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Human development

 What is human development?

 What is counseling?

 What is the connection between human

development and counseling?
Lecture One : An introduction to human development
and theories

Psychoanalytic theories Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Development Theory

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 Role of childhood experiences.  Trust versus mistrust.

 Ways to resolve conflicts.  Autonomy versus shame & doubt.
 Oral stage.  Initiative versus guilt.
 Anal stage.  Industry versus inferiority.
 Identity versus role confusion.
 Phallic stage.
 Intimacy versus isolation.
 Latent stage.
 Generativity versus stagnation.
 Genital stage.  Integrity versus. despair.
Behaviorism Social Learning Theory
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How to use:
 Classical conditioning model. external reward  Connected to perceptions and interpretations.
=> verbal
 Operant conditioning model. recognition 1)observational learning (Bandura):
=> non-verbal  Attention. observe the behaviour,
recognition (e.g. => copying from others
 Retention. => get a higher self-efficacy(因為學到而得
a smile, a nog)
=> no need for  Reproduction. 到的成就感)
reward  Motivation.
=> chunks of behaviour


you can learn by yourself You have to learn by interaction

Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Perspective

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 Gather and organize information.

 A schema. schema 模式 Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Perspective
Assimilation. assimilation 同化
  Active construction of knowledge.
accommodation 適應
 Accommodation.equilibration 平衡  The result of interactions.

Zone of proximal development (ZPD):
 Piaget’s stages of cognitive development. a learner can accomplish with the guidance and
 Sensorimotorstage. learn by sense /touching encouragement from a more skilled partner. One
 Preoperational stage. :將兩件事聯繫在一起只by extend the ZPD only start from interaction.
proximity but not logic
 Concrete operational stage. : can learn concrete
There is celling of ability, intervention能做的也是有限的
 Formal operational stage. : can understand abstract concept
Urie Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory Reference
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Wong, D.W., Hall, K.R., & Hernandez, L.W. (2021).

 Microsystem. Counseling individuals through the lifespan. Thousand
Oaks, CA: Sage.
 Mesosystem.
Chapter 1 and 2
 Exosytem.
 Macrosystem.
 Chronosystem.

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