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The "English for Today" textbook is a widely used English language teaching material in Bangladesh, and

it may contain cultural elements that reflect the culture of Bangladesh. The existence of culture-oriented
topics in this textbook may be attributed to the cultural theory of "Cultural Capital" by Pierre Bourdieu.

Cultural Capital Theory:

Pierre Bourdieu, a French sociologist, developed the concept of cultural capital to explain how cultural
knowledge and practices can have a significant impact on a person's social mobility and success in
society. Cultural capital encompasses the cultural skills, knowledge, and behaviors that are valued by a
particular society. It can be divided into three forms:

1. Embodied Cultural Capital: This is a reference to the cultural knowledge, skills, and habits that people
learn via their upbringing and the environment in which they are raised. Language skills, etiquette, and
cultural customs that have been handed down from generation to generation within a family or group
are all included.

2. Objectified Cultural Capital: The term "objectified cultural capital" refers to the physical cultural assets
that are owned by individuals, such as literature, artwork, and other cultural artefacts. One's cultural
understanding and position may be shown via the usage of certain things, which have cultural worth.

3. Institutionalized Cultural Capital: Cultural capital can be defined as the acceptance and validation of
cultural practices and knowledge by various social institutions, such as educational institutions, the
media, and other societies. It has to do with the manner in which particular cultural practices and
knowledge are institutionalized and given legitimacy within a society.

In the context of the "English for Today" textbook in Bangladesh, the inclusion of cultural elements can
be seen as a way of imparting cultural capital to the students. By learning about the culture, customs,
and traditions of Bangladesh through this textbook, students gain cultural knowledge that is highly
valued in their society. This cultural knowledge can enhance their social integration, communication
skills, and cultural identity.

Therefore, the presence of culture-oriented materials in the "English for Today" textbook can be
connected to the concept of cultural capital, as it aims to provide students with cultural knowledge and
skills that can be advantageous in their social and educational lives within the context of Bangladesh
Title of the Thesis:
Presence of culture-oriented materials in Bangladesh on the basis of “English for
Today” textbook


In the realm of education, textbooks play a pivotal role in shaping learners' identities, and this
significance is particularly pronounced in a culturally rich nation like Bangladesh. The country faces the
multifaceted challenge of balancing English language proficiency, a skill crucial for global
communication and opportunities, with the preservation of its deep-rooted cultural heritage. Central to
this complex issue is the "English for Today" textbook, a cornerstone in Bangladeshi schools. This thesis
proposal represents a vital undertaking, as it critically explores the cultural aspects embedded within this
textbook. By conducting a comprehensive analysis encompassing its content, teaching methods, and
stakeholder perspectives, this study seeks to unveil subtle yet essential cultural nuances. The findings hold
the promise of enhancing the cultural relevance of educational materials, harmonizing the imperative of
English language proficiency with the preservation of Bangladesh's rich cultural norms and values. In
today's globalized world, education must serve as a bridge that enriches culture, ensuring students are not
only proficient in English but also deeply connected to their roots. Ultimately, this proposal sets the stage
for an in-depth examination that has the potential to positively transform Bangladeshi education, fostering
a culturally sensitive approach to learning that aligns with the nation's rich heritage.

Statement of the Problem

The "English for Today" book is a pivotal resource for secondary level students in Bangladesh, aimed at
fostering language proficiency and cultural understanding. However, upon a critical evaluation of its
cultural content, significant issues come to light. These encompass the representation of contemporary
culture, mixed culture diversity, LGBTQ inclusivity, local language diversity, the marginalization of
Bangladesh's flourishing film, media, and music industries, and the omission of Bengali mythology.
These omissions can have far-reaching consequences, hindering students' comprehension of their cultural
heritage and the world's diverse cultural tapestry.

The "English for Today" book may not effectively address the rapidly changing landscape of
contemporary culture, leaving students unprepared to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

It may not adequately represent the diverse cultural influences that have shaped Bangladesh's history,
potentially leading to an incomplete understanding of the nation's cultural richness.
The absence of LGBTQ representation overlooks a crucial aspect of contemporary culture, hindering
students' understanding of evolving societal norms.

The book's lack of emphasis on local language diversity limits students' appreciation of Bangladesh's
linguistic richness.

The underrepresentation of Bangladesh's thriving film, media, and music industries denies students
insights into vital cultural domains.

The omission of Bengali mythology disconnects students from their cultural heritage, depriving them of
essential cultural stories and beliefs.

The evaluation of the "English for Today" book for secondary level students in Bangladesh uncovers
significant cultural deficiencies. These issues encompass contemporary culture, mixed culture diversity,
LGBTQ inclusivity, local language diversity, the film, media, and music industries, and Bengali
mythology. Addressing these concerns is essential to provide students with a comprehensive and inclusive
cultural education, helping them understand their own culture and the diverse world around them.

Research Questions

01.How does the "English for Today" textbook represent Bangladeshi culture, heritage, and values?

02. Is there any imbalance of local and international culture in the textbooks of Bangladesh?

03. Based on the findings, what recommendations can be made to enhance the cultural elements in the
"English for Today" textbook?

Research Objectives

1. To assess the extent of culture-originated material in the 'English for Today' textbook.

2. To understand how students perceive the cultural content's relevance and impact on their
cultural awareness.

3. To expose the hidden information that will enhance the beauty of our culture in a broader way

Rationale/ Justification

This research proposal addresses an important need in Bangladeshi education: cultural adaptation of
"English for Today" textbooks. With the country's rich cultural heritage and the imperative of English
proficiency, this study offers a multidisciplinary approach to assess and improve the cultural relevance of
educational materials, ensuring a balanced, culturally sensitive approach to education.
Literature Review

Cultural evaluation of English for Today " by Jumana Jasmin is the study shows how well the fifth grade
English for Today textbook in Bangladesh, developed by NCTB, balances different cultures. It uses a
method where they study writings from around the world and mix the two theories. They find that the
book mostly talks about social and cultural issues but forgets how things look, what words mean and how
to use them practically. This makes the book culturally uneven. They suggest that when they make new
editions of the book, they should include important cultural elements to help Bangladeshi students learn

Evaluating ELT Textbook in Bangladesh: The Case of English for Today (Classes Nine-Ten) by
Muhammed Rukan Uddin is the study assesses the English for Today textbook's utility in Bangladeshi
secondary schools, with the goal of pinpointing its advantages and drawbacks. It utilizes a 'whilst-use'
evaluation approach, encompassing checklists and teacher interviews. While the research underscores
positive aspects, it also identifies shortcomings, indicating the necessity for both internal and external
enhancements to enhance learning results. The paper additionally offers suggestions for future revisions
of the textbook.

Representation of Culture and Gender in English for Today at Higher Secondary Level in Bangladesh by
Masnadul Fergus is the research looks at how the English for Today textbook for H.S.C. students in
Bangladesh talks about gender and culture, and how it affects language learning. Even though English is
really important in Bangladesh, students haven't been learning it very well. The researchers used
interviews and surveys with teachers to collect information. They found that the textbook talks about
gender and culture fairly, but it's not the best for learning English. It's more like a guidebook. This shows
we need better ways to teach English.


Research approach:

I am going to use exploratory research method. It is used when a study issue has not had much research
done on it. It takes a comprehensive approach to the research issues in order to develop and assess a
new evaluation instrument. The objectives of this research initiative are as follows: (1) to examine a topic
by means of the collection and examination of qualitative data; (2) to develop a new measure or
instrument based on the final results of the qualitative study (such as themes and indicators); and (3) to
implement and assess the newly developed instrument (Creswell, 2014).

Type of Data:

The research will employ a qualitative data method. The conceptual frameworks of qualitative research
are constructed through the depiction of the issues or factors that are revealed in the qualitative data. It
operates mainly on the interpretation of a particular subject. Primarily, qualitative research involves data
analysis. This research paper will undertake an analysis of the data pertaining to the inclusion of culture-
oriented materials of secondary textbooks in Bangladesh. I have only provided qualitative data in this
study. Initially, I gathered information through online sources, personal observation, and research. The
research will be executed using the qualitative method. of research.


The responses of the faculty members who participated in the study, observations made in the
classroom, and personal experiences with putting the instructions into practice were the key sources of
information for the research. ways such as focused group discussions (FGD), semi-structured talks, and
unstructured interactions were also included among the other ways. Specifically, each and every one of
the replies was recorded in a note book and on a cell phone, respectively. To ensure the research's
reliability and validity, a number of activities that the concerned instructors participated in as well as
their observations were consulted.


This study aims to reveal the extent to which the 'English for Today' textbook includes culture-derived
material and its role in building cultural awareness among Bangladeshi students. The results will provide
valuable insights into the effectiveness of the textbook and suggest possible improvements. Ultimately,
this study aims to increase the cultural relevance of English language teaching in Bangladesh,
empowering students to develop a deeper understanding of their own culture and the
world around them

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