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Lesson 7: Critical Reading as Reasoning

Instruction: (Oral Recitation) Get a piece of paper then write down your takeaways from
the lesson and their impact on your skill to think critically. Use the template as your
My takeaways from the lesson How will I apply them in my everyday life?

Lesson 8: Formulating Evaluative Statements

Instructions: This activity aims to make conversation between the student and the
author of the text. This inspires the learner to challenge claims in a conversational
manner. However, the learner should have an in-depth study of the resources used in
the text.
Find an editorial article either from the newspaper or internet then try to evaluate and
analyze the text. Use the given Dialogic journal template with guided questions. Write
your answer on a separate sheet of paper. Please attach the chosen article on your
answer sheet.
Before reading the article ask yourself the following questions:
1. Why are you reading the article?
2. What do you hope to learn as you read it?
Name: Date:
Author of the article:
Question/s Paragraph Answer/s with
& page no. supporting detail/s
What issue is given focus by the writer?
Is the writer able to take a clear stand on is issue?
What is the writer’s purpose writing the article?
What is the writer’s tone? Why?
Does the writer’s assume the readers to agree with
his /her stand?
What are the evidence presented by the writer to
support his argument?

Lesson 9: Formulating Evaluative Statements


Instructions: (On the spot recitation) Suppose your parents give you an option of the gift
you want to receive on your graduation day. This is for you to be motivated to maintain
your academic standing in your class. Your choices are illustrated below.

Answer the following questions.

1. From the choices above, what will you choose and why?
2. If you were your parents, what do you think would they tell you after knowing your
choice? Can you list down the possible statements you may hear from them?
Lesson 10: Determining Textual Evidences
Instructions: Practice determining the best set of textual evidences in a material read by
doing the following:
1. Search for any article or reading material online on any of the following topics
a. COVID 19 pandemic
b. Anti-terror bill in the Philippines
c. Black Lives Matter Movement
d. Bayanihan to Heal as One Act
2. Construct your claim/assertion or counterclaim on the chosen topic.
3. Provide at least three (3) textual evidences to support your opinion.
Use the graphic organizer for your answers.

Topic and Title of the Article:

Claim or Counterclaim:

Evidence #1 Evidence #2 Evidence #3

Instructions: Write a persuasive paragraph on any topic that interests you. You may
include either your assertion or a counterclaim on your chosen topic and cite textual
evidences to support your opinion.

Lesson 11: Purposeful Writing in the Disciplines and for Professions

Instruction: Write a book review by following the writing process outlined below. You
may assume the persona of a university professor writing a review for a particular book
or article in your chosen field.
A. Read the book or article to be reviewed. Complete the following details.
 Article/ Book Title:
 Article/Book Author:
 Topic:
B. Complete the given information to come up with a writing situation for your book
review or article critique.
 General purpose:
 Specific Purpose:
 Target Output:
 Audience:
 Writer’s Persona:
 Tone/Formality:
Instruction: Read and summarize five journal articles about the topic below. Don’t forget
to indicate your sources.
Topic: Digital Technology as Instructional Material
Journal Article #1
Journal Article #2
Journal Article #3
Journal Article #4
Journal Article #5
Instruction: Write a research report based on the given data below.
Topic: Source: Critical Reading and Writing, Dayagbil, 2016 p. 145
Title: School Drop Outs: Fact or Fallacy
Research Method: Descriptive method
Respondents: Grade 6 students who stopped schooling Agan Elementary School, a
public school in the mountain Barangay of Zamboanga.
Procedure: Visited the homes of students who dropped out Distributed survey
instruments and conducted in-depth interview
Results: Students dropped out from school due to the following reasons: school is very
far from home, no money for school needs, too many assignments, does not like the

Instruction: Write a project proposal. Interview the people in the community including the
barangay chairman, counselors, the elderly, mothers, fathers, and the youth regarding
the needs and problems of the community. After the interview, choose one and write a
full-blown project proposal.
Complete the given outline to come up a project proposal.
 Project Title:
 Project Proponents:
 Project Rationale:
 Project Objective:
 Project Description:
 Project Duration:
 Target Beneficiaries:
 Propose Budget:
 Monitoring and Evaluation:

Instruction: Write a position paper. Research evidences to support your claim on the
issue on Maharlika Fund.
Compilation of all student’s output in Reading and Writing Skills

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