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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

By: John Vincent Ballangca ( 12 STEM )

December 7 at night I couldn't sleep because I was so excited and tired because of the field
trip.. I stayed up so I wouldn't be bored waiting, I video called my mom for a few hours and I also
played mobile legends. at 10:30 at night I started frying my bag of chicken fillet, and she prepared
my things and food to take for the flight. My friends and I talked about going to school early so
we could hang out.

We went at 12:30 and we were the first students there. when we left we were satisfied with
the flight because it was my first time to travel early in the morning, I fell asleep on the bus next
to my girlfriend, when I looked out our window we were close to our destination in Manila, we
had breakfast at inside the bus while traveling, I was already dizzy eating while the bus was
running, I forced myself to eat so I wouldn't be hungry at our first destination. when we arrived,
the first thing we went to was the art in island that opened my eyes to that beautiful place, just
around the outside of that building I saw beautiful things, when after a long line we all got inside
and it was also dizzying the lights that came out were like hologram walls that seemed to make
everyone believe, everyone was asked to take pictures with their gfs, bff’s and we would hang out
with them, because of the ugliness of my cell phone that it's full storage right away, it's a good
thing there is we only used my gf and her cellphone for taking pictures.

We also have a child with us who is super cute and super cute. He is the son of one of our
teachers. We enjoyed being with him and taking care of him during our outing. tired from the flight
and lack of sleep, we hung out in the center inside where we could lie down, I fell asleep very
sleepy until it was time to go out for the next location we were going to. our next destination was
the venice grand canal while we were traveling there I fell asleep again and woke up because of
my mom's chats, because I always update her about where we are going and what I am doing, I
hope it's all because I've already been to the grand canal because he said he always wanted to go
because he didn't have time to go, when we got to the destination we first ate our Jollibee lunch,
after eating we walked a long way to arriving at the Venice Grand Canal, in the distance we passed
many buildings as if there were no people and it was so boring to look at. inside the grand canal
mall there are many things to buy and most of them are restaurants, I spent an hour looking for
shoe shops and cellphone repair shops, when it was almost time to return to the bus I found the
shoe shop and I was so annoyed with It took me a while to find it and I'll look at the prices at 13
thousand even though it's ugly, so I hurriedly took a picture for our remembrance. when we were
going back to the bus, I passed by the joyrides who were doing vlogs while they had a passenger
and I saw one of them, I wanted to get close to it in case my friends were rushing to get to the bus,
I might be left alone. when everything inside the car was complete, I immediately fell asleep and
woke up at the Manila Zoo, here is one of the important places we will go to because here we will
see and do another performance task in our subject. here I started not enjoying the sightseeing and
got bored and withdrew from going on the field trip, because my companion was in a bad mood,
and I chose to adjust and go with my friends, they took pictures of me for those who wanted to
take pictures with me, there too we experienced pain in the pocket because of the high price of
food and snacks, so we were forced to cool down even though it was expensive, the animals were
boring because they were all asleep we thought these animals were just fake. after we went to the
manila zoo, we all returned to the bus and here we are, disappointed because of the lack of time
and the sad announcement that we will no longer be able to go to dolomite island because of the
lack of time and just looking out the window and the excessive time I was asleep and I didn't see
if the bus stopped there or not. I woke up in front of the buildings and there the buses were parked,
it turned out that everyone had gone for a walk and we were the only ones left inside the bus. we
went for a walk in luneta park and took a few pictures in the surroundings and we got back on the
bus and just walked around that place. as time goes on more and more people walk on the side of
the road and the vendors run on the side of the road because there are cleaners and say that it is
forbidden to sell on the side of the road, they run even if their goods are spilled and damaged as
long as they don't catch them and capture the merchandise, that's what we saw while going back
to the bus. After hanging out on the bus for a long time, we decided to go back to Luneta to take a
video of the fountain and we saw that there were street food vendors on the side of the road, we
were surprised by their stubbornness. after we took pictures and made videos in the sky, we all
returned to the bus to wait for our dinner. After a long time, we left and waited in front of the star
city that everyone wanted to go to, because there was no time for that, since we had enough to eat.
the buko pie sellers came inside the bus and everyone rushed to sell, I didn't think twice about
buying it even though it was expensive as long as there was a firecracker, his colleague came who
was very happy because he sold more because his was cheaper after the salesman got off The
person who bought it was disappointed because its contents were knuckle pies that were split in
half and it was just like a bag when it was split. in the long run, our evening meal came and
everyone ate while we were going home that I didn't get dizzy eating while traveling because
maybe I was super hungry.
I enjoyed our trip back home because my gf was still next to me even though we were
getting lost, we just slept until we woke up next to the highway without knowing the reason why
we stayed there for so long.. I just took a nap and had a snack after I went to sleep, when I woke
up, my classmates were slowly going to their houses because their homes were also passable. we
got to school safely and went home very awake.




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