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Script Storytelling

Anggota kelompok:

- Dewa Gede Mahendra (04)

- Gede Weda Agus Mandika (06)
- I Kadek Agus Gunaliawan (11)
- I Komang Adika Purtana (16)
- I Komang Aditya Sastrawan (17)
- I Wayan Gede Dana Jaya (21)

By: Toby Fox, diedit sedikit oleh: Mahendra

The Story:

Long Ago, two races ruled over Earth: HUMANS and MONSTERS. One day, war broke out
between two races. After a long battle the humans were victoriuos. They sealed the monsters
underground with a magic spell. Many years later... At Mountain Ebott. The legends say that
those who climb the mountain never return. There was a child named Frisk who fell into a
mountain, in the mountain he met a monster named Flowey, Flowey tried to lie to Frisk by
pretending to be good, then Flowey attacked Frisk with his strength and he said “in this world
there are two things, namely killed or being killed”, Frisk was almost dying, then a monster
named Toriel came, Toriel was saved and Frisk was adopted by Toriel, Frisk was told by
Toriel to look after and love all monsters, Toriel also sent Frisk to her house and gave her a
Butterschot pie when Frisk was asleep, after Frisk woke up she received the pie and asked
Toriel a question “can I go to the ruins?” and Toriel answered “wait a moment” and Toriel
went somewhere, Frisk followed Toriel to the ruins at the end of the journey. Toriel realized
that Frisk was following her and Toriel said “Frisk, don’t go there, it’s dangerous” Frisk
denied it, and Toriel also intended to stop her. When Toriel wanted to attack him, Toriel felt
sadness in Frisk’s heart. Toriel also let Frisk go alone to the Ruins, when Frisk arrived at the
Ruins, Frisk was in a snowy area, on the way Frisk met a monster called Sans, Sans teased
Frisk by shaking hands and a joke, Frisk and Sans headed to a city called Snowdintown. On
the way, Frisk was told by Sans to hide. After Frisk hid, Sans met his older brother, Papyrus,
Papyrus said to Sans “did you see humans?”, Sans said “no I didn’t see humans”, Papyrus
said “if I can catch humans then I will be famous and admired Undyne and King Asgore!”
Sans didn’t hear it and Sans told a joke to Papyrus, Papyrus got annoyed, then Papyrus left
Sans, and Frisk was told to come out of hiding, then Frisk was told to walk alone to
Snowdintown. When Frisk arrived at Snowdintown, Frisk continued his journey to a waterfall
cave, but on the way he met Papyrus, Papyrus was surprised to see Frisk and wanted to catch
him, Papyrus continued to attack Frisk with his strength but Frisk managed to dodge all of
Papyrus’ attacks, Papyrus was tired and spoke to Frisk “do you want to be friends with me?”
Frisk answered “of course”. Frisk continued her journey and met a monster named Undyne,
Undyne was a knight who was ordered by King Asgore to hunt down humans and hand them
over to him, Undyne suddenly attacked Frisk with her trident but Frisk managed to avoid
Undyne’s attack, Frisk continued to be chased by Undyne until a place called Hot Land.
When they both arrived at Hot Land, Undyne felt hot because of the armor she was wearing,
then she fell and was helped by Frisk, Undyne thanked Frisk and she became friends with
Frisk, then she left Frisk. Frisk saw a laboratory building, after he entered the building, Frisk
met a monster named Alphys. Alphys is a scientist, Alphys was surprised by Frisk’s arrival,
but Alphys did not consider Frisk an enemy, and Frisk asked Alphys “how do I get out of this
monster world?”, “by destroying the Barrier” answered Alphys. Frisk continued his journey
to the king’s castle, when Frisk arrived at the king’s castle he met Asgore. Asgore was getting
ready to attack Frisk, but when he wanted to attack, Asgore was stopped by Toriel, Toriel said
“don’t kill him, he is a good boy”, Asgore believed Toriel’s words, and the other monster
friends came with Frisk, and they talk to Frisk. In the middle of the conversation, Flowey
secretly attacked them. When Flowey wanted to attack Frisk, Flowey was stopped by Frisk’s
friends. However, Flowey managed to absorb the souls of the monsters and turned into a
monster god, no one could help Frisk, but Frisk could save the souls of the monsters he met.
When he saved the souls of the monsters, Flowey’s souls were also saved and Flowey was
touched by Frisk’s actions, and Flowey apologized to Frisk and returned the souls of the
monsters that Flowey had taken, and at that moment the Barrier was destroyed, and they all
left the world of monsters.

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