Case Study Ihs111

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GROUP : AS124 1B

Nowadays, in this world all work will involve danger that will bring injury and may involve
death and so on. The probability of injury and death to workers will also involve health and
the workplace environment. that’s why industrial hygiene was introduced in 18 th and 19th
centuries ,especially with the emergence of the industrial revolution. In the 20 th century,
after World War ll, awareness of chemical hazards in the workplace increased, and the
regulations and regulation and safety standards were introduced to protect workers. Since
then. the practice of industrial hygiene has continued to develop into an important part of
effort to create a safe and healthy work environment. The term of industrial hygiene refers to
the science and practices devoted to the anticipating, identifying, evaluating , and controlling
of environmental factor or from the workplace that may cause sickness, poor health and well
being, or significant discomfort in employees or citizen of the members. The goal of being
hygienist is to protect the health and well being of workers by identifying and controlling
exposure to physical, chemical, biological, pcychosocial and ergonomic hazard in the work

Occupational Safety And Health (OSHA) is a national public health organization founded in
1970 by the US Congress and President Richard Nixon. Its guiding principles that no one
should have to choose between their career personal life. The OSHA law make it abundantly
evident that everyone has the fundamental human right to a safe workplace. Since its
founding, OSHA has significantly advanced our nation. The number of illnesses, injuries, and
death at work has dramatically dropped. OSHA has addressed serious health risks and
safety in conjunction with our state partner. We’ve put sensible rules into place and brought
legal action against those who put employees in danger. Nowadays, almost all employees
must abide by OSHA rules and implement parts of occupational health, industrial hygiene,
and safety, or hazard communication programs. Associations are obligated by law and social
responsibility to protect the safety their members, other workers, and the general public.
Following established protocols and routing procedures is essential to lowering risks and
identifying, removing, minimizing, and controlling work related hazard. For occupational
safety and health management systems (OSHMS) to be effective, organizational safety
policies and objectives must be integrated with them. This clarifies why OSHMS has
continued to be significant in the majority of businesses decision making procedures. This
case study set out to evaluate the performance of the oil and gas industry’s current
occupational health and safety management systems..


Oil and gas industry are one of the major and biggest in the energy industry and play an
important part in the global economy as the world principal fuel sources. There play an
influential role in the global economy as the world primary fuel sources. The processes and
systems involved in producing and distributing oil and gas are highly complex, capital
intensive and require latest technology. Oil and gas industries may take care in industrial
hygiene aspect because of the various risks of a job that occur in the workplace especially in
the field of oil and gas.

Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS) is multinational oil and gas company of Malaysia
and founded in 1974. It is one of the largest oil and gas companies other than Shell,
ExxonMobil, Sapura Energy, Saudi Aramco. Petronas headquarters in Tower 1 of the
Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The company is plays a crucial role in the
production, refining and marketing of oil and gas production. This company is owned by the
Malaysian government and plays a crucial role in country economic development.

As Malaysia national oil and gas company, Petronas safeguard and manage the nation
hydrocarbon resources to ensure national energy security and maximise value, which is
explore, develop and produce hydrocarbons as well as cleaner energy solutions. There are
three core business , namely upstream, gas and downstream, supported by project delivery
and Technology division , which acts as an enabler. Petronas launched Gentari, that new
entity providing customers with cleaner energy and lower carbon solutions in three core
offerings – renewables, hydrogen and green mobility alongside their core portfolio.

On this case study is to investigate the OSH perspectives (adaption) at Petronas Berhad. We
conducted historical research on the company's formation and growth. The primary goal of
this case study is to comprehend how Petronas Berhad implements occupational safety and
health regulations. And then figure out how they became aware of the dangers:

- Identify the hazards

- Understand how hazards can occur
- Suggest how to control the hazards
- Understand the OSH management system
- Know enforcement of OSH at worksite/factory



The oil and Gas industry is popular known as the most successfully industry in the world. It
would be ridiculous if people didn’t know how big this oil and gas industry is on the
worldwide. Everyone knowns that oil and gas concentrate such as crude oil, and natural gas,
which are the world primary fuel sources. In 2021, this industry recorded a total of 9
approved projects worth RM312.4 million. These projects created a total of 264 job
opportunities. In the meantime, This industry which demand for the workers indirectly in the
workplace increases the risk accidents.

This case study have provided me with insight into the risk of health and safety in oil and
gas industry and few hazard that can affect the safety and well being of workers. The risks
that have been reported in this sector are serious and alarming. Therefore, in order to lessen
and completely eradicate current hazard, employees must adhere to safety regulations. A
large structure used for the extraction and processing of natural gas and problem from
seabed rock formation is called an oil platform. Owners and operators, respectively, are
responsible for making sure that contractors they employ are given the relevant health and
safety guidelines in addition to those that are crucial for averting significant enviremental
mishaps. There are many different dangerous substance that can be encountered while
working in the oil and gas industry such as radiation, noise, and extreme temperatures.

Oil and gas industry very a lot of potential health and safety risks, but with careful
management and trained staff, these risks can be significantly minimized in any workplace.
Workers need to be aware of the any possible risks to their health and safety in order to
reduce. In order to avoid these occurrences by abiding by OSHA standard, they also need to
be aware of the procedures and rules pertaining to occupational safety. Numerous tools and
supplies are needed for the drilling and maintenance of oil and gas wells. Two categories-
health and illness hazard and safety and injury hazard- can be used to categorize hazard
associated with oil and gas extraction.


These are the most common, and they will found in the oil and gas industry. They include
unsafe conditions that can cause injury, illness and death. Cause of this accidents to occur:

1.Fire and Explosion:

- The flammable nature of hydrocarbons makes the industry susceptible to fires and
explosions. Proper handling of fuels, adherence to safety protocols, and the presence of
firefighting equipment are crucial for preventing and managing such incident

2.Confined Spaces:

- Hazard in these area include poor ventilation, toxic gases, and limited egress. Adequate
training and safety protocols are essential for confined space entry.


- Working at heights on drilling rigs, platforms , or other evelated structures poses a risk of
falls. Proper fall protection measures. For example guardrails, safety nets, and personal
protective equipment (PPE) like harness, are essential.

4.Vehicular accidents:

- Transportation related hazard such as vehicle collisions, are common. Safe driving
practices , vehicle maintenance, and driver training are essential for preventing for
preventing accidents.

 Workers in the oil and gas industry are generally exposed to the following agents,
which can result in a variety of health and illness hazards: chemical hazards, physical
hazards, ergonomic hazards, and biological hazards as well as psychosocial risks.
There are three types base in oil and gas industry. These three bases have their
respective roles in each field of work.

- Respiratory hazard: Exposure to airbone contaminants such as drilling dust, diesel

exhaust, and hydrogen sulfide can pose repiratory risks.

- Vibration exposure: Workers using vibrating tools or equipment, such as drilling

machinery, mat be at risk of developing hand arm vibration syndrome (HAVS)

- Radiation Exposure: Certain upstream activities, like well logging, may involve exposure
to ionizing radiation. Proper training , monitoring, and protective measure are crucial to
minimize radiation related health risks

-Extreme Temperatures: Working in harsh weather condition , such as extreme heat or cold
, can lead to heat stress, cold stress, and related health issues.


In recent times, the principles of risk management, namely Hazard Identification, Risk
Assessment, and Risk Control (HIRARC), have become indispensable to the planning,
management, and operation of businesses. The processes used to identify and assess
current and potential hazards on a worksite, as well as the strategies used to reduce or
eliminate the hazards found, are known as hazard identification and risk assessment.
Businesses that have carried out workplace risk assessments have observed a number of
modifications to their operational procedures. process should be systematic and be recorded
so that the results are reliable and the analysis complete.
4.3.1 Risk Management Process in Oil and Gas Industry
Risk management in the oil and gas industry involves identifying, assessing, and addressing
potential hazards and uncertainties associated with operations. This process includes
recognizing operational, market, environmental, and safety risks. After identification, risks are
evaluated based on their likelihood and impact, and mitigation strategies are implemented to
reduce the chances of incidents or minimize their consequences. Continuous monitoring,
transparent communication, and learning from incidents contribute to a dynamic risk
management approach, ensuring the safety, environmental protection, and sustainability of
oil and gas operations. In the Oil and gas sector, there are several situation where an
effective risk management procedure is crucial.

Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) are integral component of Petronas operation.
Petronas is commited to maintaining high standard in health , safety, and environmental
practices across its business activities.
On site, workers need to aware from some incoming. Following is the list of workplace safety
tips that workers should incorporate into their daily routine:

- Stay calm and aware

Always aware in every corner in your surroundings.

- Take a break
Important to make sure when during task involving repetitive motions over a
prolonged period.

- Use safety equipment

use proper safety equipment to protect from injury

- Utilize the equipment

Check the caution before start a task when using the machinery


Safety procedures in the oil and gas industry are comprehensive and designed to mitigate
risks associated with the extraction, production, and transportation of oil and gas. While
specific procedures may vary by company and location.
An Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Safety Committee is a formalized group within an
organization that is dedicated to promoting and ensuring a safe and healthy working
environment. The committee plays a crucial role in identifying and addressing workplace
hazards, developing safety policies and procedures, and fostering a culture of safety among

• a chairman
• a secretary
• representatives of employer
• representatives of employees.

where there are more than one hundred employees at a workplace, there must be at least
four representatives from the both employees and management.

The safety and health committee of a workplace shall -

1.assist in the development of safety and health rules and safe work systems the effectiveness of safety and health programmes

3carry out to studies on the trends of accidents, near miss accidents, dangerous
occurrences, occupational poisoning.

4review the safety and health policies at the work place and make recommendations to the
employer for any changes

The level of awareness among workers regarding Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in
the workplace is critical in ensuring safety at all times. Awareness is a critical component in
any effort to prevent occupational injuries and illnesses. Workers' positive attitudes, working
behaviours, and safety culture can be reinforced through awareness activities.

There are four (4) types of training programme provided by NIOSH:

• OSH Practitioners Programmes

- incident Reporting and Analysis Technique
- Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan
- Understanding, Evaluating and Implementing Effective HIRARC at Workplace
- Effective Safety and Health Committee
- Fundamental Occupational Safety and Health for Supervisor
- Ergonomics and Manual Handling at theWorkplace
- Compliance to Regulations Under OSHA 1994
- Compliance to Factories and Machinery Act 1967 and Regulations
• Compentency/Certificate Programme
 Hygiene Technician 1
 Hygiene Technician 2
 Authorized Entrant and Standby Person
 Authorized Gas Tester and Entry Supervisor
 Indoor Air Quality for Assessor
 Noise Risk Assessor
 Chemical Health Risk Assessment
 Occupational Health Doctor

• Trainer’s Programme
 Train the Trainer
 Training Management for Business
 Construction Safety and Health Trainers
 Confined Space Train the Trainer
• Safety Passport Programmes
 Expressway Operations Safety Passport (EOSP)

 NIOSH NESTLE Safety Passport (NNSP)

 Oil and Gas Safety Passport (OGSP)

 NIOSH-ASTRO Safety Passport (NASP)

 NIOSH PORT Safety Passport (NPTSP)

 Sarawak Energy Safety Passport (SESP)

 NIOSH TM Safety Passport (NTMSP)

 NIOSH Tenaga Safety Passport (NTSP)


OSHA is committed to strong, fair, and effective enforcement of safety and health
requirements in the workplace. OSHA inspectors, called compliance safety and health
officers, are experienced, well-trained industrial hygienists and safety professionals whose
goal is to assure compliance with OSHA requirements and help employers and workers
reduce on-the-job hazards and prevent injuries, illnesses, and deaths in the workplace.
Normally, OSHA conducts inspections without advance notice. Employers have the right to
require compliance officers to obtain an inspection warrant before entering the
worksiteOSHA has jurisdiction over approximately 7 million worksites. The agency seeks to
focus its inspection resources on the most hazardous workplaces in the following order of

1. Imminent danger situations—hazards that could cause death or serious physical harm
receive top priority. Compliance officers will ask employers to correct these hazards
immediately or remove endangered employees.

2. Severe injuries and illnesses—employers must report: • All work-related fatalities within 8
hours. • All work-related inpatient hospitalizations, amputations, or losses of an eye within 24

3. Worker Complaints—allegations of hazards or violations also receive a high priority.

Employees may request anonymity when they file complaints.
4. Referrals of hazards from other federal, state or local agencies, individuals, organizations
or the media receive consideration for inspection.

5. Targeted inspections—inspections aimed at specific high-hazard industries or individual

workplaces that have experienced high rates of injuries and illnesses also receive priority.

6. Follow-up inspections—checks for abatement of violations cited during previous

inspections are also conducted by the agency in certain circumstances.


Preparation—Before conducting an inspection, OSHA compliance officers research the

inspection history of a worksite using various data sources, review the operations and
processes in use and the standards most likely to apply. They gather appropriate personal
protective equipment and testing instruments to measure potential hazards. Presentation of
credentials—The on-site inspection begins with the presentation of the compliance officer’s
credentials, which include both a photograph and a serial number. Opening Conference—
The compliance officer will explain why OSHA selected the workplace for inspection and
describe the scope of the inspection, walkaround procedures, employee representation and
employee interviews. The employer then selects a representative to accompany the
compliance officer during the inspection. An authorized representative of the employees, if
any, also has the right to accompany an inspector. The compliance officer will consult
privately with a reasonable number of employees during the inspection. Walkaround—
Following the opening conference, the compliance officer and the representatives will walk
through the portions of the workplace covered by the inspection, inspecting for hazards that
could lead to employee injury or illness. The compliance officer will also review worksite
injury and illness records and the posting of the official OSGA poster.


When an inspector finds significant hazards or OSHA standard violations, OSHA may issue
citations and fines. OSHA is required to provide a notice of violation and suggested penalty
within six months of the incident. Citations outline the alleged OSHA infractions, include a list
of any suggested fines, and specify when the alleged hazards are to be fixed. Violations are
classified as willful, serious, other-than-serious, de minimis, failure to abate, and repeated.
OSHA's policy is to decrease
penalties for small employers and those who, when paying a fine, do so in good faith.
Depending on the seriousness of the alleged infraction, OSHA may also lower the suggested
penalty for serious violations. There won't be a good faith adjustment made for allegedly
intentional infractions.


Chemicals and products derived from oil and gas can be flammable, corrosive, irritating, and
worse. In order to mitigate the risk of workers encountering these hazards, employers will
furnish them with personal protective equipment (PPE). PPE that is typically needed on oil
and gas sites includes flame-resistant clothing (FRC), hand and foot protection, hearing
protection, and eye protection.

In the oil and gas sector, an emergency response plan, or ERP, is a crucial document that
describes protocols and approaches for handling for crises, accidents, and natural disasters.
The objective is to minimize the effects of the incidents while safeguarding people, things,
and the environment. Making sure the emergency response plan is up to date and tested to
confirm its usefulness in keeping your people and your products safe is one of the most
crucial steps in submitting one.

Step 1: Review Oil & Gas Facility / RISK ASSESMENT

-Review the emergency response plan, and make sure every employee and operator in your
facility has thoroughly read and understands it as well.

-analyze scenario might affect the all of facilities

Step 2: ERT
-Establish and train an emergency response team

-make sure team members take part in frequent drills and exercises and are properly
trained in emergency response protocols.

Step 3: Communication protocols

-create a communication plan that outlines the steps for communication with both internal
and externed parties in an emergency

Step 4: Emergency equipment

Make certain that emergency response tools, such as firefighting supplies, first aid kits, and
emergency shelters.

Step 5: Plan continued education to ensure everyone safe

-after just one training scenario, keep going.

-ascertain that the emergency response plan needs to be frequently reviewed and executed.

generally Malaysia has the Whistleblower Protection Act of 2010, which attempts to shield
people from all industries, including the oil and gas industry, who reveal information about
unethical behavior and other crimes. Whistleblowers are granted confidentiality by this act,
as well as protection from retaliation and immunity from civil and criminal lawsuits when
disclosures are made in good faith. It creates appropriate channels for reporting and gives
the appropriate authorities the authority to look into cases that are reported. For the most
accurate and current information on whistleblower protection, anyone thinking about coming
forward at Petronas or any other organization should refer to the most recent legal
provisions, internal company policies, and relevant authorities. For the most recent details
on the company-specific whistleblower protections, it is advised to contact Petronas directly,
consult their official policies, or consult their legal counsel.

The result of this case study help us to comprehend how large corporation like Petronas
company Berhad create and into practices plans to reduce or eliminate worker risk.
Occupational safety and health (OSHA) and industrial hygiene seem to be top priorities in
industrial communities. By recognizing, evaluating, and working environments, these
diciplines aim to maintain workers safety and health at work. We also examined how the
Petronas Company apply the Risk Assessment, Hazard Identification, and Risk Control
(HIRARC) procedure. It also simpler to watch how OSHA rules are implemented in each
department of the business while employees are at work. Under the OSHA Standard, the
parties in charge must inform the workers of the recommend procedures. Companies and
sector need to educate themselves on occupational hygiene laws, workplaces safety
procedures, and possibilty even employee drills. Rather than merely recording it as evidence
of legal compliance, they ought to be more worried about their workers. We think this
because companies should implement routine health and safety protocols for their workers to
prevent serious injuries and potentially dangerous situations.

In addition, although documentation is necessary to prove compliance in the event of

regulatory agency audit or inspection , the fundamentals of occupational safety and industrial
hygiene are found in the actual practices and procedures put in the place to ensure the
health and safety of workers, Merely processing documentation in isolution from the
implementation of essential safety measures would not effectively protect workers and could
increase the company risks and liabilities. In conclusion, OSHA prioritize worker well being in
industrial settings while encompassing both visible actives and the paperwork needed to
maintain legal compliance. Last but no least, safety is a top priority for any industries
especially in industries oil and gas .Workplace accidents and injuries can be avoided by
having the right knowledge, awareness, and training. Therefore, it is highly advised that an
occupational safety and health management system be put in place within the oil and gas
industry in order to lower operational errors, problem solving expenses, and risk levels while
still adhering to legal requirements.

• Continuous Improvement and Monitoring:

o Establish a system for ongoing monitoring and evaluation of safety practices
and incident reporting.
o Encourage a culture of continuous improvement by soliciting feedback from
employees and stakeholders to identify areas for enhancement.
Environmental Protection Measures:

- Reduce the impact on the environment by putting in place measures like appropriate
waste management, spill containment, and observance of environmental laws.

-Make investments in systems or techniques that lower emissions and encourage

environmentally friendly behavior.

• Equipment Inspection and Maintenance:

-Create a strict maintenance plan for every piece of machinery and equipment to avoid
malfunctions that could cause spills or accidents.

- Make sure equipment satisfies safety requirements and is in good operating order by
conducting routine audits and inspections.

Encouraging Healthier Lifestyles in Workers:

-Regardless of the amount of risk involved, companies can lower absenteeism by

encouraging a healthy lifestyle in their workforce.

-Promoting a healthy work-life balance can increase commitment and lower health-related


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