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Proficy iFIX

System Configuration
and Building Projects

y Explain the SCU.
y Configure Nodename, file paths and services.
y Set network connections.
y Assign startup tasks.
y Demonstrate multiple project creation and management.
System Configuration and Building Projects

3-2 GE Fanuc Automation Americas Training Services GFS-241B

System Configuration and Building Projects

Most components of iFIX are on-line configurable, meaning that development can occur
while the system is running and in service. For the most part, the changes take effect
immediately. The exception to this is the basic configuration settings for the iFIX node.
These basic settings directly affect how iFIX is started, how it identifies itself on the network
and how it interacts with the data and systems distributed around the plant. These basic
settings are configurable from a single interface called the System Configuration Utility
Networking protocols, node names, IO drivers and PDB databases, project folders and
startup tasks are all configured in the SCU. For detailed configuration there are menus
available, as well as a handy toolbox. All settings can be changed on-line, but the changes
will not take effect until iFIX has been shut down and restarted using the changed SCU file.
Multiple iFIX projects may be configured for a single node, but only one project (and one SCU
file) can be used at a time. To segregate the various different configurations that may reside
on a PC, developers create distinct projects that use separate folders, files and SCU
configurations. Each target project is associated with its own SCU file and folders, and the
Launch application will start projects according to the SCU file specified by the user.
The SCU is one of the few iFIX tools that can be used when iFIX is not running. It can be
opened with the Windows “Run…” prompt by typing “SCU” or from within the “Proficy HMI
SCADA – iFIX 4.0” program group in your “Start” menu.

Figure 3-1. Navigating to the System Configuration Utility.

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System Configuration and Building Projects

System Configuration Utility (SCU)

The main screen of the SCU can be used to quickly assess the enabled components of the
iFIX node, as well as the essential details of the node such as its name, whether it is a SCADA
or a client or part of a larger network. It also has several interactive elements that can be
used to quickly configure settings without using the menus or toolbox buttons. These are
highlighted in Figure 3-2.

Node Name.

Default PDB.

Alarm Services.

SCADA (IO Drivers).

Figure 3-2. The System Configuration Utility.

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System Configuration and Building Projects


Network Configuration Task Configuration

Path Configuration SQL Configuration

Alarm Configuration Alarm Area Configuration

SCADA Configuration Security Configuration

Figure 3-3. The SCU Toolbox and tool buttons.

Local Startup
The Local Startup
Configuration is essential for
identifying a node with a
unique name or logical
name (nickname). It also
controls whether iFIX runs as
a service or automatically
starts at system boot.
Double-clicking on the Node
Name or using the
Configure menu opens this
dialog box.
Figure 3-4. The Local Startup dialog box.

Local Node Name

A Local Node Name must be unique within an iFIX network and is limited to eight characters.
The node name is how the iFIX node identifies itself to other iFIX nodes as well as to other
applications. Since the node name is included in the data source syntax for a variety of
client applications, any duplicate node names on the network will cause confusion.

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System Configuration and Building Projects

Local Node alias

The Local Node Alias is a way of substituting a generic node name for a unique one. When
Local Node Alias is enabled on SCADA nodes, the “THISNODE” node name will also be
available in all tag browse lists for tags. By choosing “THISNODE”, a developer is instructing
a display to always use the PDB tags located on the local node. If the picture is moved to
another SCADA, the display will always look for PDB tags of the same name on its own host
This tool is good for quickly replicating displays to multiple SCADAs using PDBs with the
same tags, such as in a classroom environment or for manufacturers who repackage iFIX
with their equipment. For the most part, it is not used in normal automation environments.

By enabling “Continue running after Logoff”, a developer can ensure that essential iFIX
SCADA processes can run independently of user login. Typically this includes essential data
gathering processes such as SAC, IO drivers, alarming, SQL tasks, networking, historical
collection, and background schedules. Even if Windows is logged out, these tasks will
continue to run in the background and provide clients with necessary data.
“Start FIX at system boot” ensures that iFIX starts automatically once Windows is running.

Path Configuration
The Path configuration allows users to specify where project files are located. The folder
locations listed in each individual SCU file govern where iFIX will look for things like graphic
displays, PDB files and historical archives. In this way, many different projects can be
developed on the same node but kept in distinct locations.
The Path configuration can also use shared folders, mapped drives or network resources as
file locations. In this way, historical files or operator displays may be stored centrally and
accessed by users over the network. This will ensure all users are using the same content or
data while reducing the maintenance efforts required to copy content around the network
when changes are made. UNC addressing is supported (ex. \\Server\Drive\Directory).

Project Folders
The following is a brief summary of the files contained within each folder.
Base: Location of iFIX executable files. Application (APP): Miscellaneous documents.
Project: Root directory for project files. Historical (HTR): Historical configuration.
Local: SCU files, Toolbars, .INI files. Historical Data (HTRDATA): Archives.
Database (PDB): PDB, IO drivers, schedules. Alarms (ALM): Alarm files.
Picture (PIC): Displays, Tag Groups, Alarm Areas AAD: Alarm Area Database.
Dynamos, Color sets.

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System Configuration and Building Projects

Figure 3-5. Default SCU Path configuration.

Base Directory
By default, iFIX installs to the directory locations in Figure 3-5. However, if for some reason a
user installs iFIX in a different location, the Base directory can be edited to use the specific
install location for that node. This will ensure that iFIX uses the correct base directory to
launch all iFIX applications, such as the SCU or the Workspace.
It is common for project folders (Database, Picture, etc.) to be sub-directories of the Base
directory. The Change Base button can be used to reassign the project directories using the
new Base. The SCU will even prompt the user and create new directories if they do not
already exist.

Project Files and Directories

Developers typically have more than one project available on individual nodes, so it is
helpful to be able to specify which folders to use with a given SCU file. The Project entry can
be used to specify the alternate project location (with no effect on the Base). When starting
iFIX, the user will choose which project to load by selecting the appropriate SCU file.

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System Configuration and Building Projects

The Change Project button is used to reassign the remaining project directories to include
the project root directory (eg. ProjectA or PlantA project root directory). If the project folders
already exist, the path configuration will update the entries to reflect these project folder
locations. (The project folders do not have to be subdirectories of the Base directory).

Base path for iFIX

Project root directory for
an alternate project.

Project folders (inherit

Project root directory).

Figure 3-6. Alternate Project path configuration.

Creating New Projects

New projects can also be created in this manner. If a user wants to build a new project with
new directory locations, iFIX can automatically build the folders and pre-populate them with
default project files. A project root directory must be provided, and then the Change Project
button will execute the changes. iFIX will prompt the user and then create all the necessary
sub-directories, along with all the factory default files required to work with a project (such
as color sets, graphic symbol sets, toolbars etc.).

Creating new projects must be performed when iFIX is not running.

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Network Configuration
One of the most powerful features of any SCADA/HMI is the ability to distribute process
information around the network to multiple users in various operational disciplines. iFIX is
built to communicate to clients and other applications at real-time using either TCP/IP or
NetBIOS network protocols. Because the Client-Server relationship means that the client
requests data and the server responds, network configuration in the SCU is very
straightforward. It consists of enabling networking, choosing a network protocol and
defining valid server nodes (SCADA nodes only).

SCU Configuration
Network configuration is very simple. Once your IT staff have everything in place for
successful Windows-based networking, configuration should proceed quickly.
Stand-alone nodes will choose “No Network Support”. For networked users, NetBIOS and
TCP/IP are the only choices for network protocols and all clients and servers must use a
common protocol. Other protocols (such as Novell’s IPX) may coexist with these, but iFIX will
not use them to transfer data.

Figure 3-7. SCU Network Configuration.

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System Configuration and Building Projects

Once the network protocol has been chosen, Remote Nodes may be specified. These
Remote Nodes are iFIX nodes that you can use as sources of data. iFIX SCADA nodes are the
only node types that can collect and manage data, so iClient node names do not need to be
added to this list. Simply add the SCADA name to Remote Node Name and click Add.
Dynamic Connections is an option you can set for clients with very infrequent requests for
data from any available node on the network. This allows a client to scan the network for
any SCADA node name used as a source in its operator displays. It will then issue a request
for data from that SCADA. Due to the extra scanning overhead, it is strongly recommended
that the Remote Nodes list be manually created for all but the most casual of iClients.
Enforce Trusted Computing uses the accompanying password as a security certificate to
validate connecting clients. The password in the SCU on both the client and server must be
identical. This feature will only work between nodes using iFIX v.4.0 and higher.

IT Requirements and Configuration

iFIX nodes use node names to identify themselves and route information on an iFIX network.
However, TCP/IP uses IP addresses and NetBIOS uses Computer Names to identify network
resources. Therefore, a necessary first step for iFIX networking is building an index or
directory (like a phone book) that maps iFIX node names to corresponding IP addresses or
computer names.
If the network is using static IP addresses, a Windows resource called a HOSTS file can be
used for this. (HOSTS is a text file located in the Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc\ folder). A
sample is pictured in Figure 3-8 below. It is best to map both IP addresses and computer
names against node names, even if only one method is being used.

Figure 3-8. Sample Hosts File.

If using dynamic IP addresses with a Domain Name Server (DNS) on your network, the
solution is less simple. A static list like the HOSTS file will not work because each machine
will change its IP address periodically. Fortunately, a DNS server tracks these changes and
provides an automatically updated list to networked users. However, the DNS server
matches up IP addresses to computer names or domain names only - it does not know
about node names! In order to accurately route iFIX messages around a network using DNS,
the node names must be identical to the computer names. That way, when requests are
made by iFIX clients the DNS server thinks the node name is really a computer name and
correctly routes the request to the proper IP address or computer name.

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System Configuration and Building Projects

Task Configuration
Depending on the duties of the iFIX node, it will need to run certain applications. These are
normally iFIX applications such as IO drivers, SAC or the Workspace but often they can
include important third party applications (for example, MS Excel, Oracle client software,
reporting software, etc.). The Tasks configuration in the SCU allows a user to list the
applications to start with iFIX as well as any special parameters to use when starting the

Common Tasks
Tasks can be started normally (in the foreground as a window), as minimized applications
(icon in the Windows taskbar, *) or in the background as processes (no window, no icon, %).

Figure 3-9. Typical SCU Tasks configurations for SCADA (left) and iClients (right).

SCADA tasks: Client tasks:

IOCNTRL.EXE – Starts and controls the IO Drivers. WORKSPACE.EXE – Visualisation.
WSACTASK.EXE – Starts SAC and loads PDB.
WSQLODC.EXE – Starts SQL tasks.
SUMQDEL.EXE – Periodically deletes residual alarms from Alarm queues.
FIXBACKGROUNDSERVER.EXE – Runs schedules as background tasks.

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System Configuration and Building Projects

Command Line Parameters

Some tasks have special parameters that can be used to specify specific behaviour for the
task. Command Line parameters can be added by selecting the task from the list, typing in
the parameter(s) and then choosing Modify.

Task Switch Additional Parameter Description

IOCNTRL.EXE /A Start all drivers listed in the SCU.
/S Three letter acronym for Starts a specific driver. Multiple
the Driver (eg. /SMBE). drivers can be added by repeating
the switch with the appropriate driver
/D Number of seconds Delay Driver setup.
(eg. D30).
WSACTASK.EXE /S Synchronize SAC to the system
/D Number of seconds Delay SAC start up. This gives the
(eg. D30). driver an opportunity to pre-populate
the DIT.
Q Number of alarms. This sets the maximum size of the
(eg. Q2000) master alarm queue. If the number
of undelivered alarms exceeds this
number, the surplus alarms will be
C Suppress IO driver communication
alarms. This parameter must be the
last parameter on the command line.
SumQDel.EXE -D mm:ss Determines how long to delay after
(minutes:seconds). start up before cleaning up queues.
(eg. 15:00)
-F mm:ss Determines the frequency for
(minutes:seconds). subsequent queue cleanup.
(eg. 30:00)
FixBackgroundServer.exe /service Runs this task as a service.
Table 3-1. Command Line Parameters.

Project Management
iFIX provides a variety of tools to assist with the management of projects and SCU files.
These tools allow the user to start iFIX using a designated SCU file (inheriting its directories)
and node name.

Default System Start using FIX.EXE

FIX.EXE is the default launching application for iFIX. It uses the default SCU to start up the
iFIX project using the node name designated in the SCU file. Type “FIX” in the Windows Run
prompt, or navigate to the .EXE file in the iFIX base directory.

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System Configuration and Building Projects

Launch.EXE can pass parameters to the FIX.EXE to start a project using an alternate SCU file
and node name. When Launch.EXE is used, a simple user dialog appears and prompts the
user for instructions. Launch is available by typing “Launch” at the Run prompt, by using the
iFIX desktop icon, or by using the “iFIX 4.0” icon in the “Proficy SCADA HMI – iFIX 4.0” program

Figure 3-10. The iFIX Launch application.

Proficy iFIX: The top section allows a user to browse for a SCU file to load a project, as well
as enter a Node Name. If edited, this Node Name will over-ride the default node name in the
SCU file.
Sample System: This allows the user to start a two-hour demonstration sample system. It is
a good orientation and learning tool for beginners and developers alike.
SCU: Opens the SCU for editing.
Desktop Shortcut: This uses the settings from the top section (Proficy iFIX) to create a
desktop shortcut that will automatically start that iFIX project without opening the Launch
The check box at the very bottom reverts the Launch icons to use FIX.EXE and the default
SCU file.

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System Configuration and Building Projects

Startup Profile Manager

The Startup Profile Manager is a tool for automating iFIX project selection and launch
according to the identity of the interactive Windows user. This tool creates a list of valid
Windows users from Local or Domain security groups. Each user will be assigned a unique
node name as well as a reference to an SCU file (which may be unique or shared).
This application is started from the “Proficy SCADA HMI – iFIX 4.0” program group.

Figure 3-11. Startup Profile Manager.

When FIX.EXE is used, the Profile Manager will check the list and start the appropriate project
using the node name and SCU file associated with the currently logged in Windows user. If a
Profile does not exist for the user, the Launch dialog will appear to prompt the user to
manually start iFIX.

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System Configuration and Building Projects

Lab Exercises
Lab Objectives:
y Set the Node Name and enable the Local Node Alias option
y Set the Project File Locations with the SCU.
y Configure iFIX Networking.
When you are finished with these exercises, answer the Summary Questions at the end of
the module.

Lab Exercise 1: Node Name and Local Node Alias

The classroom PCs all have iFIX installed and licensed for both SCADA server and HMI (iClient)
Every node in an iFIX network (iClient or SCADA) requires a unique node name to identify
itself to other nodes. This is set in the SCU by default, but can also be set by the Startup
Profile Manager or the Launch interface.
Once a unique node name has been created, it is always smart to create a unique project
location for the files used by the node. This can be set quickly and easily in the SCU by
configuring the project Paths.

1. Make sure iFIX is shutdown.

Look for the “Proficy iFIX
Startup” icon in the Windows
Taskbar, or the “Proficy iFIX
Startup” window on the
desktop. Select Shutdown
iFIX from the Options menu.
Otherwise move to the next

2. Open the SCU. Æ Run Æ SCU

You can also open it from the iFIX Program group.

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System Configuration and Building Projects

3. The System Configuration Utility should launch. This utility is one of the few tools you
can use when iFIX is started or shutdown. (Your default SCU file may look different).

4. Change or Verify your Node Name to be SCADA##, where ## is your assigned student
number. This node name is how other iFIX nodes in the classroom will connect and
interact with your SCADA node. You can access the node name by:
a. Double-clicking the NODE on the black monitor screen, or
b. Configure menu Æ Local Startup…

5. The Local Startup dialog appears. Enter the following settings:

a. Local Node Name: SCADA## (use your number).
b. Local Logical Name: SCADA## (same as above).
c. Local Node Alias: Enabled (checked).

Do not be concerned about the Configuration File settings just yet. We will be returning
to this later in the lab. For now, leave this field with its default setting.

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6. When finished, your Local Startup dialog should look similar to this…

Leave with default.

7. Click “OK” to be returned to the main SCU screen. Notice the Node name has changed.
Double-click the text banner at the very top of the SCU screen, and change the text
description to something similar to what is shown below.

Text Banner.

New Node Name.

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System Configuration and Building Projects

Lab Exercise 2: Setting the Project Paths and Location

Now that we have created a new node name for our Water Treatment application, we will
create separate folders and files for this project. This is very helpful to keep multiple projects
organized and in order, but it also makes it easier to backup, restore and move projects.

1. We are going to configure the Project Paths used by this SCU file. Open the Paths
a. With the Toolbox icon , or
b. Configure menu Æ Paths

2. You should be presented with the Paths configuration dialog. Remember that the BASE
path is where all iFIX executables and applications reside by default. The PROJECT
paths are reserved for user files such as displays, IO Driver configurations and PDB files.

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System Configuration and Building Projects

3. Leave the BASE path with the default setting. We want iFIX to always look for
applications and executables where they have been installed.

4. Change the Project path to C:\iFIX\154Water\

You will have to type it in, as the folder does not exist and cannot be browsed.

5. Click the Change Project button at the bottom. You will be prompted with the following
dialog box:

Click Yes.
This will create new folders for all the paths required by iFIX to store displays, schedules,
IO Driver configurations, PDB files… in short, all user configurable files. It will also
transfer the factory default files to these folders. Dynamo sets, toolbars, INI files, color
sets and certain .CSV files are included in this set of files.

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System Configuration and Building Projects

6. Your Paths configuration should now look like this:

7. Click OK to complete the Path configuration. You will be asked to verify folder creation
by iFIX with these dialog boxes:

Respond with Create All.

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System Configuration and Building Projects

Respond with Proceed. We will be creating an Alarm Area Database file later.

8. You are returned to the main SCU screen. You can use Windows Explorer to view your
new project folders, along with the factory default files. These were automatically
created by the SCU in the preceding steps.

9. Return to the Local Startup dialog box:

a. Double-click on the node name.
b. Configure menu Æ Local Startup…

10. We can now set the Configuration File. Use the browse ? button to browse to your new
folder location C:\\iFIX\154Water\ and click Open. The new path will be present in your
Local Startup definition.

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11. Click OK to commit the changes. You will be prompted with the following:

Reply with Yes.

12. You are returned to the main SCU screen. We will now save our SCU file. From the File
menu, choose Save As…, and accept the default path and enter the new filename
(SCADA##). Click Save.
From now on, this SCU file will launch our water project from this set of folders.

13. Close the SCU.

14. Start the Launch interface:

a. Using the desktop icon.
b. Æ Run Æ Launch

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System Configuration and Building Projects

15. A new window will appear. Notice that the default start options now use the information
we just created. We can start this project using the Launch button, but first we have
other details to complete.

Start up information.

Launch Project.

Create Project Shortcut.

16. Create a desktop shortcut for this project by pushing the shortcut button. It will take the
information at the top and incorporate it into a set of instructions to pass the iFIX
launcher. Provide a shortcut name similar to the one shown below.

This shortcut will immediately launch the project without any further prompting from
the user. Check your desktop to verify that it was created.

17. Exit the Proificy iFIX Startup dialog box.

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System Configuration and Building Projects

Lab Exercise 3: Configuring iFIX Networking

iFIX networking is relatively simple to configure. We will quickly use the SCU, along with
Windows to create a small network for our Water Treatment application.

1. Open the SCU. Your default SCU file should be showing.

2. Open the Network configuration:
a. Using the toolbox icon.
b. Configure menu Æ Network…, or
c. Either of the two networked PCs on the SCU main screen (if they are showing).
3. The Network dialog appears. Ensure Networking is enabled, and that the TCP/IP
protocol is chosen.

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System Configuration and Building Projects

4. In the Remote Node Name field, type in the Instructor’s Node name. The Add button will
become active – use it to add the instructor SCADA to your list of Configured Remote
Nodes. Pick one or two other node names from student PCs around the classroom and
add them as well.

5. When ready, your Network configuration should resemble the one pictured below.

6. Save your SCU file:

File menu Æ Save.

7. Close the SCU. When your projects starts, these node names will be included in the list
of data sources that your node can connect to. iClients will not added to this list.
Remember, once an iFIX project is started, changes to the SCU will occur only after the
node is re-started.

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System Configuration and Building Projects

8. If you want to look at the Windows file that will match network addresses to node
names, open Windows Explorer. For a recent Windows OS, such as Windows XP, the
HOSTS file will be located in the following directory:
For an older OS, the Hosts file may be located here:
In either case, the HOSTS file can be opened with a text editor such as Notepad.

9. If you have an empty file, check with your instructor. Otherwise, your hosts file should
look something like the sample below (but with different names and IP addresses)

This file will help Windows match requests for node names to the proper network IP
addresses. That way the correct network connections are made and the iFIX nodes can
transfer data and alarms between each other.
10. Close the HOSTS file.

-- End of Lab Exercises --

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System Configuration and Building Projects

Review Questions
1. When do changes made to the SCU take effect?

2. Name three of the configuration areas found in the SCU toolbox.

3. What is the difference between the BATH path and the PROJECT path?

4. Name two different methods to start iFIX?

5. What types of iFIX nodes appear in the Configured Remote Nodes list of the Network

Electronic Books Research

6. What does network error code “1914” signal?

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System Configuration and Building Projects

Now that you have completed this module, you should be able to:
y Explain the SCU.
y Configure node name, file paths and services.
y Set network connections.
y Assign start up tasks.
y Demonstrate multiple project creation and management.

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