campaign Types Search, Display coming soon Search, Display Search, Display, App

Level Campaign and account level Keyword level Ad level

Note Ad strength is measured differently across responsive search ads and responsive display ads.
However, both scores are meant to provide actionable feedback to help improve the effectiveness of your creative.

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