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ATI proctored exam Pediatrics study

guide; Nursing Care of Children

Proctored 1 remediation study guide

correct and verified 100% CORREECT!!

A nurse is caring for an adolescent following a lumbar puncture. which of the following

actions should the nurse take?

- initiate NPO status for the adolescent

- place the adolescent in a supine position

- place a moist, warm pack on the adolescents lower back

- apply a eutectic mixture of local anesthetics to the adolescent's puncture site - Place

the adolescent in supine position

(The nurse should place the adolescent in a supine position for 30 minutes to an 1 hour

following a lumbar puncture to decrease the risk of a post Dural puncture headache)

A nurse is assessing a child who is receiving IV chemotherapy. assessment findings

include extravasation of the tissues surrounding the IV insertion site. In which order

should the nurse take the following actions?

-Remove IV line

-Elevate the extremity

-Stop the infusion

-Notify the provider - Stop the infusion

Elevate the extremity

Notify the provider

Remove the IV line

A nurse is discussing the causes of chronic diarrhea with a client. which of the following

conditions is caused by malabsorption

-Celiac disease

-Ulcerative colitis

-Hirschsprung's disease

-Crohn's disease - Celiac Disease

(the nurse should recognize that celiac disease causes chronic diarrhea due to

malabsorption. other malabsorption conditions include short bowel syndrome, lactose

intolerance, and congenital enzyme deficiency)

A nurse is caring for an 8 year old child who has sickle cell anemia. which of the

following actions should the nurse take?

-Apply cool compresses to the painful area

-Initiate contact isolation precautions

-Give the child flavored popsicles

-Administer phytonadione - Give the child flavored popsicles

(Maintaining hydration with a child who has sickle cell anemia is important to prevent

sickling. children often accept flavored popsicles as a source of fluid

A nurse is caring for a toddler who has a fever, a high pitched cry, irritability, and

vomiting. which of the following actions should the nurse take?

-Administer 81 mg of aspirin to the toddler

-Give the todNursing Care of Children Proctored 1


· Head Injury: Priority Finding to Report for a Brain Tumor - o Care for the client who

has a head injury should include professionals from other disciplines as indicated.

These might include physical, occupational, recreational, and/ or speech therapists.

o Social services should be contacted to provide links to social service agencies and


o Rehabilitation facilities are frequently used to compress the time required to recover

from a head injury.

o Epidural Hematoma

§ Bleeding between the dura and the skull

§ Manifestations

· Short period of unconsciousness followed by a normal period for several hours then

lethargy or coma due to the accumulation of the blood in the epidural space and

compression of the brain

o Subdural hematoma

§ Bleeding between the dura and the arachnoid membrane

§ Might be a result of birth injury, falls, or violent shaking


· irritability, vomiting, increased head circumference, lethargy, seizures, coma

o Cerebral Hematoma

§ Can develop within 24 to 72 hr posttrauma

§ Manifestations

· Increased ICP, changes in cerebral flow

o Brain herniation

§ Downward shift of brain tissue

§ Manifestations:

· Loss of blinking, loss of gag reflex. Pupils fail to react to light, systemic hypertension,

bradycardia, coma, and respiratory arrest

· Skin Infections and Infestations: Pediculosis Capitis - o Pediculosis capitis (head

lice), Pediculus humanus capitis, is spread by direct contact with an infected person,

bedding, and objects (e.g., hair brush, clothing). The life span of the adult louse life is 1

month and they can live up to 48 hr without a human host. The female lays eggs at

night, close to the skin surface and at the junction of the hair shaft. The nits hatch in 7 to

10 days.

o Intense itching

o Small red bumps on the scalp

o Nits (white specks) on the hair shaft

o 1% permethrin shampoo

o Spinosad 0.9% topical suspension

o Remove nits with a nit comb repeat 7 days after shampoo treatment

o Wash clothing, bedding in hot water with detergent

o Difficult cases use malathion 0.5%

o Teach the child and parents about medications.

o Teach the child and parents to avoid home remedies, as it can worsen infection.

o Teach the parent about correct laundering of potentially infected clothing, bedding.

o Teach the parent to bag items that cannot be laundered into tightly sealed bag for 14


o Teach the parents to boil combs, brushes and hair accessories for 10 min or soak in

lice-killing products for 1 hr.

o Discourage sharing of personal items

· Safe Administration of Medication: Restraining Methods for an Infant - o Oral

§ Hold the infant in a semi reclining position similar to a feeding position

o Injection, intradermal, subcutaneous, intramuscular

§ Secure the infant or child prior to injections

o Intravenous

§ Swaddle

§ Allow parents to hold infant

· Physical Assessment Findings: Assessment of the Head and Neck of an Infant - o


§ The shape of the head should be symmetric.

§ Fontanels should be flat. The posterior fontanel usually closes by 6 and 8 weeks of

age, and the anterior fontanel usually closes between 12 and 18 months of age.

o Face

§ Symmetric appearance and

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