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Brand Communication Through Social Media

Technological advancement has made companies shift from traditional ways of

marketing to modern methods. Social media is one of the latest methods firms are adopting to

pass information about their products and reach a broader target market. The number of

social media users is increasing over time across the world and has become part of

consumers' ways of living. Statistics show that about 2.62 billion people across the globe use

social media once in every month with an estimated time of 134 minutes in a single day

(Voorveld). There are many social networks such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram,

Snapchat, and many more used by marketers to create awareness and sell products.

Traditional ways of marketing relied on companies as the primary source in delivering

brand information, but lately, social media platforms have bridged the communication

between the consumers and the company. The use of social media in advertising has reduced

the time in delivering information about the brand, thus enhancing communication and speed

in solving problems. In addition, consumers have an opportunity to share their experience and

suggestions about the product. A significant number of consumers expect businesses to adopt

social media as a mode advertising since they use the internet to review retailers and believe

in other consumers' opinions about the product. Customers' feedbacks help the organization

in understanding and undertaking necessary changes in its products to fit consumers' needs.

Product exposure on social media has a significant impact on consumers buying patterns,

which increases companies' sales.

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To intensify the use of social media, almost all companies in the world have initiated

the availability of all brands required by consumers on social media. According to Voorveld,

the presence of brands on social media appear in various forms, such as paid adverts, brand

content publishes, and consumer brand engagement. Social media brand communication

entails the use of social media platforms to deliver information about a product and provide

an opportunity for consumers to get, share, interact, suggest, and innovate. This paper

outlines ways a company can use social media to create brand awareness, image, and

knowledge to the customers.

The brand image of a company does not necessarily revolve around the logos, colors,

and cover photos. Branding entails customers' feelings towards the product and usually

created by continued approach through which customers interact with the brand. To

communicate a brand image through social media involves various steps. First, the company

needs to find the best social network suitable for the brand image. However, if the firm is

large or has a wide range of products, it is wise to have multiple social media platforms.

Multiple accounts will help in focusing on branding, serving specific customers, and

providing essential content relating to the product. A firm can create various platforms basing

on the location, marketing and consumer services, and targeted audience.

The company should create social media brand pages or brand communities; this is

where there is a direct interaction between consumers and the company through posts and

comments (Tanha). Customers who are fond of these pages develop commitment and loyalty

toward the company and keep checking for brand updates. These active fans become

ambassadors and spread positive information concerning the brand to other social media

users. The social media brand liking, association, decision, and loyalty brings out the

expression of brand love. Brand love is the measure of emotional connection satisfied

consumers gain towards a given brand. Social media platforms have various ways of
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expressing strong relationships between consumers and brands; for example, Facebook has a

like button, Instagram has a heart icon, and Twitter has a retweet. These social network pages

help companies to build a strong relationship between their brands and the customers, which

is a crucial factor in coping with competition in the market.

Companies should be keen on how they present the content on social media since it

has a direct impact on the return on investment (ROI). When building a brand image on

social networks, it is essential to provide the content that is interesting and informative. It

brings out the authenticity of the brand and will attract more followers. New information with

different forms attracts consumers' attention, which makes them dig deep about the brand,

thus high chances of purchasing the brand. The company should adopt visual presentation

accompanied by graphics since it increases the possibility of sharing among social media

users. Some companies prefer using slightly different logos across social media networks

based on the size of the image space and potential customers' interests. However, it is

essential to ensure that the images have a typical pattern and easily noticed by audiences.

Social media offers a variety of ways of conveying the message about a brand to

customers, such as images, music, and videos. Attractive pictures or videos become viral

within a few minutes, thus making a company brand popular. The company should maintain

consistency of visuals in all social networks by using similar colors and fonts that create

familiarity for people visiting its social media pages. Using the same colors and fonts will

enable customers to notice that a particular advert is from a specific company, even without

seeing the brand logo. Using Instagram and Facebook stories will help in enforcing the

identity of the company’s brand. The company needs to provide continuous updates that help

in reminding customers about their existence and also ensuring they stick on their minds.

Regular posting ensures that the company’s products remain relevant in the market for a more

extended period.
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Connecting with the right audience on the social media platform is essential in brand

imaging since it enables the company to reach the target market at the best time. Although

there are multiple social media platforms, it is vital to choose one platform for smooth and

proper management of brand strategies. The benefits of social media platforms vary;

therefore, one should select the most effective platform that will bring high customer

engagement depending on the type of business. The target audience varies between social

media platforms. For instance, TikTok and Instagram audiences are younger compared to

personas on Twitter and Facebook; thus, using the same content will not have equal impacts.

The company should also consider customers that can be interested in a particular brand

before deciding the network to use. For example, if the firm deals with textile designer

products, then the best platform is Instagram since it consists of mainly young people who are

fond of following fashion trends.

The company should come up with a unique voice and tone that ruminates the brand

identity. The uniqueness and appropriateness of the voice and tone helps the organization in

communicating its mission and vision. The business voice should include brand persona and

company slogans that will immediately pop in the consumers' heads anytime they come

across an advert on social media platforms. Although the brand's voice should be uniform in

all social networks, the tone may differ across platforms depending on the targeted audiences.

Developing a brand voice takes a lot of time; thus, it is vital to consider the organization's

culture and target market. It should begin by ensuring there is a connection between the target

population and the brand information put across. The business should be genuine in their

brand message since customers require honesty from brands on platforms.

Connecting and communicating with customers is a way of staying active on social

media. Continued interaction between the company and customers helps in conveying the

brand image effectively. Companies can maintain a close relationship with customers by
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replying to their comments, addressing their concerns, and keeping track of all brand reviews

on social media. The company can also enhance interactions in social media by having live

chats. Hiring social media experts will ensure the response to customers' queries is instant.

Immediate response to consumers increases their loyalty and trust since it makes them feel

like part of the business family. This interaction will enable customers to increase their

confidence towards the brand because of the assured response to any issue that may arise

concerning the brand.

Using influencers on brand communication is the best way of marketing on social

media platforms. Influencers are individuals with a large following on social media

platforms. A large number of consumers trust brands recommended by influencers as they

term them as original and of high quality, eventually increasing the market share. In addition,

influencers improve brand awareness by posting and sharing the company's posts about the

brand. Communicating brand image through influencers makes the brands successful as well

as remaining relevant for a longer time. Lastly, the use of influencers will ensure new brands

in the market gain attention from consumers very fast.

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Works Cited

Tanha, Masrura Ahmed. "An Introduction to Brand Building via Social

Media." International Journal of Management Research & Review, Volume 8, no.

Issue 6, 2018, Accessed 12 Apr 2020.

Voorveld, Hilde A.M. "Brand Communication in Social Media: A Research

Agenda." Journal of Advertising, vol 48, no. 1, 2019, pp. 14-26. Informa UK Limited,


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