Practical Questions

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Macroeconomics Measurement
Practical Questions
CURSO 2023-2024
Consider the following table and suppose that you mistakenly
believed that the total value added was $30,500, the sum of
the selling price of a car and the value of the steel in a car.
What items would you be counting twice?

1. You would count twice the salary

sales value used to assemble the car.
Estateintermedi 2. You would be counting the total
factor payment twice.
Rentals 3. You would count twice the value
of steel.
Total business
Worthaddedby the 4. None of the above.
company = Value of
sales – Cost
Given the following figures (in millions of monetary units):
Private Consumption (C): 48,200, Public Expenditure (G):
12,500, Gross Fixed Capital Formation (I): 16,300, Exports (X):
22,100, Imports (M) : 21,400, Amortization of the period:
1,600, Income from national factors obtained abroad (RFNE):
800, Income from foreign factors obtained in the country
(RFEN): 600

GDP is:
1. 77,700
2. 77,900
3. 76,300
4. 77,300
Given the following figures (in millions of monetary units):
Private Consumption (C): 48,200, Public Expenditure (G):
12,500, Gross Fixed Capital Formation (I): 16,300, Exports (X):
22,100, Imports (M) : 21,400, Amortization of the period:
1,600, Income from national factors obtained abroad (RFNE):
800, Income from foreign factors obtained in the country
(RFEN): 600
GNP is:
1. 77,700
2. 77,900
3. 76,300
4. 77,300
Given the following figures (in millions of monetary units):
Private Consumption (C): 48,200, Public Expenditure (G):
12,500, Gross Fixed Capital Formation (I): 16,300, Exports (X):
22,100, Imports (M) : 21,400, Amortization of the period:
1,600, Income from national factors obtained abroad (RFNE):
800, Income from foreign factors obtained in the country
(RFEN): 600
The PNN is:
1. 77,700
2. 77,900
3. 76,300
4. 77,300
Given the following magnitudes (in millions of monetary units):
Salaries: 1,700, Unemployment benefits: 60, Aid to families: 100,
Pensions 550, Rents: 70, Direct taxes: 400, Business profits: 250,
Interest: 150, Social security contributions: 150, Undistributed
profits: 90
The population of the country amounts to 20 million inhabitants.
The national income (RN) is:

1. 2,170
2. 2,240
3. 2,205
4. None is correct
Given the following magnitudes (in millions of monetary units):
Salaries: 1,700, Unemployment benefits: 60, Aid to families: 100,
Pensions 550, Rents: 70, Direct taxes: 400, Business profits: 250,
Interest: 150, Social security contributions: 150, Undistributed
profits: 90.

The population of the country amounts to 20 million inhabitants.

The disposable personal income (DPI) is:

1. 2,170
2. 2,240
3. 2,205
4. None of the above
Given the following magnitudes (in millions of monetary units):
Salaries: 1,700, Unemployment benefits: 60, Aid to families: 100,
Pensions 550, Rents: 70, Direct taxes: 400, Business profits: 250,
Interest: 150, Social security contributions: 150, Undistributed
profits: 90
The population of the country amounts to 20 million inhabitants.

The income per inhabitant is:

1. 112.5
2. 108.5
3. 115.5
4. None of the above
The Lorenz curve represents the:

1. Functional income distribution

2. Spatial distribution of income
3. Personal income distribution
4. None of the above
Gini index is used to messure:

1.- Income’s personal distribution

2.- Income inequality, within a country

3.- Level of development in a country

4.- None of above

Suppose the advent of employment websites enables
job seekers to find suitable jobs more quickly. What
effect will this have on the unemployment rate over

1. It would cause a reduction in the

unemployment rate over time.
2. It would cause an increase in the
unemployment rate over time.
3. It would have no effect.

In which of the following cases is a worker
counted as unemployed?

2a) Rosa, an older worker who is laid off and who gave up
looking for work months ago

1. counted as unemployed
2. not counted as unemployed

In which of the following cases is a worker counted
as unemployed?
b) Anthony, a schoolteacher who is not working during his
three-month summer break

1. counted as unemployed
2. not counted as unemployed
c) Grace, an investment banker who has been laid off and is
currently searching for another position

1. counted as unemployed
2. not counted as unemployed
In which of the following cases is a worker counted
as unemployed?
d) Sergio, a classically trained musician who can only find
work playing for local parties
1. counted as unemployed
2. not counted as unemployed

e) Natasha, a graduate student who went back to school

because jobs were scarce

1. counted as unemployed
2. not counted as unemployed
Which of the following are consistent with the
observed relationship between growth in real GDP
and changes in the unemployment rate?

a) A rise in the unemployment rate accompanies a fall in real


1. yes
2. no

Which of the following are consistent with the observed
relationship between growth in real GDP and changes in
the unemployment rate?
b) An exceptionally strong business recovery is associated with a
greater percentage of the labor force being employed.

1. yes
2. no

c) Negative real GDP growth is associated with a fall in the

unemployment rate?
1. yes
2. no

True or False? Frictional unemployment is higher when
the pace of technological advance quickens.

1. True
2. False

When the unemployment rate is low, frictional
unemployment will account for a relatively _______
share of total unemployment.

1. small
2. large

What is the effect of collective bargaining on the
unemployment rate?

1. The unemployment rate would fall under collective

bargaining because unions are able to negotiate a
higher wage, which entices more people to enter the
labor force.
2. The unemployment rate would rise under collective
bargaining because unions are able to negotiate a
higher wage, which acts as a price floor, driving apart
the quantity of labor supplied and the quantity of labor

An increase in benefits for unemployed workers would
cause the natural unemployment rate to:

1. rise
2. fall

The widespread use of technology has revolutionized the
banking industry, making it much easier for customers to access
and manage their assets. Does this mean that the shoe leather
costs of inflation are higher or lower than they used to be?

1. higher
2. lower

True or False? Most people in the U.S. have become
accustomed to inflation around 2% to 3%. Lenders would gain if
inflation came to a complete stop over the next 15 or 20 years.

1. True
2. False

The labor force is formed by:

1. People that have a job

2. People at the working age
3. People at the working age that want a job
4. People at the working age that can have a job

The participation rate is the percentage of:

1. Employment over the total population

2. Employment plus unemployment over
the population at the working age
3. Employment plus unemployment over
the total population
4. Employment over the population at the
working age

Xose Picatoste – 105

The unemployment rate can be defined as the
percentage of:

1. Unemployment over the total population

2. Unemployment over the population at the working age
3. Unemployment over the labor force
4. Unemployment over the total employed workers

The unemployment rate can be defined multiplying…
1. the number of unemployed and the
average duration of unemployment
2. the frequency of unemployment and
the number of unemployed
3. the frequency of unemployment and
the average duration of unemployment
4. the number of people who lose jobs in a
month and the number of people who
find work in a month

​It is known that the working-age population is 40
million, the labour force is 22 million and the
employed population is 18 million. Please indicate the
correct answer:
1. The participation rate is 0.18 and the
unemployment rate is 0.55.
2. The participation rate is 0.55 and the
unemployment rate is 0.18.
3. The participation rate is 0.45 and the
unemployment rate is 0.18.
4. The participation rate is 0,18 and the
unemployment rate is 0,45

The consumer price index in the United States (base
period 1982–1984) was 218.056 in 2010 and 224.939
in 2011. What is the inflation rate from 2010 to 2011?

1. 5.7%
2. 2.7%
3. 3.1%
4. 4.2


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