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• Work is said to be done when Force • An instance of one moving body striking
produces displacement. with another
SPECIAL UNITS • Collision of car with truck, collision of
balls in snooker are examples.
• 1 hp = 746 W
• 1 KWH = 3.6 × 106 J
(1) If netexternal force
mg Friction Tension on system is zero then
Linear momentum of • Value of coefficient of
system is conserved restitution defines
Spring (1) Heat energy (2) ∆P = O nature of collision,
Pseudo Normal
force (2) Chemical energy   Vseperation
POWER ENERGY (3) Electrical energy (3) Pi = Pf e=
(4) Nuclear energy  
(5) Mass – Energy (4) m1 µ1 + ........ + m1 µn • e = O, e = 1, O < e< 1
 
(1) Time rate at which work is done. • Capacity to do work is defined = m1 υ1 + ......... + m1 υn Defines nature of
• W = F d cosθ, equivalence
(2) It is a scalar quantity as Energy collisions
• S.I. unit is WORK DONE FOR
(3) S.I. Unit is watt. • It is a scalar quantity
J (joule) CONSTANT FORCE • S.I. unit is Joule (J) 1 - D COLLISION
& VARIABLE FORCE • In elastic collision,
(1) ( ∆ P) sys
momentum and K.E of
FORMULAE AVERAGE POWER (2) e = V2 − V1 system are conserved
  (1) Net Work done on an object by µ1 − µ 2 •e=1
(1) dW = F .dr Total Work done in time all forces will change in Kinetic • Bodies do not stick
dw t is average power energy of an object (3) V1 = together after collision
(2) P =
dt w (2) Wnet = ∆K
Pavg = Wconservative + Wnon–conservative + Wext = ∆K
 m1 − em2
µ1 +
(1+ e)m2 
µ2 
For small amount of work t 
 m1 + m2 m1 + m2  • In inelastic collision,
(3) W = ∫ F(x).dx, ∫ F(x).dx = ∆K + ∆V TYPES momentum is conserved
• Area under F.S graph gives • If work is done by variable velocity of first particle
if variable force does work . OF • o<e<I
force, then INSTANTANEOUS after collision.
work done  
r2 • Bodies do not stick
• work done = Area under W = ∫ F. dr POWER (4) V2 = COLLISIONS together after collision
ABCD r1 Scalar product of force m1 − (1+ e) m − em
µ1 + 2 µ2
and instantaneous
velocity (v) is
MECHANICAL m1 + m2 m1 + m2
velocity of second particle • In perfectly inelastic
WORK DONE BY instantaneous Power.
 ENERGY IS after collision Collison momentum is
  ds  
CONSERVATIVE & NON- Pinst = F . = F. V CONSERVED (5) Change in Kinetic
WORK CAN BE CONSERVATIVE FORCES dt energy, ∆ K • Bodies sticks together
1 m1m2   2 after collision
OR ZERO ENERGY IN SPRING ∆K = (µ1 − µ 2 ) (1 − e)
2 m1 + m2

(1) Kx, mg and electrostatic

FORCES ENERGY (1) Total mechanical
POSITIVE WORK forces are conservative (1) Non – conservative forces
energy at each point is MOTION IN 2 - D COLLISION SPECIAL CASES
forces, are path dependent. (1) Bodies moving in a (1) hn = e2n ho
(1) If force and (2) Work For these forces is MECHANICAL ENERGY plane results in
displacement both stored in the form of (2) ∆K + ∆V =0 (1) In absence of dissipative e = coefficient of
(2) Friction is an example forces, mechanical arbitrary collision in
Sum of kinetic energy and ( Kinitial+Vinitial) = ( Kfinal+ Vfinal`) restitution.
are ‘+’ or ‘-‘ and θ is Potential energy. of non – conservative different directions is
(3) They are path energy is conserved n = nth collision,
acute. forces. potential energy 2 – D.
independent. (3) maximum Velocity (2) V = 5 gl ho = initial height,
hn = height after nth
(2) If either of force or k
at bottom to reach top  collision
displacement is Vmax = xm (3) V = V = 3 gl (2) ∆P = O
m (2) Vn = enVo,
negative and θ is ZERO WORK NEGATIVE WORK at bottom to cross ∆ Px = O n = nth collision,
between 90o to 180o. quarter CIrcle m1µ1x + m2µ 2 x = m1v1x + m2 v 2 x Vo = initial velocity,
(1) W = O, if Force is (1) If both force &
displacement are ‘+’or ‘-‘ vn = velocity after nth
perpendicular or to the (4) V = gl ∆ Py = O
displacement. and θ is between 90o to KINETIC ENERGY POTENTIAL ENERGY collision.
to reach quatre circle
(2) Either Force or 180o. 1 • By virtue of Position, height, m1µ1y + m2µ 2 = m1v1y + m2 v 2 y  1 + e2 
• By Virtue of velocity K = mv 2 stresses within its & Electrostatic (5) Tension at any point
(3) H = ho  2 
displacement is zero. (2) If either of force or
2 Factors; on circle,  1− e 
displacement is positive H = total distance
• Gravitational Potential mµ2
and θ is acute.
Energy = mgh T= − mg (2 − 3 cos θ) travelled before it stops
• Elastic Potential energy = kx 2 r
2  1 + e2  2ho
• Electrostatic Potential (6) Velocity at any point (4) T =  2 

on circle,  1− e  g
energy = kq1q2 T = time taken by ball
r V 2 = µ 2 − 2gl (1− cos θ)
to stope bounding.

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