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Proficy iFIX

Introduction to the Process Database

y Compare primary and secondary database tags.
y Describe the commonly used tag types.
y Discuss the Database Manager.
y Open, Close, Reload and Import/Export a Process Database in the Database
y Configure Database Manager Columns and Queries.
Introduction to the Process Database

7-2 GE Fanuc Automation Americas Training Services GFS-154B

Introduction to the Process Database

The Process Database (PDB) is the central repository for real-time SCADA data and
information. It is comprised of tags (or blocks) that are linked to IO addresses to facilitate
visualisation and management of plant floor data. Tags can also be linked to each other to
form chains where more complex actions can be performed in specific sequences. Every
tag has fields to fully describe it, from its name and description to alarm limits and security
The Database Manager is the application used to develop and administer tag databases.

Scan Time Field. IO Address Field.


Tags. Description Field.

Tag Name Field. Current Value.

Figure 7-1. The Database Manager.

Within the Database Manager, tags are displayed in rows and fields are
displayed in columns.

The Database Manager is capable of working on both local and remote Process

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Introduction to the Process Database

Database Tags
Tags are the basic units of the Process Database. They can read, write, calculate and
manipulate data, even performing basic logic execution if required. Tags come in a variety
of types, with each tag type specializing in specific duties.

Primary and Secondary Tags

Primary tags are generally associated with values from a Driver Image Table (DIT). These
tags are tasked with sending and receiving data to and from IO Addresses based on a scan
time. Primary tags can be linked to other tags or they can be stand-alone tags. Typical
primary tags are the Analog Input and Digital Input tags.
Secondary tags receive and send their data to and from other tags, not from the DIT. They
have no scan time, and cannot be stand-alone blocks. Secondary tags typically perform
calculations, timing and logic with data retrieved by primary tags. The Calculation and
Totalizer tags are examples of secondary tags.

Tag Chains
Tags can be linked together to form tag chains. These chains of tags pass values to one
another in series, performing special actions at each transfer. There are some basic rules
governing chains:
1. Since the data must come from somewhere, the tag chain must start with a Primary tag
(though additional primary tags can appear in the middle or end of a chain as well). This
Primary tag will receive its values from the DIT, an operator input or possibly a script. A
Secondary tag cannot start a chain.
2. Tags can be members of only one chain at a time.
3. All tags in the chain inherit the scan time of the Primary tag at the start of the chain. The
entire chain will be evaluated based on this scan time.
4. All tags will receive their data from the tag preceding it in the chain, and will pass the
result of their actions to the tag following it.

Analog Input Calculation Totalizer

Primary Tag Secondary Tag Secondary Tag
IO Address Sends calc. to Totals calc.
and Scan Time. next tag. values.

Analog Input Calculation Analog Output

Primary Tag Secondary Tag Primary Tag
DIT IO Address Sends calc. to IO Address, but
and Scan Time. next tag. no scan time.

Figure 7-2. Tag Chain Examples - Read-only (top) and Read-Write (bottom).

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Introduction to the Process Database

Commonly Used Tag Types

Analog Inputs and Outputs
As Primary tags, Analog Inputs retrieve values from the DIT, whereas Analog Outputs send
values to the DIT. Analog tags specialize in handling numbers with a continuous range of
values that are framed by an upper and lower limit (such as integers and real numbers).

Digital Inputs and Outputs

Like their analog counterparts, Digital Inputs retrieve values from the DIT and Digital Outputs
send values to the DIT. Digital tags specialize in handling values with only two states (0 or 1).

Calculation Tags
A valuable secondary tag, the Calculation block can use up to eight inputs (from tags or
constants) to execute mathematical expressions. For equations using more than eight
inputs, extra Calculation blocks may be chained together, with results passed from block to
block as new inputs.
Program Tags
Program tags are neither Primary or Secondary tags - they are known as Batch Blocks.
These stand-alone blocks can execute simple 20 line programs to assist with internal
database actions and logic.

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Introduction to the Process Database

iFIX Tag Summary

Name Type Description
Analog Input (AI) Primary Retrieves analog data from DIT using an IO address and
scan time. Alarms can be generated from this tag. Can
also write values to the DIT.
Analog Alarm (AA) Primary Retrieves data from DIT using an IO address. Very similar
to the Analog Input, with enhanced alarming capabilities.
Analog Output (AO) Primary Sends analog data to DIT using an IO address. There is no
alarm detection capability with this tag.
Analog Register (AR) Special Retrieves analog data from DIT using an IO address. Can
also write values to the DIT. This special tag has no scan
time (it inherits the IO driver poll time) and cannot be used
in a chain. There are no alarming capabilities. Allows
animation objects to bypass SAC and PDB to display
values directly from the DIT.
Boolean (BL) Primary This block performs calculations using up to eight inputs
that result in a true or false evaluation. The output from this
tag is either 0 (False) or 1 (True).
Calculation (CA) Secondary Uses up to eight inputs (from tags or constants) to execute
mathematical expressions. For equations using more than
eight inputs, extra Calculation blocks may be chained together,
with results passed from block to block as new inputs.
Dead Time (DT) Secondary Provides a way to incorporate a pause or delay in the
transmission of values to tags downstream in the chain.
Device Control (DC) Primary Can monitor up to 16 Digital input addresses and output to
a maximum of eight IO addresses. This block is typically
used to control devices with multiple dependent digital
Digital Input (DI) Primary Retrieves digital data from DIT using an IO address and
scan time. Alarms can be generated from this tag. Can
also write values to the DIT.
Digital Alarm (DA) Primary Retrieves data from DIT using an IO address. Very similar
to the Digital Input, with enhanced alarming capabilities.
Digital Output (DO) Primary Sends analog data to DIT using an IO address. There is no
alarm detection capability with this tag.
Digital Register (DR) Special Retrieves analog data from DIT using an IO address. Can
also write values to the DIT. This special tag has no scan
time (it inherits the IO driver poll time) and cannot be used
in a chain. There are no alarming capabilities. Allows
animation objects to bypass SAC and PDB to display
values directly from the DIT.
Event Action (EV) Secondary Performs limited tests and logic operations using IF-THEN-
ELSE logic.
Extended Trend (ETR) Secondary Able to buffer up to 600 values in a FIFO cache. These
values can be used to pre-populate a real-time trend when
it opens.

Fanout (FN) Secondary Passes the value it receives to up to four additional tag
fields. This is a simple way split a chain or to send values
to more than one chain.

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Introduction to the Process Database

Histogram (HS) Secondary Records how frequently a value occurs and can be
displayed in a Histogram chart (FIX32 or FIX Desktop only)
in a display.
Lead Lag (LL) Secondary Allows simulation of process dynamics by combining the
advantages of lead and lag compensation strategies.
Multistate Digital Input Primary Allows the distillation to a single output (0-7) from the
(MDI) combination of multiple (maximum of three) digital input
states. Each of the eight result states can be labelled.
On-Off Control (BB) Secondary Uses analog values along with upper and lower thresholds
to write digital values to downstream blocks (such as DO).
Pareto Primary Accepts up to eight inputs, calculates percentages and then
provides the output to a Bar chart (FIX32 or FIX Desktop
PID (PID) Secondary The PID block maintains balance in a closed loop by
changing the controlled variable (an analog output) in
response to deviations from a user-defined set point.
Program Batch Executes simple 20 line programs to assist with internal
database actions and logic.
Ramp (RM) Primary Decreases or increases a target output value using up to
three stages for ramping values. Each ramp stage lets you
specify a target value and a ramp rate.
Ratio/Bias (RB) Secondary The Ratio Bias block lets you change an incoming signal by
adding a constant (bias) and/or by multiplying by a constant
Signal Select (SS) Secondary Samples up to six inputs, manipulates the inputs according
to a user-selected mode, and sends the result to the next
SQL Data (SQD) Secondary Transfer data between PDB tags and relational database
SQL Trigger (SQT) Primary This tag can trigger a relational database read or write
events or time.
Text (TX) Primary Retrieves text data from DIT using an IO address and scan
time. Alarms can be generated from this tag. Can also
write values to the DIT.
Timer (TM) Secondary Counts time up or down based on the value being passed
to it by upstream tags.
Totalizer (TT) Secondary Maintains totals based on the values passed to it from
upstream tags.
Trend (TR) Secondary Able to buffer up to 80 values in a FIFO cache. These
values can be used to pre-populate a real-time trend when
it opens.
Table 7-1. iFIX tags.

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Introduction to the Process Database

The Database Manager is the main tool used for creating, editing and monitoring the
Process Database. What is displayed in the spreadsheet interface is simply a view into aPDB
– the user has a high level of control over what is displayed.

Database Menu
New creates a fresh database using the read-only EMPTY.PDB file.
You will be prompted to create a new save name. Close does not
shut down SAC or the PDB, it simply ends the current session with
the PDB and clears the view in Database Manager. You will be
prompted to save changes if any were made.
The Database Manager is a client tool that allows development of
PDB files on remote nodes, as well as the local PDB. There are two
ways to view and access PDBs around the network: “Open” and
“Reload”. “Open” and “Reload” are very similar in appearance but
result in quite different actions being taken.
The Open command results in a dialog box listing the SCADA servers
as listed in the SCU network configuration. A green icon next to the
node name indicates a good connection; a red icon indicates a bad
connection. By choosing a node, the Database Manager will “open”
a development session with the node, using the currently active PDB.
You are able to interact with the PDB including actions such as Figure 7-3. Database Menu.
adding new tags, modifying existing tags or simply viewing the
current settings.
The Reload command also results in a dialog box listing the available SCADA servers. It also
shows a list of all the PDB files in the SCADA’s PDB directory. By selecting a PDB from this
list, the user is indicating that they would like to either change the PDB that SAC is operating
on, or that they would like SAC to restart the PDB using the default start up settings.
Obviously, changing the PDB on-the-fly can disturb all attached clients who require data
from its tags, so reloading is not recommended for stable operational environments but
instead for isolated nodes where development, testing and simulation are required.
Open will allow a user to view the currently loaded PDB, whereas Reload will result in SAC
stopping the current PDB, reloading it (or another PDB) and restarting all processing.
Verify is a helpful development troubleshooting tool. It will enumerate all the tags in the PDB
and ensure that there are no errors in their configuration. It can detect missing or empty
fields in tags, orphaned secondary blocks, illegal chains, and missing or illegal tags in
dependent blocks (such as the Calculation block).
Summary will provide the user with a quick report showing how many tags are in the PDB,
how many of them count as IO against the license (Primary tags only), as well as a Database
Serial Number (DSN). The Database Serial number is very helpful to developers in
maintaining PDB version control.
7-8 GE Fanuc Automation Americas Training Services GFS-154B
Introduction to the Process Database

The Import and Export features are valuable tools to help rapidly develop and application. It
can often be easier and quicker to build tag and field lists in a simple CSV file. In these
situations, the Export feature will create a CSV file with the fields for each tag type (AI, DI, CA,
Etc.) in columns and the visible tags in rows. This exported information is very helpful to use
as a template for quick addition of new tags. Using MS Excel as a CSV editor will grant the
developer access to useful “copy” and “fill” tools that can create tags very quickly.
The Import feature will temporarily pause SAC and build all the tags in the CSV file. The tag
creation is very quick, and when completed, SAC will restart the PDB.

Tag Type field. Tag Name field. Next Block field. Description field. Etc.

Figure 7-4. Sample CSV file using the PDB Import/Export feature.

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Introduction to the Process Database

Edit Menu
The Edit menu features commonly used
commands such as Cut, Copy and Paste.

Figure 7-5.. Edit Menu.

Figure 7-6. View Menu.

View Menu
Freeze Columns allows the user to anchor a column or columns in order to maintain column
visibility while using the scroll bars.
The Refresh command and it key accelerator (CTRL-R) are very useful for updating the
Database Manager fields with the latest field information, particularly for fields like Scan
Status, Current Value and Current Alarm.
The Properties selection will launch a separate dialog box that will help the user tailor the
Database Manager to their personal preferences and to isolate only the tags and fields they
need to see at any given moment.

What Fields What Tags

to show. to show.

How tags are


Figure 7-7. Database Manager View Properties.

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Introduction to the Process Database

Blocks menu
The Blocks menu provides the tools for working with tags. The
Show selection opens a tag for viewing only, leaving it on-scan.
The Modify selection will open the tag for editing. Any tag is taken
off-scan while it is being edited.
The Generate function can quickly create multiple tags with
sequential numbers in their various fields (such as tag name,
description, IO address, etc.). Figure 7-8. Edit Menu

The Drivers menu will display links to the currently available IO Drivers. If listed here, the
DITs have been created and are ready to use with PDB tags. The Help menu provides iFIX
assistance (with Electronic Books) or specific help for Database Manager, block types and
fields (with Help topics).

Database Manager Toolbar

Open Save and Find tag or Refresh Pause Auto

PDB. Reload PDB. field in PDB. Sheet. Refresh.

Add Add
Block. Block. Context Sensitive
Help. (or use F1).

Delete Open Block in

Block. Show mode.

Figure 7 – 9. Database Manaager Toolbar

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Introduction to the Process Database

Tools Menu Æ Options

Figure 7-10. Database Manager View Properties.

The Options Dialog has a number of convenient user preferences that can be changed to
suit a user’s needs. The Enable Spreadsheet Auto Refresh option is helpful when
troubleshooting values, alarms and chain execution, but it does consume extra PC
resources. Automatically Put Block on Scan after Modify is helpful for returning a block to
its normal scan status after it has been edited.
Display in Modify mode ensures that double-clicking a tag in the Database Manager opens
the tag for editing (taking it off scan), whereas Display in Show will open the tag for read-
only review (and leave it on scan).

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Introduction to the Process Database

Lab Exercise: Importing Tags into the PDB.

Lab Objectives: At the end of this exercise, the student will be able to:
y Import tags into the Process Database from a CSV file.
y Configure Database Manager Columns and Appearance.
y Reload the Process Database
When you are finished with these exercises, answer the Summary Questions at the end of
the module.

We have successfully established communications to our control devices on the Plant Floor
and our IO Drivers are populating the DITs with current values. Our next task is to rapidly
create a set of database tags to get the PDB started. We will be importing a CSV file with
pre-populated tag information to create the tags. We will also change the appearance of
the Database Manager to help us with development. Finally, we will save and reload our
newly created PDB.

1. Make sure iFIX is running. Start the Database Manager:

a. i Æ Run Æ DatabaseManager, or
b. From the Workspace Toolbar or System Tree, use the icon.

2. When prompted, Open Local Node…

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Introduction to the Process Database

3. You should see an empty sheet. We are going to populate the PDB by importing some
pre-made tags for the Water Treatment application. From the Database menu, choose

Notice that SAC must be stopped while a bulk import is being performed. For that reason
it is best to do this on engineering workstations only, as opposed to operational SCADAs.

4. Use the Open File dialog to navigate to the import file. It is located in the
C:\Classfiles\PDB directory and is named WATERTAGS.CSV.

5. Click Import when you have selected the correct file. The Status bar at the bottom of the
Database Manager will indicate that an import is in progress. The area on the left shows
the tag names currently being imported. When finished, there should be 45 rows – this
information can be found in the Database Manager title bar.

6. From the Database menu select Save As… and save the database as WATER.

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Introduction to the Process Database

7. From the View menu, select Re-Sort. Your Database Manager should look something like

8. Now we will change the appearance of the Database Manager to suit our needs. We will
start by adding additional fields. From the View menu, select Properties…

Notice there are five tabs. To assign additional fields to columns click on the Columns
a. From the Available Columns list, select Scan Stat and then click the add button.
b. Next, scroll down the Available Columns list until you locate the Alarm Area 1 field.
Click the add button.

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Introduction to the Process Database

9. The Display Columns list should resemble the one pictured below.

Database Manager
Font settings.

Click the Apply button. You should see that the columns have been added to the
Database Manager (under this window). If you need to resize columns, you can click the
target column in the Display Columns list and then change the Display Width. You can
also click and drag column widths in the Database Manager (much like for MS Excel).

10. Click the Font tab. Choose a Font to use in the Database Manager that will make things
easier to read. For example, 10 point Verdana. Click Apply to test the font. When
satisfied, click OK.

11. We will change some of the operating defaults for the Database Manager. Open the
Tools menu and select Options. Be sure to configure at least the following:
a. Enable “Save Settings on Exit”.
b. Enable “Automatically Put Block on Scan after Modify”.
c. Select “Display in MODIFY Mode”.

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Introduction to the Process Database

12. Here is an sample configuration of these settings:

13. Finally, Save the PDB. When finished, open the Database menu and Reload the PDB to
restart all tags with default start up settings. Your PDB should resemble the figure below.

-- End of Lab Exercise --

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Introduction to the Process Database

Review Questions
1. What is the difference between Primary and Secondary tags?

2. Provide an example of a tag chain using Primary and Secondary blocks.

3. What is the difference between opening a PDB file and reloading a PDB file?

4. What type of file can be used for bulk import and export of tags?

5. Name two primary blocks and two secondary blocks.

Electronic Books Research

6. Using the Database Manager Help Topics, find out what information the block field
A_NALM provides.

7 - 18 GE Fanuc Automation Americas Training Services GFS-154B

Introduction to the Process Database

Now that you have completed this module, you should be able to:
y Compare primary and secondary database tags.
y Describe the commonly used tag types.
y Discuss the Database Manager.
y Open, Close, Reload and Import/Export a Process Database in the Database Manager.
y Configure Database Manager Columns and Queries.

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