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Skills (pg 60) Rolls (pg 23)

Awe: Instill respect, wonderment, admiration, fear.
Athletics: Swim, run, leap, climb. Get Physical.
Awareness: Be on guard, react to the unexpected, avoid ambush.
Hunting: Identify/follow tracks, pursue, trap, hunt with pets.
Song: Recite poems, sing songs, play instruments.
Craft: Make/Mend by hand. Start a fire.
Enhearten: Inspire, be charismatic esp. w/ crowds.
Travel: Guide the company, stave off fatigue, ‘road smarts’
Insight: Discern motives and state of mind.
Healing: Set bones, use herbs and salves.
Courtesy: Common norms, ancient courtesies, manners.
Battle: lead troops, maintain order, know the rules of battle 1. Define action and goal – consequences for success and failure. Select the appropriate
2. If owning appropriate magical talent or artefact, player can spend 1 Hope for Magical
Persuade: Convince via eloquence and reason
success – succeeding no matter the result. Roll Skill dice for extra success.
Stealth: Hide, move quietly, or shadow another
3. Roll Feat Die (d12)
Scan: Examine closely or attentively for details, find secrets
Explore: Find the path, endure weather, make camp  If Favoured, roll two Feat dice and keep the best result
Riddle: Speak guardedly, use deduction/reason  If Ill-Favoured, roll two Feat dice and keep the worst result
Lore: Know Lore unusual for your background 4. Roll Skill Dice (d6s) equal to the rating of the ability in question.
 Can get bonus Skill dice for favorable circumstance, useful item, great RP

Shadow (pg 137)

 Can spend Hope for 1d (or 2d if Inspired – usually from Distinctive Feature)
 Can get Support; one other player spends 1 Hope to give 1d
 Lose skill dice for unfavorable circumstance or other penalty
SOURCES: 5. Compare to TN for the relevant stat
(Reduce Shadow gained by 1+1/Success Icon with Test.)  A result of 12 (G-rune) on the Feat Die automatically passes!
Dread: witness or experience works of the Enemy; test VALOUR  A result of 11 (Eye of Sauron) is a result of 0. Fail automatically when Miserable
Greed: When taking tainted treasure; test WISDOM  Sum of dice matching or beating the TN is a successful roll.
Sorcery: Foul magics wielded by evil Sorcerers; test WISDOM  If Weary, Skill dice results of 1,2, and 3 count as 0.
Misdeeds: Perpetrate violence, threats, murder, torment, etc.  On a passed test, use 6s on Skill Dice (called Success Icons) for Superior Results
(pg. 19)
 If Hope>Shadow, can Harden Will to remove all
 Cancel a failure (when involving multiple heroes)
shadow in exchange for Shadow Scar  Score an additional success (in endeavours and councils)
 If Shadow ≥ Hope score, become Miserable  Gain insight – extra info, not necessarily related to the task at hand
 If Shadow = Max Hope, all rolls are Ill-Favoured. Must  Go quietly – achieve goal quietly and without attracting attention
experience Madness. After Madness, set Shadow to 0  Make haste – complete the task quickly (roughly half the time)
and advance one step on Shadow Path, gaining a Flaw.  Widen Influence – affect more subjects (one group/individual per)
Conditions Combat (pg 93)

MISERABLE: Shadow ≥ Hope. Auto fail on Eye SURPRISE

Surprise can be determined fictionally or by roll. Surprised= no Volley, no first Close Quarter round.
WEARY: Load+Fatigue ≥ Endurance. 1-3 = 0 on d6s When ambushing all players roll Stealth When ambushed, roll Awareness to act or Battle, Hunting, or
other applicable skill
WOUNDED: On failed PROTECTION roll. Recover
slowly and at risk of dying. OPENING VOLLEYS

Depends on fiction. Usually 1
volley. Ranged/Thrown. Double
Parry value of shields if aware.
Damage is dealt to Endurance. At 0, fall unconscious,
wake up after one hour with 1 Endurance. CLOSE QUARTERS COMBAT
1. Choose Stance
Become Weary if Endurance drops below Load+Fatigue 2. Engagement

3. Action Resolution
(pg 71)
SHORT REST: If #Enemies > #Players, Lore-master assigns 1 enemy to each PC in Close Combat, then assigns the rest
 1/day, usually around lunch. ~1hour If #Players>#Enemies, PCs in Close combat each choose enemies to engage
 Recover STRENGTH score Endurance unless
PCs act first, then Enemies. PCs act from Forward through to Rearward Stance.
 Can spend Fellowship points to gain Hope PCs take one Main Action: and one Secondary Action:
PROLONGED REST:  Make an Attack/Combat Task  Advance or Retreat while fighting
 1/day, usually a night’s sleep.  Move across battlefield, carry friend.  Try to locate someone on the battlefield
 Recover all lost Endurance if not Wounded  Recover Position after knock-back  Draw a Weapon
 If Wounded, recover STRENGTH score  Pick up a weapon/helm/shield  Drop a piece of gear (weapon/helm/shield)
Endurance  Retreat (free in Rearward Stance or Unengaged, requires successful hit in Defensive stance)
 If at 0 Hope, restore 1 hope.
 If in a sheltered and safe refuge, lose 1 Fatigue ATTACK ROLLS
1. Roll appropriate Combat Proficiency. PCs roll vs STRENGTH TN, Monsters vs target PARRY.

Wounds (pg 101)

2. Spend Extra Success Dice based on War Gear:
 Heavy Blow (Any Weapon): Add STRENGTH damage plus 1 for 2-handed weapon
FIRST AID:  Parry (Any Close): Increase Parry for round: +1 (Axe/Brawling), +2 (Sword), +3 (Spears)
When Wounded, roll die for Severity (duration in days)  Pierce (Bow/Spear/Sword): Add to Feat Die +1 (Swords), +2 (Bows), +3 (Spears)
Reduce Severity by 1 +1/Success with HEALING (once)  Shield Thrust (Shield): If STRENGTH > ATTRIBUTE (target) give 1d penalty to enemy
3. Damage is dealt to Endurance (according to Weapon damage).
If Wounded twice, become Dying. Fall unconscious and  Once per round, Players can halve Endurance loss by being knocked back.
bleed out in 1 hour. Successful HEALING to save.  Piercing Blows (Rolling 10/12 on Feat Die): PROTECTION roll vs. Injury Rating or WOUND
Fellowship Journey:
1. Assign Roles. If more or fewer than 4 players, double up or take multiple. One Guide.
Phase (pg 119)  Guide: In charge of all decisions concerning route, rest, and supplies. Rolls TRAVEL
 Hunter: In charge of finding food in the wild. Rolls HUNTING
STRUCTURE:  Look-out: In charge of keeping watch. Rolls AWARENESS
1. Set Duration: Week-season. Yule (winter) is usually long  Scout: In charge of setting up camp, opening new trails. Rolls EXPLORE
2. Choose Destination: Warp to a nearby known safe haven. 2. Set Journey Path
During Yule, Companions often return to respective homes.  Company must know approximate location of the destination, and draw a path on
3. Perform Updates: the map, taking geography into account
 Training:  Loremaster draws the Company’s itinerary as a path traversing a number of hexes
 Up to one rank per skill with Skill Points equal to those required to reach the destination (not counting the starting hex).
 Up to one rank per Combat Proficiency and one rank 3. Make Marching Tests:
in VALOUR or WISDOM with Adventure Points  Guide makes TRAVEL rolls to determine frequency of events
 Spiritual Recovery  Success: Event take place in 3 hexes + 1 per Success Icon
 Recover HOPE equal to HEART (full if Yule)  Failure: Event takes place in 2 hexes in Summer/Spring, 1 in Winter/Autumn
 Remove SHADOW based on actions  Loremaster describes events (randomly determined) targeting one Role
4. Passage of Years (Yule Only)  One character of the Role must roll the relevant skill, one other can help
 gain extra Skill Points equal to WITS  Hard terrain gives 1d penalty, roads give 1d bonus
 Lore-Master shares words of recent events  Each event also causes every member of the Company to gain Fatigue
5. Choose Undertakings: One per phase, or one per PC in Yule. 4. End the Journey
Additionally, get one free Undertaking (related to callings)  Any character with a mount reduces their total Fatigue by the mount’s Vigour
and each PC can freely swap Useful Items.  Each character can further reduce Fatigue by TRAVEL roll (1+1/Success).
Undertakings:  Duration = # of hexes +1/hard terrain hex. Double speed on open terrain if entire
 Gather Rumors (Warden): A new lead, or ask for info Company mounted. Company can Force March (double speed, 1 extra Fatigue/hex)
 Meet Patron (Messenger): usually for help or advice
 Ponder Maps (Scholar): +1 to Journey d12s for phase
 Strengthen Fellowship (Captain): +1 Fellowship
 Study Items (Treasure Hunter): learn magic qualities
 Write Song (Champion): Songs counter WEARY
Yule Only Undertakings:
 Heal Scars: 5 Adventure Points, remove Shadow Scar
 Raise Heir: 1-5 Treasure and Adventure Points, add to
heir’s Previous Experience (if new heir, give a name).
 Recount Story: Replace a Distinctive Feature with one
demonstrated in the story (about yourself).

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