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In Rabindranath Tagore’s short story “The Homecoming,” the character

of Phatik stands out as a poignant representation of a child whose
feelings and experiences go unnoticed and unacknowledged by those
around him. Throughout the narrative, it becomes clear that Phatik’s
struggles stem from a lack of understanding and empathy from the
people in his life, ultimately leading to a sense of isolation and despair.
This essay delves into the portrayal of Phatik in Tagore’s “The
Phatik’s apathetic mother:
At the story’s beginning, Phatik is seen as a mischievous young boy who
is unjustly shouted at by his mother. While rolling over a log, Phatik
hurts his brother Makhan. It is seen that Makhan’s stubbornness led to
him getting hurt. Consequently, Makhan rises “from Mother Earth blind”
and rushes to beat up Phatik. Then he goes home crying.
As soon as Phatik came to his house, his mother angrily shouted, “So you
have been hitting Mākhan again?” She did not even verify the truth of
Makhan’s accusations and started reprimanding Phatik. When Phatik
denied the allegations, his mother yelled, “Don’t tell lies! You have”.
Although Phatik tried explaining his innocence, Makhan stuck to his
false accusations, “Yes, mother. Phatik did hit me”. Unable to bear this
injustice, Phatik hits his brother. Immediately, his mother took
Makhan’s side, dragged Phatik aside, and beat him with her hands. This
shows the apathetic nature of Phatik’s mother, who does not understand
him and is biased towards his brother.
The discovery of sorrow in his aunt’s house:
Phatik finds himself caught in a whirlwind of events as the narrative
progresses. Bishamber, his mother’s brother, takes the overjoyed Phatik
to Kolkata to educate him. However, soon, this joy turns into sorrow. He
becomes an unwelcomed “guest in his aunt’s house” and is “slighted on
every occasion”.
No one acknowledged his feelings in his aunt’s house. The “cramped
atmosphere of neglect” oppressed him. He finally mustered up the
courage to ask his uncle one day, “Uncle, when can I go home?”.
Bishamber responded by saying, “Wait till the holidays”. However, there
was still a long way to go until the holidays, which would not arrive
until October.
Phatik became the most “backward boy in the whole school” as he was
not able to fit in his new surroundings. Neither was he able to answer
the questions the teachers asked him, nor could he play with the other
boys. Moreover, due to the loss of his book, Phatik was unable to
prepare his lessons. This resulted in the teacher caning him mercilessly
without understanding the reason for his problems.
The tragic consequences in Tagore’s story:
Subsequently, Phatik had a “bad headache with a fit of shivering”, an
attack of malarial fever. He was afraid of becoming a burden to his
uncle’s family, so he ran away. No one was able to trace him amid
torrential rain. The police were able to trace him and bring him back. He
was drenched in the rain and “muddy all over, his face and eyes flushed
red with fever and his limbs trembling”. His aunt exclaimed, “What a
heap of trouble this boy has given us! Hadn’t you better send him
home?”. Phatik, in a fit of fever, replied that he was going home. This
shows the apathetic atmosphere in which he lived, which results in his
He became delirious with fever and started dreaming about being
beaten by his mother, “Mother! I am telling the truth!”. Bishamber
wiped his tears and took care of Phatik through the night. The doctor
informed the uncle the next day that Phatik’s health was worsening.
Hearing this, Bishamber sent for his mother. At last, when Phatik met
his mother, he “slowly turned his head and without seeing anybody”,
exclaimed, “Mother, the holidays have come”.
Thus, Phatik’s character in Tagore’s “The Homecoming” provides a
compelling argument about the detrimental effects of a lack of
understanding and empathy towards children. Through the depiction of
Phatik’s struggles and ultimate tragedy, Tagore highlights the
importance of recognising and validating the emotions and experiences
of young individuals.
In Rabindranath Tagore's short story "The Homecoming," the theme of
abandonment and isolation is central to the narrative. The story revolves
around the character of Upen, a young man who leaves his home and family
to pursue his education and dreams in the city. However, upon his return, he
finds that the world he left behind has changed, and he is confronted with
feelings of abandonment and isolation in various ways:
1. **Abandonment by Family:** Upen's decision to leave for the city was
driven by his desire for education and self-improvement. However, his family,
especially his mother and sister, feel abandoned and estranged by his
absence. They had hoped for his return as a successful and educated man,
but his transformation and distance from them have left them feeling
emotionally abandoned.
2. **Cultural Isolation:** Upen's exposure to urban life and education has
distanced him from his rural roots and traditional way of life. He feels isolated
from the customs, beliefs, and simplicity of his hometown, which have become
foreign to him.
3. **Emotional Isolation:** Upen's return home does not bring the emotional
connection and warmth he expected. He struggles to reconnect with his family
and feels isolated in their presence. The emotional gap between him and his
family members is palpable.
4. **Social Isolation:** Upen also experiences social isolation in his
hometown. He is no longer part of the close-knit community he left behind,
and his changed identity and aspirations set him apart from his former peers.
Overall, "The Homecoming" by Rabindranath Tagore explores the theme of
abandonment and isolation through the character of Upen, depicting the
emotional and cultural distance that can arise when one pursues personal
growth and then returns to a place that was once familiar. The story reflects
on the complexities of returning home after a transformative journey and the
challenges of reconciling one's past and present.

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