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Implementation of Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life in the Philippines’ local



On June 15, 2022, the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life published a document entitled
“Catechumenal Itineraries for Married Life” A new pastoral guidelines for local churches.”
Five years after the publication of the exhortation “Amoris Laetitia”, the “Catechumenal
Itineraries for Married Life” are one of the fruits of the special Amoris Laetitia Family Year,
writes Pope Francis in the preface of the document.

“It is a pastoral tool developed by the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, following an
indication that Pope Francis’ expressed on several occasions “the need for a new
catechumenate” for the preparation for marriage. He specified a “too superficial
preparation” or with “foundations” so weak that it does not resist the first inevitable crises
for married couple.

The 100-page document is structured around three phases: preparation for marriage; the
solemnization of marriage; support for the first years of married life. The book recommends
setting up a formation program addressed to children and adolescents “from a vocational
perspective both in marriage and in religious life.” In the preface to the document, Pope
Francis stated the process of forming couples for the sacrament of matrimony should
borrow from the process of bringing converts – catechumens – into the Catholic Church:
“Just as the catechumenate is part of the sacramental process for the baptism of adults, so
too may preparation for marriage form an integral part of the whole sacramental procedure
of marriage.”

The reason for this change, the Pope said, is “to prevent the increase of invalid or
inconsistent marriage celebrations.”

Catholic sacramental marriages have plummeted 20 percent from 1980 to 2021, according
to data from the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate. According to data, some
Catholics have gone through marriage separation, with these percentage saying either they
or their spouse sought from the church a “nullity”. The term is commonly used to refer to a
declaration of nullity, the church’s determination after a petition was filed in the Tribunal
that a sacramental marriage did not actually take place, either due to lack of canonical form
or because one or both parties did not fully and freely consent to the sacrament.

The ”distressing decline” in marriage rates, high rates of separations, an “alarming” number
of invalid marriages, and a “culture of materialism and careerism” are the reasons a
marriage catechumenate is particularly needed in the Philippines, said Archbishop Gilbert
Garcera, D.D. during the initial CPML conference held in Lipa City, Batangas, March 11-12,

In the Philippines, the Pre-Cana 101 is a comprehensive program utilized to prepare couples
for the sacrament of marriage. It serves as a guideline and framework for engaged couples
to delve into various facets of their relationship and marriage. Dioceses in the Philippines
have tailored their Pre-Cana manuals based on the seven (7) fundamental topics outlined by
former Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) – Ecumenical Commission on
Family and Life (ECFL) Chairman and former Daet Bishop Gilbert Garcera, D.D. These topics
typically cover essential aspects crucial for couples embarking on the journey of marriage:

1. Personality: Each partner brings their unique traits, beliefs, and experiences into the
marriage. Understanding and appreciating these differences is vital. Mutual respect,
empathy, and a willingness to grow together form the bedrock of a strong
relationship. Celebrating individual strengths while supporting each other in
weaknesses fosters a harmonious partnership.

2. Christian Marriage: For many, marriage is not just a legal or social contract but a
sacred covenant. In Christianity, it's a union blessed by God, grounded in love,
respect, and faith. Shared spiritual values, prayer, and a commitment to supporting
each other's spiritual growth can deeply enrich a Christian marriage.

3. Communication in Love: Effective communication is the lifeblood of any relationship.

In marriage, open and honest dialogue is paramount. It involves active listening,
expressing thoughts and emotions, and resolving conflicts respectfully. Cultivating a
safe space where both partners feel heard and understood lays the groundwork for a
healthy connection.

4. Sexuality: Intimacy is an integral part of marriage. It goes beyond physicality,

encompassing emotional closeness and trust. Understanding each other's desires,
being attentive to needs, and maintaining intimacy as an expression of love and
connection contribute to a fulfilling sexual relationship within marriage.

5. Responsible Parenthood: Parenthood is a significant aspect for many couples. Being

prepared for this role involves discussions on parenting styles, values, and goals for
the family. A commitment to nurturing, guiding, and providing for children's well-
being while fostering a loving environment is crucial.

6. Natural Family Planning (Billings Ovulation Method): Some couples choose natural
family planning methods based on their beliefs or health considerations. The Billings
Ovulation Method involves understanding a woman's fertility cycle to either achieve
or avoid pregnancy naturally. It requires commitment, communication, and mutual
respect for the shared decision. And,

7. Family as a Domestic Church: Viewing the family as a domestic church emphasizes

its role in nurturing faith, love, and virtues. Engaging in acts of kindness, practicing
forgiveness, and fostering a sense of community within the family echoes the
teachings of many Christian faiths. This approach cultivates an environment where
each member is supported in their spiritual journey.

The journey to marriage is a dynamic and evolving path where mutual understanding,
respect, and a shared commitment to growth and love are paramount. Embracing these
essential elements contributes to the foundation of a strong, resilient, and fulfilling union.

The Pre-Cana 101 program aims to provide engaged couples with a solid foundation and
practical tools to navigate the complexities of married life. It encourages open
communication, mutual respect, and a deep understanding of the commitment they are
about to enter into. Through this preparation, couples are better equipped to face the
challenges and joys that come with building a life together within the Catholic faith.

Local churches in the Philippines conduct these sessions through seminars, workshops, or
discussions, as a prerequisite before church weddings, facilitated by trained Pre-Cana
counselors, priests, or married couples experienced in guiding soon-to-be-married
individuals. The goal is to ensure that couples are spiritually and practically prepared for the
lifelong commitment of marriage.

However, Pope Francis is calling for a “radical move for the church” that is in accordance to
Amoris Laetitia No. 66. Marriage preparation outside of the context of pastoral care, which is
how we’ve normally thought about it, and “we are putting the new marriage catechumenate
into the context of evangelization,” explained Archbishop Garcera.

In response to the directive from the Dicastery of Laity and Family Life in Rome, Lipa
Archbishop and Chairman, Office of the Laity and Family and Life, Federation of Asian
Bishops Conference (FABC) formed a Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life (CPML)
National Team composed of married couples (Vic and Donna Alvarez, Archdiocese of Lipa;
Roy and Malee San Buenaventura, Diocese of Antipolo; and Ted and Ruby Ramores, Diocese
of Novaliches) to conduct seminars and workshops in all Archdioceses and Dioceses all over
the Philippines. This initiative aimed to promote a deeper understanding and
implementation of the Marriage Catechumenate within the Catholic communities in the


The primary goal of the CPML initiative is was to facilitate the understanding and integration
of the Marriage Catechumenate guidelines provided by the Dicastery of Laity and Family
Life. The initiative sought to engage various stakeholders, including clergy, lay leaders, Pre-
Cana facilitators, and family life workers, across different regions in the Philippines. The
National Team had designed a program providing structured guidance and support for the
purpose of providing would-be-married couples towards a sacramental and fulfilling
marriage within the Catholic Church. In the Philippines, implementing these pathways in
local churches serves multiple objectives that are crucial for fostering strong, spiritually
grounded marriages within the community:

1. Faith Formation: The primary objective is to offer comprehensive faith formation to

engaged couples. This includes educating them about the sacrament of marriage, its
significance, and the theological underpinnings that define it as a lifelong
commitment rooted in Christian values.

2. Preparation and Discernment: The pathways aim to assist couples in discerning their
readiness for marriage. Through workshops, retreats, and counseling sessions,
couples explore the responsibilities, challenges, and joys of married life. This helps
them make an informed decision and enter marriage with a clear understanding of
their commitment.

3. Building Strong Foundations: Emphasis is placed on establishing a solid foundation

for the marital relationship. Couples learn effective communication skills, conflict
resolution, and the importance of mutual respect and support. This equips them to
navigate the complexities of married life with resilience and unity.

4. Integration of Faith and Life: The pathways aim to integrate faith into the everyday
lives of everybody. Parents should teach their children how to incorporate prayer,
scripture, and spiritual practices into their relationship, fostering a deeper
connection with God and each other.

5. Community Support: Implementation within local churches facilitates the

involvement of the broader faith community. Support networks, mentorship
programs, and group activities foster a sense of belonging and encouragement
among couples, providing ongoing support beyond the initial preparation stages.

6. Continued Enrichment: The pathways extend beyond the wedding ceremony, offering
post-marital support and enrichment programs. These initiatives focus on nurturing
and strengthening the marriage through ongoing education, spiritual growth, and
pastoral care.

7. Cultural Sensitivity: In the Philippines, cultural context plays a significant role in

marriages. Catechumenal pathways tailored to local traditions, practices, and societal
challenges ensure relevance and resonance with couples, making the teachings more
accessible and applicable to their lives.

8. Sacramental Celebration: Ultimately, the objective is to prepare couples to receive

the sacrament of marriage with reverence and understanding, ensuring that they
embark on their marital journey with a deep appreciation of its spiritual significance.

Implementation of these objectives in local churches in the Philippines involves collaboration

among clergy, family and life pastoral teams, experienced couples, and the wider church
community. It aims to empower couples to embrace the sacred institution of marriage and
live out their commitment with faith, love, and a shared spiritual foundation.


Seminar Workshops:

Implementing the Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life through seminar workshops in
various regions of the Philippines has been a transformative endeavor. These initiatives aim
to deepen the understanding of married life within the context of faith, fostering stronger
relationships and healthier families.

In the bustling urban centers like Lipa City from Southern Luzon, Baguio City from the North,
Legazpi City in the Bicol Region, and Quezon City in Metro Manila and Central Luzon these
workshops often took placed in the centers and parishes. The setting varies but the core
remains constant—a safe space for couples counselors to explore and strengthen their
knowledge and understanding while integrating spiritual principles into their Pre-Cana

Moving towards the serene landscapes of Visayas, particularly in the City of Cebu, the
workshops adapted to the cultural diversity of each region. Here, the programs are
intertwined with local traditions and customs, creating a unique blend of spirituality and
cultural heritage.

One of the key elements of these workshops is the interactive nature of the sessions.

Participants engaged in discussions, role-playing exercises, and group activities that

encourage communication and understanding. They explored the topics consistent in the
CPML book and the spiritual dimensions of marriage. Expert facilitators, often comprising
clergy, and experienced married couples, provide guidance and support throughout the

The implementation of Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life has not been without its
challenges. Logistics, access to remote areas, and varying levels of openness among
participants have posed hurdles. However, the dedication of organizers, volunteers, and the
unwavering commitment of participating church servants helped surmount these

The impact of these workshops reverberates long after the sessions conclude. Facilitators
and family and life workers emerged with a renewed sense of purpose, equipped with
practical tools and a deeper spiritual connection to navigate the intricacies of marriage
accompaniment. With the thoughts that families in the future will benefit as relationships
grow stronger, communication improves, and homes become havens of love and faith.

As these initiatives continue to expand across the archipelago, they not only strengthen
marriages but also contribute to building a more resilient and spiritually grounded society—
one where the values of love, understanding, and faith form the cornerstone of family life.


The inaugural seminar workshop for the Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life (CPML)
took place at the Capuchin Retreat House, Lipa City, Province of Batangas on March 11-12,
2023. It marked a significant milestone in the realm of marriage preparation and family life
within the suffragan of the Archdiocese of Lipa, which includes the Diocese of Lucena,
Diocese of Boac, and Diocese of Gumaca, Prelature of Infanta, Diocese of San Pablo and the
Apostolic Vicariates of Calapan and San Jose.

Initiated by the CPML Team in collaboration with the Family and Life Ministry of the
Archdiocese of Lipa, led by Priest Director Rev. Fr. Dale Anthony Barreto Ko, the workshop
aimed to equip and empower around 120 Pre-Cana facilitators, clergy and family life workers
from the suffragan. The event served as the first leg of the CPML, showcasing a dedication to
enriching the quality and depth of marriage preparation within the church. The workshop
featured an array of sessions and activities designed to delve into the core principles and
methodologies of the CPML. These have included:

 Introduction to CPML: Providing an overview of the CPML framework, its

objectives, and the significance of incorporating catechumenal approaches
into marriage preparation.

 Interactive Sessions: Engaging workshops, discussions, and interactive

sessions focusing on the seven core topics outlined by CPML, likely aligned
with the teachings of the Church and catering specifically to the needs of
couples preparing for marriage.

 Review of the Pre-Cana Modules: Sharing Pre-Cana Modules and the way this
was given in the parishes and dioceses and the duration of their Pre-Cana in
their respective parishes and dioceses. This illustrated practical applications
of Cana 101 principles in real-life marital scenarios, fostering a deeper
understanding among the participants.

 Identification of the concrete proposal of the CPML for diocesan

implementation, providing the pilot programs and identifying the pilot
parishes for implementation within the next three (3) years, starting 2024.

The collaboration between the CPML National Team and the local Family and Life Ministry
highlighted a concerted effort to standardize and enhance the quality of marriage
preparation across the Archdiocese of Lipa. By gathering Pre-Cana facilitators and family and
life workers, the initiative aimed to empower these key individuals with the tools and
knowledge necessary to guide engaged couples more effectively in their journey towards a
sacramental marriage with the Catholic faith. The inaugural workshop in Lipa City likely set a
stage for subsequent legs of the CPML, fostering a network of trained and inspired

facilitators committed to supporting couples in building strong, resilient and faith-centered


The second leg of the Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life (CPML) seminar-workshop
took place on May 24-25, 2023 at St. Scholastica Retreat House in the picturesque city of
Baguio. Attended by dedicated Family and Life lay workers, priests, religious, and Pre-Cana
facilitators from the northern part of the Philippines, the event was a significant gathering
aimed at delving deeper into the CPML and exploring its implications for diocesan

The venue buzzed with enthusiasm as participants from diverse backgrounds came together
to enrich their understanding of the CPML. The seminar-workshop fostered an atmosphere
of collaboration and shared commitment to promoting strong and healthy marriages within
the community.

The event kicked off with a Eucharistic Celebration, setting a spiritual tone for the
proceedings. His Excellency, Most Rev. Daniel O. Presto, D.D., Bishop of San Fernando, La
Union and ECFL-Northern Luzon Bishop Coordinator graced the occasion with his presence,
delivering an inspiring address. His words emphasized the importance of the CPML in
nurturing the foundation of Catholic families and fostering a culture of love, understanding,
and resilience.

Various sessions throughout the two-day seminar provided a comprehensive overview of

the CPML, addressing its theological underpinnings, practical and pastoral implications.
Facilitators, led by Archbishop Garcera engaged the participants through dynamic
presentations, interactive discussions, and case studies, ensuring a holistic approach to the

One of the highlights of the seminar-workshop was the group discussions, where
participants from every diocese had the opportunity to share insights and experiences
related to Pre-Cana. This collaborative exchange of ideas strengthened the sense
of community among the attendees and presented what concrete proposals they were to
implement in their respective communities, inspired by a renewed commitment to
supporting would-be-married couples within their faith community.

The second leg of the Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life seminar-workshop in Baguio
City was a resounding success, leaving the almost 100 participants inspired and equipped
with the knowledge and tools needed to champion the cause of sacramental marriage. ECFL-
Northern Luzon Couple Coordinator, Atty. Ramon and his wife Victoria Bayan said that it is
anticipated that the insights gained from this event will contribute to the continued growth
and success of the CPML throughout the northern part of the Philippines, which includes:

Diocese of Bayombong, Apostolic Vicariate of Tabuk, Prelature of Batanes, Archdiocese of
Nueva Segovia, Diocese of Laoag, Diocese of Bangued, Diocese of Baguio, Apostolic Vicariate
of Bontoc-Lagawe, Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan, Diocese of Alaminos, Diocese of
Cabanatuan, Diocese of San Fernando, La Union, Diocese of San Jose, Nueva Ecija, Diocese
of Urdaneta and Diocese of Ilagan.


The third leg of the seminar workshop on the Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life was a
vibrant and insightful event held in the Queen City of the South, Cebu City on August 30 and
31, 2023 at the Cebu Grand Hotel, drawing together a gathering of 95 passionate Pre-Cana
facilitators and family and life church servants, priests and religious from various
archdioceses and dioceses across the Visayan Region. The Archdiocese of Cebu played host
in this event with the participation of Archdioceses of Jaro, Palo and Capiz; Dioceses of
Bacolod, Dumaguete, Maasin, Tagbilaran, Talibon, Antique, KalibuKalibo, Borongan,
Catarman, Calbayog and the Dioceses of Naval, Romblon, Kabankalan and San Carlos. It was
attended by San Jose de Antique Bishop and ECFL-Visayas Bishop Coordinator, Most Rev.
Marvyn Maceda. The event was coordinated through this group led by Couple Coordinator
Jose Mari and Concepcion Suico and Dr. Rene Bullecer.

The core focus of this leg was to delve deeper into the rich teachings and practices
encapsulated within the Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life. It aimed to equip
attendees with a profound understanding on how these pathways can be integrated into
their existing pre-cana modules, guiding would be couples towards a more spiritually
enriched and fulfilling married life.

The workshop fostered a dynamic environment, encouraging active participation and

exchange of ideas. Through group discussions, by dioceses, participants engaged in
meaningful dialogue, sharing experiences, challenges, and best practices in guiding couples
preparing for marriage.

Bishop Maceda, with his wealth of wisdom and experience, illuminated the pathways to a
sacramental marriage, emphasizing the significance of faith, communication, and mutual
respect within the context of married life. His guidance inspired participants to reconsider
their approaches and methods, nurturing a more comprehensive and compassionate way of
supporting couples.

The gathering stands as a testament to the dedication and unity within the Church, fostering
a community of practitioners committed to nurturing and sustaining the sacred institution of


The Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life concluded its highly successful fourth leg in
Quezon City on November 8, 2023, drawing participants from the National Capital Region
and Central Luzon. This transformative event was endorsed by Catholic Bishops Conference
of the Philippines (CBCP)-Episcopal Commission on Family and Life (ECFL), Chairman and

Bishop of Parañaque, Most Rev. Jesse Mercado, fostering spiritual growtht and solidarity
among the 110 enthusiastic participants.

The CPML program, rooted in deep spiritual principles and designed to fortify marital bonds
attracted facilitators seeking to enrich their understanding in the new marriage
catechumenate. Held at Fr. Gerardo Tapiador Hall, St. Peter Parish, Shrine of Leaders in
Quezon City, a hub of cultural diversity and urban vitality, the event became a vibrant
platform for family and life servants to delve into the intricacies of the new marriage

“I am filled with a profound sense of hope and enthusiasm as we gather to explore and
embrace this transformative pathways to enriching the Sacrament of Marriage”, said Bishop
Jesse Mercado, Chairman of the CBCP-ECFL on his written open endorsement. ”The CPML
with its steadfast commitment is an initiative that holds immense promise for the cherished
mission in the Church.”

The collaborative effort between the ECFL-NCR-Central Luzon led by Its Bishop Coordinator
and Diocese of Antipolo, Auxiliary Bishop Most Rev. Nolly Buco and Couple Coordinator
Alexander and Helen David, with the Diocese of Novaliches, Family and Life Commission
Coordinators Wayne and Maria Fe Belizar, Demy and Sylvia Chavez and FLC Assistant Priest
Director, Rev. Fr. Gaudencio “Jun” Estrella, facilitated a dynamic environment where
participants engaged in workshops, discussions, and prayerful reflections, fostering a sense
of community and mutual support. Through insightful sessions and practical guidance , each
diocese presented a concrete proposal in implementing the pathways in their respective
local churches. As they were equipped with tools to navigate the complexities of modern-
day challenges , the high and lows of married life with unwavering faith.

The fourth leg of CPML in Quezon City not only served as a platform for personal growth but
also as a testament to the transformative power of faith-based initiatives in nurturing
healthy, thriving relationships.

As the CPML continues its journey, bridging communities and fostering spiritual growth
among family and life ministries, the support of the CBCP-Ecumenical Commission on family
and Life, continue to inspire hope and fortitude in families across the country.

The NCR-Central Luzon is composed of the Archdioceses of Manila and San Fernando,
Diocese of Antipolo, Diocese of Balanga, Diocese of Cabanatuan, Diocese of Cubao, Diocese
of Iba, Diocese of Imus, Diocese of Kalookan, Diocese of Malolos, Diocese of Novaliches,
Diocese of Paranaque, Diocese of Pasig, Diocese of Tarlac and the Military Ordinariate of the


The vibrant city of Legazpi on November 16-17, 2023 at the Legazpi City Convention Center,
played host to a momentous event as the Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life (CPML)

conducted its fifth leg, gathering participants from the Bicol Region’s archdiocese and
dioceses. This milestone seminar workshop, marked by robust enthusiasm and an
unwavering commitment to strengthen marital bods, witnessed a record-breaking
attendance of 180 eager participants.

Under the guidance of the CPML team, this leg served as a beacon of hope and guidance for
marriage counselors helping couples fortify their relationships through faith-based
principles. The event garnered notable attention with the presence and support of Sorsogon
Bishop and CBCP-ECFL-Southern Luzon Bishop Coordinator, Most Rev. Alan Dialogo, D.D.,
accompanied by several esteemed family and life priests directors from the Bicol Region, led
by Rev. Fr. William Santiago, Priest Coordinator for the Bicol Region. The team was ably
supported by Couple Coordinator Jose, Jr. and Brenda Locsin.

“The CPML continues to be a testament to the power of faith in nurturing and strengthening
marriages,” expressed Bishop Dialogo. “ This initiative fosters an environment where pre-
cana facilitators and priests deepen their understanding of each other and their works in the
faith were vital components in navigating the beautiful yet challenging journey of married

The fifth leg of CPML in Legazpi City proved to be the largest gathering, showcasing the
unwavering dedication of family and life workers and clergy alike in pursuit of a more
profound understanding of marital relationships, “from womb-to-tomb”. “The CPML
workshop in this part of the country was an eye opening for us,” shared Jose Peña, a
participant from the Archdiocese of Nueva Caceres. “The teachings and discussion allowed
us to connect on a deeper level, understanding the importance that pre-cana giver should
be a “couple” not merely a catechist and should be experiential not lecture type, a
participant from the Diocese of Libmanan, added.

The CPML team acknowledged the support of Most Rev. Joel Baylon, Bishop of Legazpi on
his endorsement in the conduct of the seminar workshop as it added significant dimension
to the event, affirming the Church’s commitment to supporting and guiding couples in their
journey through married life. As the team continues to touch the lives of family and life
workers across regions, the success of these endeavors stands as a testament to the
unwavering dedication of the initiative in fostering strong, resilient and faith-center
marriages in the Philippines, a realization of Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia. A section of
Amoris Laetitia emphasizes the idea that in the journey of marriage, decisions are not made
in isolation but through mutual dialogue and discernment, creating a more profound
foundation for couple’s shared life


Amidst the fervor and dedication to strengthen the marital bonds through the new marriage
catechumenate embodied in the Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life, Pre-Cana
facilitators, Family and Life servants, priests and marriage counselors have exhibited
remarkable resourcefulness, using their own means to actively participate in the seminar

The CPML initiative and with the support of the CBCP-ECFL, have witnessed the unwavering
commitment of participants who harness their personal resources to attend these activities.
“The value we see in these sessions motivates us to invest not just our time but also our
personal resources to be part of this enriching journey,” shared one dedicated participant.

Participants from various backgrounds and regions have showcased remarkable

resourcefulness, utilizing personal finances, adjusting schedules, and sometimes overcoming
logistical challenges, braving stormy and rainy weathers to ensure their active involvement in
seminars and CPML workshops. “The commitment shown by the participants is truly
inspiring,” remarked Ruby Ramores, CPML team member. “Their willingness to invest their
own resources reflects their profound dedication to strengthening marriages in their
respective faith communities”. This dedication echoes the participant’s understanding of the
immense value of the CPML in order to preserve the sanctity of the sacrament of marriage.

Moreover, the steadfast support and guidance of the Family and Life ministries across
different dioceses have served as pillars of strength for CPML in the Philippines. Their
advocacy for family unity and the sanctity of marriage have resonated profoundly within the
program, creating an environment conducive to growth, understanding, and mutual support
among church leaders and servants.

The resounding success of the CPML is further underscored by the commitment

demonstrated by the Bishops across the country. Their unwavering support, encouragement,
endorsements, and active involvement in the CPML have not only affirmed the importance
of strengthening marital relationships but also underscored the Church’s dedication to
guiding and nurturing families.

Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life Outcomes and Future Directions in the
Diocesan Pilots Set to Strengthen Marital Bonds

Under the visionary leadership of Lipa Archbishop and Chairman, Office of the Laity and
family and Life, Federation of Asian Bishops Conference, Most Rev. Gilbert Garcera, head of
the CPML Team, the Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life has charted a strategic course
aimed at fostering stronger marriages and family units across dioceses, setting the stage for
transformative initiatives in the years ahead.

The outcomes of CPML have paved the way for a dynamic approach to fortifying marital
bonds through tailored programs designed to align with the unique traditions and culture of
each diocese. As per Archbishop Garcera's directives, each diocese is set to embark on three
distinct pilot programs, slated for implementation starting in 2024, spanning a three-year

"These pilot programs will mark a pivotal moment in our commitment to strengthening
marriages and families within the Philippines’ Churches," Archbishop Garcera emphasized.

"They aim to address the diverse needs of our communities while upholding the rich
traditions and cultural fabric of each diocese."

The three (3) pilot programs, will be meticulously crafted to resonate with the specific
contexts of individual dioceses, encompasses:

 Remote Preparation:

Reviewing family-oriented catechetical material/lesson plans.

Evaluation and enhancement of youth programs to be family-oriented.

 Ritual Entry into Marriage Catechumenal Phase:

Stage 1: Proximate (One Year)

Stage 2: Final Preparation (Two-to-Three Years)
Stage 3: Accompaniment Phase (Two-to-Three Years, Minimum)

 Basic Ecclesial Communities (BEC) Monitoring and Support of Family-Oriented

Church Groups/Organizations:

Nurturing and enhancing BECs with a family-oriented focus.

Extending support to church groups and organizations with similar objectives.

Each pilot program/s will be spearheaded by a designated point persons within the diocese
and parish tasked with overseeing implementation and providing periodic reports on the
progress and impact of these initiatives.

“The success of these programs hinges on their alignment with our traditions and culture,”
Archbishop Garcera emphasized. “This approach ensures that our efforts resonate deeply
within our communities, nurturing marriages and families in a way that is authentic and

BE COURAGEOUS “ I urge all those who offer pastoral care to families to make these words
of apostle Paul their own and not to be discouraged in the face of a responsibility which
may seem difficult, challenging, or even beyond the means”, the Archbishop said. “Lastly, in
this way, we will try to be faithful to the Church, which is mother, teacher, and traveling
companion, always at the side of the new couple.”


The implementation of the Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life initiative in the
Philippines, spearheaded by the Archdiocese of Lipa and its suffragan, demonstrated a
dedicated effort to enhance family life within the Catholic community. Through

comprehensive seminar workshops across multiple regions and robust participation from
various stakeholders, the initiative succeeded in fostering a deeper understanding and
implementation of the Marriage Catechumenate guidelines, that will contribute significantly
to the enrichment of family life and the sacrament of marriage within the Catholic Church in
the Philippines.

The CPML initiative, guided by faith-based principles and tailored to resonate with the
diverse cultural fabric of the Philippines, has fostered an environment where family and life
servants have found solace, guidance, and will help strengthen the new couple in their
marital journey.

As CPML concludes its chapter, the Philippines' response stands as a testament to the
transformative power of faith-centered initiatives in nurturing and fortifying marriages. The
dedication shown by participants, the collaborative efforts of clergy, and the adaptation of
CPML teachings to local traditions will leave an indelible mark on the fabric of Filipino

"We will see marriages strengthened, families united, and communities enriched through the
new marriage catechumenate, the Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life," expressed
Demy Chavez from the Diocese of Novaliches reflecting on the program's impact. "The tools
and insights gained through this initiative will continue to resonate within our families for
years to come."

The Philippines' response to the Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life echoes the
Catholic Church’s commitment to embracing faith as a guiding force in fostering stronger,
enduring marriages. As the program concludes, its legacy lives on through the transformed
lives of countless couples who will be empowered to navigate the joys and challenges of
married life with unwavering faith and resilience.


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