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Proficy iFIX

Configuring IO Drivers
and OPC Servers

y Discuss IO drivers and OPC servers.
y Discuss detailed IO Driver configuration.
y Monitor IO driver communication.
Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

6-2 GE Fanuc Automation Americas Training Services GFS-154B

Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

After the IO drivers and OPC servers have been added to the SCU configuration, they can be
used by SCADAs to transfer data to and from the control hardware. Using the SCU
information, the SCADA will start the IO drivers automatically when iFIX starts. It will also set
up all the necessary DIT memory spaces and connections required to move the data back
and forth.
In order to populate these DITs, IO drivers must first be configured to use channels, devices
and poll records (or data blocks) to communicate to the target IO addresses. With v. 7.x
drivers this configuration step can occur on-line or off-line using the IO driver Powertool
utility. The Powertool organizes the various communication settings into a logical hierarchy
that provides quick and easy development, optimization and troubleshooting.

Figure 6-1. Example of the Powertool for the MBE IO driver.

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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

IO Driver Configuration Basics

IO Driver Hierarchy
Recall that IO drivers are organized into a three level hierarchy: Channels, Devices and Poll
Channels are the top tier. A channel definition includes the important information about
which IO port to use (eg. NIC #1, NIC #2, COM port 1, etc). The IO port is the “door” to the
device network for the SCADA and must be explicitly defined.
Device definitions comprise the second tier of the driver hierarchy. For each Channel, there
can be multiple device definitions. Each device will have its own entry, along with a specific
device ID such as an IP address, station number or logical name. This will tell the IO driver
how to find the PLC or RTU on the device network.
Poll records (also known as data blocks) constitute the third tier. For each device there will
be unique poll records that indicate which IO addresses to poll from the PLC registers. Each
poll record will have a poll time that governs how often polling will occur.

Channel Definition
(eg. NIC or COM port).

SCADA Server


Device Definition
(eg. IP address, Station #).

Poll Records - Data Blocks

(eg. IO addresses, data
types, poll times).

Figure 6-2. IO Driver hierarchy.

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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

The Powertool
The Powertool is a common interface shared by most GE Fanuc v.7.x IO drivers. It is the
primary interface for configuring the driver channels, devices and data blocks. It creates a
file used by the driver poll task to communicate to the appropriate hardware registers in the
plant floor control devices. Once the configuration file has been built, the Powertool does not
need to be open for communications to occur; it can be used simply to monitor the IO driver
The Powertool has two modes: Configure and Statistics.
The Configure mode allows the settings to be created or edited for channels,
devices and data blocks.
The Statistics mode allows monitoring of IO driver polling processes. Transmit and
receive counters, errors, error timestamps and, for certain drivers, even current
values can be reviewed at real-time.
The Powertool also allows manual Stop and Start of the IO driver poll

The Powertool can be used to start and test the IO driver communications even
when iFIX is not running.

Saving and Options

The Powertool default configuration file can be stored anywhere on the SCADA. By choosing
the Setup item from the Options menu, the following dialog box can be set to direct the IO
driver to a default configuration file and path (using the Default Path tab).

Figure 6-3. IO Driver default file name and path.

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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

To keep things simple and efficient, it is best to save the configuration file in the project PDB
directory. It is also a good practice to name the file using the following convention:
where the <nodename> is the SCADA node name and XXX is the three letter driver name. For
example, the SCADA01 GE9 driver configuration file should be named SCADA01.GE9

If the developer wants to use a different naming convention and directory, it is
possible, but there are extra steps required. The default path and name will still
have to be configured from the Options menu (using the new names and
locations), but the developer will also need to put a “dummy” file in the PDB
directory using the naming convention described above. This dummy file can
be an empty text file; it does not actually need to contain anything. Due to
legacy functionality, the SCADA needs to see what looks like a configuration file
in the default PDB directory before it creates the DIT. Once the DIT is created,
the IO driver is started using the Powertool defaults.

The Advanced Tab of this dialog box also contains some helpful features.

Figure 6-4. Powertool Setup Dialog – Advanced Tab.

Server Auto Create will detect PDB tag IO Addresses and automatically create any missing
addresses in the IO driver (according to certain preset rules). The Auto Create cannot add
devices, but it can add or extend poll records and data blocks to include new addresses.
Startup Auto Start will ensure that the IO driver starts in Run mode (ie. polling the hardware).
NIO Simulation Mode allows the DIT to reflect output values from PDB tags back as inputs.
This is generally only used for testing or simulation.
The Memory settings are useful for reducing or increasing the footprint of the DIT common
memory space on a PC. These directly affect the DIT and its efficiency and hence are rarely
edited except with assistance from GE Fanuc Technical Support.

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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

Powertool Configuration
The Powertool allows straightforward navigation of the IO driver hierarchy. As levels are
added, a tree view of the configured elements will be displayed in the explorer pane on the
left-hand side. As items are selected in this explorer view, the settings appear in a form on
the right hand side. This is true for both Configuration and Statistics mode.

Channels and Protocols

The top tier of the IO Driver hierarchy is the channel settings. The types of settings available
will depend greatly on the type of driver used (eg. Ethernet, COM, RES, etc) and the protocols
it supports. For IO drivers that support one type of media (eg. Ethernet) and one type of
Protocol (eg. Modbus TCP) there will be very few items to set. With multiple media, multiple
protocol drivers (eg. Serial, Radio or Telephone media with Modbus ASCII or RTU protocols),
set up will be more complex in order to specify exactly what is required by the application.

Ready for polling.

The “+” indicates
that there are
devices that use
this channel. This
channel can be
expanded to view
the devices.

Figure 6-5. Powertool Channel Configuration (MBE IO Driver).

Channels require unique names and IO ports in order to be configured. In the example in
Figure 6-5, setting the channel is as simple as choosing which Ethernet port to use. In this
case, the ports are numbered 0-n, and a quick description (retrieved from the Windows
registry) is supplied underneath to assist with selection. Other IO drivers may require more
detailed configuration.
If a back-up channel is enabled, the IO driver automatically fails over to that channel when
the primary channel fails. This is true for all types of drivers; mixed media/protocol drivers
will allow cross over of channel media (for example, telephone connections can back up
radio connections).
Each channel can generally support only one protocol at a time. For multiple protocol
drivers, the protocol will be chosen and associated with a specific IO port. All Devices using
that channel will be required to communicate using that protocol.
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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

Devices are added to Channels. Their configuration depends on the hardware features and
functions supported by the IO driver. In general, Device configuration comprises of uniquely
naming the device and supplying its address (e.g., IP Address, station number, or telephone
number, etc.).

Ready for polling.

Devices are grouped

under the Channel they
use for communication.
The “+” indicates there
are data blocks
specified for the Device.

Field-sensitive quick help is displayed

here. This will change as you highlight
different fields. F1 provides more
comprehensive help.

Figure 6-6. Powertool Device Configuration (MBE IO Driver).

As with channels, back-up devices can be specified for automatic fail-over should the
primary device fail. Unlike channels, where error or failure detection is usually built into the
protocols they use, devices need to have failure conditions defined explicitly for them. This is
set in three fields: Reply Timeout, Delay and Retries.
Reply Timeout is the maximum allowable latency between when the IO driver transmits a
request and receives a response from the PLC. Should the PLC response exceed the reply
timeout, the IO driver will wait the period of time defined in the Delay field before it attempts
to Retry connection. If the IO driver consecutively fails to connect to the PLC the number of
times defined in the Retry field, it will automatically fail-over to the back-up device if it exists,

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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

or it will report the lost connection to iFIX as COMM (communications) errors and continue
attempting connection.

Poll Records or Data Blocks

Data Blocks are added to Devices to allow a user to drill into the registers present in the
control hardware. The Data Block specifics depend on the capabilities of the hardware, and
the unique addressing that each vendor uses to identify IO registers.

Figure 6-7. Powertool Data Block Configuration (MBE IO Driver).

The essential settings for a data block are the address range identifying the registers, the
data-type and the poll rate. The block name is a useful group name for the IO address range,
but unlike the channel and device names, the data block name is not required to connect
PDB tags to the DIT.

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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

Address Ranges
A developer can create data block address ranges of any size, however there are some good
practices to follow. In general, for analog-type addresses such as integers and real numbers,
it is best to create a range of between 100 and 150 addresses, if possible. This is the
optimum size for a data block to transfer data and populate the DIT. Digital addresses such
as Boolean values follow a similar rule, with the optimum range between 100 and 200 words
(groups of bit addresses); each word is composed of 16 (or 32) single bit addresses, where
the Boolean values are stored.
An address range must be of a single homogenous data-type such as “Unsigned Integers”.
For example, if a range of addresses from 1 to 100 is composed of unsigned integers from 1
to 49, real numbers from 50 to 75 and signed integers from 76 to 100, the user will have to
create three separate data blocks: Datablock1 will range from 1 to 49 and be all unsigned
integers; Datablock2 will range from 50 to75 and be all real numbers; Datablock3 will range
from 76 to 100 and be all signed integers.
Deadband indicates that the DIT should be updated only when a value changes by at least
this amount (in native units, not percentage).

Polling Setup
Primary Poll Rate
The poll rates can be assigned in different ways. By default, the Primary poll rate will always
poll the data at the desired period (1 second, 1 minute, etc.). This poll rate tells the driver how
often to update the DIT with values from the hardware (provided the Deadband conditions
are satisfied).
y A rate of zero (0) polls as quickly as the driver can manage.
y A rate of 0.5 polls the entire range of addresses every half-second.
y 1 polls every second; 1:00 polls every minute; 1:00:00 polls every hour; 1:00:00:00 polls
every day.

Secondary Poll Rate and Access Time

For instances where the data being updated in the DIT is not always being used by other
parts of iFIX, the driver allows the user to specify a slower Secondary polling rate. This
slower poll rate will be used to continue updating the DIT in a “maintenance mode”.
The Primary and Secondary rates are used based on simple rules. If the data in the DIT is
being requested by tags or other iFIX processes, the IO driver will always revert to the faster
Primary poll rate. If the requests pause or stop, a timer counts down starting from the
Access Time; at zero the poll rate will switch to the slower, more efficient Secondary rate.

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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

Statistics Mode and Monitoring Communications

The Statistics mode of the Powertool is an effective troubleshooting and optimization tool for
IO driver communications. Each element of the configuration can be specifically targeted,
and parent elements will also contain summary information and totals for all their contained
In combination with the Enable checkbox (Configure mode) it is relatively easy to isolate
trouble spots with various driver elements, be they in the Channel, Devices or Data Blocks.

Data Blocks
Data Blocks will give the lowest level information, including information such as the number
of Transmits (requests) and Receives (responses), current data quality and timestamps for
reads, writes and errors.

Statistics Mode.

Data Block.

Figure 6-8. Powertool Statistics mode (MBE IO Driver data block).

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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

Device statistics show summaries and totals for all the data blocks specified within the
Device. It will also verify the channel address (IP address, or port number) as well as the
device address. It will show counts for error conditions, but for more information, the user
will need to drill down into the specific data blocks.

Figure 6-9. Powertool Statistics for Devices.

Device statistics show summaries and totals for all the devices specified within the Channel.
Like the Device page, the user will have to drill down for specific information.

Figure 6-10. Powertool Statistics for Channels.

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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

Lab Exercises
Lab Objectives: At the end of these exercises, the student will be able to:
y Configure the MBE v.7.x IO Driver.
y Monitor communications.
y Configure GE9 IO Driver (Optional per instructor).
When you are finished with these exercises, answer the Summary Questions at the end of
the module.

Lab Exercise 1: Configure the MBE IO Driver.

The instructor has a simple Modbus simulator running on the Instructor PC. We will connect
the MBE driver to this simulator to demonstrate IO driver configuration and to supply values
to sample tags used in the Water Treatment application.
Your instructor may opt for the GE9 (GE) Lab or an IGS IO Server demonstration.

1. Open the SCU. Double-click on the MBE box to open the MBE Powertool. Connect to the
Local Server if prompted.

Open the MBE


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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

2. The MBE driver should open your default configuration file (shown in the Titlebar):
C:\iFIX\154Water\PDB\SCADA##. MBE

3. Our first task is to create a Channel definition using an Ethernet card:

a. Edit menu Æ Add Channel, or
b. Click the Channel button.
A new channel will be added to the explorer pane, and the channel configuration
form will be displayed on the right side.

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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

4. Find your IP address.

a. Start Æ Run Æ cmd
b. Now that the command prompt is showing, type ipconfig. Information about your
NIC cards will be returned. If there are multiple cards in your PC, ask the Instructor
which IP address pattern is being used (eg 192.168… etc.)
c. Write down your IP address.
5. Set the Channel definition.
a. Name the Channel PLCNET.
b. Enter PLC Network in the Description field.
c. Choose from the list of available Ethernet Network Interface Cards (NIC). If you select
a card, its description will appear in text beneath the drop-down box. You will want
the network card that is bound to your SCADA IP Address.
d. Check the Enable box.

This should match

your IP address.

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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

6. Next, we will define the PLC device (our Modbus Simulator on the Instructor PC). The
Instructor will provide the IP address to you.
a. Edit menu Æ Add Device, or
b. Use the Add Device button.
A new device belonging to the PLCNET channel will be added to the explorer pane, and
the device configuration form will be displayed on the right side.

7. Define the device as follows:

a. Name: PLC1
b. Description: Simulation PLC #1
c. IP Address: <Instructor IP address>
d. Reply Timeout: 5
e. Retries: 3
f. Delay Time: 15
g. Check the Enable box.

Use the IP
address for the
Instructor PC.

Important! Click the Advanced button and uncheck the three Optional Function Codes.
This is required for successful write communications to the Modbus Simulator.

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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

8. Now that a Channel has been created and a Device defined, we can build data blocks to
retrieve information from the PLC simulator. We will be creating two data blocks: one for
digital values and one for analog values. Create a data block:
a. Edit menu Æ Add Data Block, or
b. Use the Add Data Block button.

9. Enter the following information for the first data block:

a. Name: Digitals1
b. Decription: Digital Block #1
c. Start Address: 000001
d. Length: 200
e. Datatype: Boolean
f. Primary Rate: 2
g. Secondary Rate: Disabled (uncheck).
h. Access Time: Disabled.
i. Check the Enable box.

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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

10. Add a second data block for analog values:

a. Name: Analogs1
b. Decription: Analog Block #1
c. Start Address: 400001
d. Length: 125
e. Datatype: Unsigned Int
f. Primary Rate: 2
g. Secondary Rate: Disabled (uncheck).
h. Access Time: Disabled.
i. Check the Enable box.

11. Save the MBE Driver configuration.

a. File menu Æ Save, or
b. Use the Save button.

12. Overwrite existing files if prompted.

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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

Lab Exercise 2: Monitoring the MBE IO Driver.

Now that we have configured the MBE driver to use the Instructor simulator, we will verify
that communications are working and that we are retrieving values.

1. Highlight the Analogs1 data block in the explorer pane. Switch the MBE Powertool to
Statistics mode.
a. Display Mode Æ Stats Mode, or
b. Use the Statistics Mode button.

2. The Powertool should resemble the figure below (with different stats). Verify that your
hierarchy looks like the one shown.

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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

3. If there are errors in communications, the Last Error Time will show when they occurred,
and the Last Error frame will show a description of the error. The Timeout and Retries
counters may show indications that there have been brief interruptions. In an
operational environment, this should prompt personnel to undertake troubleshooting
and optimization to ensure clean, consistent communications.

4. If the Data Quality is Good, then the driver is currently retrieving good values from the
simulator. Continue to the next steps. If Data Quality is Bad, check the error information,
review your settings, and then check with the instructor before moving on.

5. Highlight the Digitals1 data block. Ensure communications are good before exploring the
PLC1 device and PLCNET channel. When finished reviewing the Device and channel
statistics, return to the Analogs1 data block.

6. Next, open the Data Monitor (the button is located in the lower right portion of the
Statistics pane). This is a table view of the driver image table, showing the addresses and
current values as retrieved by the driver. Switch the Format to Decimal and note that
some of the addresses are displaying integer values. The instructor can change these in
the simulator. Close the Data Monitor and the Powertool when you are finished.

Address ranges. Values.

Change Format
to Decimal.

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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

Lab Exercise 3: Configure the GE9 IO Driver.

(Optional per Instructor)

The instructor may have a GE PLC simulator in the classroom. We will connect the GE9 driver
to this simulator to demonstrate IO driver configuration and to supply values to sample tags
used in the Water Treatment application.

1. Open the SCU. Double-click on the GE9 box to open the GE9 Powertool. Connect to the
Local Server if prompted.

Open the GE9


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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

2. The GE9 driver should open your default configuration file (shown in the Titlebar):
C:\iFIX\154Water\PDB\SCADA##. GE9

3. Our first task is to create a Channel definition using an Ethernet card:

a. Edit menu Æ Add Channel, or
b. Click the Channel button.
A new channel will be added to the explorer pane, and the channel configuration
form will be displayed on the right side.

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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

4. Set the Channel definition.

a. Name the Channel PLCNET.
b. Enter PLC Network in the Description field.
c. Check the Enable box.

5. Next, we will define the PLC device (our GE Simulator). The Instructor will provide the IP
address to you.
a. Edit menu Æ Add Device, or
b. Use the Add Device button.
A new device belonging to the PLCNET channel will be added to the explorer pane, and
the device configuration form will be displayed on the right side.

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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

6. Define the device as follows:

a. Name: PLC1
b. Description: Simulation PLC #1
c. IP Address: <Simulator IP address>
d. Reply Timeout: 5
e. Retries: 3
f. Delay Time: 15
g. Check the Enable box.

Use the IP
address for the

7. Now that a Channel has been created and a Device defined, we can build data blocks to
retrieve information from the PLC simulator. We will be creating two data blocks: one for
digital values and one for analog values. Create a data block:
a. Edit menu Æ Add Data Block, or
b. Use the Add Data Block button.

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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

8. Enter the following information for the first data block:

a. Name: Digitals1
b. Decription: Digital Block #1
c. Start Address: I1
d. Length: 200
e. Datatype: Digital
f. Primary Rate: 2
g. Secondary Rate: Disabled
h. Check the Enable box.

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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

9. Add a second data block for analog values:

a. Name: Analogs1
b. Decription: Analog Block #1
c. Start Address: R1
d. Length: 125
e. Datatype: SInt
f. Primary Rate: 2
g. Secondary Rate: Disabled (uncheck).
h. Check the Enable box.

10. Save the GE9 Driver configuration.

a. File menu Æ Save, or
b. Use the Save button.

11. Overwrite existing files if prompted.

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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

Lab Exercise 4: Monitoring the GE9 IO Driver. (Optional)

Now that we have configured the GE9 driver to use the PLC simulator, we will verify that
communications are working and that we are retrieving values.

1. Highlight the Analogs1 data block in the explorer pane. Switch the GE9 Powertool to
Statistics mode.
a. Display Mode Æ Stats Mode, or
b. Use the Statistics Mode button.

2. The Powertool should resemble the figure below (with different stats). Verify that your
hierarchy looks like the one shown.

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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

3. If there are errors in communications, the Last Error Time will show when they occurred,
and the Last Error field will show a description of the error. The Timeout and Retries
counters may show indications that there have been brief interruptions. In an
operational environment, this should prompt personnel to undertake troubleshooting
and optimization to ensure clean, consistent communications.

4. If the Data Quality is Good, then the driver is currently retrieving good values from the
simulator. Continue to the next step. If Data Quality is Bad, check the error information,
review your settings, and then check with the instructor before moving on.

5. Highlight the Digitals1 data block. Ensure communications are good before exploring the
PLC1 device and PLCNET channel.

6. When finished, close the Powertool and save any changes.

-- End of Lab Exercises --

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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

Review Questions
1. What kind of information does a Channel definition contain?

2. What type of information does a Device definition contain?

3. What must you specify in a Poll Record or Data Block?

4. Where should a driver configuration file be located, and what is the recommended file
naming convention?

5. What kind of information does Statistics mode show?

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Configuring IO Drivers and OPC Servers

Now that you have completed this module, you should be able to:
y Discuss IO drivers and OPC servers.
y Discuss detailed IO Driver configuration.
y Monitor IO driver communication.

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