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1. A new classmate If she needs Treat her like Involve her in Offer your
with a physical assistance with how you treat group activities support in a way
disability. something, ask if your other or invite her to that aligns with
she'd like help classmate. join in on social her beliefs and
rather than events. practices.
2. A friend who lost his Assist with Be a Balancing social Respect their
parents due to practical matters compassionate interactions and spiritual journey
accident. if needed, but listener, offer giving them during this
always ask first. comfort, and be time to grieve is challenging
there for your important. period.
friend during
their tough
3. A neighbor who If she needs help Offer Continue being Engage in open
chose to stop schooling with practical understanding a good neighbor and supportive
for employment. matters related and and friend. conversations.
to her job or encouragement
daily life, offer for her decision.
4. A sibling who spends Encourage a Have open Suggest Find ways to
most of his/her time balanced lifestyle conversations engaging in connect their
playing online games. by promoting about their activities interests in
physical activities interests and together or online gaming
and outdoor concerns. spending time with spiritual or
pursuits. with friends in mindful
person. practices.
5. A friend who plans to If your friend Be a supportive Encourage your Respect their
leave their house needs practical listener and offer friend to beliefs and offer
because of a family assistance with a non- maintain support in a way
problem. the logistics of judgmental connections that aligns with
moving or space for your with other their values.
finding a new friend to share friends or family
place, offer your their feelings. members who
help. can provide
6. A new group If there are Let your group Foster Be open to
member who loses practical issues member know connections and discussions and
hope because of many contributing to that you are inclusivity, offer support in a
problems. their problems, there for them. making your way that aligns
offer assistance new member with their beliefs.
where feel valued and
appropriate. accepted.
7. A cousin from an If there are Offer Introduce your Offer support in
ethnic group who is still practical aspects encouragement, cousin to a way that
adjusting to her new of adjusting to a especially if she's friends and respects her
school. new school that feeling include her in beliefs and
require physical overwhelmed or social activities practices.
help, offer homesick. to help her
assistance. adjust to the
new school.
8. A relative who is Support your Provide a Encourage Engage in open
confused with his relative in supportive and positive social conversations
gender preference. accessing understanding connections and offer support
resources for any space for your that embrace that aligns with
physical changes relative to their identity. their beliefs.
they seek in their express their
gender feelings.
9. A classmate who If there are Be a supportive Foster an Engage in open
experiences social practical ways to friend and listen inclusive conversations
discrimination due to support their without environment by and offer support
his poor academic academic judgment. Offer standing up aligned with
performance. performance, encouragement against their beliefs.
offer assistance and help boost discrimination.
or connect them their confidence
with resources during
that can help. challenging
10. An older sibling Help them create Listen to their Encourage them Help them find a
who needs help on a practical concerns about to share their balance that
time management. schedule or time goals with integrates their
organize their management friends or spiritual
tasks. and provide family, fostering practices with
encouragement a supportive effective time
to help them social network. management.
stay focused and Having
positive. accountability
and social
support can
enhance time

Processing Questions:

1. What do you notice with your answers?

I try to offer balanced and practical suggestions tailored to the specific situation. Whether
it's emotional, social, physical, or spiritual support, I aim for well-rounded advice that considers
the individual's needs and preferences.
2. Which of the situation is the most difficult to handle or manage? Explain.
Each situation presents its own unique challenges, and what might be difficult for one
person could be manageable for another. Handling a friend experiencing the loss of parents
could be particularly challenging due to the depth of emotions involved and the sensitivity
3. What type of support or help is the easiest to provide? Explain.
Emotional support tends to be one of the easiest types of support to provide. It often
involves being a good listener, offering empathy, and expressing care and understanding. While
other forms of support may require more specific actions or resources, emotional support is
something that can be offered through simple gestures, conversations, and a genuine willingness
to be there for someone.
4. What have you realized after doing this activity?
I've reinforced the importance of personalized support for individuals, considering
emotions, practical needs, social dynamics, and personal beliefs in different situations.

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