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Uploading Files with ASP - Introduction

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Author James Crowley
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A very frequent question regarding Active Server Pages is "how do I allow a user to
Report Problem upload a file"? Unfortunately, the answer is not particularly straight forward. Active
Contents Server Pages itself provides no standard functions, and so you have to rely on either a
1. Introduction custom ASP script or a third-party ActiveX DLL.
2. Getting Started
3. The VB Component There are a number of ASP script solutions around, however, due to the non-compiled
4. Source Code (1)
nature of ASP, combined with its fairly limited commands (even compared to VB), these
are extremely inefficient and server intensive. The second solution is an ActiveX DLL.
5. Source Code (2)
Components such as EZsite UpLoad are available as freeware, however, without access
6. cUpload: A closer look to the source code you are limited in terms of flexibility. Therefore, in this tutorial, we will
7. Compiling the cover all the necessary steps for creating an ASP page, and a VB ActiveX component for
component use within your script to enable a file to be uploaded.
8. The upload form
9. Uploading multiple files

Hosting Limitations
You should be warned that, before we start, not all hosting packages allow you to upload your own ActiveX
components. If this is the case, then unfortunately you will have to revert to a pure ASP script.

Getting Started

Before we begin, create a new folder called ' uploaddemo' in your C:\inetpub\wwwroot directory (or where-ever else your
files are stored for IIS). Create a new file in there called upload.asp, and another called uploadcomplete.asp. Leave
these files empty for now.

Now, create another directory within 'uploaddemo' called 'files'. This is where our uploaded files are going to be stored.
In order for this to work, you need to allow IIS to be given write access to this directory. To do this, go to the Internet
Information Services console, select the appropriate web, and then display the properties for the 'files' directory. In the
Directory tab, ensure the 'Write' checkbox is selected, and click OK.

We're now ready to write some code for upload.asp, where the user will be presented with a form to select a file, and
give the file a description. Add the following code to the upload.asp file, and then we'll take a closer look at it.

<title>VB Web ASP File Upload</title>
<form action="uploadcomplete.asp" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<p>Please select a file to upload, and enter a description for it.</p>
<p><b>File: </b><input type="file" style="width: 300;" name="thefile"><br>
<b>Description:</b><br><textarea name="description" rows=4 cols=30></textarea></p>
<input type="submit" value="Upload">

As you can see, the form is currently just plain HTML. However, there are a few differences that you may not have come
across before. The first is this:

<form action="uploadcomplete.asp" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">

Although at first glance this is a standard form, the enctype property makes a significant difference! When set to
multipart/form-data, the form is not posted in the standard format - you will not be able to access the posted data
through the standard Request.Form(FieldName) syntax. However, this format does allow files to be transmitted to the
server, as well as form fields. When we create our ActiveX DLL, it will parse this posted data, and save the appropriate
part into a new file.

The second difference is the

<input type="file" style="width: 300;" name="thefile">

line, which uses the "file" input type. This input field allows the user to select a file using an Open dialog.

The 'File' input type

When a form is submitted using this input box, the file, rather than the filename is transmitted. However, this does
have some security consequences... A website could in theory hide this field, with it's value pre-set, and then when
the user transmits the form, he/she unknowingly sends the server a file too. Therefore, both IE and Netscape have
disabled the value property for this type of input field. The consequence of this, is if you use server-side validation
(for, say, checking the length of the description), when you display the form again with the error, you won't be able to
use the input tag's value attribute to remember the file the user already selected. Something to bear in mind....

The VB Component

Now, we can get started on the VB portion of this tutorial. Create a new ActiveX DLL project in VB, and set the Project's
name to 'ASPUploadComponent'. Next, create two Classes to the project, and call them cUpload and cFormItem
respectively. cUpload's Instancing property should be set to 5 - MultiUse, and cFormItem's should be set to 2 -

Finally, you need to add a reference to the ASP Type Library. To do this, go to Project|References, and check the box
next to Microsoft Active Server Pages Object Library, and the Microsoft Scripting Runtime (so we can use the
FileSystemObject). Now we can get coding...!

Debugging an ASP Component

I think you should be warned at this stage that debugging a VB component used in an ASP script is notoriously
difficult. You can't simply press F5 to run the component, as it isn't a stand alone executable. Nor can you use the
'Wait for component to be created' option, as IIS isolates any ActiveX components created in your ASP script for
security reasons. Unfortunately, this means VB can't gain any debugging information either.

Therefore, your only option is to compile your component each time you make a change. However, it gets worse...
When your script accesses the component for the first time, it locks the file. Your OCX file is not unlocked again until
the IIS service stops, meaning that each time you want VB to re-compile the component you have to restart IIS (and
not just the web you are using either... all of IIS!). To restart IIS, go to Services, select World Wide Publishing Service,
and click Restart.

One last thing... if you would prefer to skip the VB coding section, you can download the source code and binaries here.
Then, you can skip to this step.

Source Code (1)

First, I'll list all the code that is needed for the component, and then we can examine it more closely. Add the following
code to cUpload.

Option Explicit

' Purpose: Retrieve a file by HTTP protocol and writes this file
' to a location on the webserver
'Error Definitions
Private Const ERR_FIELD_DOES_NOT_EXIST As Long = vbObjectError + 102

Private MyScriptingContext As ASPTypeLibrary.ScriptingContext

Private MyRequest As ASPTypeLibrary.Request
Private cFormItems As Collection

' OnStartPage()
' Purpose: Capture of Active Server Pages objects
Public Sub OnStartPage(PassedScriptingContext As ScriptingContext)
Set MyScriptingContext = PassedScriptingContext
Set MyRequest = MyScriptingContext.Request

'then build the form...

Set cFormItems = BuildForm()
End Sub

' Item()
' Purpose: Return a form item
' Inputs: vKey -- the key or index of the item to return
' Returns: A cFormItem object
Public Property Get Form(Key As Variant) As cFormItem
If FieldExists(Key) = False Then
Err.Raise ERR_FIELD_DOES_NOT_EXIST, "UploadIt", "The specified item does not exist"
Set Form = cFormItems(Key)
End If
End Property

' Count()
' Purpose: Gets the number of form fields
' Returns: The number of form fields
Public Property Get Count() As Long
Count = cFormItems.Count
End Property

' BuildForm()
' Purpose: Parse the posted form.
' Returns: A collection containing all the forms fields.
Private Function BuildForm() As Collection

On Error GoTo BuildForm_Err

Dim varByteCount As Variant 'the number of bytes sent
Dim varHTTPHeader As Variant 'the HTTP header
Dim varDelimeter As Variant 'the delimiter that divides the fields
Dim varFields As Collection 'contains all the form fields

Dim lngFormFieldNameStart As Long 'start pos of the form field

Dim lngFormFieldNameEnd As Long 'end pos of the form field
Dim strFormFieldName As String 'name of the form field

Dim lngFormFieldValueStart As Long

Dim lngFormFieldValueEnd As Long
Dim strFormFieldValue As String

Dim strFileName As String 'the filename

Dim strContentType As String
Dim lngFileDataStart As Long
Dim lngFileDataEnd As Long
Dim lngFileLength As Long

Dim clsFormField As cFormItem 'a form item...

'Initialize collection
Set varFields = New Collection

'Count total bytes in HTTP-header

varByteCount = MyRequest.TotalBytes

If varByteCount = 0 Then GoTo BuildForm_ExitProc

'Conversion of bytes to unicode
varHTTPHeader = StrConv(MyRequest.BinaryRead(varByteCount), vbUnicode)

'Delimeter string
varDelimeter = LeftB(varHTTPHeader, 76)

'Determine where the first FormFieldName starts

lngFormFieldNameStart = InStrB(lngFormFieldNameStart + 1, varHTTPHeader, "; name=" & Chr(34))

Do While lngFormFieldNameStart <> 0

'Initialize Form Field object

Set clsFormField = New cFormItem

'Determine where FormFieldName ends

lngFormFieldNameEnd = InStrB(lngFormFieldNameStart + Len(StrConv("; name=" & Chr(34), vbUnicode)),
varHTTPHeader, Chr(34)) + Len(StrConv(Chr(34), vbUnicode))

'Get the FormFieldName

strFormFieldName = MidB(varHTTPHeader, lngFormFieldNameStart + Len(StrConv("; name=" & Chr(34),
vbUnicode)), (lngFormFieldNameEnd - Len(StrConv(Chr(34), vbUnicode))) - (lngFormFieldNameStart + Len(StrConv
("; name=" & Chr(34), vbUnicode))))

'Check for file

If MidB(varHTTPHeader, lngFormFieldNameEnd, 2) = ";" Then

'find the start/end positions of filename

lngFormFieldValueStart = InStrB(lngFormFieldNameEnd, varHTTPHeader, "filename=" & Chr(34)) + Len
(StrConv("filename=" & Chr(34), vbUnicode))
lngFormFieldValueEnd = InStrB(lngFormFieldValueStart, varHTTPHeader, Chr(34))
'Parse filename from HTTPHeader
strFileName = MidB(varHTTPHeader, lngFormFieldValueStart, lngFormFieldValueEnd -
'Remove path from filename
strFileName = GetFileName(strFileName)
'Check to see if there is a filename
If Len(strFileName) = 0 Then GoTo NextItem

'find the start/end positions of content-type

lngFormFieldValueStart = InStrB(lngFormFieldNameEnd, varHTTPHeader, vbCrLf & "Content-Type: ") +
Len(StrConv(vbCrLf & "Content-Type: ", vbUnicode))
lngFormFieldValueEnd = InStrB(lngFormFieldValueStart, varHTTPHeader, vbCrLf)
'Parse filename from HTTPHeader
strContentType = MidB(varHTTPHeader, lngFormFieldValueStart, lngFormFieldValueEnd -

'Determine where filedata begins

lngFileDataStart = InStrB(lngFormFieldValueEnd, varHTTPHeader, vbCrLf & vbCrLf) + Len(StrConv
(vbCrLf & vbCrLf, vbUnicode))
'Determine where filedata ends
lngFileDataEnd = InStrB(lngFileDataStart, varHTTPHeader, vbCrLf & varDelimeter)
'get the length of the file
lngFileLength = lngFileDataEnd - lngFileDataStart

'add form field data

clsFormField.Add "FileName", strFileName
clsFormField.Add "FileLen", lngFileLength
clsFormField.Add "ContentType", strContentType

'save the files data to the collection...

clsFormField.FileData = MidB(varHTTPHeader, lngFileDataStart, lngFileLength)

'we will search for next field from here...

lngFormFieldNameStart = lngFileDataEnd

'Determine where filedata begins

lngFormFieldValueStart = InStrB(lngFormFieldNameEnd, varHTTPHeader, vbCrLf & vbCrLf) + Len
(StrConv(vbCrLf & vbCrLf, vbUnicode))
'Determine where filedata ends
lngFormFieldValueEnd = InStrB(lngFormFieldValueStart, varHTTPHeader, vbCrLf & varDelimeter)

'Filter formfieldvalue
strFormFieldValue = MidB(varHTTPHeader, lngFormFieldValueStart, lngFormFieldValueEnd -

'we will search for next field from here...

lngFormFieldNameStart = lngFormFieldValueEnd

'save the fields value

clsFormField.Add "Value", strFormFieldValue
End If

clsFormField.Add "Name", strFormFieldName

'Assign formfieldnames and formfieldvalues to collection
varFields.Add clsFormField, strFormFieldName


'destroy form field object

Set clsFormField = Nothing

'find the next form field object

lngFormFieldNameStart = InStrB(lngFormFieldNameStart + 1, varHTTPHeader, "; name=" & Chr(34))

'Return an array with the formfield names and values
Set BuildForm = varFields

Exit Function

Err.Raise Err, "ASPUploadComponent", "Unhandled error: " & Error

End Function

' ItemExists()
' Purpose: Determines if a field exists.
' Inputs: strKey -- A string containing the key to search for
' Returns: Whether the entry exists or not
Public Function FieldExists(ByVal Key As Variant) As Boolean
Dim cItem As cFormItem
On Error Resume Next
Set cItem = cFormItems(Key)
If Err = 0 Then FieldExists = True
End Function

' GetFileName()
' Purpose: Parses the filename from the filepath.
' Inputs: strFilePath -- String containing filepath and filename
' Returns: A string which contains the filename
Private Function GetFileName(strFilePath) As String

Dim intPos As Integer

GetFileName = strFilePath
For intPos = Len(strFilePath) To 1 Step -1
If Mid(strFilePath, intPos, 1) = "\" Or Mid(strFilePath, intPos, 1) = ":" Then
GetFileName = Right(strFilePath, Len(strFilePath) - intPos)
Exit Function
End If

End Function
Source Code (2)

Now add the following code to cFormItem. This makes up a form field object.

Option Explicit

'Error Definitions
Private Const ERR_FILESIZE_NOT_ALLOWED As Long = vbObjectError + 103
Private Const ERR_FOLDER_DOES_NOT_EXIST As Long = vbObjectError + 104
Private Const ERR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS As Long = vbObjectError + 105
Private Const ERR_FILE_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED As Long = vbObjectError + 106

Private varFileData As Variant

Private cData As Collection

' Add()
' Purpose: Adds an item to the field collection
' Inputs: strKey -- the item's key
' strValue -- string containing the value
Friend Sub Add(ByVal strKey As String, ByVal strValue As String)
cData.Add strValue, strKey
End Sub

' FileData()
' Purpose: Sets the contents of a file
' Inputs: varContent -- the content of the file

Friend Property Let FileData(varContent As Variant)

varFileData = varContent
End Property

' Properties
' Purpose: Returns various public values
Public Property Get Value() As String
Value = GetVal("FileName")
End Property
Public Property Get FileSize() As String
FileSize = GetVal("FileLen")
End Property
Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = GetVal("Name")
End Property
Public Property Get ContentType() As String
ContentType = GetVal("ContentType")
End Property
Public Property Get IsFile() As Boolean
IsFile = Exists("FileName")
End Property

' Private Functions

Private Sub Class_Initialize()

Set cData = New Collection
End Sub
Private Function GetVal(ByVal strKey As String) As String
If Exists(strKey) Then
GetVal = cData(strKey)
GetVal = cData("Value")
End If
End Function
Private Function Exists(ByVal strKey As String) As Boolean
Dim strDummy As String
On Error Resume Next
strDummy = cData(strKey)
If Err = 0 Then Exists = True
End Function

' SaveFile()
' Purpose: Saves the form entry to a file (if it is one)
' Inputs: strUploadPath -- string containing the directory to upload to
' strFileName -- string containing the filename
' strExcludeFileExtensions -- file extensions to exclude
Public Sub SaveFile(ByVal strUploadPath As String, ByVal strFileName As String, Optional ByVal
strExcludeFileExtensions As String = "", Optional ByVal lMaxByteCount As Long = 0)
'we can only save files...
If IsFile = False Then Exit Sub
If strFileName = "" Then strFileName = cData("FileName")
'Check to see if file extensions are excluded
If strExcludeFileExtensions <> "" Then
If ValidFileExtension(strFileName, strExcludeFileExtensions) Then
Err.Raise ERR_FILE_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED, "ASPUploadComponent", "It is not allowed to upload a file
containing a [." & GetFileExtension(strFileName) & "] extension"
End If
End If

'Check for maximum bytes allowed

If Not lMaxByteCount = 0 Then
If lMaxByteCount < FileSize() Then
Err.Raise ERR_FILESIZE_NOT_ALLOWED, "ASPUploadComponent", "File size exceeds maximum size
End If
End If

WriteFile strUploadPath, strFileName

End Sub

' WriteFile()
' Purpose: Writes the uploaded file to a given directory
' Inputs: strUploadPath -- string containing the directory to upload to
' strFileName -- string containing the filename
Private Sub WriteFile(ByVal strUploadPath As String, ByVal strFileName As String)

On Error GoTo WriteFile_Err

'Variables for file

Dim fs As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set fs = New Scripting.FileSystemObject

Dim sFile As Object

If Not Right(strUploadPath, 1) = "\" Then

strUploadPath = strUploadPath & "\"
End If

If Not fs.FolderExists(strUploadPath) Then

Err.Raise ERR_FOLDER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, "ASPUploadComponent", "The folder to upload to doesn't exist"
End If

If fs.FileExists(strUploadPath & strFileName) Then

Err.Raise ERR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS, "ASPUploadComponent", "The file [" & strFileName & "] already
End If

'Create file
Set sFile = fs.CreateTextFile(strUploadPath & strFileName, True)
'Write file
sFile.Write varFileData

'Close File

Set sFile = Nothing

Set fs = Nothing

Exit Sub


Err.Raise Err.Number

End Sub
' ValidFileExtension()
' Purpose: Checks if the file extension is allowed
' Inputs: strFileName -- the filename
' strFileExtension -- the fileextensions not allowed
' Returns: boolean

Private Function ValidFileExtension(ByVal strFileName As String, Optional ByVal strFileExtensions As String

= "") As Boolean

Dim arrExtension() As String

Dim strFileExtension As String
Dim i As Integer

strFileExtension = UCase(GetFileExtension(strFileName))

arrExtension = Split(UCase(strFileExtensions), ";")

For i = 0 To UBound(arrExtension)

'Check to see if a "dot" exists

If Left(arrExtension(i), 1) = "." Then
arrExtension(i) = Replace(arrExtension(i), ".", vbNullString)
End If

'Check to see if FileExtension is allowed

If arrExtension(i) = strFileExtension Then
ValidFileExtension = True
Exit Function
End If


ValidFileExtension = False

End Function

' GetFileExtension()
' Purpose: Returns the extension of a filename
' Inputs: strFileName -- string containing the filename
' varContent -- variant containing the filedata
' Outputs: a string containing the fileextension

Private Function GetFileExtension(strFileName) As String

GetFileExtension = Mid(strFileName, InStrRev(strFileName, ".") + 1)

End Function
cUpload: A closer look

Lets take a closer look at this cUpload class first. After a few public variables for the class, you'll notice the

Public Sub OnStartPage(PassedScriptingContext As ScriptingContext)

line, which doesn't appear to be called by anything. In fact, this procedure is called by the Active Server Pages engine
when the object is initialized in our ASP script, and passes us a ScriptingContext object. This object contains all the
objects available to your ASP script; Response, Request, Server etc. In this instance, we are only interested in the
Request object (what has been sent to the ASP script), so we save it to our MyRequest object using

Set MyRequest = PassedScriptingContext.Request

We then proceed to call the BuildForm procedure, which parses the data sent to us via the form on upload.asp. This is
where the bulk of our code lies.

As the form was posted using the encoding method, we cannot access the posted objects using the standard
Request.Form object. Instead, we read the entire HTTP header into a variable. First, we get the length of the header:

varByteCount = MyRequest.TotalBytes

and then we read the header into varHTTPHeader using

varHTTPHeader = StrConv(MyRequest.BinaryRead(varByteCount), vbUnicode)

You will notice that we have also converted the header into Unicode. This is to make it easier for us to parse the posted
data; instead of receiving binary data, we receive at least some readable characters. Below is a sample of what might
now be present in varHTTPHeader.

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="thefile"; filename="C:\devpad_description.txt"
Content-Type: text/plain

Developers Pad - the ultimate programming editor. Fully configurable, with syntax highlighting, auto-indent,
code library, powerful project view, quick-tag, find & replace, find in files, add-ins and more!
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="filedescription"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="folder"


As you can see, each field is seperated by -----------------------------7d130d3810678. Next, we are told the we are
type of content, and the field name. In the case of the file, we are also given the filename and content type. Finally, we
are given the value of that field. The BuildForm procedure now parses this data, and creates the correct number of form
objects. As the delimiter may vary, we check it by taking the first 76 bytes:

varDelimeter = LeftB(varHTTPHeader, 76)

Next, we find where the first field is by searching for ; name="

lngFormFieldNameStart = InStrB(lngFormFieldNameStart + 1, varHTTPHeader, "; name=" & Chr(34))

Note we use the InStrB function so that we are returned the byte position rather than character position. Now, we start
a Do...Loop which continues until lngFormFieldNameStart = 0. For each field, we first initialize the FormField object:

Set clsFormField = New cFormItem

Next, we find out where the name property is going to end. We do this by searching for a " character (Chr(34)), from the
fields starting position, plus the length of ; name=". Now that we have the start and end positions, we can retreive the
name of the field:

lngFormFieldNameEnd = InStrB(lngFormFieldNameStart + Len(StrConv("; name=" _

& Chr(34), vbUnicode)), varHTTPHeader, Chr(34)) + Len(StrConv(Chr(34), vbUnicode))

strFormFieldName = MidB(varHTTPHeader, lngFormFieldNameStart + _

Len(StrConv("; name=" & Chr(34), vbUnicode)), (lngFormFieldNameEnd - _
Len(StrConv(Chr(34), vbUnicode))) - (lngFormFieldNameStart + _
Len(StrConv("; name=" & Chr(34), vbUnicode))))

Now we check to see if there is a ; after the name field... If there is, we know it is a file, otherwise, it isn't.

If it is a file, we proceed to get the filename: and ContentType properties. After the ContentType property, we search
for two vbCrLf (new lines), after which is the file data. We now save all this extra file data (filename, file size, content
type etc) to the clsFormField object.

'add form field data

clsFormField.Add "FileName", strFileName
clsFormField.Add "FileLen", lngFileLength
clsFormField.Add "ContentType", strContentType

'save the files data to the collection...

clsFormField.FileData = MidB(varHTTPHeader, lngFileDataStart, lngFileLength)

If the form field isn't a file, we perform a similar operation, except we skip searching for the filename, and just get the
form fields value instead. Finally, we save the fields name, and add the clsFormField object to our varFields collection:

clsFormField.Add "Name", strFormFieldName

'Assign formfieldnames and formfieldvalues to collection
varFields.Add clsFormField, strFormFieldName

We then reset the clsFormField, and search for another field to process.... and this continues until we have parsed all
the fields. We then return the varFields collection for use by our ASP script.

Compiling the component

Phew... that was an awful lot of code to get through. Obviously, we haven't covered every line, but hopefully by now
you should get the idea. The clsFormField object is basically used to store information about that field. A standard field
will simply have it's name and value recorded. Meanwhile, a file also has a FileSize, ContentType and FileName property.
Once parsed, our ASP script can then access all this information, and use the cFormField object's SaveFile method to
save each file to the server's hard disk. This will be demonstrated on the next page.

First, however, we need to compile our component to a DLL file. To do this, go to File | Make
ASPUploadComponent.dll . Before it can be used in your ASP script, however, IUSR_COMPUTERNAMEneeds to be given
permission to access the file (and lock it!). To do this, display the file properties from explorer, and give
IUSR_COMPUTERNAME read/execute permissions. Now, we are ready to create our other asp page.

The upload form

Now that we have created the VB ActiveX DLL component, we can code the uploadcomplete.asp file. Add the following
code to uploadcomplete.asp, and we'll take a look at what exactly is going on.

Option Explicit
Dim objUpload, strUploadPath, strMsg, strFileExtensions

'create the ActiveX object

Set objUpload = Server.CreateObject("ASPUploadComponent.cUpload")

'set the upload path

'***You will need to change this!***
strUploadPath = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\uploaddemo\files\"

'set the file extensions to exclude

strFileExtensions = ".exe;.dll"

If objUpload.FieldExists("thefile") = False Then

Response.Write "Invalid Post Data"
'file posted...
'attempt to save the file
On Error Resume Next
objUpload.Form("thefile").SaveFile strUploadPath, objUpload.Form("thefile").Value, strFileExtensions
If Err Then
'an error occured... ie file already exists, invalid extension etc
strMsg = "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
'add description to the database?
'cConn.Execute ("INSERT INTO mydocs (FileName,Description) VALUES ('" & objUpload.Form
("thefile").Value & "','" & objUpload.Form("description").Value)
strMsg = "The file was successfully uploaded."
End If
End If
<title>VB Web ASP File Upload Complete</title>
<p><b>File Name:</b> <%=objUpload.Form("thefile").Value%><br>
<b>File Size:</b> <%=objUpload.Form("thefile").FileSize%><br>
<b>Content Type:</b> <%=objUpload.Form("thefile").ContentType%><br>
<b>Description:</b> <%=objUpload.Form("description").Value%></p>

So, lets have a quick look at how this code works. First, we create an instance of the ActiveX DLL using

Set objUpload = Server.CreateObject("ASPUploadComponent.cUpload")

(as we can't add a reference to the DLL like we would in Visual Basic). The next two lines set the path on the server
where the file is going to be uploaded, and we set strFileExtensions, specifying the file extensions to exclude. (This is
always a good idea, as you don't want your users uploading executables to your server!).

Next, we check to see if the field, 'thefile', exists, using the FieldExists property exposed by the objUpload object:

If objUpload.FieldExists("thefile") = False Then

If it doesn't, we know the form has not been posted correctly, or the user has not selected a file. If it does exist, we try
to save the file:

objUpload.Form("thefile").SaveFile strUploadPath, objUpload.Form("thefile").Value, strFileExtensions

The SaveFile method uses the following parameters:

SaveFile UploadFolder, FileName, [ExcludeFileExtensions], [MaxByteCount]

If an error occurs, we trap the error, and otherwise, tell the user the file has been uploaded. At this stage, we could
also add the description field to a database, for example. The rest of the page outputs the HTML, and displays the
information exposed about the file that was uploaded...

Uploading multiple files

One final "how-to"... Unfortunately, the file HTML input tag doesn't support selecting multiple files. However, you can
have more than one file field in your form, with a different name. Therefore, you can upload multiple files using the
component we built using

objUpload.Form("file1").SaveFile strUploadPath, objUpload.Form("file2").Value

objUpload.Form("file2").SaveFile strUploadPath, objUpload.Form("file2").Value


And there you have it... an fully featured upload facility and re-usable ActiveX component. Easy, wasn't it.... hmmm...
maybe it will improve in ASP.NET!
James first started writing tutorials on Visual Basic in 1999 whilst starting this website (then known as VB Web). Since then,
the site has grown rapidly, and James has written numerous tutorials, articles and reviews on VB, PHP, ASP and C#. In
October 2003, James formed the company Developer Fusion Ltd, which owns this website, and also offers various
development services. In his spare time, he's a 3rd year undergraduate studying Computer Science in the UK. He's also a
Visual Basic MVP.

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Using the SAFileup component
ASP Upload Component
Beginning Active Server Pages

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© Copyright 1999-2005 Developer Fusion Ltd

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