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History Mock Test

For CSS PMS Pakistan Affairs and History of Pakistan and India, Lecturer History and Pakistan Studies

Based on latest pattern


Ghulam Abbas

Lecturer History

1. Which city was called Umm ul bilad by the arab geographers…

A. Makah
B. Medina
C. Balakh
D. None of these

2. Al badaya wan nahaya is also know as..

A. Tareekh ibne aseer
B. Tareekh ibne kaseer
C. Tareekh ibne khuldun
D. None of these

3. Kusai bin Kilab established the city state of Makkah in about..

A. 340 AD
B. 440 AD
C. 540 AD
D. None of these

4. Arabs were considered to be from …….. race of humanity.

A. Sametic
B. Hametic
C. Japhetic
D. None of these

5. First president of USA, George Washington died in…

A. 1793
B. 1796
C. 1799
D. None of these

6. Magna carta was issued by King John of England in….

A. 1213
B. 1214
C. 1215
D. None of these

7. First Ottoman sultan who proclaimed as Caliph was…

A. Murad I
B. Salim I
C. Osman I
D. None of these

8. Sultan Muhammad Ghauri defeated Prithvi Raj in…

A. 1191
B. 1192
C. 1193
D. None of these

9. Sultan Shamas ud Din Iltemish died in…

A. 1226
B. 1230
C. 1236
D. None of these

10. The highest rate of Jiziya during the arab rule of Sind was..
A. 48 Dirhams
B. 46 Dirhams
C. 42 Dirhams
D. None of these

11. Man invented the art of writing about……. Years ago

A. 4000
B. 5000
C. 6000
D. None of these
12. The Indus civilization is the product of..
A. Stone age
B. Iron age
C. Bronze age
D. None of these

13. Vinaya Pitaka was the religious book of…

A. Budism
B. Jainism
C. Hinduism
D. None of these

14. Chandragupta defeated the Greeks and established Maurya Dynasty in 321 B.C. it lasted till..
A. 210 BC
B. 200 BC
C. 190 BC
D. None of these

15. Chachnama is also known as..

A. Minhaj ul Bildad
B. Minhaj ul Mamalik
C. Minhaj ul Hind
D. None of these

16. Ibne Batuta was sent as ambassador to China by..

A. Feroz Shah Tughluq
B. Muhammad bin Tughluq
C. Ghias ud Din Tughluq
D. Non of these

17. Sultan Mehmud Ghaznavi received the title of Yamin ud Dawlah and Amin ul Millah from
Abbasid Caliph..
A. Mustasim Billah
B. Qadir Billah
C. Mustansir Billah
D. None of these

18. The first Sultan of Delhi who extended the sultanate to Deccan was..
A. Ghias Balban
B. Alla uddin Khilji
C. Muhammad bin Tughluq
D. None of these

19. At the time of Temur's invasion of India in 1398, the Sultan of Delhi was
A. Feroz Tughluq
B. Ghias Tughluq
C. Mehmud Tughluq
D. None of these

20. The Sultanate of which Sultan was reduced from Delhi to Palam.
A. Muhammad Shah
B. Alam Shah
C. Mubarak Shah
D. None of these

21. How many institutions of advanced learnings were there in Delhi according to Ibne Batuta..
A. 500
B. 1000
C. 1500
D. None of these

22. The bottle of Badar was fought on Friday, in January

A. 622 AD
B. 623 AD
C. 624 AD
D. None of these

23. During the Raahidun period, the caliphate waa divided into….. military districts calld Junds.
A. 7
B. 8
C. 9
D. None of these

24. Al Mukhtar of Kufa was prominent General during

A. First Muslim Civil war
B. Second Muslim Civil war
C. Third Muslim Civil war
D. None of these

25. Which of the following Abbasid Caliph was assainated

A. Abu Jaffar Mansur
B. Haroon ur Rasheed
C. Al Mutawakil
D. None of these

26. The Fatimid Caliphate of Egypt lasted from 909 to..

A. 1170
B. 1171
C. 1172
D. None of these

27. Under Abbasid Caliphate army, Arif was the commander of…… soldiers
A. 10
B. 100
C. 1000
D. None of these

28. Gulbadan Begam, wrote Humayun Nama during reign of

A. Humayun
B. Akbar
C. Jahangir
D. None of these

29. Sir Thomas Roe came to Jahangir's Court as an ambassador of English King..
A. Charles II
B. James II
C. Henery II
D. None of these

30. Nur Jahan, the wife of Jahangir was first married to a mughal officer named
A. Ali Quli Khan
B. Ali Beg Khan
C. Mahabat Khan
D. None of these

31. Bahamani Sultanate of Deccan was established in

A. 1347
B. 1447
C. 1547
D. None of these

32. No dignity is higher in the eyes of God than the dignity of kingship. Who wrote it
A. Abul Fazal
B. Jahangir
C. Farishta
D. None of these

33. Under Mughal administration, Mustaufi was post of..

A. Chief Judge
B. Auditor General
C. Revenue Incharge
D. None of these

34. Sindh became an independent province from the Mughal Empire in..
A. 1709
B. 1711
C. 1713
D. None of these

35. Urdu was introduced as official language by British in the subcontinent in..
A. 1931
B. 1832
C. 1833
D. None of these

36. First Muslim President of Indian National Congress was..

A. Badar ud din Tayabji
B. Muhammad Ali Johar
C. Abul Kalam Azad
D. None of these
37. The total population of East Bengal in 1905 was..
A. 30 millions
B. 31 millions
C. 32 millions
D. None of these

38. Which act introduced the principals of representations and election in India.
A. Indian Council’s Act 1861
B. Indian Council’s Act 1891
C. Indian Council’s Act 1892
D. None of these

39. Where was the first central office of All India Muslim League set up.
A. Decca
B. Lahore
C. Karachi
D. None of these

40. According to the Government of India act 1919, the term of the council of state was..
A. 3 years
B. 4 years
C. 5 years
D. None of these

41. Which viceroy’s tenure is the shortest in Indian

A. Lord wavell
B. Lord mountbatten
C. Lord lytton
D. None of these

42. In July 1937 provincial election, total number of provincial seats were..
A. 1751
B. 1761
C. 1771
D. None of these

43. In which annual meeting of all India Muslim League the Labore resolution of 23 rd March 1940
was passed.
A. 26th
B. 27th
C. 28th
D. None of these

44. Democracy as govt of the people, by the people and for the people was defined by.
A. Abraham Lincoln
B. George Washington
C. Winston Churchill
D. None of these

45. On his first voyage in 1492, Columbus landed at.

A. The Bahamas
B. New York
C. Virginia
D. None of these

46. Who was first Governor General of Bangal under regulating act of 1773.
A. Dalhousie
B. Warren Hastings
C. Cannings
D. None of these

47. The real name of Abd al Muttalib was

A. Amr
B. Hisham
C. Shaiyba
D. None of these

48. The religious issues between the roman catholic church and the Greek Orthodox Church were
one of the main causes of
A. Crimean War
B. Balkan War
D. None of these

49. Which US president is famous for his fourteen points..

A. Woodrow Wilson
B. George Washington
C. Abraham Lincoln
D. None of these

50. Which Ommayyd Caliph has the title of Miftah al Khair.

A. Walid Bin Abdul Malik
B. Salman Bin Abdul Malik
C. Hisham Bin Abdul Malik
D. None of these

51. A people’s history of modern europe is written by.

A. William Hunter
B. William A Pelz
C. William Frost
D. None of these

52. The codename of the operation conducted by Hyderabad state police with the help of India in
1948 was.
A. Operation blue star
B. Operation Polo
C. Operation Vijay
D. None of these

53. Trek to Pakistan is written by

A. I H Qureshi
B. Hasan Riaz
C. Ahmad Saeed
D. None of these

54. After the creation of Pakistan, the federal court was established at.
A. Karachi
B. Lahore
C. Decca
D. None of these

55. I I Chaundriger, Prime Minister of Pakistan was a former businessman from..

A. Karachi
B. Bombay
C. Calcutta
D. None of these

56. Under PRODA, nepotism, bribery and corruption could lead to the disqualification from the
public office for..
A. 5 years
B. 10 years
C. 15 years
D. None of these

57. Sheikh Mijub ur Rehman famous 6 points were originally….. points.

A. 15
B. 18
C. 21
D. None of these

58. How many officials did Yahya Khan dismissed on the charges of Corruption.
A. 203
B. 303
C. 403
D. None of these

59. Operation Searchlight was launched in East Pakistan on… 1971.

A. 23rd March
B. 25th March
C. 27th March
D. None of these

60. Pakistan National Alliance was an election alliance of opposition parties in..
A. 1970
B. 1977
C. 1985
D. None of these

61. Five Thousand Years of Pakistan is written by

A. Aysha Jalal
B. Dr. Mortimer Wheeler
C. Stanley Wolpert
D. None of these

62. Which city was called Ghazni e Khurd..

A. Peshawar
B. Lahore
C. Depalpur
D. None of these

63. Moenjo Daro was first unearthed in

A. 1921
B. 1922
C. 1923
D. None of these

64. The Grand Sherif of Makkah Hussain, revolted against the Ottoman Caliphate and became King
of hejaz in.
A. 1914
B. 1915
C. 1916
D. None of these

65. Pakistan recognized Bangladesh during the meeting of…… in 1974 at Lahore.
D. None of these

66. UAR or United Arab Republic was a political union of Syria and Egypt formed in
A. 1956
B. 1958
C. 1961
D. None of these

67. The Yemen civil war started between president Al Hadi and Houthis in December
A. 2014
B. 2015
C. 2016
D. None of these

68. Benaazir Bhutto was assainated on December…… 2007 at Rawalpindi

A. 25
B. 26
C. 27
D. None of these

69. FATA university is located in..

A. FR Bannu
B. FR Kohat
C. Miran Shah
D. None of these

70. Machiavelli wrote The Prince in…

A. 1511
B. 1512
C. 1513
D. None of these

71. It is legal because I wish it. Which king of France said that..
A. Louis XIV
B. Napoleon Bonaparte
C. Henry IV
D. None of these

72. Who was awarded Nishan e Haider in 1965..

A. Major Tufail Shaheed
B. Major Aziz Bhatti Shaheed
C. Majir Akram Shaheed
D. None of these

73. Millat party was formed by ex president of Pakistan..

A. Ghulam Ishaaq Khan
B. Sardar Farooq Leghari
C. Muhammad Rafique Tarar
D. None of these
74. Afghanistan joined SAARC in
A. 2005
B. 2006
C. 2007
D. None of these

75. The United States and the Taliban signed a peace agreement in Doha, Qatar on
……… 2020.
A. February 29
B. March 29
C. January 29
D. None of these

76. First edition of Pakistan super league was played in..

A. 2015
B. 2016
C. 2017
D. None of these

77. Higher Education Commission was established in..

A. 2001
B. 2002
C. 2003
D. None of these

78. The longest overall duration as Prime Minister of Pakistan is..

A. Liaqat Ali khan
B. Nawaz Sharif
C. Benazir Bhutto
D. None of these

79. Baluchistan was given the status of a Province in… 1970.

A. May
B. June
C. July
D. None of these
80. Imran Khan is ……. Prime Minister of Pakistan
A. 20th
B. 21st
C. 22nd
D. None of these

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Ghulam Abbas Lecturer History

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